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Latest revision as of 19:39, 24 October 2017

Math Ain't Easy
Date of Scene: 22 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Beast, Magik, Deadzone

Beast has posed:
In a world of Internets and Clouds and High-Speed communications and Databases with near endless information it says something about one of the smartest men on the planet when he will spend time studying an actual book in an actual library. Hunched over one of the few standing desks, a book opened before him, Hank's paws rest on the edges of the desk as he reads. There is an notebook set up beside the tome, not a tablet, and it's pages are filled with scrawlings that could almost be called arcane in nature, thats how esoteric the scientific symbols are.

He seems to be intently searching for something, flipping pages ever few seconds as he absorbs/filters their contents.. stopping ever few moments to make a note.. flip back a few pages...

Magik has posed:
    Beast isn't the only one tucked into the library amongst books. Though, Illyana herself doesn't have any of the volumes on the table open. Before her are several sheets of papers detailing the summer courses offered and the schedule. There are also a few things about college courses, as that's apparently something an up and coming Senior should be interested in. ...And a few handwriting primers meant for elementary students. These are the things dividing Illyana's attention. She's not noticed the blue X-Man, or if she has, she hasn't made any motion to try to garner his attention. Chewing at the end of her pen, she regarsd the classes for a moment, muttering under her breath on what Algebra has anything to do with fighting evil. There's a light groan as she rests her forehead on the tabletop. With a light 'thump' to go with it. Somtimes... it was easier trying to take over a demon dimension than it was being a high school student.

Deadzone has posed:
Having finished the racial attrocity, at least in her opinion, that was 'To Kill A Mockingbird', Tatum is looking for the next book on her list of 'Must Read 200' that she has decided to go for in order to make her more well read and maybe smart. Yes yes, everyone says she's not as dumb as she claims to be, but that's cause she fakes it really well. She is currently looking at the cover of Wuthering Heights and frowning. "This looks like some sort of middle ages romance novel. There isn't some Fabio wanna be in this, is there?"

Beast has posed:
Hank steps back from his standing desk, dropping the pencil on the notebook, and spends a momentmassaging the bridge of his pseudo-feline snout which pushes his spectacles to his forehead. Then he looks over at Tatum and raises a brow. "Excuse me?" eh asks.. apparently he has been so focused on his research he had missed what she said.. Then spots the book. "Ah, yes. I see. Yes. Well that is, despite the intricate story about class seperation, it really is just that.. a romance novel. But it is more about the Georgian Era that true middle ages." he corrects her with a smile. "Which, coincidently, is what I have been researching myself right now... Though what I am looking for is far less romantic."

And, damn his senstive ears, he can hear Ilyanna mumble and clears his throat. "Considering algebra is an important foundation level variable form of mathmatics, it can be VERY useful when fighting evil."

Magik has posed:
    Cue another mumble. This time in Russian, 'So is stabbing evil in the face.'. She only moves her head so that her chin is now on the tabletop and she angles her head so she can look at others effectively...through her bangs. She's in sore need for a trim. "I will leave that up to the 'smart, brainy' people, then," She even lifts her hands up to make airquotes. "They can use mathmatics to defeat evil." She'll be over here. Stabbing evil in the face.

    Sitting up straight now, she rubs her eyes and regards the myriad of stuff before her. She grabs her request form and works on filling it in so she can get it in at the end of the day. Lots of make up classes, yanno. They don't teach High School Courses in Limbo. Then she pauses, "Georgian Era romance?" She blinks here, looking from Tatum to Beast and looking utterly clueless.

Deadzone has posed:
The Goth is still looking at the book with distaste, clearly not happy that one of the "200 books to read before you die" list has romance novels in it. "Georgia has it's own era? Is that like the "Gone With the Wind" thing then? Wait, class seperation? Is this book gonna piss me off like the last one did? Seriously, the books on that list are all books to make you mad. They ain`t heard about reading supposed to be fun and relaxing?"

She offers a smile to Illyana, not understanding the russian any more then she understood half of what Hank says. "I'd offer to help you with your studies, but unless it's music related, you'd best ask someone like David." Then something Hank says trickles in and gets her attention. "What do you mean it's something you're working on. "You're researching Georgia?"

Beast has posed:
Hank sighs.. time to massage his snout again... squeezing the pressure away, hopefully. The attitudes that the blue furry teacher has to deal with sometimes. "That is a short sighted view, Miss Rasputun." he tells her. "Algebra.. ALL Mathematics.. is an essential discipline in todays world. It is a powerful tool for understanding the world around us and our perspective of the important issues facing us as individuals, families, businesses, and nations. Math surrounds us. We see and use math skills and capabilities every day. From balancing our checkbooks to advertising agencies to doctors, from retailers to builders, lawyers, and accountants. Everyone needs some level of specific math knowledge."

He walks over and leans on the edge of her table. "Algebra is not just numbers and equations. It's not just a science. It's a /philosophy/, just as much as The Art of War. In fact The Art of War is /rife/ with algebraic expressions. Both The Art of War, and Math, teaches us to think logically, to identify and state the problem clearly, to plan how to solve the problem, and then to apply the appropriate methods to evaluate and solve the problem. To devise answers to questions through formulaic analysis.. Which, I believe, is an important aspect of /magic/ is it not? As well as important to many martial trainings. So do not scoff or ignore the importance of mathematics."

He Then turns to look at tatum and raises a blue furry brow.. and sighs. "No.. The Georgian era era of British history is a period which takes its name from, the first four Hanoverian kings of Great Britain and Ireland who were all named George. George I, George II, George III and George IV." he tells her. "And It's something to do with a topic we spoke of.. Looking for the signs of mutancy hidden within history."

Magik has posed:
    "I think I need an elective or two, but I think I might be able to make that up during the next school year." Meaning she's trying to catch up on the 'essentials'. Hence? The Algebra thing. But right now, she has a blue furry teacher in front of her now, going on about math.

    And damned if she doesn't slump in her chair slightly, with rounded shoulders and crossed arms. But... and this should be considered a good thing! But... she's looking at Beast, albeit through the shadow cast by her bangs, while he speaks. She's listening. Not liking a damn word that's coming out of his kitty-mouth, but she's listening. Until he brings up the Art of War. Hey, she knows that book! Vaguely. NOte to self: Put on reading list. And then Hank hits a home run reminding her of how often magic itself can be formulaic. He can discern this because Illyana tilts her head to the side just so as if she was unaware of the parallel until it was just now pointed out to her. A slight 'huh' is uttered and she shifts so she sits up straighter. "Sounds easier to just stab evil in the face," she insists, though it lacks the bite of previous utterances. He's got her thinking, now, see?

    For TAtum? "I was thinking Georgia the country and thinking that the 'Georgian Era' was another way of referring to a nice little period of Russian history."

Deadzone has posed:
He's doing it again. He's talking that way that makes absolutely no sense even though she's pretty sure it's all english. Tatum holds the book in her arms and starts chewing on her lowerlip, looking over Dr. McCoy like he's some sort of dessert. She realizes what she is doing and takes a deep breath, looking away quickly and hoping Illyana didn't catch the Home Ec teacher looking at the Biology teacher like a grade A steak.

"Ummm.... wasn't that Pythagrius guy calling himself a mage back when he was around when it was all just math? That's what you told me.... which I'm not supposed to tell you. Dammit. Sorry."

Beast has posed:
Hank can see that he is getting through to Ilyanna because he can tell that she doesn't quite LIKE what she is saying.. The way she stares at him.. the way he rbody is set. In a way Hank is using Social Algebra to decipher her current mood and actions and the answer he gets is that she is LISTENING. And when she perks up the blue cat-ape grins a snaggletoothed grin and shrugs.

"Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well. he intones to her, like he is quoting someone. "Theodore Roosevelt said that. And do you know what that means?" he asks, but doesn't wait for an answer because he is on a roll.

"That Pursuing Easy does not make you better. If something is easy then it is 'sold cheap' and has no value. Easy is the /opposite/ of valuable. When something is done easy then nothing has really changed. You have not solved the problem. Have not conquered the world. You arent in any better place than before because you decided to take the easy pass. Make no mistake, you /might/ have arrived at where you are right now little bit faster but you will not have accomplished something that you can tell your friends you did this."

He urses his lips a moment. "The truth is that the easy path is the fastest way to regret. A guaranteed way to end up wishing you would have done something differently. It never looks like that at the beginning. The easy path looks like the sure thing. The smart choice. The way that insiders know to go. But the easy path is the quickest way of the edge of the cliff. And when you're so commited mmitted to whats easy you never realize that the most beautiful things in life come from hard work.. from believing in yourself. From almost falling off the edge but pulling yourself back up."

That last part.. the tone of his voice suggested that he speaks from experience.. painful experience.. he looks down at his blue furry claws a moment, then clenches them and sets them at his side. Distracted by tatum's question he looks to her once more. "He was most likely not a mutant, just intelligent. There are many more abnormally intelligent humans than mutants, if only because numbers. I was looking for something a bit more.. tangible."

Magik has posed:
    OH yes, she's listening. But don't worry, she's not about to interrupt. She wouldn't know the answer to that quote if it slapped her. There's still that tilt of her head. She's not as good at reading body language as he may be, but she can tell there's something behind those words. Perhaps the passion and conviction behind the words. At the end of it all, Illyana says simply of the argument presented: "And that's why I'm on /your/ side," alluding to the struggle she's constantly under held in check by a simple /choice/. She, however, can't resist the snark, "But sometimes you just need to get things /done/." And here, she gives him a smile...one that looks more like the one that belonged to a seven-year old girl that only recently ran amok about the mansion before being replaced with the teenager before him.

    But the important thing? Algebra is written on her schedule without a grumble.

    "He may very well have been a mage," she says her piece about ancient mathmaticians. "Magic has been part of this world for as long as there have been people to evoke it."

Deadzone has posed:
It would seem that Beast's speech hits home to Tatum at the very least. She hangs her head and sighs softly. Mental note, must find Remy and make sure he doesn't do that job she asked of him. She'll get a Stradavarius again, maybe even the one that she considers 'hers', but she'll do it through hard work.

Tatum looks to Hank and offers him a smile. "See, why couldn't my ex have said *that* before I went on my killing spree?"

Beast has posed:
Hank relaxes somewhat now, as if his rant was a form of catharis for him as much as a lecture for Illyana.. and tatum in truth. A lesson for /everyone/, inluding himself because if he doesn't learn from history, he may well be doomed to repeat it. His large shoudlers sag in reliefe and he leans more casually on the edge of the table. "Well of course sometimes one needs to just 'get things done', to quote Lawrence the Southern Male Cable Television Technician, but just because you CHOSE to do the thing to get done, doesn't mean the choice in itself was easy to make. You mistake celerity with lack of complexity." he says, half teasingly.

Then between the two he chuckles. "We do not need to label every intelligent nor talented individual a mutant or mage. It belittles their accomplishments, subtracts from their greatness. It is like that gentleman with the peacock fan of hair who used to be on television, saying "Aliens Did it", insinuating that humanity, in ANY form, could /not/ have accomplished great things like building The Pyramids or developing modern technology without extraterrestrial intervention." yeah, he looks a bit sour at that, but lightens up and looks at Tatum.

"I thought we were going to be Ixnay on the Illkay Eespray." he teases her.

Magik has posed:
    "No," Illyana says quietly, of choices at least. "They often aren't." Easy to make, that is. But she seems a little more relaxed now that Beast is relaxed. "But don't expect me to take up ..." She consults the classes again, "Geometry." Pause. "Unless I have to." But she won't if she doesn't! SO THERE. The demon queen crosses her arms with a light harumph with a toss of her chin. There's an ease there, suggesting she's shelving some of the tension and paranoia and trying to simply relax and be comfortable.

    "But what if aliens /did/ do it?" She points towards Beast here. She pulls her primer towards her and begins working on practicing the letters. When you get kidnapped by demons when your seven, you end up with horrible penmanship. At the mention of killing spree? She just flashes a bright, and thoroughly diabolical, smile towards Tatum.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum looks wide-eyed and innocent, a look she pulls off far too well considering she's not innocent at all. "What? It's not like I've killed anyone in this dimension!" She then shrugs her shoulders and smirks. "Yet."

With a laugh, she holds up her hands. "I'm kidding. I promise. I don't do that anymore. Or, well, I only do that when I try going sugar free." She waves a hand about. "It's complicated."

"Tell you what, you take Algebra and I'll keep reading these old books that are kinda infuriating. Cause it's apparently good for me. Like brussel sprouts."

Beast has posed:
Hank chuckles and pats Illyana on the shoulder as he lopes behind her and back towards the standing desk. "For a young lady with the ability to teleport between spatial locations, transversing THROUGH near-layer sub-dimensions, one would think she would /like/ to learn geometry to help refine her control over where she goes." he teases. He picks up his notebook and tucks it under one arm. "And I would not doubt that there was /some/ influence by extraterrestral entities in Earth's long past but the bulk of human achievment, and I include mutants among them, has been through our drive to survive as well as to pass on our genes /and/ memes to our descendents. Both of course chich have altered over time."

He then looks at Tatum and snorts. "The statute of limitations is truly a temporal limitation, not a spatial one." he informs her. "Besides, one way or another, you will PROBABLY be the death of SOMEONE..." he then stops and.. realizes how that could be taken is someone is not THAT niave.. and clears his throats. "Anyways, I think my neurons need a break and an influx of chemical energy provided by the holiest of holy non-confectionary gastronomical delights... Pizza. So... I bid you good evening Ilyanna." he then looks Tatum. "I'll be on the patio. It's a nice evening to eat outside."

Magik has posed:
    Aw, yay, she gets teacher pats! "Eventually," she says of her teleporting disks. Right now, she's lucky if she can get out of Limbo without getting lost. Maybe she should've put a /little/ more focus in honing her mutant power instead of putting all her brainpower into mastering black magic and overthrowing demonic asshole kidnappers. "Have a good evening, Dr. McCoy," she says as he makes his exit, fully intending to go back to her myriad of activities here. Handwriting practice, class selection... y'know, stuff. It's exciting. "Brussel Sprouts aren't that bad," she says to Tatum, before she frowns, noting a mistake on her class request form and sighing and she's back to rearranging things. AGAIN! She may be at this for a bit. Also? She's expecting the goth-teach to follow ye auld furry one.

Deadzone has posed:
"Good night, Illyana. Let me know if you need any help. I can't promise I'll be all that helpful, but I can at least try." She waves and starts to head off with Dr. McCoy. "Let me guess. Hawaiian? I can't believe you are having me put pineapple on a pizza. Pepperoni and mushrooms and that's it. I'm going to make two, just so I don't get your fruit taste on my pizza." The pair of teachers walk off, talking about the advantages and disadvantages of fruit on pizza and how pizza would be bland without the fruit salsa known as tomato sauce.