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Latest revision as of 17:32, 24 October 2017

Shopping Trip
Date of Scene: 17 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Zhao Lin

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara parked the jeep in her reserved spot behind her house this time and she got out to go around and get some of the things that they'd purchased out of the back of the vehicle. "I enjoyed the food though. I'm terrible at picking restaurants to go to." She told him with a small smile whilst grabbing bags out of the back of the Jeep and then making for the small iron gate that lead into her home's backyard area.

Lara looked back at him then. "You've got a whole new wardrobe to completely ruin with your mysterious adventures now." She told him with a teasing grin.

Zhao Lin has posed:
Zhao Lin was... not exactly accustomed to riding in cars, and it certainly made him apprehensive. He might have preferred walking, but getting to Chinatown and back was a lot faster, and he couldn't deny that. He fumbles with the door latch for a moment before opening it and stepping out of the Jeep. He walks around to the back to take most of the bags himself. "It was not that difficult," he says, giving her a small half-grin on that feline muzzle, "I pick the one that did not have any tourists in it, and no English on the signs." His tail gives a flick behind him as he carries the things up to the door, having left Lara with the free hand to open it, so he waits for her.

Lara Croft has posed:
The backdoor was opened and the kitchen was exactly as it had been left, quiet and calm with only a moderate amount of things that needed to be cleaned or put away. Lara went inside and she smirked at him on the way past. "I suppose those places that do put English in their names are just desperate for drawing in customers. But I'll remember those tips for the future." She said then as she passed into the living room area where she set the bags down ontoi the sofa and then grabbed the two that she'd purchased for herself, which contained some tops, new boots and a few trinkets for her outdoorsy gear.

"Do you have any idea where Sibil lives, by the way? I feel bad if she's out on the streets. She looked so nervous and shy, for the most part."

Zhao Lin has posed:
Zhao Lin follows Lara through the kitchen, to the living room where he sets down his own things. He had picked up some survival-type gear as well, things that would be helpful living in alleyways like he's accustomed to. He has, after all, been staying with Lara while he recovers from his wounds, but she has not offered, nor has he asked, to stay with her on a more permanent basis. "She has a small hideaway," he tells her, "She is not so homeless as she appears, though her home is not so... customary as one would find in this country. She has a bed, running water and electricity, and a greenhouse where she grows her herbs. It is... rather nice, in fact." His tail swishes behind him, and he sits down on the sofa, digging through one of the bags for the things he intends to fit into the backpack he bought.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara sat down on the edge of her desk chair (her favorite place in the living room is ironically the least comfortable piece of furniture in it). She looked at him as he spoke on Sibil and she gently nodded her head in affirmation when he spoke positively about her living conditions. "I'm glad." She said then in a soft voice. "She seems like a good person, so I'd feel sour if she were suffering."

Lara's dark brown eyes watched him as he fiddled with the gear she'd helped him pick out. "You could trek all across the country with that stuff." She told him, smiling softly. "But, I know... you're more interested in simply surviving here while you continue your mission."

Lara honestly didn't think he'd WANT To stay here, so it was an offer she hadn't really processed yet that much within her mind.

Zhao Lin has posed:
Zhao Lin pauses in his rummaging for a moment, a soft sigh escaping him. "I did not say she was not suffering. She is a troubled person, and I fear at a dangerous crossroads in her life. I hope she finds the path that brings her happiness." He glances up at Lara with a small smile, and then resumes rummaging and packing his bag. "I just may," he says, "I have no idea how far or wide this... clan reaches. I only know that Xiang was headed to New York when he left China, so I have come here to start my search." He sits back up straight with a sigh, then picks up his canteen to take a swig from it. "I have been looking for days, though, and found no hint of them other than the man with the tattoo. And now, it has been days that I have been off his trail, as well."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watched him as she spoke and consumed more drink, she dipped her chin in a half nod and glanced toward the front windows. "I wish I knew more." She said toward the windows that looked out onto the pleasant afternoon. "But then again, I want to offer Sibil help as well." She said then, now returning her eyes to him across the room. "If she's in a bad place, then I worry. But yeah, I'm not turning out to be terribly that much help to you either." She said with a little smirk. "Other than a place to stay, but... you probably would've found that anyway. You're quite resourceful." She paused and grinned a little. "For an alcoholic."

Zhao Lin has posed:
Zhao Lin grins a little, his tail flicking a bit. "You keep calling me alcoholic, but I have found alocholics usually drink because they have been conquered by their desire to drink, where I have conquered drink itself. I maintain a balance, and only indulge when I must. You have yet to see me truly indulge." Zhao Lin grins broadly at Lara. "I do appreciate being allowed to stay here, as well," he says. He has been doing chores around the house as well, to the best of his ability, to avoid being a burden. Typically, at least, things are clean when she gets home, and there is a meal ready - though he only knows how to cook Chinese cuisine. He glances over to her again, adding, "I am certain it is not the comfort of a bed that I will miss the most."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara laughed softly at his words and she looked around the interior of her home. "Yeah.." She quietly replied at first. "When I first entered this place, I walked about and thought outloud 'Why would I need this much space?' but I had my friend Samantha with me, and she ensured me that the answers was 'For parties, dummy.'" Lara looked back at Zhao then and showed a light grin.

"After living in the home that I grew up in, which... this home could fit inside the foyer of... I've decided that I enjoy smaller locations more. Single room apartment, thats all I really need to feel comfortable in a home." Her shoulders shrugged then inside of the grey and black tshirt she was wearing. "Maybe that'll change as I get older though. Maybe I'll even go home to London and stay in that spooky old castle I was raised in. But not right now..."