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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2023/12/25 |Location=Mezzanine, Monarch Theatre |Synopsis=And a nice Christmas movie night |Cast of Characters=54, 9997 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:54|Tim Drake (54)}} has posed:'''<br>Tim Drake has invited Nikki to spend the night and watch movies with him. He made sure to let the others know he would have company so if things go south and they need him they can make something up. So tonight he has the big screen set up, and all...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 09:41, 30 December 2023

Movie night with Nikki 1
Date of Scene: 25 December 2023
Location: Mezzanine, Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: And a nice Christmas movie night
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Nikki Hawkins

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has invited Nikki to spend the night and watch movies with him. He made sure to let the others know he would have company so if things go south and they need him they can make something up. So tonight he has the big screen set up, and all kinds of snacks for them.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki has arrived at Tim's place, said all her hellos to any other singular butler in the house if he's there and then goes off to the movie room. "Hey you..." Offering this as she approaches him and gives him a kiss in greeting. "Thanks for inviting me over. Super excited for tonight." She does have her backpack with her, using it like an overnight bag, so she has a change of clothing and her own toiletries to use when they're getting ready for bed or whatever. "Did you already have any movies in mind? Something special for the holidays or something?"
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "Well, I picked out a few, we can go with classic christmas, or we can go for movies that take place at christmas but more actiony or comedy types." He offers after giving her a hug. Tim really should get himself a bot butler but not sure how Alfred would take it.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"Maybe we could start with classic Christmas and see where the movie trek takes us?" If he wanted to make a robo butler, Nikki would be all for helping him build one. It would give Alfred some more time to do his own thing - though she's not even aware of what all Alfred does for the Drake/Wayne family. "You already got snacks and stuff too. Why don't you pop on something that you enjoy and we can watch it together." Seems like her speech therapy has really been paying off lately, that or the more comfortable she's become around Tim the more she's able to speak 'normally'.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmmms and nods a bit to this and ponders a moment, and says "Well lets start with a Christmas cartoon. Rudolph the reindeer with Hermy. He looks over and says "I always liked Hermy." He admits to her, as he says "I think it is a good start?"
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"Sounds good to me!" Nikki says with that usual excitement she has which is something once cannot just unlearn or turn off. Letting him set things up while she makes herself comfortable in a seat with the snacks and room for him next to her of course. "Is this that claymation one?"
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head and says "You seen it before?" He asks, and moves to have a seat and puts his arm on the back of the chair after removing the middle arm so they can sit closer together,
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"If I have it was a very long time ago. Don't remember much about the movie.. and I've probably just seen clips of it on my phone since it's the time of year people put up little shorts of Christmas themed stuff." Nikki admits this, nestling close as he settles beside her.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head and gives her a soft kiss on the cheek, and smiles "Well we can make a thing of watch movies you or I have not seen if you want to, learn more about one anothers movie tastes.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"I think that's a great idea. Just nothing on the horror genre. Well. Psych thrillers are okay, but things with a lot of blood and guts, slashing and stuff... they give me nightmares so I try not to watch too many of them." Though there's likely a few that Nikki has allowed to be exceptions to the rule over the years. "I just like doing stuff with you. It's fun and you're great company."
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Sounds like a plan, and if you decide a movie is to bad, we can either stop or make sure ya stay over that night, so ya got me there to protect you." He offers,
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki flushes a color and then nods her head. "Sounds good..." She definitely enjoys the nights she gets to stay with him. And it's certainly not a set up for bad things to happen while she walks the streets of Gotham the next night or two.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and nods his head to her, wrapping his arm around her, to watch the movie, and saying the line with Hermy "I want to be a dentist."
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki giggles at the scene, and how Tim quotes the line at the same time. "Can you imagine having a secret identity. Like Elf during the day, but at night he becomes...Dentist Man! ..."
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks and says "I am the pliers that extract during the night." In a deeper voice, but makes sure not to use his robin voice for it. "What would you want to be if you had a secret identity?
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki lets out a laugh when he says that line and then shakes her head a little. "You're such a goofball. I love you." Then thinks about his question before shrugging her shoulders. "Never really thought about it... Maybe I could be someone who helps homeless people find better shelter than a park bench... So many heroes fight villians... should be someone who helps the helpless too..."
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit to this and rubs her back a bit as he holds close to her "Well if you want to do stuff like that let me know, we have some parts of wayne tech specially to try to help the people of Gotham
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki smiles and nods, picking up a sweet treat to munch on while watching more of the movie for a bit. "What about you? If you could have a secret identity... what would yours be?" Just matching question for question innocent as such a thing may be, not realizing how close to home it may hit.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmmms and says "Well I think I would be a hero who likes using tech and such to do things. Something like Green arrow, or Hawkeye but I don't think I would be very good at bows.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki smiles and nods. "No harm in trying to learn. Maybe that could be our thing. We dorn these new secret identities using WayneTech to make the world a better place.." She giggles and continues to snack and movie watch with him.
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and nods his head a bit. He wishes he could tell her, but not yet, maybe one day, but today is not that day. He grins as the movie finishes "Your turn to choose."
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki blushes a little. "You don't happen to have It's A Wonderful Life, do you?" Asking this as she looks from the big screen to him and back down to the snacks. "That movie reminds me of my grandparents."
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head and says "I have almost all the movies, and if not I would get it for you." He tells her. He pulls out his uber remote, and types on it a moment "Tell me about them?"
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
"They were a lot more understanding than my parents. I remember my gramma used to take me in for some of my summer holidays after school because she wanted to give me a break from my parents." Nikki offers. "Not that my folks were really mean... but they also never tried to understand why I was the way I am. Gramma did. She'd make sure to remind me that there wasn't anything wrong being a little different."
Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and nods his head a bit "Sounds like they were good people." He offers about them. He makes a mental note to look into what became of them.
Nikki Hawkins has posed:
Nikki nods her head and tucks up again once the movie comes on. Though, with the nostalgia and the relaxing with snacks and nestled up, she's the one quoting bits and pieces from the movie. Just enjoying herself and time with Tim, watching movies and hanging out until time for sleep.