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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/01/07 |Location=Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn |Synopsis=Dracula is at it again, messing with Lorna's mind and playing in Mutant Town. |Cast of Characters=1308, 128 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1308|Dracula (1308)}} has posed:'''<br> The other green haired mutant brought Dracula's attention back to the first one that he saw. She was interesting, beautiful, and likely a mutant. He makes his way back to Mutant Town and is sett...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 13:50, 10 January 2024

Mutants, a new curiosity.
Date of Scene: 07 January 2024
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Dracula is at it again, messing with Lorna's mind and playing in Mutant Town.
Cast of Characters: Dracula, Polaris

Dracula has posed:
The other green haired mutant brought Dracula's attention back to the first one that he saw. She was interesting, beautiful, and likely a mutant. He makes his way back to Mutant Town and is settled in not long after sunset.

He stalks the streets and parks. Bats don't really get noticed much and so it is easy to be above the city. Nobody cares and really this close to New York does anyone think to look up? They should.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane does enjoy her own private time to herself. She's always been a loner and what better way to get away from it all than to lurk about in the park on an early evening. The sun has just set and there's a winters chill in the air. But the playground is hers, all hers.

She steps towards the swing set, sitting down, closing her eyes as she daydreams, swinging slowly back and forth.
Dracula has posed:
It takes him time to find her. Granted he enjoyed pulling the other's strings recently, this one has a lot of potential. Finding her, he flies off in the distance and changes form. After the change, he walks into sight near the swings. Still looking like the pauper noble he walks aimlessly near her. He doesn't look at her right off. Seeming a little oblivious to her presence.
Dracula has posed:
He takes a few more steps and then stops. He looks at her and raises a brow,"Oh? Who expired and left you in charge of making such a decision?" he replies. They both come from nobility and they can both get that attitude when needed.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane is so lost in her thoughts that she doesn't even notice him until he's right in front of her. She frowns deeply, tensing visibly at the sight of him and frowns softly, teasing slightly. "You again..What are you doing out here?" she seems a bit cautious, although he hasn't actually done anything threatening yet..But plenty to arouse suspicion.
Dracula has posed:
Turning his attention to her voice, he looks to her and smiles,"Good evening. I am out taking a walk and trying to decide about a few things in this area."

He turns towards here again and asks,"Should I be careful around here? This seems like a nice enough area. Less so in some areas. Some of the locals are terribly charming and..." he pauses, almost seeming a little embarassed,"...alluring." Noble dork.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane seems to consider something for a moment before climbing to her feet, eyeing him warily.

"Alluring huh..I guess you think you're Prince Charming or something, don't you? or do you make it a habit to charm and seduce women?"

Her tone isn't angry, just..Cautious.
Dracula has posed:
Watching her, he is wary in his own right. Chances are fair she has a power and there are some fire slinging sorts around here.

"Not a Prince, a Lord. There is a difference." he replies,"I enjoy the company of women over the company of met. I know that has become unpopular in this country. If that offends you, I am sorry to hear that and I can be on my way."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane rolls her eyes. "Don't care about that, what bothers me is that it felt like you were messing with my mind. I don't care for that. I have had way too many people trying to manipulate me, turn me into their little plaything."

She frowns, hands clenched. "Your little trick won't work a second time. And you will find my boyfriend is far less forgiving."
Dracula has posed:
"Are there a lot of shapeshifters in the area with mental powers too?" he asks curiously. He lets his gaze rest on hers. He isn't prying into her psyche just yet, merely countering her accusations to cause more static in her mind.

"Is it common for strangers to make such accusations as well? As for your boyfriend, I have no interest in trying to come between the two of you. I have enough problems in this world without that."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane blinks, "Shapeshifters? What are you talking about? All I know is that I wasn't acting entirely myself around you and I have my suspicions..I also heard what happened after, how you charmed some other woman before seemingly vanished into the fog. Call me crazy, but you either have some obsession with goth themes, you are a huge fan of vampires or.." well, she's not really sure what to think.
Dracula has posed:
Both of his brows rise and after a moment he laughs. He laughs a lot. Not loud or overly obnoxious, but laughing at the implied suspicions,"I see. So nobility though I am under a financial strain. I have the ability to shapeshift. So that makes me..."

His eyes meet hers again, this time the hypnosis does reach out. Just to see the resistance if it is there,"If that's how you see me. A mutant to persecute...how charming."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane arches her brow, "So, are you going back on your own words? Did you not tell me the first time we met, that your abilities include shapeshifting..?" he will of course find her mind easy to manipulate, she's been manipulated and brainwashed so much in the past in addition to her bipolar mental issues that Lorna's mind is very vulnerable..But it also means she starting to realize to some extent when someone is trying to mess with her mind.

"You're doing it again,aren't you? Stay out of my mind!" she snarls, clearly a sore spot for the green haired mutant, and her eyes briefly flash brilliant green, causing all the swings on the swings et to suddenly start swinging back and forth quite rapidly.

"Who the heck is doing the persecuting here?!"
Dracula has posed:
"As I just indicated again. My power is in shapeshifting." he replies to her insinutating going back on his words,"I am a shapeshifter as stated twice now tonight. Once then and now again twice tonight."

When she accuses him again, he still holds her gaze, testing her will a little more. Not that he is being overly aggressive, but he does seem to be the typical impuned noble being accused. His power focused as he tells her,"Impressive. Magnetic or telekinetic power. As for the persecution, you are the one that started accusing me of being something out of legend, even if you didn't say it."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane shakes her head, clutching her head as if she's having one of her headaches. She has been known to have episodes of extreme paranoia Afterall, if he wanted to mind control her right now, he could quite easily. Her mind is not very strong, not when it comes to mental manipulation anyway.

Youre just trying to confuse me...I.." she stumbles back to the swingset and it calms down a bit, allowing her to take a seat, "What the heck just happened.." she mutters aloud to herself, trying to figure things out. "You're not just a shapeshifter, 'Alucard', you have some sort of..Mist ability, and mental manipulation. Heck, your name is just Dracula spelled backwards.." surely she is not going mad again, but mental stability has always been an issue for this one.
Dracula has posed:
He takes a deep breath and sighs slowly. That's a vampire thing to do right. He shakes his head and tells her,"Alucard is my family name and a common one where I am from." he admits.

"I don't want to confuse you Lorna. Far from it." he admits,"If you think you are all right I will move on and not bother you anymore tonight. I would like to help you if I could, but I don't know. It sounds like any help I tried would be met with hostility."

He doesn't turn yet, reaching out to grab her conciousnses completely, looking to overwhelm her despite her sensing something is happening,"You have a lot of concerns and the accusations you are making, I wish you'd relax and think about things."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane sighs, still clutching her head. "I don't understand..What's going on. Who are you, what are you?" Alex of course did not trust him at all, did not want her anywhere near him again but..Was she simply overreacting..?

When he reaches out to touch her mind, she tenses at first but.lIt seems he has no trouble getting her to do what he wants. She starts to relax and nods, "I am sorry..I suffer from bipolar episodes, along with the fact that my mind has been manipulated far too many times in the past, makes me pretty damn paranoid.."

What he said seems to make sense, and she arches a brow, wondering if truly is trying to help her. "How did you do that..? I've never found any medicine that can help my condition..."
Dracula has posed:
Shaking his head, he sighs softly and tells her,"I don't want to do anything to harm you my dear. Far from it." His breathing is really steady and that would be pretty anti vampire for sure.

Once she is calm he tells her,"I don't have mental powers per say, I just spent a long time learning the most basic of trigger words and influence. Call it...mild hypnosis. Hypnotherapy was thrown at me in my youth. I guess I learned from them. When I snap my fingers you will forget we had this conversation. Do you understand?"

He remains calm and easy with her. She can feel he has helped her after all.
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane notes the breathing. Well that's definitely not an undead trait. Maybe she really was overreacting. She frowns softly at the thought, shaking her head. How very foolish of her, making an idiot of herself like that.

His explanation makes..Some kind of sense, and she nods slowly, still feeling oddly relaxed at the moment and no longer paranoid at least. "Huh, that's a pretty nifty trick.." she replies simply, seemingly in a dreamy like that's, or at least more relaxed than she was before. Still she sim,y nods in understanding. "Yeah.."
Dracula has posed:
He speaks to her on a deeper level,"You are powerful. I can see that. I can see that you want to be something more and you don't see you already are." he explains.

Gently he guides her to a swing and then walks around the swing,"Relax. What you feel is just a matter of mind over environment. Medicines in this country are more about making money than helping patients."

He reaches in and mutters,"When next we see each other, you won't be bothered by my presence. If anything you will be happy to see me and be willing to help me with a project."
Polaris has posed:
Lorna Dane frowns, "You know nothing.." she shakes her head, about to say something but changes her mind as he presses on her thoughts again. "Y-yes, you're right, of course.." she laughs a bit at that.

His next suggestion has her frowning, trying to resist, trying to remember something important that she shouldn't forget..But her thoughts so easily slip away. "Of course, you are not a threat..I just overreacted. It was my paranoia."
Dracula has posed:
"I know." he mutters,"For now, I want you to rest. I will be stepping away for now. Just relax and remember what I said is allowed, also remember the state you are in now, not how you got here or who helped you."

A snap of his fingers and she might think she hears a flock of birds or something flying away. By the time she can look though, they are in the trees and she is alone once more."