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Latest revision as of 17:44, 24 October 2017

Gotham Goings On
Date of Scene: 18 May 2017
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, Batwoman, Chris Redfield

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon is in Gotham still putting out gang Fights and right now work of the Bio-mechanical dragon has spread through out the gangs. Immune to explosions fire, spits fire. And immune to almost all fire arms.

Right now he is flying over head swooping down as he sees gangs trying to assemble them selves spewing Plasma along the street to make the scatter. As he grabs some of the weapons and destroys them soaring up into the air of the black night. His roar primal and enraged as he is listening and searching for gun fire. Or people needing help.

Batwoman has posed:
This is really something Kate should be doing as Batwoman. She is busily staring at cracked and fused pavement, her brows lightly furrowed as she considers the scars left behind by Cyberdragon's earlier passage. She is wearing al eather jacket, blue 'Tegan and Sara' t-shirt, dark jeans, and a thoughtful frown. Red hair frames the woman'sf ace and neck, the deep red of blood making her visible at a distance. "This looks like - plasma burns? Acid?" She shakes her head slowly and takesa deep breath. "I haven't worked in a lab rcently enough.. But this is crazy..."

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Ironically it isn't the gangs that got S.H.I.E.L.D. interested in this area on this night, it was the plasma blasts from on-high. What is it? Who is it really shooting it? Satellite recon thinks they have an idea, but some things move too fast for sat-photography and they need boots on the ground and eyewitness accounts. Enter Chris Redfield, an agent who won't raise too much attention on his own but who can most likely handle anything Gotham streets can throw at him.

    Like Kate he's dressed light in jeans and a leather jacket, although he has a ballistic armor vest under his leather, and he's taken a knee in a deserted apartment on the second floor of a building where he can get a good view of the sky through a set of handheld infrared binoculars.

Batwoman has posed:
    Kate's armor might be under her clothes. It wouldn't be visible on a visual inspection if it were. She is examining the prints left on the ground carefully and shaking her head. Pausing, Kate removes stainless steel tweezers from a compact in her purse and uses it to scrape up some of the black, charred stone. The resulting dust is tapped onto an exfolation pad and then tucked away.

    Then Chris is approaching. She looks up slowly, tilting her head to scan the street before finding the person who attracted her attention. Kate tosses her head in a flash of crimson and carefully gathers her things. She might have just been poking around. She takes a deep breath as she steps back from Gotham's newest pothole. "Yet another thing for the taxpayersto pay off..."

Cyberdragon has posed:
Things are about to go from Bad to worse for Cyberdragon tonight. He's still nursing those broken ribs. But his sense of justice and protection won't let him stay down to heal. So a bit of fusion from some stark healing tech. A butt load of painkillers that don't effect the mind. He's managing.

But SHIELD had paid a visit to Tony Stark about some extra terrestrial metal they found that he obsconded with.

Which Natasha Romanov discovered was infact a sentient peice of alien technology that claims to have been on earth for some twenty thousand years. And is under Stark's protection as it is making it's home and lair there. Apparently Stark is keeping a close eye on it, and deemed it safe enough to be given freedom.

Right now As a group of people approach Kate, this time with clubs and a couple of Guns, one of them looks at her... "Hey I think it's tthat bitch from the meuseum... Your friend in black is not here to save your ass this time."

And then comes an impact just from the sky as a red and black object lands with a thud in the middle of the street slowly rising up, Wings flared as he gives a very large growl in their direction tail lashing out visiously to the sides.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Poor Kate. She thought that guy down in the street was Chris, while Redfield was in fact a block or so away from her not even aware of her existence. He becomes aware at the same time that he spots something falling from the sky and locks onto it with his binocs, tracking the Cyberdragon as it crashes down into the street. He makes the B.O.W. connection as he inspects the bio-mechanical beast, sure, but he's been with S.H.I.E.L.D. for several months and he's seen some shit that would turn Wesker's hair white and make him piss himself. He smirks at the thought of Wesker dealing with a couple of Venomed-up thugs, or flying in formation with Cybertronians. "Fuck that arrogant S.O.B.," he murmurs.

    The binocs move from the dragon to the redhead, then drift up to the crowd of guys closing in. That's interesting. Did the beast land to attack her, them, or provide cover for one or both? His current orders are to observe but his standing orders are to protect civilian lives, so he tucks the binoculars into their pouch at the back of his belt and rushes to the stairs and down, heading for the street and rushing up a back alley to see what assistance, if any, he can render.

Batwoman has posed:
    Cyberdragon lands only a meter or two away from kate and she stumbles back reflexively. BLue eyes widen slightly and she is looking around between the gang members and her new metal companion and back. Once, then twice. Then the redhead gives a faint shrug of her shoulders. "Well, it seems like someone or other is trying to keep me safe today boys. I'd love to smash your faces again but I am kind of late for... Oh, whatever." Kate turns and walks away a few yards. As she does she sks, "You... Are here to ehlp. Right?" She is already studying the dragon, her purse, and her surroundings. Escape vectors.... Limited. The possibility yet others will enter the fray is not even considered for now.

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Dragon's wings flare open as if to shield the woman. As they drop their melee weapons and grab hold of shotguns, pistols and the say, "Waste it!" and then come the firing squad. Shotgun blasts, handgun shots, it's like a war as the dragon takes hit after hit. For those who have seen gang gun downs it is exactly like that. One person over whelmed with fire and the dragon does not fall.

Chris Redfield arrives just intime to see the gunfire on the dragon stop. enough weapons to drop a Tyrant. And then the dragon stands up wings unfirlled as there is nothing, no damage no injury, as he lift sup his arms and then two light spikes on his arms suddenly jet forward like an over sized claw.

The Gang members actually take a step back as the dragon snarls, and those blades erupt in a burst of fire.

and then it lunges, The Gang members instantly turn tak and run. The Dragon advances one step, and from his maw comes a stream of super heated plasma, the bursts targeting the area behind them, straffing the ground, not too much damage, but it is followed up by a second and third one as he sent the gang packing as he turns to look at the woman.

Cyberdragon is intending to tell her it is not safe on the streets and she should get off of them, the question is will he get the chance?"

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Score one for self-control - Redfield's pays off as he rounds a corner in the alleyways and spots the dragon hovering over Kate, firing plasma at the retreating gangbangers. So if that thing -is- a B.O.W. it's under friendly control and, frankly, it doesn't look that much like a B.O.W. He still palms his pistol as he sprints up the alleyway, heading straight for the civilian. He moves fast, faster than anybody has a right to in body armor and packing weapons, but it still isn't superhumanly fast.

    Cyberdragon has plenty of time to get out his line before Chris hits the alley mouth, but after Chris breaks the street he still heads straight for Kate's side, making sure he puts himself on the side of her where she can get a good look at the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on his right jacket arm as he skids to a stop and says, "Miss, it's time to run. I'll cover you."

Batwoman has posed:
    "I... am currently just fine because I was saved by a... glying man-sized mechanical dragon, apparently." Kate watches as Chris sprints toward her and then turns slightly to look up at Cyberdragon, an eyebrow lofting. "I appreciate the thought but I don't think you can hurt it either. It seems like they're friendly, though." She tilts her head and reaches up to draw a finger carefully through her hair. "Thank you, though." Then she pauses and takes a deep breath, sighing.

    "So. You're what's been leaving the huge scars on the road, melting windows, and scaring all the gangsters out of this half of town?" Kate asks, pursing her red lips carefully. Chris gets antoher glance. "My name is Kate, you two. My heroes. Is it always like this over here during the day? I was visiting my dad last night and thingswere actually kind of quiet, courtesy of the world's sanest police force." Someone isn't especially fond of Commissioner Joker.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As Kate speaks to him he looks and narrows his eyes at Chris and he takes a look at the gun. ".45 Calibur? Really you will need a heavier calibur of handgun to penetrate my armor Agent of SHIELD. So where's Rominov and the collection crew? She behind me with a sniper rifle lining up a head shot?" he says eyes leveled at Chris. "All because I wouldn't leave the protection of Tony Stark and let her and SHIELD DISECT ME?"" he says clearly annoyed and has no idea who chris is.

Recalling when Rominov at Stark Towers had expressed SHIELDs intent to learn how to take him apart and put him back together, again.

"That is me. I been doing my best to avoid property damage but short of breaking bokes abnd such fear seems to be what these guys respond best too.

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield's eyebrows go up first at Kate's attitude, who he takes a sudden step back from, then from the dragon. "Okay," he says, "first off, sweet cheeks, I got a good read on that fuckin' thing with infrared and I already knew my," he looks meaningfully at the dragon and speaks very loudly and slowly, "nine-millimeter modified to run forty-caliber handgun wouldn't pierce its armor, so I was planning to draw fire away while you," he looks back at Kate and uses his pistol negligently to gesture up and down her, "got to safety. But now?" He shoves the pistol back into its holster and pulls the security flap out and over it. "What the fuck ever."

    He gets two steps away before he turns back and walks toward the dragon, stabbing a thick finger at it. "And you aren't that special, bub. You didn't rate a full tactical squad -or- the attention of a world-class assassin like Miss Romanova. All you rated was a scout with a pair of binoculars to verify what we already suspected: That Tony Stark really is irresponsible enough to let you run loose on the fuckin' streets. Nobody cares enough to dissect you," he imitates a gansta rapper, throwing both hands up with the palms out toward Cyberdragon when he says, "Aw-ight homie? So chill witcha bad self." Back turned to storm off again.

Batwoman has posed:
    "Sweetcheeks? Right. Look, like I said, it's a nice gesture but I don't really want to see you get set on fire saving me any more than I want to be set on fire myself. I thought about running anyway but I'm not sure it would have helped. So..." Kate takes a deep breath and then shakes her head as Chris is storming away from where she's standing. "Whatever. Today is turning to bbe a big mess. You two apparently have some deepseated top secret issues to work out, so..." Kate turns and starts to walk away as well. Slowly. She doesn't really intend on missing what happens next.

Cyberdragon has posed:
When Chris drops into gangsta rap the Dragon is confused by he bares his teeth and says, "Ey Dawg, don't you be smack talking the Stark. He more responible than ye know. 1 I wake up, has nice little chat. 2 a full week of tests to make sure I aint got no bugs. I been on earth for 20k years man, nothing on this planet that poison me or get me sick. 3, proved it spent a full week giving him the lodown on history from south africa to euorpe. 4, he dun implanted a chip im me, he knows where I am at any given moment. 5.... when I figure that out I let you know. Now you don't go talking smack about a man and his vices."

The Dragon says, clearly his hip hop homie, or smack talk needs works. But did he just say there are not illnesses on the planet that can hurt him?

Chris Redfield has posed:
    Redfield bursts out laughing but keeps walking. He raises one hand and waves a cheerful goodbye as he goes on up the sidewalk.