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Latest revision as of 19:18, 24 October 2017

First Day of Training
Date of Scene: 22 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: A first day of training for a new recruit turns out to be much more exciting than previously anticipated.
Cast of Characters: Sibilance, Captain America, 13

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil was a special case. Due to her physiology and circumstances, she was given quarters a little closer to New York instead of the Academy so she could get to and from her home with relative ease, or stay on-site where she could receive training. She was given a special trainee ID to keep with her at all times, and a device to stick to the side of her head to block her psychic abilities to protect the security of others meandering around the building. She couldn't get into high security areas, of course, but it worried people that she might overhear top secret information just by being near someone.

    Either way, she's in the training room... by herself, by the looks of things. She's in a trainee exercise uniform, complete with the little SHIELD logo, a black outfit that fits a little tightly but allows free range of movement, and emphasizes that she is compact like she's already trained, and flat as a board, owing to her reptilian features. She isn't wearing shoes or gloves, her hands and feet are reasonably humanoid. She's got diamondback rattlesnake colorations.

    She's going through a series of stretches... which would be hard to watch, because she's extremely flexible, having a range of movement only possible in very rare human examples. Part of the snake-like package of traits, probably.

    Simply waiting for an instructor to show up and put her through the grinder, so to speak.

Captain America has posed:
     All is calm and quiet in the training room. It's been a bit of a slow day and it's time for some basic training, and yet no one's here yet. It's just the lone Sibil and the training equipment. The lights of the outside world are calm and collected as.... suddenly the lights go pitch black, replaced with an eery red glow of flashing claxons.

     Blaring out over the bases coms a voice calls out firm, "Attention all shield personnel this is a Class 5 oc- GAAAAH" Suddenly cut off the voice is silenced as blast doors slam down over the windows to keep the building safe. The entire ground rocks and roars throwing equipment over to one side or the other.

     There's barely a moments pause before a large drill comes slamming through the wall spinning down. Attached to the drill is a large metal pod with the HYDRA seal slapped onto the side of it. More explosions rock the building for a moment sending yet more equipment tumbling to the ground.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil was just... waiting for something ordinary for her day. She wanted some normalcy, she wanted to lift weights and jog and get instructed by a burly military man with a very loud voice. She had no desire to get into some sort of fight for her life and has no idea how wrong her assumptions about today were. The timing for her presence at the Triskelion could not be worse.

    Gold eyes go up to the lights as they blink out, and she fixates on the red emergency lights. Then she furrows her hairless brow and straightens up, one of her hands flexing. Then the whole building shakes, almost threatening to tip it over and collapse it into rubble, but thankfully they build for pretty extreme circumstances in a world full of superpowered threats.

    "Class 5 /what/?" she hisses, her Spanish accent still clear in her panicked whisper as she scurries over to pick up the metal bar that ordinarily holds the heaviest weights. She picks up a fifty pound weight and quickly screws it on the end to turn the bar into a makeshift long mace, even as a drill pod slams into the training room.

    Sibil's heart races, but her face is incredibly calm as she looks up to the device that drilled into the building. She turns and runs over to push a bunch of equipment into place to use as makeshift cover if someone comes out of there with a firearm, not wanting to catch a bullet just yet.

    Presumably the pods are for infiltration, if the building has shutters to keep people out.

Ditko (13) has posed:
A hatch on the back of the drill opens up and a familiar red skinned, noseless skull of a face peers out at the two in the training room with his dead blue eyes.

"A SHIELD operative, how unfortunate for you to be here, alone, in the largest concentration of your foes on the eastern sea board." The man says his lipless mouth somehow curling into a wicked smile as he peels off his leather glove methodically and slow, as if he's already won today.

Captain America has posed:
     "This is Colonel Steve Rogers" The intercom calls over crackling out as bits of debris fall from the ceiling. "We're under attack from all sides, hold out as long as you can, we're on our way." Before crackling back to little more then silence as the building rumbles for one more brief moment before finally settling down.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil peers over cover at the figure as he gets out of the hatch. She is at least familiar with Red Skull... the figure is a notorious player in stories of World War 2. She leers at the figure representing the culling of people like her, of those his side didn't deem 'right.'

    She reaches off to the side as he talks and picks up another barbell weight that got flung about in the chaos. She slowly gets up to a stand and she squints at him.

    "First off," her Spanish accent retorts, "I am a trainee. Second--" And she whips about with such speed that it'd be hard to react just as the intercom crackles on to Steve Rogers' voice, and flings the weight at Red Skull so hard that it would probably kill lesser men.

    And then ducks down beneath cover and begins to scurry through the room at high speed, dragging her improvised weapon along with an ominous grinding noise as she tries to get within striking distance. She hasn't got a firearm so she hasn't got many options here.

Ditko (13) has posed:
The barbell TONGS off Red Skull's shoulder rather violently, tumbling through the air before bouncing off the drill and landing on the floor with a heavy thud.

With a seething hiss, the Baron of Hydra turns and lands against the floor before trying to quickly rise up to his feet, his shoulder obviously dislocated and possibly broken, his other hand clutches at his arm and he turns to face Sibil with a deadly scowl before issuing orders in a somehow calm voice.

"Incapacitate her. I will have fun pulling the bones out of her body."

A quintuplet of armed men spill out of the hatch, each with submachine guns leveled at Sibil and without a word, all five open fire, aiming to surpress the trainee.

Sibilance has posed:
    Just as they start firing, she flicks her arm and sends the makeshift barbell mace she put together at them in a messy arc that might hit a couple of them. It's even heavier than the last thing she threw. She doesn't just sit around and wait for their gunfire to knock holes in the bench, though, and grabs the bench by the legs, flipping it up so she can stand behind it, and she uses it like an improvised riot shield to charge full-bore at them.

    And give one big swing of the two hundred pound metallic bench with both arms at the men that remain with a vicious ROAR of effort. "NNNGAAAH!!" She's been winged once or twice and will definitely need medical attention, but it hasn't stopped her. She's too revved up on adrenaline and terror to register much pain just yet.

Ditko (13) has posed:
Three of the five guards have their guns wrenched from their hands by the attack from the snake woman, and with broken wrists many of them are in dire straights when she comes charging at them with the work bench, and all five are put to the ground with one guy squeezing his trigger and sending more rounds up into the ceiling and wall.

Red Skull is left standing there facing the young woman with his scowl in full grimace mode. "You are lucky my men are such incompetents." He growls as he climbs back into the drill and with a heavy clunk the door is sealed once more.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil huffs and pants from the effort of swinging around something big and metal, and almost lifts it again in time to use it on Red Skull, but he appears to flee back into the infiltration drill pod. "Hey!" she snaps! "Get back here, Chinese knock-off Skeletor! I'll pull YOUR bones out!!" She drops the bench and steps up to the hatch to bang on it a couple times, and then try to open the door. She doesn't expect it to be openable from the outside, because that seemed like he was escaping from imminent drubbing.

    Hsssss. Huff. She sounds very snake-like when she's actually mad.

Captain America has posed:
     With a good deal of effort Sibil is able to dig hard into the surface of the drill. There's barely enough space between the two points of entry for her to get a grip, but with great force she can finally tear the door from its hinges and throw it to one side.

     Inside of the pod red skull sets legs crossed in front of him, a wide smile across his face, as he slowly claps his hands together. "Excellent work mien Fraulein." He starts speaking slowly and methodically rather than in the tone of voice one might expect from the red skull. "But did you count on my little surprise?"

     There's a long moments pause before the red skull ducks his head down into his hands, hands digging into the back of his head before he pulls it off to reveal... a robot? Behind the skull there's little more then the blank skull of an LMD, the Red skull looks up towards her with a bit of a smile.

Sibilance has posed:

    Sibil hasn't a lot to say to the robot on the other side of the door, once she finally gets it open. The revelation that it wasn't really Red Skull makes her slowly squint at it.

    "No, I didn't. That's clever, whoever did this really did a good job." As she got shot at by the men that poured out of the device, she doesn't seem like she's actually praising the body double. Probably the opposite, to emphasize her 'yeah, don't care' attitude. She ducks down to pick up the long bar, the weight quickly removed. She pauses for a second to check the wounds she incurred from the submachine guns, which hurt a lot now that she isn't in 'I am going to die' mode.

    She then takes a posture familiar in the Olympics, and just... chucks the metal bar into the open door and straight at the LMD so hard that it makes a loud WHOOSH and even makes her shoulder from the overexertion of her muscles. An amateurish but commendable javelin throw meant to impale the robot in in place. Even if it doesn't necessarily destroy the LMD, it isn't going to run off so easily if it has a pole of stainless steel sticking out of its torso.

Captain America has posed:
     The throw is able to pin the LMD to the wall hard and firm with a heafty blow driving right through him! It's a clean shot that goes through him, and through the cockpit. Unfortunatly it keeps going right behind him. The pod starts to glow and shake brighter and brighter. Flashes of light fill the room as radiation warnings kick off.

     She's hit the main reactor of the drop pod! It's all over! The whole building is going to go off! Except... it doesn't. "And that's detonation." A voice calls out as the lights, and the gunfire just stops dead in its tracks.

     Behind her there's a slow hiss, before the wall of the training room slowly raises up to reveal a wall made from a plexiglass compound between two rooms.

     On one side the now partially destroyed training room, on the other a panel of shield personnel, in a dull grey room filled with computers. Each agent is armed with either a digital clipboard or a control panel. The men and women with the pads seem to be looking over combat feeds gathered from the test rooms scanners, while the people up front go about the process of resetting the room one object at a time. Cap stands front and center of the group with a small headset on tucked away inside of his bright blonde hair, baby blues looking right down onto the panel in front of him.

     Lights brighten back to normal, and the HYDRA goons simply fall into an idle state. The smoke starts to filter out of the room, and Rogers speaks. "On the bright side, you did manage to take out skull in good time." He's watching over the reading. "HYDRA goons weren't too much trouble but if you weren't careful they could have easily surrounded you, and there's a high chance they'd have overwhelmed you." He pauses for a moment letting the agent in front of him actually work the complex console as he looks up from the readout. "Need to work a bit on your throwing posture aswell."

     He's perfectly calm and collected despite the current situation going on here, more like what one might expect from a personal trainer giving tips on a typical workout. "Keep it up like you were and you might have pulled a muscle, I'd recommend a bit less twist near the lumbar and a bit more bend in the knees to really give it that proper chuck." A bright smile of pure white teeth crosses his face as a thumb goes into either sides pocket of his jumpsuit. "Still, good work in there."

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance is allowed to panic when she thinks she is about to blow up in a huge horrible explosion. She flinches and cringes somewhat helplessly, but the voice chimes in and instantly casts doubt on her fear. Wait... what? Even for someone who responds that fast, it isn't easy to switch mental tracks that quickly. She turns her head and... there's the wall just opening right there. Her tail rapidly rattles in panic, not because she thinks she's going to fight more, but for another reason.

    Oh god they were just watching her the whole time even when she was stretching that's so embarrassing--


    The rattlesnake-like woman, who had full-body swung a metal bench and knocked out a bunch of (simulated) soldiers and managed not to get any sort of major wound due to dodging gunfire pretty well... kinda hunches her shoulders, lifts a hand and awkwardly smiles at him. She is only dimly aware that she's being assessed... this exercise never would've worked if she knew it was happening, a point that occurs to her before she makes the outburst she wants to make...

    "... I..." She makes this face and her awkwardness suddenly melts away, like she was about to shout at them. "That was complicated," she instead observes, looking up at the pod, and then down at the inert HYDRA soldiers. She reaches down to rest her hand on the spots where she got winged, checking more thoroughly with one of her eyes closed in discomfort. They probably weren't actually trying to kill her, she realizes, but it still burns like hell.

    "I will work on my throwing posture, uh... s-sir," she responds to him, finally, "... is... is every day like this?" she wonders, aghast at the possibility of getting ambushed for seemingly normal training exercises. "Because I don't know if my heart could take that." A hand pantomimes a heartbeat by tapping on her chest in a rhythmic fashion.

Captain America has posed:
     "No, usually the bullets and soldiers are real." Cap states as he looks over to her with a bit of a smirk. He's got a rather jovial attitude about the whole thing as he leans over towards one of the monitors for a quick moment. "And sometimes it's AIM or the Legion instead of HYDRA." He pauses looking back towards Sibil. "Welcome to SHIELD kid, the ride's just starting."