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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/18 |Location=New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=295, 89 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:295|Karen Page (29...")
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Latest revision as of 17:55, 24 October 2017

Nelson and Murdock and Page
Date of Scene: 18 May 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Karen Page, Daredevil

Karen Page has posed:
The door to Nelson and Murdock opens slowly, revealing the side of Karen as she presses the door open with her back and carefully slips inside. In her arms is a large stack of dark brown legal folders and on top of that a large tupperware container and on top of that a tray with three travel coffees on them. The entire thing looks incredibly precarious and ready to fall at any moment, which is most likely why her eyes are focused very directly on the coffee cups and her movement deliberate.

"Hey guys!" she greets cheerily. "Mrs. Rodriguez insisted I give you guys these homemade Miguelitos for your help with her lease. I think she wants the tupperware back once we're done, too..." she pauses, glancing about the space. "Oh! I thought Foggy was here, too! I got three coffees," she explains. Carefully, she moves to start setting things down without spilling anything.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil enters from one of the side rooms when he hears Karen. He runs a hand down the wall. "Foggy's out consulting with a new client." Probably someone from two blocks away the way they operate. "They have a rapport, or so he says." Matt is in his white collared shirt and slightly wrinkled slacks. The red glasses partially shield his unfocused eyes.

Karen Page has posed:
"Foggy has a rapport with everyone," Karen laughs as she firsts sets down the large stack and then lifts the coffee tray off of it. Then, the tupperware, leaving the legal folders where they lay. Tucking some of her mass of blonde hair behind her ear, she plucks the coffee cup out of the tray and moves toward Matt. "Coffee?" she asks him. If he obliges, she'll reach her hand out to take his and then set the coffee cup in his hand so that he will not drop it or have to reach out randomly to try and grasp it. "Everything is okay, then? Do we have a new case?"

Daredevil has posed:
"Foggy //thinks// he has a rapport with everyone. This particular client nearly spat in his face last time. Or so he tells me. It's one more person needed for the dye class action." They've been working on getting the residents of an apartment building adjacent to a textile factory together for a lawsuit involving fumes from polluting dye. The company bought in bulk from China and the dye was contaminated. Matt takes the cup with both hands and feels around until he finds the mouth hole. "Thanks." He smiles. Then, a pause, "Do you have an arm full of things I just ignored in an ungentlemanly fashion?"

Karen Page has posed:
"That's a sort of rapport, isn't it? A bad one, but there's an understanding there, at least." The explanation that this is for the dye class action is met with a nod. Karen's been filing paperwork on that for the past few weeks. Moving back toward the desk, she opens the tupperware container, letting out a puff of scent that is clearly powdered sugar and sweets. "I actually have a bunch of files I pulled for that over here. The permits, the shipping, I was trying to actually see if I could find a record of any memos that might have referenced the dye's toxicity, but I haven't been able to find any just yet." With a grin, she waves a hand dismissively when he asks about whether he ignored and then remembers that he can't see that. "It's fine! Just a few things. I could handle it. If I were in dire straits, I would have yelled for some help before I got coffee on both these documents and the floor!"

Daredevil has posed:
"You would not have yelled. You would have yelled while things were falling." Matt grins wryly. He sniffs the air. "Let me guess. Angelica?" The Italian souvenir shop owner whose lease they managed to save. "I managed to dig up a case from Shanghai from a factory that produced the dye. Similar symptoms to our folks. But I don't know if the translation is reliable enough to hold up in court." And they don't really have the money to get their own.

Karen Page has posed:
Karen gives a soft laugh at that. "Maybe or maybe not. I do ask for help sometimes!" She defends, though it's clear that she doesn't think Matt's assessment is exactly wrong. "Is Angelica Mrs. Rodriguez's first name?" She asks. "I've only ever called her Mrs. Rodriguez. These smell delicious. I think they'll go well with the coffee!" Picking up her own cup, she leaves the one she got for Foggy where it is for now. Maybe he'll return shortly and can partake in his. Either that or the pair of them will drink it themselves. She frowns a bit at the mention of the translation. "Maybe Foggy knows someone who can help with the translation. I'm afraid I don't know any Chinese."

Daredevil has posed:
"Maybe. Have we had any Chinese clients in the last six months? Surely we have." Maybe someone who paid in food and thank-yous who might do them a favour. "Though it's quite technical," says Matt. "A lot of chemistry. Which is why the translation we have isn't that reliable. The high concepts might not have translated." He feels back behind him, then perches on the edge of the desk and sips.

Karen Page has posed:
Moving toward her filing system, Karen pulls out a four files. "These are a few of the clients we've worked with in the past few months that we gave legal counsel: lease issue, false accusation of theft, complaint against landlord, drug charge." Looking up from reading the charges, she tilts her head. "I'll look through and see if maybe one of them knows or knows someone who might be able to make sense of the chemistry formulas. If one of them has a kid in high school, they might know how to translate that. I remember taking chemistry. I hated it." It's a long shot, but it's something she can do to help out. Putting those files aside, she picks up the tupperware and holds it out for Matt to take. "I'm bringing over the Miguelitos. Take one if you'd like, or I'm going to eat them all."

Daredevil has posed:
"What we need is a chemistry student fluid in Mandarin," says Matt pensively. He goes to sip his coffee, but the mouth hole is slightly off-centre. He dribbles down his shirt. That was not a fake-out, by the way. Even with all of his superpowers, he still sometimes drinks like he has a hole in his lip. He smiles a bit sheepishly and dabs at his lip.

Karen Page has posed:
As Karen is already moving toward Matt, she slides the tupperware onto his desk next to him. Then, she grabs a napkin and moves toward the blind lawyer, eyes focused on the stain. "It's a long shot, but someone might be, or they might know someone who is. We can all talk to them and ask if they know." Taking the napkin, she gently reaches forward. "I'm going to blot up this stain, if that's okay?" she asks, not wanting to just do it without asking him first.

Daredevil has posed:
"Dab away. Did I uh, put the white shirt on? The label came off in the laundry..." The one in braille that tells him what colour his shirt is. Matt sets his coffee aside. "But yeah. We can put the word out. Good thing we have some gossips as clients. The word spreads pretty quickly."

Karen Page has posed:
With permission granted, Karen gently starts to mop up the spilled coffee as best she can. There's a bit of a wince that will come across in her voice as she answers, "Yes, you've got the white shirt on. I'll do the best I can, but I'd have to take it to the washroom and soak it to really get the stain out. And a shirtless lawyer is not exactly professional." She smiles as she says that. "People like that we help others selflessly. Like you helped me. If someone has the information, I know they'll come forward."

Daredevil has posed:
"Thought so," says Matt with an outsized wince. "I...probably shouldn't wear white, but people say it looks good on me." He lifts his chin. "I think I've got another shirt in the closet. But I think it's the stripey one. Foggy calls it the emergency shirt. It only comes out if I've had a really, really bad day."

Karen Page has posed:
"It does!" Karen tells Matt with a bit of a laugh as she continues to try and dab the coffee off of said white shirt that looks good on him. "I think you're fine to wear white shirts. I've seen you in them before without trouble. I spill things on myself all the time and I continue to wear white." She's helping! With a look at his suit, she thinks on the idea of a striped shirt. "I don't think a striped shirt would go with your suit, Matt. I'm pretty sure I can get most of this out, though. I'd hope we're not at really, really bad day status just yet!"

Daredevil has posed:
"I've got clients, I've got friends. I haven't walked into any walls lately..." Matt's face has old bruises and cuts. No fresh ones in a little while. "...I'd say I'm pretty far from bad day territory." He smiles, then looks down. "Don't you have one of those detergent pens in your desk?"

Karen Page has posed:
"You really should be more careful," Karen scolds a bit. "You tend to walk into walls quite a bit. If I didn't know any better I would ask if someone has been hitting you." Walking into walls, after all, is the textbook defense of someone who is hiding being hit. The question about the detergent pen is met with a laugh. "No! I don't keep something like that with me. Don't you, if you're worried about spilling on your shirt?"

Daredevil has posed:
It's just a slightly more believable excuse when you're blind in New York City. Matt doesn't respond to that bit about being more careful. He just grins and lifts his brows. "But if I had one, how would I know if it was working?"

Karen Page has posed:
"That's what you have Foggy and I for!" Karen tells him, as if the answer was obvious. "Maybe I'll get one to put in my desk if you're going to be stubborn about it." There's no anger there, instead something more akin to amusement. Finally finished with getting as much coffee off of his shirt as she thinks she may be able to do, she steps back. "There. There's still some stains, but they're hard to notice. You should be able to remain striped shirtless for now."

Daredevil has posed:
"Foggy will be relieved. That shirt is the equivalent to code red. It started when we were articling." Matt cocks his head and runs a hand down the front of his shirt. "...I think it might actually be the same one. I'm not sure."

Karen Page has posed:
"Since he's dealing with a client that we know spits, I'm glad he won't come back to the office and think we're in code 'striped shirt'," Karen replies with a laugh. Tossing the napkin into the trash, she says, "Also, the tupperware of pastries is right to your left. So, if you'd like one, have one. Otherwise I'll take them so you don't spill them everywhere!" Moving back toward her desk, she grins. "I think there's a story there I'd love to here."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt reaches over to feel the edge of the table. He walks his fingers along until he feels the tupperware container. Then he reaches in and pulls out a bit of pastry. He takes a bite and makes an approving sound. As crumbs drop to hit the white patch on his shirt. "It's very good."

Karen Page has posed:
"It is!" Karen grins. "You still haven't told me the story of that striped shirt. You'll have to give me something more in depth one day," she tells him as she moves back to to her files. "I'll start calling our clients to see if they might know anyone."