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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/18 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=320, 309, 282 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:320|Penny Fowler (...")
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Latest revision as of 17:41, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 18 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 320, Chris Redfield, Juggernaut

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Gotham still hasn't calmed down from the madness of last week. The streets are still relatively dangerous, but luckily for Penny, she's in the air! A bucket of water rests atop a small ledge on some tall, brick building, and the winged girl, herself, is flapping lightly and squeegee-ing the windows. A gunshot from a few blocks away startles her. She yelps. Her foot flails, knocking the bucket off the ledge...and down onto the street four stories below.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Chris Redfield's attention is pulled away from the pair of hoodlums he's talking to on the street below when that shot echoes, not to say he's startled but definitely gauging the distance. Probably debating whether it's worth dropping what he's doing to investigate, or whether the shooter would be long gone by the time he got there. After a moment passes without a repeat or return fire, he returns to his conversation.

    The bucket crashing into the concrete a few feet behind him a second later -does- startle him, makes him jump, and the hoodlums have a good laugh at the well-built and body-armored S.H.I.E.L.D. agent's expense. He raises his eyes, his mouth set in a wry grimace as he looks up at the window washer above, and then he bends over to collect the bucket and move it closer to the building where passersby won't trip over it.

Juggernaut has posed:
It's not everyday that a man easily the size of The Hulk shows up and makes his way down the streets with all the subtlety of a rhino charging through a china shop. The brute, known to some as Cain Marko and others as The Juggernaut and even fewer as both, is gargantuan, taking up the entire sidewalk with a forward stride that causes the few pedestrians who are around to part to let him pass like a stream allowing a boulder to roll up through it. The simple blue tee shirt strains to contain his physique and his brown pants tighten and struggle against the ponderous rolling mass of his muscled thighs ..but hey aside from being gargantuan all seems normal-ish? His expression is neutral, distracted even while slung over a huge shoulder is some sort of sword shaped item, wrapped up carefully in various coverings and bindings. So..yeah..normal ish. Huge red headed guy with a sword. Normal. Ish.

As the gunshot rings out he does blink out of his thoughts and he pauses to get a sense of his bearings. "God, this city is almost as bad as Lowtown in Madripoor..." The falling bucket causes a brief flicker of his ice-blue eyes in that direction and he watches as Redfield moves it and then he tilts his gaze upwards towards the window washer.

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler quickly whirls around in the air to stare down at her fallen (and now likely cracked) bucket, then swoops down onto the pavement to snatch it up. "S-Sorry, sorry! I, ah..." She huffs. "It was a pain to fill up up there..." To Chris, "Are you hurt? It didn't, uh, fall on anyone di--" She seems to just realize the group he's chatting with and freezes.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    "Nobody hurt," Redfield answers Penny, taking the fact that she just flew down from above and landed in front of him right in stride. Yeah, that happens a lot, right? The thugs he was chatting with take the opportunity of Penny distracting him to sidle off, then turn and walk quickly down the street. "You should be more careful, though," the agent is probably irked more by the fact that he got laughed at than the fact that he might have had his skull cracked open if he'd been standing a few inches further back.

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler sighs as the thugs scuttle off. "Uh...right. Sorry, I just...you know, the gunshot...eheh..." Her voice seems to have a slight waver to it, as if she's always afraid of something. She looks down at Chris' uniform. "Oh. SHIELD. Uh, should you...be wearing that around here?" She grabs her bucket, a large crack along one side, and flutters up a few feet above the ground.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Uniform? Meaning the jacket or the jeans? Redfield looks down at himself without realizing she means the patches and insignias and, assuming she means the weapons he says, "It's alright, miss, I'm a federal agent." He glances over his shoulder at the fleeing informants and heaves a soft sigh of his own as he turns back to Penny while reaching a hand inside his jacket to retrieve a slim card-size wallet from his inner pocket. He flips it open, offering a two-fold view with a U.S. Air Force photo ID on top and a S.H.I.E.L.D. photo ID on the bottom. "See?" he asks, his tone placating. He'd rather track his contacts down again than have a panicked civilian on his hands, it looks like.

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler cranes her neck to eye Chris' credentials, but as she hears Cain's footfalls--moments before most standard human ears, she yelps and scatters like...well, like a pigeon. She gets a few dozen feet up and away before turning around to look toward the potential threat.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Heavy footfalls announce the impending immediate arrival of Cain Marko, and a few seconds later the immense man has stepped into view of Chris and Penny with his gaze looking about to read the local street signs in search of a sense of what direction to move in to reach his destination down at the Queens River Harbour. He notes the thug slinking off just as he makes his entrance and he then turns his gaze towards Penny and Chris, asking casually and abruptly, "Hey...which way to Harbour...whoa hey.."

Cain blinks at as he sees Penny's reaction and he watches with mild confusion as she flutters away like a frightened bird. "What the hell's up with her?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
    "Jumpy," Redfield answers the huge man's last question first, then stops, looking around to get his bearings. At least it seems that way to him, after the bucket incident, the pistol incident, and now the big guy incident. "Harbour," he mutters to himself. "I think," he points off toward the row of restaurants, "Other side of those buildings there."

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler glances between Chris and Cain, before sheepishly fluttering back to the ground. "Sorry, you're j-...You're -huge-! Like...Like the Hulk, or--" She pauses. "You know, I've seen, uh, venom users before. It's...er, I mean not that -you-...use it, just...um..." She trails off and clears her throat.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield looks from Penny to the big man and back again, raises his eyebrows and says, "I think venom users exhibit a bit more extreme, uncontrolled aggression," while nodding his head. A smile is turned back on Cain. "Don't take it too personally, sir. She thought I was gonna stick somebody up." He pats the pistol on his hip with one hand.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain Marko wrinkles his nose and rears his head back as if Penny just popped him a solid one right into the nose. "I'm not on no venom!" he declares loudly, maybe to loudly as his bass voice booms out thunderously and rattles the very stomaches of any nearby listeners. "Do I look I've got tubes sticking out of me or something? Besides, I thought those guys were like slobberin' messes. Do I look like a mess?" He considers Chris' words as well and it does seem to mollify him abit, "Well she should stop being so jumpy. Liable to get her in more trouble then keep her out of it in this town..."

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler squeals and flutters up into the sky again, ready to take off. "No, no, no, th-that's not what I meant! I-I meant, you, uh..." She pauses for a few moments, before continuing. "I'm just...er, impressed by your...physique! People take venom to, uh, get super strong, and...y-you hit that threshold without the use of drugs, showing that you don't need drugs to be strong!" She nods quickly.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    The agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. regards the much, much larger man thoughtfully as he gets quite irate, much more irate than Redfield really expected him to, even though Redfield still doesn't think the guy's on Venom. As Juggernaut pointed out, there's a distinct lack of gibbering, drooling, and tubes. His eyes flick upward as Penny skittishly takes off - again. He smirks, by now mildly amused.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Indeed, the giant mans irritation seems born more more out of a sense of injury to his pride then anything else and he calms abit more as Chris and then Penny further explain themselves. He inclines his head sightly and then watches as Penny flutters back and then he sighs and rolls his eyes after taking a deep breath which swells his massive chest nearly to the point of splitting his tee shirt. "Yeah, right." he rumbles and then he adds after that, "Yeah, sure. I'm a walking PSA and a regular 'Kid's don't do drugs' spokeperson. That's me." He turns, preparing to propel his immensity onward but then he pauses and resettles his weight, "..You know, I seen a venom user recently. Wasn't pretty no. He did get huge though. From about as skinny as you to maybe..not to far from me. Bigger then him." He points to Chris and then looks to both of them as he continues, 'Made him strong enough to break another guy like nothing. How much of that gunk is loose around here?"

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler glances nervously (like that's different from her usual demeanor) between Chris and Cain. "...I dunno, uh, I-I've seen a few here and there, but...only when I'm flying. Where...most of them, you know, can't reach me." She looks down at herself as the behemoth of a man mentions her small physique and pouts.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield can't decide if he's more amused by Penny's skittishness or by the fact that he has to look further up at the tiniest member of the conversation, so he looks down from her which means he's still looking a foot or so up at Cain. "With the Joker running the police department?" he answers the question with a question, then answers his own question with, "I imagine every drop that was ever confiscated by the GPD is back on the streets."

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain eyes Penny but doesnt seem particularly empathic to her pysique issues. Even before become the Juggernaut he was abit of a meathead. But he at least doesn't eye her with contempt as much as a cold intimidaitng indifference. for the moment at least. "You should keep your distance from them types yeah. They liable to take your wings nad use them as a trophy. You a mutie or something? And yeah, what's up with this town? How'd Joker get to be commissioner?"

He pauses, as if realizing he's momentarily turned into a gossiper and he adds, "..I'm just passing through on business. Not from here."

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler sighs, seeming to relax a bit. "Yeah. I-I don't even know what's going on with Gotham anymore. It's..." She shakes her head. "It's -stupid-. Someone has to be blackmailing someone." Blinkblink. "Batman, maybe?" She glances around. "Has anyone seen him since all this?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Chris Redfield just closes his mouth and shakes his head, at a loss as to what Gotham's only legitimate police unit might be doing while the city goes to hell in a handbasket. The only thing he knows is that a lunatic with a rap sheet longer than Cain is tall is running things.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain wrinkles his expression into one of confusion as he hears Penny's answers, "Blackmailing? Batman? What? You saying the damn Batman is blackmailing or somehow involved in this?"

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler flutters her wings rapidly. "I-I don't know! Like, imagine the Joker being all 'Hey, gimmie control over the police department, or I'll tell everyone your secret identity!'" She tries her best Joker voice. It sounds more like a kid trying to voice a Daddy toy. "I mean, it'd make sense!"

Chris Redfield has posed:
    "I think if the Joker knew the Batman's secret identity," Redfield answers Penny rapidly, without giving the suggestion much thought, but quite seriously as though he had thought about it already, "it wouldn't much matter if the rest of the world found out. So at that point the Bat might as well kill the clown and call it a night." He slips his hands into his jeans pockets and averts his eyes downward, muttering, "Frankly I don't know why he hasn't done that a long time ago."

Juggernaut has posed:
    "What? No it doesn't. That doesn't make -any- sense, kid." says Cain, looking at Penny with both eyebrows upraised. As Chris speaks he shrugs and then finally turns once more, aiming his body in the direction of the harbor, "Killing aint always the answer." he says, sounding odd briefly but then adding, "But sometimes it's gotta be done. Either way most of the heroes are stupid and stick by their code no matter what happens. Maybe it's just not the sort of question that you should be asking."

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler drops her head. Aww. "Well...O-Okay, well, something's -obviously- screwy." She perks her head up for a moment as some distant noise catches her attention. She turns in it's direction briefly, before looking back down and lowering herself to the sidewalk. At least, until someone startles her again. "If not with Batman or any other super in town, then...uh, I-I dunno, but it's weird." Hello, Captain Obvious.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield turns away from Penny and Cain, looking down the sidewalk in the direction his informants had gone. He squints, considering the directions they could have gone, the hangouts or safehouses they could have fled to. "I imagine the Batman is ill, maybe even a victim of a biological attack designed to put him out of commission. Maybe he's out of the country, pursuing a larger threat, or maybe he's even somewhere here in Gotham pursuing a larger threat - it's not unusual in police work for investigators to allow criminals to break the law in order to get at bigger criminals, or to get at bigger crimes."

Juggernaut has posed:
    The talk of what the good guys are doing to be heroic and 'save the day' seems to have triggered Cain's need to move on and continue his own business in town. Business which likely is more mercenary and hardly good. "Maybe." is all he says in answer to Chris. He gives the man a good long look and then without saying goodbye to either of them, he turns and begins crossing the street and heading in the direction of the harbor. If we're lucky he'll stick to the roads and not mow through buildings on his way there.

Penny Fowler (320) has posed:
Penny Fowler stares up at Cain as he lumbers off unceremoniously. She sighs. "I should, uh, get back to work. Break's over, I guess." She takes flight again and nods to Chris as she slowly ascends. "Uh, nice chatting with you!" She waves, then heads off. She -did- need a new bucket...