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Latest revision as of 17:49, 24 October 2017

Interview with a Queen
Date of Scene: 17 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, April O'Neil, 279, 271

Emma Frost has posed:
There has been a mystery that very few folk talk about, or even realize something has happened. The Frost International Bank (No Relation) across the street was knocked over last friday, three of the culprits were caught, but Emma Frost knows there was a fourth thief involved, and used the other three as a diversion. But who was this fourth villain, what was taken, and why hasn't anyone stepped forward with what was taken from their safe deposit box.

Emma is standing outside the bank again, wearing a custom label suit, her feet covered by the brushing of her pants over her heels. A light blue blouse and a light blazer over her top, Emma is probing the interior of the building with her mind. Who, what, and why?

April O'Neil has posed:
There just so happens to be a Channel Six News Van parked beside the bank at an insurance business that was recently embroiled in a scandal. Standing on the curb outside the business is a young woman in a yellow leather jacket that is currently unzipped, its her trademark jacket that has become as notorious as her fire-red hair on the Station that she works for.

April O'Neil is recording a piece for the late afternoon Broadcast about the employee from the insurance company that was arrested after a dramatic car chase that involved several NYPD Police Cruisers. April's camera-man, a tall man with black hair is holding the camera trained on the Reporter as she finishes up the piece.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    John Henry Irons walks past Emma, and anyone else, standing outside. As he enters, if she's getting thoughts, she'll detect his allright. On the tail end of his thoughts once he is inside, /and never thought someoen could pull off stripes like that, it must be those legs, and them heels, mmmm/. At which point he is looking up and recalling actual business, and his mind slips easily to those thoughts, 'That other bank hit on opening, hope this one is better, which teller, which line, hmmm, redhed, that's mah line .../ Other lingering thoughts include a check he has, seeing about opening account and transfering over a large sum of money. Large to him at least, like every last cent in some nest egg savings he had. He easily stands on the back, still deciding which line or teller to go for. There is an obvious choice, but its weighted against the speed of other lines, important things to consider when potentially joining a bank.

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane is keeping a low profile on the street, or as low a profile as a 6'8" tall gorilla man in a black bodystocking with a trenchcoat and a wide-brimmed fedora over that can keep. He haunts an alley across from the bank, not far from Emma Frost, watching the comings and goings from the bank as interestedly as she does.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma decidedly pulls out her phone as she leans to her side, resting agains the scratchy brick of the building and using her device as a means of concealment. People don't pay attention to people on phones. Just another trick to life and living in Metropolis. The telepath hears Steel's thoughts and honestly, she's pretty used to them at this point, having heard and seen pretty much every idea under the sun in regards to the male mind when shown an attractive female. Or even unattractive. They somehow have it worse.

Looking at her phone, Emma, sighs once and brushes her straight hair over her left ear idly. This isn't working too well. She needs to get into the safe deposit room to continue her investigation but she does have that contract out, only the girl seems to be taking her time.

With a sigh Frost lifts her head towards the alley, overhearing some unusual thought patterns from the not exactly human creature over in the alley, just on the other side of the news van from where she's standing.

April O'Neil has posed:
April finishes recording the segment to have air in an hour or so and she spends a bit of time werapping up with Vernon before she leaves him to edit the footage in the back of the News Van. While recording, April had seen Emma Frost standing outside of the bank that shared her name (No Relation) and she'd hoped to get a chance to speak to her. So, look out Emma, because here comes the reporter in the yellow leather jacket, blue jeans and black ankle boots... with questions already popping up inside of her mind, easily readable by the telepath.

"Miss Frost?" April calls out when she draws near. "Do you have a moment?" She asked further.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Steel mind seems to linger in that vicinity, typical. If she dials in on odd bleeps though, once he makes the ignored list. About halfway through he looks at his own phone, catching a number to a contact at Stark's Aquatics Division. Then his mind starts pondering jet boots, flight suit, working on the model based on the personal submersibles that are common these days. Fixing his own suit up, that sort of thing, that not so typical. Then he's next. Its pretty bland after that, thoughts of the teller, wondering if he should ask for a number, thinking that's stupid. And just proceeding with check out type things, sure I'll take the equity option, plan zeta, on that account, because pretty face and talking longer while opening up unneeded things. That and he does have enough money that it could come in handy a year or 12 down the road when interest dividends pay off more than a few cents a month.

Keane (271) has posed:
    Unusual thought patterns is a mild way of describing Keane's mind. He's processing sounds and conversations he hears blocks away without comprehending any human language, inspecting the bank and customers inside, looking at and through and into - not by any crude x-ray vision technique but by some bizarrely alien form of perception that must bend the human understanding of sight by seeing nothing and understanding the existence of matter by blocking the existence of the void.

    He's counting money in teller drawers, tumbler pins in door locks, and sorting the chemical and particle-based contents of safe deposit boxes.

Emma Frost has posed:
Lowering her phone when she hears her name, Frost looks up and over to April and nod once, hand moving up to brush her hair quickly as she didn't expect to be noticed. Making note to buy a hat and sunglasses to obscure her face next time she's out investigating.

"Yes I have some time for anyone not related to the Bugle." Emma says with a routine kind smile. Though she does look over April's shoulder, not towards the Vernon, but that could be confused for what she's doing, she's instead aiming her icey blue eyes towards that alley but not advancing on it.

April O'Neil has posed:
April wasn't really aware of other foot traffic in the area, mostly because Emma was a big catch to find just out on the street, let alone seemingly idling somewhere presenting herself for a chance to be nabbed for an impromptu interview.

At hearing the response, April's own blue eyes looked out toward the street and a smile crept across her lips. "Uh... well... does that included television stations owned by the Bugle?" She asked then, her eye sgoing back over to Emma's own, trying to show a charming expression to help persuade the scenario in her favor. "I was really just curious as to whether or not the recent string of crime in and around your school has effected its day to day operations at all?"

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Its all nifty, the options one can get on an account. While trying to look at eyes, and not be seen looking at said eyes. Like a juggling act really. Steel, handles it deftly enough in his mind, or bungles and drops the balls completley in the mind of the teller. Not that he knows. The good thing, that saving grace, is right before he asks what time the teller gets off, his mind going there, her mind hoping he doesn't for the moment, is his phone. It goes off, which he looks at and seems he'll have to do something about. Distant relative, wrong time, sort of thing. It leads him to sign the paper, turn over the portion of that nest egg he brought. And start to leave. He does check his other bank while walking out, seeing how easy it would be to on-line transfer.

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane isn't paying any more attention to most of the input he's receiving than others on the street are. His alien senses are taxed to their limit just to reach as far as they are, and they aren't reaching as far as he wants them to. The sense of his frustration is clear. He has to get closer and that means stepping out in the street, maybe even going inside the bank itself, being seen, coming up with an excuse for being inside.

    Confusion mounts and swirls. What is it humans do in these places again? Some kind of silly business involving very serious accounting that doesn't cost or save lives.

Emma Frost has posed:
"If you don't have an aliteration of J's for your initials, I'm fine with you then." Emma says, enjoying the chance to poke a bit of fun at the reporter's likely boss. Stepping closer, away from the building, Emma slips her phone into her jacket pocket and smiles at April. "What is it you want to ask me?"

Emma's mind is relieved the man isn't going to willingly step the boundaries of client-employee relations and try and make it deeper. There's a small burden off a trio of minds when Keane's dilemna causes Emma to actually speak up mentally, <<That's where human's store, observe, and invest their finances in order to have peace of mind and monetary stability, or so they hope.>>

April O'Neil has posed:
April showed a grin at Emma's words, they amused her, because Jameson was her boss... though rather high at the top and she rarely interacted with him directly. He was more, her boss' boss.

"I appreciate your time." April said to Emma in response. "And to be honest, my most successful interviews and articles are the ones I post myself independent of Jay Jay's business." She added before shaking her head gently and garnering a more serious look on her face. "I've heard a lot of rumblings that people are starting to believe that your Academy of Tomorrow, is producing super powered criminals and that thats why the crime in this area is on the rise. I'm... curious to know what your response to that would be? As it would be nice to fire it back at my call-ins who throw that claim at me."

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    Stepping out, nearly walking in the direction of Frost and April, John is focused on phone, shooting a text back to someone on the other end and flipping back to bank and bank transfers screen. He looks up in time, whew. Whether the cameraman is looking up towards anyone or not, he is nearby (unless he jumped in the van?), but looks like someone is about to question Emma. Definitely not the top to selfie bomb photos, he certainly isn't a gawker that will stand behind an interviewee to wave, then go home and watch himself waving on the news. He turns turn and look about, scrunching his lips and settling on the opposite direction.

Emma Frost has posed:
"Of course you've heard those rumblings, people tend to lash out at things they don't understand." Emma begins, her eyes turning towards John as he steps out and she smiles softly at him with a polite nod of her head before returning her attention to April.

"It's no secret I don't only allow mutants into my school. I actively seek out any and all 'gifted' or 'powered' or whatever you want to call it..." Emma says, gesturing with her hands. "Enhanced, individuals, I aim to teach them how to not only control their bodies and abilities, but how to master them, and live in every day society with the rest of us 'plain' folk." Emma says giving air quotes an a thumbnailable smile while waiting for April's next question.

April O'Neil has posed:
April wasn't aware of John as of just yet as he was behind her a bit still. The reporter pulled out a small notepad and a bright yellow pen. She noted a few things from what Emma said and gently bobbed her head in a couple quick nods. "People often blame what they don't understand." She said before showing a faint smile. "Us 'plain folk' are the bread and butter of society still though, would you say? Afterall, those with 'powered gifts' are still out numbered by those who don't?"

April moved on though and proposed another question. "I heard about your boat race in Westchester. You were there and witnessed first hand the little boy who's mutation took control of him and caused the end of the race before it had even started, right? Is that boy okay? His whereabouts are yet unkonwn.... to us plain folk." April smiled a little again.

John Henry Irons (279) has posed:
    That moment before trying to avoid the questioning, John catches that polite nod and soft smile. He gets that groofy grin on his face, does a double take, and returns the nod then. While he might wonder if he should go back or not, his feet carry him on and away. Down the street. Its just that right moment, the smile, puts him in a good spirit. Gives him that go getter attitude the rest of the day actually. He leaves the bank and vicinity. Not catching any words so much as he leaves, but just in a old fashioned good mood. He returns to that storage unit he's renting, that serves as a shop setup, spending the rest of the day and most of the night working on jet boots, intake valves and pressure guards so the 'pilot light' stays lit at deeper atmospheress in the ocean.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma's face turns somber at April's latest question. "It was a tragedy and thankfully no one was killed in the incident." Frost prefaces before continuing onto the real meat of the quesiton, "The young man is doing well, and I see him on a weekly basis thus far, and have kept in close contact with his family, who, understandably are thankful of all the support from us plain folk and the mutant communities, however they do wish to have their information kept private and I intend to keep those wishes."

Keane (271) has posed:
    Keane picks up that transmitted thought and links finances to barter and trade, the concepts of free will and work for hire, and remains fully oblivious to the fact that the thought was given to him telepathically. Armed with information he steps out of the alley and trot-steps across the street, causing a driver to panic, slam on the brakes and blare his horn when he narrowly misses hitting the alien during the crossing. The tall creature still avoids actually going inside, first skirting the outer wall of the bank on the sidewalk and down the alleyways.

April O'Neil has posed:
April softly nodded her head at Emma's words. "Thats a shame." She said to her. "I'd love to get a chance to speak to the parents..." She said in a earnest and honest sounding way. She was about to ask something else when the screaching of tires were heard which caused the redhead to look out toward the street at the tall 'figure' making his way hurriedly toward the alleyway... this certainly looked odd and April looked back toward Emma. "Who was that?" She asked, expecting Emma to know for some reason?

Emma Frost has posed:
"Some jay walker." Emma says rather flatly, she's really not concerned with the happenings of the street and the folk silly enough to venture into it.

"Do you have any more questions?" Frost asks, not having any need to worry herself over Keane's goings on.

April O'Neil has posed:
April seemed a bit in disbelief that that huge guy in a shadey outfit who just ran into the alley beside a bank was a simple jay-walker. She stared down said alleyway almost like there was a magnetic pull asking her to go down and investigate it further...

"Oatmeal!" Vern called out from the truck. "Your mic fuzzed out on the sign-off message! We're gonna have to record it!" Vernon had NOT seen Emma as of yet, and its the only thing keeping the man from being right there talking to the bombshell beauty.

April shot back to reality and looked back to Emma after Vern had shouted her nickname. "Fine!" She said back at him. "Give me a minute!"

April then looked at Emma and smiled. "Sorry about that." She said. "I'll leave you be now. I know you're a busy woman. I'd love a chance to talk you with a bit more time for preparation someday though, if you ever have a free moment for a lowly reporter."

Emma Frost has posed:
"You're alright in my book." Emma says, taking out a business card from her pocket and extending it towards April. It's white with a glossy blue print embossed on the card. It has her name, office number and an email address, not personal obviously.

Emma starts to walk back to the cross walk and waits to get back across to her skyscraper, itching to get back to work.

April O'Neil has posed:
April accepted the card and she laid it across her notepad and looked down at it as Emma turned to go. After reading it over quickly she looked up and offered a smile and a wave. "Thanks, Miss Frost! Have a nice afternoon!"

Vernon's head shot up when heard the name 'Miss Frost' and he then started fumbling and tumbling until he literally fell out of the van with wires wrapped around his legs and feet. He only caught the back of Emma, but it was enough to make the tall middle-aged man get a devilish grin across his face. "My future ex-wife..." He muttered in a creepily deep voice.

April walked back to Vernon and she slapped him on the shoulder. "Shutup." She told her friend and co-worker.