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Latest revision as of 14:44, 10 January 2024

Fear Meets Anger
Date of Scene: 15 July 2023
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Fear Meets Anger
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Sinestro

Juggernaut has posed:
Central Park isn't without its assortment of strange denizens, passer byers and park goers, at least by the standards of Earth that is.

A certain Citizen Cain Marko certainly counts as once such being. his presence draws some attention much in the same way that someone might find one of those images of those gigantic roided out bulls and oxen impossible to look away from. A various bit of assorted reactoins of 'Good God' and 'Oh My God' at the sight oof a man so large he has more in common with a wrecking ball or semi truck cab then he does a normal human.

ANd he aint even in his work clothes.

Regardless, he carries with him an aura that unsettles most people even when simply standing there as he currentl is.

He looms over a slightly panicked and visibly nervous hotdog vendor who trembles in the presence of the gargantua man and waits for him to finish looking over a menu sporting various collections of junk food, soda and other assortments to buy alongside the comically small hot dog he holds in his massive hand. His shirt, a tee-shirt showing Godzilla peering between skyscrapers with a destructive grin on its features seems all to appropriate.

The size of the brutes swelling physique could mean that the vendor is about to make the sale of his life - or struggle to satisfy the snacking urges of the giant whose ice blue eyes flicker with indecision as they move back and forth rapidly over the choices that lay before him. He finally settles on a bag of sweet bbq chips hanging from a display. These he plucks up with two tree branch thick fingers while the hot dog vendor continues to wait patiently and nervously in the brutes presence. All in all a strange pageant.

Especially considering that he -technically- doesn't even -need- to eat to begin with...
Sinestro has posed:
A yellow spot glows in the sky on a normal sunny New York late morning. Some people may think it's just the sun doing what it does best. Only when the spot gets bigger does it start to turn heads. It keeps hurdling downward, not slowing down. The energy surges and people start to scream as they feel real fear. As the yellow bolt of energy gets closer and closer, people prepare for the worse. It doesn't come.

The energy floats above one person: Cain Marko. That's when everything can see the maroon-colored skin of a humanoid man with a pencil thin mustache. They wear a uniform that's black and yellow. At first glance people may consider this person to be some sort of distorted Green Lantern. They couldn't be more wrong.

"You. I sense much anger in you. I could use information from someone like you," Sinestro declares. He has no idea who he's in front of. Nor does he care about the titles, or formality. Sinestro just sees something in this person. And it's something he needs. "Terra continues to garner attention amongst the stars. I want to know why," he declares and continues to float there. Sinestro glowers at the hot dog vendor as he waits for Cain.

Obviously, such makes eyebrow raise. More attention locks onto Cain thanks to his new guest.
Juggernaut has posed:
Nope. That's enough.

The hot dog vendor swiftly makes a decision once Sinestro's presence is made known. Time to go home.

He wordlessly begins packing it up. Shutting the cart down. Putting the ice cream away. Putting the menu away.

He then simply turns and leaves.

Cain is left standing there. Chips in hand. Mouth set into a slight frown as he watches this happen and notably does not answer Sinestro's authoritative demands or presence. Instead he simply stares at the retreating venoor.

He's certainly not about to make his -own- hot dog. That defeats the entire point!

"You know pal.." he begins, bass voice rumbling with a low vibratory rumble as he reaches up and removes his sunglasses, "If you sensed anger in me before I must be breaking your geiger scale now. I've put fellas through walls for bumping into me, let alone running off my afternoon snack."

He finally turns now and looks up to the floating Sinestro, "You wanna introduce yourself before you start just grilling me like I'm on some podcast? Also so I have a name to the guy I'm about to put into the ground?"

He inclines his head, studying Sinestro curiously and then notes the obvious as well.

"Alien. Figures."
Sinestro has posed:
Sinestro extends a hand and a giant yellow wall stops the vendor in their tracks. "You. Back here," Sinesto doesn't bark, but these are clearly not requests. "My associate wants a snack."

"I am Thaal Sinestro," he says introducing himself. "I have spent so much time amongst the stars. So many things come back to this wretched place. I want to know why. Terra has nothing of unique value on paper, but it is becoming a thorn in my side," Sinestro continues as he tries to keep the vendor detained until Juggernaut has his fill.
Juggernaut has posed:
It's a good gesture and a good show or respect. One that shows Sinestro intended no harmful disruption to Cain's day. Not that the vendor appreciates hits. He stammers and then just sighs in frustration while weighing his options,.

ANd then wisely begins making his way back to the abandoned cart.

Cain eyes this turn of events, looking sideways at Sinestro as he listens. He could show appreciation but he's far too petty for that. He's got half a mind to just send the vendor on his way and take option C: Violence, regardless of Sinestro's act of good faith.

But he doesn't. He holds himself in check and when the vendor arrives he grumbles at him, quietly, "Just hand me a hotdog and scram..." Showing some mild empathy for the poor guys situation. HE probablyd doesn't want to even be near the park should Cain decide to 'get dressed' so to speak and take a swing.

The vendor complies, quickily working on getting a weiner ready as Cain answers the alien. "I got taksed that before. Was a talkin' raccoon. I guess maybe cause we keep flattening all the would be alien invasions that try and take this place and got folk here that haveh have calimed to have saved th'galaxy a few times. Even universe. Probably not too many planets can claim that. Folk like you keep showing up here, small wondering it pushes folk to have to deal with it..."
Sinestro has posed:
"A raccoon? What is that?" Sinestro frowns at that. He's trying to picture what that even looks like. The rest of the phrase has him preturbed. That declaration. He will put a pin in that.

"I want to know why. I know it hosts a menace, but what else could appeal to so many? What does this planet have that I cannot find in biollions of stars?" Sinestro asks as if this is a hard equation to solve. Like it is some complex thing, despite being so simple.
Juggernaut has posed:
Taking the offered hot dog, Cain makes a gesture with his head inclining it slightly to tell the vendor to beat it. Fast.

He then turns, taking a bite from it as he listens to Sinestro wax on and air his frustrations. Cain chews slowly. Deliberatel. Maybe even noisly. He then shiffs, reaching up to rub at his nose with the back of his hand and then rumbles after taking the food into his gullet:

"Listne, I dunno man. You sense a guy with pent up anger and start unloading on him with questions about the meaning of life? Maybe the folk here are just so gosh darn plucky and cause they keep pushing the rest of the universe back it doesn't want ot leav e'em be? Or maybe they just scared about what -could- happen if we start really getting our act together and get out there. We already doing what we do with this place basically a mudball.."

Indeed, what if the infighting stopped. The nations at war. The super villainy. Humanity, mutants and metas and allies both aliens and otherwise, to take on the rest of the universe.

"What menace? Heh, you all catching Jamesons Spider Man rants? Guys got reach.."
Sinestro has posed:
Sinestro looks at Cain with a mixture indignation and discerning. Cain is being honest with the answer. "Fear has nothing to do with this equation, trust me," Sinestro says firmly.

"Why do so many seek refuge here? Is this planet just full of aliens that fly in the sky?" he asks, just perfplexed.

"I mean, you are correct. This is a mudball," he sneers at the planet. "And it's primitive. Yet, here I am trying to figure out the planet. I want to see the galaxy free of charlatans like the Green Lanterns and Star-Lord," he says firmly. Sinestro doesn't expect Juggernaut to know either party.

Shaking his head, "Who?" Sinesto questions what this Jameson's Spider Man is. "Is this Jameson wise?" he's curious if this is another source of information to figure out.
Juggernaut has posed:
"Yeah no. I mean.. I was joking."

Right. Alien. He can't even bring himself to be annoyed anymore. He just looks as Sinestro with stark curiousity now, especially as those names are dropped. Green Lantern..he recognizes. That The pluraity of that is a surprise though. Star-Lord seems to fly over his head although there is some -mild- recognition in his eyes..as if he heard the name somehow.

"What I mean is..who is the -menace- you mentioned. You said there was a menace here? Who? What?"

Cain waves the rest of it off. Yes it's a mudball but it's 'his' mudball so to speak.

"Folk are afraid o'things they dont' understand or dont' have power over." he notes, a mild bit of self reflection there. "Say what you want but it'd be silly to assume that folk aint worried about what some of the people here can do. You wanna find out for yourself? Stick around awhile I guess.." He takes another bite of his hot dog, finishing it off.
Sinestro has posed:
"What they can do?" Sinestro echoes the previous statement. "What can Terrans do?" Sinesto does sneer at this. It feels like they are on the verge of the answer. This angry human hinted at something these aliens can do. It's worth investigating further. Sinesto knows whatever Terra offers, it has to be hidden. On the surface the planet just utterly lacks everything.
Juggernaut has posed:
The sneer annoys him. Petty Cain returns.

"Man, I aint yer wikipedia. Use your technology to find out or that big brain yers. You aint never heard of metahumans? Mutants? You just wanna roll up in here and assume that this planet aint got defenders? I can't staand most of 'em - The Avengers, The League, all that..but I aint gonna let some wannabe vulcan wreck this place. It may be a mudball but it's my homme."

Cain tosses the balled up piece of paper over his shoulder. dding, no doubt, to one of the many issues plaguing this mudball as he litters without thinking much on it.

"Maybe it's a combo of all of that and just not giving up or stopping. People smarter then me been debating this for ages I'm not about to just solve this for you with a quick conversation..."
Sinestro has posed:
Shaking his head, "I don't want to take over this world. I want to improve this Galaxy. Remove all the crutches like the Green Lantern and Kryptonians," he sneers. Floating further in the air, "I pray another group does not find you. Your rage they woul dsee as an asset," he continues to float upward. "I just needed to see the appeal. You've given me what I acquired for now. Perhaps our paths will cross again," he says looking down at Cain.
Juggernaut has posed:
"Yeah. Looking forward to that.."

He most certainly isn't. Sarcasm is no doubt not lost on Sinestro. "Happy to help.." Cain adds with a sneer of his own..while not exactly being sure what if anything he accomplished.

He's still got his bag of chips to enjoy and hey. Free food. The vendor ran off after all and still left teh cart behind.

"See ya around..Sinestro."
Sinestro has posed:
Sinestro continues to float upward. He will look into these "neta-humans" and see what they give this backwater planet. His intention was clear.