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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/23 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=87, 143 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:87|Vorpal (87)}} has pos...")
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Latest revision as of 20:12, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 23 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 87, 143

Vorpal (87) has posed:
So.... that was a disaster.

It was a cat-astrophe.

Hah. Hah. Hah.

A heavy cloud of emotional rain still drenched down on Tommy. Heartbreak tends to permeate everything for quite some time, but even that can't quite stop Tommy from doing something that needed to be done.

It's not like he's stalking Marinette. He just looked up which potential courses, being a Freshman, she might be taking in design, and decided to stake out the rooms. It wasn't like he kept a chart with the things she did every day, where she went, her birthday, frequented places, etcetera. What kind of nutbag would do THAT? No. He was just sitting at one of the assorted rest areas near the most recent class, which should be ending soon. And he waited.

He didn't look like Tommy, either. He was a relatively nondescript guy with mousy brown hair, and boring clothes. Mister Cellophane himself.

The better to stalk you with, my dear.

Except he's totally not stalking you.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari had made herself as scarce as possible after walking in om Adrien ans Tommy. She hadn't stuck around for what happened next. THAT was certainly none of her business.

Instead, she had thrown herself headfirst into her schoolwork. Was staying after, then going to the library until they kicked her out and she was forced to heas home at which point she retreated to her room immediately and went right back to work.

Class had ended and after taking a moment to stop by her locker, it was on to the next one which was on the other side of the campus. Books held to her chest and head down, the girl seemed to be trying to make herself as small as possible. Odd given how bold and passionate she is about her work.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Three feet tall. That's how he feels. The way Adrien had described Marinette, she was... well. She wasn't like this.

Moving on silent cat feet, he waits for a good time to duck into a cranny and then appear as his human self... but walking behind her so as to remain unseen until the crowds thin out.

"H-hey..." he says, finally, with a thread of voice, after gathering the courage and picking up step to come up to her side. "... would it be okay if... can we... can we talk?"

He's asking. THAT, he did hear.

"... please?"

He doesn't realize he's doing it, but there's about six scoopfuls of pathetic in his voice right now.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari should be angry. Shouldn't she? She should be furious ans raging and hateful but... That's just not who she is. Did hurt? Hell yes. As badly as what he did to her in Paris. But none of that was Tommy's fault and she can't blame him for falling for Adrien when she did too.

"Sure, Tommy." She even manages a smile for him. It's small but there's warmth there and it's genuine.

"Look... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you that night. Adrien hit a sore subject and I just... Forgive me?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I... I feel I need to explain. You don't need to ask for my forgiveness..." he nods towards one of the picnic tables set out in the open. The food court area isn't too far away, but it's late and everybody who wants to munch is inside. There's one that's right under the branches of a weeping willow. Semi-concealed.

He starts walking in that direction and sits himself, clearly wanting to be seen by other people as much as Mari herself. "... that night... I am so sorry. I didn't realize I was being an..." He sighs and runs his fingers across the table, making them like a little man running. It relaxes him.

"I can come on strong. Check that. I come on strong a lot. I thought that maybe if I..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Bluebell blue eyes widen. "Oh no. No, you don't. You and Adrien, that's... That's none of my business. I'm thrilled he's found someone to let in."

She alters her path to join him at the table. "So can Chat. I'm used to it. Don't worry about that, really. Just... I'm happy for you and Adrien. It ... hurts, yes. A lot. But as lobg as he has someone to be himself with... He spends so much time trying to please everyone else, especially his father, that I'm afraid he's lost himself... or has yet to find himself..."

And now she's rambling because it hurts to think about it but she wants Adrien happy. Even if it means she has to hurt some.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And a finger raises and stops an inch away from Marinette's lips- no touchy, because fur under the illusion. "... Marinette, no!" Oh god, she has this ALL wrong. It would be funny if it weren't hearbtreaking for him.

"Mari... what you saw was just the overture. You didn't stay for act one. Act one was basically the..."

He tries to put it differently. "Marinette, Adrien is straighter than an arrow riding on a laser tracing a Mondrian composition. THAT'S how straight he is."

He lowers his hand back onto the table. "... I fell hard for him and I completely mis-read every single thing. And I think that's a thing that happens not just with me."

And he lets that sink in.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
He hushed her...? He hushed her! No one's actually ever done that before.

And then he attempting to explain what really happened and there's a blibk of confusion becore the metaphor he uses causes her to laugh. Which only lasts a heaetbeat before she clamps a hand over her mouth, looking absolutely horrified. "Ohgod. I'm so sorry!" His pain is not the least bit funny.

"Adrien is... He's easy to fall for. He's not like the other models... so full of themselves. He's warm and sweet and thoughtful... He doesn't see his own str--"

She blibks then, head tilting as she shifts to lool at Tommy more fully. "What have I misread? Besides the obvious."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy blinks for a few seconds, before his mouth curls to the side a little, and then he actually chuckles. A little. "... it's... it'd actually be funny, if you think about it. For crying out loud, I kissed him! He must have been terrified."

He hehs, looking down at the table. "I first met him while he was doing a photo shoot for the summer catalog at the park, by the fountain. A speedo. The. Tiniest. Speedo. In the world."

He holds up a hand to demonstrate the width. "But yeah, he's sweet and thoughtful. But what you're misreading is that that boy is terrified."

He leans back. "I don't know of what, or of whom. But he's locked *tight* like a steel trap. And he occasionally lets someone close. But then that fear... something." He shakes his head. "And I've seen him through two different perspectives..."

He looks at her with piercing green eyes, suddenly very focused. "He's as scared, and you're sad."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I know he's scared. And he's isolated ans terrified of failing and being abandoned and disappointing his father..."

Tears prick at Mari's eyes. "And I try to be there for him, not matter hownhe pushes me away or how much it hurts." And god does it hurt.

"I'm lucky to able to string to sentences together around him most of the time but I try... Even after he left... I want to be angry. I want to haye him because maybe if I did, it wouldn't so bad to still want to help when he seemed so ashamed to be seen with me... Which isn't Adrien but I..."

She's sad. And confused. And still very much in love with him.

All of a sudden, she quiets and lidts her head. "I'm so sorry, Tommy. I'm sorry you hurt like that." She wouldn't wish it on anyone. "How do I help?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The ears, invisible, perk forward. "You want to have him... of course!" his eyes widen. "... now it all makes sense. Oh geez... you mean that both you and I have fallen for the same guy?"

He lets out a little chuckle, and shakes his head. "What a pair are we, huh?"

His face is still not the same grinning radiance it usually is. But if there's something that can help him not focus on his own pain? Someone else's.

"Ashamed to be seen with you? No. That's not Adrien. You've hit it right on the head."

He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a hankie, offering it to Mari after seeing the tears in her eyes. His own eyes hurt from crying, so he doesn't think he's going to have waterworks for a bit, yet.

"Let me not jump to any conclusions first. Tell me about Gabrie Agreste. In your own words."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinettw blinks for a moment before taking the offered cloth and wiping at yer eyes. "Thank you."

She hehs softly and nods. "I've loved him almost from the time I met him but I could never... I was a mess around him." It's funny but it's so embarrassing.

"Adrien's father? He's... a brilliant designer. Dedicated to his work." Her eyes drop. "Not... so much his son. Part of me want to believe it's all a twisted way of trying to protect Adrien but... Ever since his mother... Adrien's father manages evey sibgle setail. What he eats. Where he goes. When he goes. Birrhdays... holidays... They aren't celebrated. He's caged his son. Afraid the outside world will hurt him maybe? Or he'll lose Adrien too. I don't know. But I know Adrien doesn't like modeling. He wants a normal life."

Sad blue eyes lift to Tommy. "It's a beautiful cage with everything anyone could ever want... except freedom."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Don't you see?" Tommy says, after some silence. "He's the bird in the golden cage. You, me... well more you than me... are that little open door. Caged birds aren't that good at flying the long flight. And you can't coax them out forcefully. They have to be enticed. And sometimes they may peck when startled."

Okay, carrying this bird thing too far, maybe. "It's all he's known, and leaving everything you've known can be scary. Even move countries, cages can follow."

He leans back and looks at Marinette. That sadness. Of course.

"And your little heart breaks because you want that bird flying out there with you. You don't strike me as a girl who withers away, Marinette DuPain-Cheng. But maybe you've been in the shade a little too long, your petals are getting musty."

He looks at her, and then says. "Pretend I am a genie. Ask me for one wish, from the bottom of your heart. Don't overthink it."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Because I know he can, Tommy!" It's said with such certainty and passion. "I've seen him fly. Don't tell me you haven't? Those rare moments when he gets lost in whatever he's doing... When the mantle and weight of his last name falls away. When the masks slip and you get to see, for thay moment before his wibgs are clipped, who he really is..."

And then she blinks. "One wish... Anything?" She smiles. "I'd wish for Adrien to be happy. Truly, genuinely happy." Even if it isn't with her. "The kind that comes when your heart and soul know peace." No hesitation.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Marinette, I like helping wishes come true. I may be the wrong kind of fairy for this job... but I've only known Adrien for a very short time, and you can't help but love him. Also..." there's a glint in his eye. "Who knows? I don't see how he could find a better person than the girl who's stuck by his side even when she's hurting. But maybe we can help that..."

He gets up and looks around. "Come this way. There's something I must say for your ears only."

He tiptoes away behind the tree. There is a little meditation garden there, secluded away. It only has one entrance, and anyone approaching would be heard thanks to the gravel. He stops in the dead center and turns, to wait for her.

"How good are you at keeping secrets?" he asks.

Only if he knew.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Words cannot describe the sheer amount of respect rhat Tommy's cultivated today. Or trust for that matter. All because he seems to genuinely want to see Adrien happy.

"I'm trying really gard not to laugh at that." Because it would be feeding a stereotype! "You really can't. He's very easy to love." And then she's blushing brightly and working hard not to get her hopes up.

Beckoned in the direction of the tree, she stands and follows. And then into the garden. "Wow. I didn't know this was here..."

But then he's asking about secrets and that sadness over takes her again. "All too well."

Vorpal (87) has posed:

He turns around to watch the garden, and grins. "I come here every now and again when I want to be alone. Everybody needs that."

"Even if I can't trust what Adrien's fear makes him do... I trust his heart. And he trusts you, it's plain as day. Even if he's too afraid to let anything show... so I am going to show it for him."

He turns towards Marinette and says, "In the daytime, I'm just plain Tommy Hunter, regular dude with a boring life. But... I have a secret."

And then, he's GONE.

No special poofs. He's just gone in less than a second.

And then, a tail begins to appear. Feet. Legs encased in spandex, and then Vorpal is standing there, grinning at Marinette with the same smile that Tommy had. It's a little low-wattage at the moment, but it's the same. "And this is my secret, Marinette Dupain-Cheng." He puts his hands on his hips.

"You are the only one who knows. Not even Adrien." Then it might become clear. This is an offering. He's literally putting his fate in her hands.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Adrien trusts her??

But then Tommy's gone and Mari's left blinking until... There's a tail and she giggles because it reminds her of Alice in Wonderland.

She stares at him. Long and hard, clearly contemplating something. "Two years ago... I made my partner promise me we'd never reveal our secret identites to anyone. Not even each other."

She pulls her purse off and holds it out to him. "Hold this?" Yes, it's partially open. "More and more, I regret that decision..."
    She isn't -telling- him pet se.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"... I was expecting at least a little shout. Or maybe a squee. Some people have tried to pet me." Vorpal chuckles and reaches out to take the purse. He looks down at it, because the design catches his eye. "... did you design this? Because this is the cutest thing I've ever seen, oh my god!" he says, bringing it up to his chest so he can see it closely. "Adrien said you designed stuff for him. A hat with feathers?" he says, distractedly as he first looks at the side, and then looks at the inside. "...partner?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Which should tell you something about my life, shouldn't it?"

She blushes brightly. "Yes. I did. He's allergic to feathers though..."

She watches as he peeks inside, where there's a little sleeping 'doll' with bold black spots.

"Yes. He's... The balance? We're a goos team."

And then the 'doll' blinks its eyes open and yawns.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And HE is the one who is startled.

"Aw... that's the cutest little plu-AH!"

The purse spins in the air as the 'doll' blinks. It's spinning too fast for the contents of the purse or its tiny inhabitant to be tossed, fortunately, and he catches it almost immediately.

"... there's a... there's a...."

Where's your cool now, Cheshire Cat?

"There's a little...."

He looks down at the purse, eyes as wide as Puss in Boot's, "... is there catnip in this purse?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
His reaction causes the kind of laugh that Adrien is most familiar with. It's warm and bright and makes her eyes light up and dance. She had the same kind of reaction when she first met Tikki.

"I don't tend to carry catnip... Last thing I need it Chat digging around in my purse and finding her."

"I can't tell you... You deserve to know. To know you're trusted too. You can put two ans two together..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
His eyes go wide. And then he looks down at the bag again. Chat. Partner. And this... this....

He looks up with a rather hushed tone.

"Is this little one..."

He looks into the purse, realizing it's not cool to talk about someone as if they're not there.

"... you're a kwami?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And out she pops. "Hi! I'm Tikki! And yes, I'm the Kwami of the Ladybug Miraculous!" She leans forwars and smiles ever so cutely at him, antennae wiggling. "How so you know about us?" She'll lecture Marinette later about giving away her identity.

Mari smirks, knowing she'll get talked to about it. "Tikki this is... uhh... Do you use a different name?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Vorpal. Vorpal -the- Cheshire Cat." He says, after he stops gaping.

"Holy cow... you are Ladybug! Thats the most awesome thing... ever!" He has to sit down at the bench, though.

"... and the purse is still adorable."

"Hi Tikki! Er... I hope I didn't dizzy you up too much. Actually.. funny thing about that. This one day I was chasing a strange creature through a neighborhood, and it walked INTO a painting. I followed it and I ended up in a painted magical garden created by a Yokai... a good one, mind you. And there, bold as day, was Chat Noir having tea with the Yokai. And the discussion turned to spirits, to kami, and then kwami... and Chat told me about the Miraculous and the Kwami... we sort of know each other. We fought a robbery together and then we've hung out a bit. But he couldn't, of course, show me what his Kwami looks like. But the description the Yokai gave..."

He looks at Tikki again. "Can she be any more adorable? Man, I'd love to have a friend like that." He grins at Marinette and gives her a long, thoughtful look.

"You are just jewelry box full of surprises, aren't you, Marinette?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And now it's Mari's turn to gape. "Like... from Alice in Wonderland??" Blink. "Thank you. And yeah but... It's been a while since I've transformed..."

Tikki giggles. "You mean Plagg. He's the Kwami of the Cat Miraculous."

Mari blushes and so does Tikki. "More than I should be, I'm afraid," Mari answers. "I should tell Chat. And Adrien. I want to. I hate lying to them but..."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"The one and the same! Mind you, I'm not -exactly- who I used to be. I'm kind of the milkshade made out of two different people. I *am* Tommy Hunter, but I am also the Cheshire cat. Cat soul trapped in a magic mirror a long time ago. And then Tommy fell against the mirror, got impaled, died." He taps his chest. "Soul in mirror shard and soul in shish-ka-Tommy merge, and here I am!" he spreads his arms.

"Yes, Plagg! Chat says he stuffs himself full of Camembert cheese, which is why Chat always smells like he just stepped out of a wine and cheese sampler." He giggles.

The cat stands up. "I get it. You want to protect each other. People getting to you through your loved ones, etcetera. I know all of the reasons... I mean..."

He looks down at the ground and kicks a pebble, looking a little downcast. "I used to be part of the reason why heroes have to keep secret identities. I sort of worked... still work... for a skeezy hero tabloid. But I'm working my way out of that..." he looks up at Marinette. "But it doesn't have to necessarily stay a secret forever. Things change. And yes, Chat Noir may be a cocky, incorrigible, somewhat reckless hopeless punster... but he's adorable."

he pauses. That is NOT what he meant to say. "... I mean, but you can count on him and he really is a good kitty. It may be a matter of time."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari smiles. "That's what I thought when I made him promise to keep it a secret. And then I realized, if they knew who I was... then I'd always be available... Not just when I was tranaformed." Except she doesn't transform anymore.

"I know. Everyone thinks I was the star of our pairing... He saved more times than I can count. He's a good guy. And funny but I didn't say that."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I want you to help you help Adrien. And yourself." He reaches out a hand to her. "Call me a sucker but I love happy endings. If I can't have the prince, I'm more than willing to be the mouse helping the plucky heroine get her wish." And, for a moment, he sprouts mice ears and buck teeth. And then, they're gone.

"We'll need to think, and I won't reveal your secret to him..." he realizes he needs to be more specific. "That you are Ladybug AND in love with him. Until you want to reveal them yourself."

"But, in return, I'd like you to do something."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And she laughs which is accompanied by a bright, almost tinkle like giggle from Tikki.

"I don't want you too hurt thoigh, Vorpal..." She really doesn't! He seems to be a good guy and clearly a great friend. "Thank you..."

Her heax tilts curiously as Tikki settles back down in the purse. "What's that?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I'll be fine. Hey, maybe I can hit on the cat. What have I got to lose?" he jokes, but then he gets a knowig look on his face.

"I take regular patrols at night. Join me one night- you pick the night. You may not be getting the spots on as of late..." he knows. He's noticed there's a ton of reports for Chat Noir, but Ladybug? Sometimes having skeezy tabloid connections helps. "But this is your home. If, at least, for a little while. And while there are no akumas around..." his eye glints, that conversation was very informative, "... you never know when they might pop up. The good people of this city might just need a miracle. And... really. You do not know a city until you leap through its rooftops and see it from above. That's when you can love something- when you see the whole of what it is and just embrace it."

Sneaky cat arches eyebrow. "Or someone."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari chuckles softly, shaking her head slightly. "Just don't scare my chaton," is said playfully. "For all his bravado... He is a kitten." She has no idea he's serious!

And then the request comes. There's a moment of hesitation before her shoulders square and she nods. "Alright." It's a small thing to be asked by someone who is setting their own pain so selflessly aside.

Sneaky cat is sneaky and it has Mari smirking. "Point taken." The bell rings and she reaches for her purse, pausing to grin. "Ya know... I always thought the Cheshire Cat was better than any fairy. I'd rather have a grand, confusing, fantastic adventure than be turned into a pumpkin or put to sleep for a hundred years."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal grins, and the illusion covers him again, leaving Tommy behind. "Welcome to my life, Marinette. Don't worry, I've got your back." He stretches. He doesn't have any classes- all of his finals are done, and he didn't sign up for any summer classes because he's a bum. "And I miiiight have to ask for your advice on something embarrassing now that Summer's around the corner. But I'll let you get to class.... in style."

He knows where her next class is. He quickly opens up a Rabbit Hole that leads... into the ladies' bathroom in that building.

What? he was thorough in casing the joints.

"Just step right through through Vorpal express, mademoiselle. And if you're hungry after class, meet me a Ay Chihuahua just across the street. I'll be having my protein Mexican fuel intake before I go on patrol. I'll buy you dinner!"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari's eyes light up. She knowz what the rabbit hole is and she all but bounces. Purse slung back over her head, she giggles and reaches out to give him a quick hug. "You can ask anything. " And then she grins ans steps up to the hole. "Oh wow! And I'll be there. I've tried Mexican before. Au Revoir, kitty."

A quick wave and in she goes.

It would seem, not only has he made a friend but found a fangirl too.