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Latest revision as of 14:59, 10 January 2024

Life is like cars...
Date of Scene: 15 July 2023
Location: Garage - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Scott and Rogue.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Rogue

Cyclops has posed:
The garage of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters is no small affair. This section of the mansion is capable of storing a large number of vehicles each inside of their own 'berth'. The berth's have wooden walls that contain cabinets and drawers, each with tools and parts for their designated vehicles. At times, Scott Summers likes to come down here to clear his head. It's a favorite hobby of his to use his gift in engineering to work on the numerous vehicles down here.

His current pet project? A VMAX motorcycle, Yamaha brand.

Scott has a little wheelie-chair and a box of tools propped up on a small table next to him. He's wearing a blue sweater with black jeans and work boots, his hands covered in oil as he seems to be tinkering with the engine - either modifying it or making sure it's primed and ready to go the second the key turns that engine over.

He has a towel in his back pocket and the glint of his ruby-quartz lenses catches the light at times.

"I really have to get better about recognizing oil change times..."

He mutters a few other things to himself, mostly about maintenance and being a bit smarter about catching these issues earlier.
Rogue has posed:
"Nah, I ain't goin' out too far, and I promise I'll be back tonight. You know I don't make promises lightly. Okay, love ya. Bye." Rpgue finishes up her phone call just as she gets to the middle of the garage while making her way to where her little red car sits just aching to be taken out on the road again.

It's the glint from those ruby glasses that gives her pause as she glances over to see Scott working on one of the vehicles here in the garage. She hasn't seen or spoken to him in quite some time. Not since he and Jean announced to her that they're engaged. Oh and that one time...

...but not at band camp...

So she takes a breath in and actually moves over towards Scott, clearing her throat and trying to make some sort of noise so he's not startled to her sudden presence. "Heya Scott. You needin' any sort of help over here?"
Cyclops has posed:
Scott has many talents...

Practical tactical genius.

Having a plan for everything.

Geometrical talent wit hthe best of them.

Super hearing? Nope. Not even kind of. Scott may as well be focused beyond measure on his task: he doesn't hear Rogue's phone call or who she supposedly loves on the other side of that phone. While he's seemingly looking at the actual transmission, he seems to be reaching for something, and when Rogue suddenly makes her presence known?

He turns his head to look at her, giving her a lift of his chin in an upnod. "Hey Rogue." He greets her. "Can you pass me that wrench?" He gestures to the tools table.

A pause then. "Heading out somewhere?"
Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods, reaching over to grab the wrench in question and then hands it over to Scott. "I was thinkin' about it. I haven't taken the car out in a long while and it's gotten nice enough in these early evenings, I could use the wind in my hair and all that jazz..."

Rogue seems...happy. She's also wearing jean shorts, a tank top, and her hair is up in a ponytail. She doesn't have her gloves on. She's /smiling/ in a way that lights up her face and the room she's standing in.

"How've you been? Ain't seen ya in a while. I was thinkin' of doin' somethin' summertime fun for the school. Like staff and any students hangin' around. A cookout, with Logan at the grill, and me cookin' all sorts of southern dishes." She offers this thought and pauses.
Cyclops has posed:
Wrench properly handed to him, Scott accepts it and applies it immediately to his work. The sounds of metal tightening can be heard until Scott seems to physically strain to push it further. "Alright...I think that'll about cover it for that." He sets the wrench aside and starts to look at the actual frame. Got some dents to work out. Nothing a bit of elbow grease can't handle.

He turns to look at her then, resting his hands in his lap. He gives her his full attention, and he notices...that she seems much happier than normal. Like she has something really good. His eyebrow raises for a moment, before he chuckles softly.

"Something tells me you've had a really good date."

Scott makes a blatant observation, then he clears his throat. "Ahem, sorry. You just seem really happy. It's good to see." Almost contagious, in fact. Though he keeps his eyes on her through those red lenses, he seems to smile softly at her. "I've been alright. Recently come home from a long mission away. Got settled at the house-" THe one in the mountains that he shares with Jean. "and getting back into the swing here. Gotta get ready for the semester. Gonna come up fast and knock me on my ass."

He chuckles softly. "I think we can make that happen. Think Logan will be in the cooking mood?"
Rogue has posed:
Rogue blushes a little and nods her head. "There's been some life changing improvements. I've begun to manage my powers a lot better. Both with the help of Dr. McCoy, but..also - for a time - from Sinister." She offers this much and then holds up a finger.

"Also, I know. Sinister can't be trusted as far as a normal person can throw him. But there was a time when you and Jean were all sorts of busy and I was at my wits end. I've apologized to Jean for not coming to her first. I'm sorry to you, also, for not trusting in the team better. I've had issues with that. Trusting people I mean. I'm working on that too."

She smiles once more then and takes a breath. "But yeah. I ah... I'm actually dating Logan. We've been together for about...six months now? Give or take? And it's going really well. There's just connections that we have we couldn't really ignore anymore. And, Imma be honest, I really do love him."

Another pause. A shrug. "And I think he'll be up to cookin'. He don't really let many people touch the grill aside from him anyway. And I can lure him in with the promise of beer and a night up at his cabin in Canada. It'll all work out. Usually does."
Cyclops has posed:
"Define life changing?"

Though Scott's words seem almost /too/ direct, his facial expression and tone suggest that he's genuinely interested in learning more about Rogue's current standings with others. Though she brings up Sinister and Scott's lips part as if to speak, though Rogue is quick to remind him that she's aware that Sinister can't be trusted. She had no choice. Jean and Scott had their hands full - still do, in most ways.

She made a decision. She can't be blamed for that. But he clearly wasn't expecting any kind of apology from her towards him. He takes a long, deep breath.

"I'm sorry too, Rogue. I had no intention of leaving you to fend for yourself. Plenty of times, I feel as though you are one of the backbones of the team. An important pillar. I have a terrible habit of assuming people are alright just because they make a good show of /looking/ alright. I'm sorry I was such an ass to you. You deserve better from me."

Because there is no people more important to Scott than the X-Men. They're his family. Of course, Jean is the most important person in the world to him...but the X-Men? THe X-Men is family.

He is...surprisingly unsurprised by Rogue's revelation that she's dating Logan and has been doing exactly that for months. "I'm glad you two have found each other." Logan and Scott have had their issues in the past...two alpha-male personalities in the same room is a recipe for disaster. But for happiness? Scott is more than happy to let bygones be bygones.

"I'll give it to Logan...he does have some mean grilling skills. But...really, I'm glad you're happy. It's been awhile since we had some good news."
Rogue has posed:
Rogue was expecting anything else. For a lecture, a come to your senses moment, anything else but what actually happened. For a moment, she wonders if she's actually talking to Scott...but she's not getting her normal heebie jeebies like she's actually staring down Mystique or something and so, she smiles.

"I...well. I mean, you and Jean never mean to be so busy...and I know this. But...thanks for the apology. And I'm goin' to come to Jean and you now when I got problems no matter what. Jean's already made it clear she'll make time for me some way, some how. And besides, if I can't trust y'all. Who can I trust?"

That smile remains and she gives another nod of her head. "Logan and I finding each other was just one of those things. Wasn't really lookin'...but we got to talkin' a few times and after a few days we went on a date and we kinda haven't stopped since." She flushes then. "Thanks. He can be a handful, but I think I can handle him." It's here that she fishes out her car keys.

"Anyway if I don't leave for the joy ride now, I'll be later than I promised Logan I would be and I don't want that." Though she hesitates and then nods. "Thanks for the talk Scott. I really appreciate it. See ya 'round."
Cyclops has posed:
Scott would totally promise that he wasn't abducted and replaced by a different Scott. Like a Skrull, or something. And he would be speaking honestly. A lot has been put in perspective to Mr. Summers, and one of them has been about his behavior recently. Even under great stress...it's no excuse.

"Hey, anytime. I know we'd both really appreciate that. We might be busy...but we're never too busy for you." Scott smiles at her softly. Though he doesn't answer her question on who she could trust. He could have said 'Logan' but, well, they both already know she trusts Logan. "I don't have a doubt in my mind about that."

Handling Logan was always....a lot. For Rogue, it will likely be easier since emotions arei nvolved. Scott's leadership in the field is largely unquestioned, but Logan /always/ had something to say. They've settled their differences for now. No doubt something else will pop up again.

"My pleasure. Thanks for stopping to chat. Enjoy the ride." He gives her a smile, before turning back to his work.