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Latest revision as of 20:07, 24 October 2017

Hey it's a bar scene
Date of Scene: 23 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Queen, Wolverine

Black Queen has posed:
The bar may be generically steamy and dark, but Selene has somehow made one of the tables into her lair, and the people who come near are drawn in like flies. There are about two or three men near the table at any one time, with large glasses and loud voices, bellowing with laughter as Selene coaxes them psychically and sends them away when she's bored. Even the server falls into a daze as he pours Selene's drink, a deep red wine. Sitting there on her chair in her Morticia dress, she crosses her legs and takes the wine from the server with a smile, "Tell me, the last time I came here you told me about some interesting visitors. Who else have you seen since then?" she asks, as she becomes an intelligence officer, albeit one with an easy mission, because she smiles and plays tricks with the man. The rest of the bar has some customers but not enough for it to be really busy. The bartender wipes glasses with a cloth and says nothing.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan was currently smoking one of his cigars, and wondering what had brought him to this place. His eyes scan the area carefully, and his hearing in on high alert. Sniffing absently he picks up...something. Something familiar. Hearing a familiar voice in the corner of the tavern, Logan frowns, and sniffs, absently.

    Removing his cigar from his mouth with his left hand, Logan walks towards Selene, his frown evident on his face. Tipping his cowboy hat with a touch of his right hand, Logan says, "What brings you here? Lookin' fer me?" Logan looks down at her drink, and says, "An' who orders a wine in a place like this?" Placing his cigar back in his mouth, he takes a small breath, enjoying the taste.

Black Queen has posed:
As Logan steps right up to Selene's table like an arrogant lil bugger, Selene smiles and says, "Hello Logan," she tells him. The aura of the table pulls at Logan and draws him in, trying to suck him into Selene's world, where people feel at ease around her and trust her and want to do her bidding. If he's strong enough, he might resist. "Oh Logan, I'm back in New York after a small trip. Well, what are you drinking?" she asks, "Why don't you join me?" she suggests slowly, her hand sliding from the glass and motioning across from her, the black nails are her hand make the invitation seem threatening or inviting, depending on your persepective. She even motions next to her with a coy smile, suggesting an alternative.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Uh huh." Logan blinks, and shakes his head. He gets a steel expression on his face, and with a supreme effort, grunts and says, "None of that Selene. Naughty, naughty." Logan moves the cigar to the other side of his mouth, and waves to the bartender. It was taking a lot out of him to resist. "I'll have whatever ya got on tap, bub." A moment later, Logan grabs the beer, which gives him a brief respite from the pull of Selene.

    Logan moves back to the table where Selene was sitting, and adds, "Like I said. Lookin' fer me. Typical." Logan takes a big gulp of the beer, and wipes the foam from his face with the same hand holding the cigar, now conveniently located in his right hand. Resisting the urge to sit down, Logan adds, "What do ya' want? I thought no one knew I came here."

Black Queen has posed:
With a smile and a small lil chuckle, Selene says, "Right to the chase, that's what I like about you, Logan," she comments. Tilting her chin up to look at him, Selene says, "Relax, sit down, let's talk. Come on. If anything is worth doing, it is worth doing...slowly, you know," she suggests and smiles again.

"Jose is a friend of mine, I just came to talk to him. That's all," she says coyly, "It is your favorite bar? Oh I forgot," she suggests and snickers. It's fun to poke and prod at Logan's mind, testing the defenses and trying to make him paranoid. Maybe she's just trying to test him or tease him but she doesn't put much effort behind it after he complains to her, "Don't worry, you can trust me."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan regards Selene cooly. His eyes study her thoughtfully for several moments, looking her over. Logan was nothing if not forward, and he doesn't hide his observation of her, from her hair, to her hands, to her dress, and everything else. After all, he had to make sure she didn't have any hidden weapons. Satisfied, Logan frowns, and puts the half-finished beer mug on the table. With a grunt, he sits.

    Placing his cigar in the ashtray on the table, Logan sits back and crosses his arms. "I know yer up to something, Selene. Jose who?" Logan takes a moment to look over his shoulder at the bartender who shrugs his shoulders. "Uh huh. Yer being polite, coy, and...seductive." Logan grunts. "That usually means ya want something...or someone." His eyes narrow. "Trust ya, eh? I don't think so. Cut to the chase. You need me fer somethin'..." He was paranoid. S'why he's loved so long.

Black Queen has posed:
Selene Gallio leans forward and one of her slim fingers comes up like a teacher about to tell the student to listen, "I am going to be at the Club. And I do not care if you tell Xavier himself. He is still alive, isn't he? It won't make a difference. My friends and I are going to have some fun," she explains and leans back again, uncrossing her legs and then recrossing them slowly. She has a little sip of wine and says, "Why don't you come by more often, Logan?" she asks, using psychology (instead of psionics) to smile coyly, and suggest that he should do just that. "Come by and we can talk more about anything you want," she suggests, inviting the Logan into the den.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Charlie is still alive." Logan refuses to uncross his arms, as Selene talks. "Fun." Logan shakes his head and growls. Fighting to resist, he blinks, and shakes his head. Selene can hear a low rumble in his chest, as he fights her seduction powers. "Huh. I don't think it would work out between us Selene." Logan stands up, and grabs his beer. He finishes it off, and lets the foam dribble down his chin. He points a finger at her, and says, "Just stay outta our way, Selene. Yer friends should be warned. You know how I can get when I get mad. It ain't pretty."

    Logan turns away, and stops. Turning back, he reaches down and picks up his cigar. With a "chomp" he puts it back in his mouth before realising that it was no longer lit. Not wanting to lose face, he ignores it and says, "And stay outta my bar!" Grumbling, he heads out the door. Now another watering hole ruined. He'd have to find another.