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Latest revision as of 14:44, 10 January 2024

Live Fire Exercises
Date of Scene: 07 September 2023
Location: Air Force Live-Fire Exercise Area
Synopsis: Carol and Tony.
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Iron Man

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Above the sprawling expanse of a live-fire exercise area, Carol Danvers hovers, feeling the thrill of the challenge. The wind tousles her loose blonde hair, turning it into a halo of gold around her determined face. Her blue eyes narrow slightly, scanning the horizon for any sign of the ever-late Tony Stark. She should have known he'd be fashionable even when flying. Her red and blue costume, sleek and vibrant, catches the sunlight, making her look like a modern Athena, ready to engage in some harmless mischief.

It had all started as an innocent debate, over drinks at Tony's ridiculously opulent penthouse. "You think you're fast, Danvers, but I bet the targeting system of my new suit could tag you."

Carol, never one to back down from a challenge, had laughed. "Please, Stark, I've dodged faster things than your toys. Bring it on."

Rhodey had overheard, a glint in his eye, and before either of them realized it, they'd made a call, pulling a few strings. The Air Force was more than happy to provide them with a sanctioned area to play out their little game. With clearances sorted, and a dare on the table, they were good to go.

Now, as the clouds drift lazily by, she can hear the distant hum of repulsors. The unmistakable sound of Iron Man approaching. Tony's suit, gleaming red and gold, appears on the horizon, his silhouette stark against the vast blue sky.
Iron Man has posed:
Tony makes a point of flying in with the sun at an angle, how else could he arrange for all the nice glinting and gleaming that's going on, even if he is moving into the restricted zone at something like mach 4, and he does appear to be _decelerating_ to get to that point.

Those with watchful eyes will note the suit is one that Carol's likely not seen as of yet, and certainly not anyone on the ground watching from the cameras installed around the range. Cameras that have difficulty keeping up with Iron Man, this suit being particularly difficult to track with radar _or_ lidar. Moving in at that speed it really doesn't take him long at all from being within sight to .. pulling up to a hover right in front of the hovering Carol Danvers.

"Well, Captain Marvel, are you ready to get tagged? Any rules in particular you wanted to set out before we get started?" Tony's voice is both audible _and_ sent via the comms they both have integrated into their suit/helmets as needed.

"Rhodey - no, nothing scene today is promise of _any_ upcoming tech for the Pentagon to salivate over."

"Jarvis, you've cleared the area and coordinated with the FAA around the various potentially concerning flight paths over the next hour or two?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark, I've done my best to make sure that you're not going to go shooting down any airliners that happen to be _just_ above the horizon in the wrong direction."
Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol's eyes twinkle with mischief as Tony makes his dramatic entrance, sunlight flaring around him in a blaze of metal and sunbeams. The man does know how to make an entrance, she'll give him that. She appraises the new suit, noting its sleek design, its unfamiliar edges. It looks... stealthy. No wonder it slipped under the radar, in every sense of the word.

There's a split second where time seems to slow, as Tony decelerates from his breakneck speed to match Carol's hover. She raises an eyebrow, curious.

"Flashy entrance, Stark," she comments, her voice tinged with amusement. The smirk playing on her lips conveys she's more impressed than she'd like to admit.

Hearing his question, Carol shrugs gracefully in mid-air. "Just one. Try not to damage the hair. Took me ages to get it looking this good -- not that I think you'll hit me." Humor glints in her eyes.

As Tony converses with Rhodey and Jarvis, she can't help but chuckle at the banter and do a slow 360 in the air, flexing her fingers, already planning her evasive moves.

"Alright, Tony, let's do this," Carol says, her voice dripping with challenge. She's always loved a good spar, even if it's just for fun. But this? No jet -- just her in the open air, one-on-one with Stark in one of his newest suits? Oh, this was going to be a blast.

And then, with a sudden flash as if her entire body suddenly caught fire, she rockets farther up into the sky and spins, giving him a target to chase.