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Revision as of 20:15, 24 October 2017

Metro Bomber Girls: Derby in Brooklyn
Date of Scene: 24 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gravitas, Stargirl

Gravitas has posed:
The girls are circling the court and Victoria is in control right now. In the derby uniform there's no hiding the fact that she's a short, fairly full-figured girl with long blonde hair that likes to bounce- what little of it is outside her helmet. That low center of mass and slightly above average weight for her fairly athletic build actually does alot for her when it gets physical. Victoria is a jammer. Right now she's just broken past two girls who are about four inches taller than she is and is cruising out for another couple of points. They tried to wall her off. She ducked low and broke past their hips. It'd be impossible if she were 5'6" like most of the other girls.

The star on her helmet is a bright purple to stand out against the black in their uniforms. It makes her pretty notable as she laps again, extending the jam. Soon enough, it's the end of the game . One hundred sixty-two to one hundred fifty-seven. Tori, of all the players, has a few impressive scrapes and bruises but she and her bouncing honey-brown curls are all smiles as she skates away, perspiration streaming down her face to sting her eyes.

There's some arguing over if the Tornado hit the girls below mid thigh and was out of bounds when she broke that block to win the game. The referees have upheld the play. The crowd is going crazy, most of them frustrated.

Metropolis shouldn't be winning in NYC! What's this world coming to?

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney had seen roller deby on television before, but never in person. So, when there was a promotion on tickets and snacks she decided to go catch a match between NY and Metropolis. It had been an exciting match, watching the ladies go round and round the track, some getting catapulted forward by others. She had added her voice to the choir of cheering voices as the game wore on, especially for the shorter one with the star helmet. Of course the one with the star helmet. "Whoo! Go!" she shouted as her adopted player wins the match, even if it's for the wrong side.

Gravitas has posed:
The adopted player in the star helmet with all of the bruises is soon emerging from behind the scenes, now in a star t-shirt! It proudly proclaims her as a jammer for the Metro City Bomber Girls. She's a striking thing in her own way- certainly colourful, wearing a purple t-shirt, blue jeans, with golden-brown hair, pale blue eyes, caramel skin and a perfect white smile. One that she applies liberally as she walks. Even the people who are booing or shouting 'Cheater!' There are always a couple. People are like that. Tori even gets to sign an autograph. The Metropolis-NYC rivalry has been going intensely for years so this is actually a reasonably high profile game.

Someone hands Tori a tray with hot dogs on it. Three of them. Someone else decides to try to give her a shove. Tori swings her body so that the shove misses- possibly by happenstance. She blinks at the angry fan in question. "Whoa, dude. Calm down... Um. Have a hot dog?" Unbelievably, that seems to work.

Now with only two hot dogs Tori continues on her way. At this point, unbeknownst to the Jammer, Tor is passing Courtney's seat. She looks for all the world like the cat that ate the canary and bobbing along with the after game rock music.

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney is here in a whitetop bearing Captain America's red-white-and blue shield on the front and a pair of well-worn jeans sans knees over her red-laced boots. Game over, she spies the Tornado reppearing and she moves to intercept. "Great g... hey!" she starts to compliment the player when she notes the man about to shove her. "Leave her be, you dong." Courtney tells the fan, though he seems mollified by the offer of a free sausage in a bun.

Gravitas has posed:
"Everything's good," Tori informs Courtney cheerful, smiling her most incandescent grin for the benefit of the taller, blond teen. The guy with the hot dog has already eaten half of it and his mouth is full enough he thinks better of repsonding and just wanders away. "Thanks, though! Hey, my name's Tori." The Tornado! As her shirt will gladly inform people. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Seems like a lot of people here are, um, less enthusiastic." She shrugs at that. "Hot dog?" She has two left after all.

Stargirl has posed:
"I don't want to take your food away." Courtney says with a return smile. "Well, so long as everything's alright." and she shrugs. "It's just New York. People have bad attitudes, not like in California. I mean, what can you do?" she says with a shrug. "Courtney. Nice to meetcha." She looks at the hot dogs again. "Well, I guess I could buy you a soda or something in exchange. A peace offering between the cities, I guess."

Gravitas has posed:
"Okay, great. It's... A little crowded here and they're closing up concessions. Plus I'm not actually a huge fan of hot dogs, some guy just shoved them at me." Tori blinks once and then offers Courtney another of those brilliant smiles of hers. Perhaps she's practiced. They certainly fit her... Colorful... appearance. "Nice to meet you too. If you'd rather not fight the crowd there's a burger place like a block away or something where we could actually sit down. I can even sign something if you want." She bops a little bit, standing in place. All is right with the world.

Stargirl has posed:
"Hey, sure. Why not?" Courtney says. "You were great out there. That looks like a lot of fun." She smiles again. "Do the have nachos?" she asks. "I wish I could skate. How do you get involved in this kind of thing?"

Gravitas has posed:
"They post tryout calls on the walls during games actually. I think I grabbed a card for the Brooklyn team even if you want in." Tori is rooting around in a pocket, frowning thoughtfully. "Anyway, it's not super hard. Sport's really taken off the last few years, though! And- okay. Nachos. So not the burger place. But there's Mexican out there too. New York City is amazing" Laughing, Tori turns toward the entrance to the skating rink. "Great. Let me just unload these and..." Tori shoves them at a dude walking by and gets a big thumbs up. "Perfect. Okay, let's go." To the front doors! She doesn't move too fast just in case Courtney doesn't keep up. But Tori is full of energy, evenw hen she's sweaty and beaten up. The bruises on her arms and legs are har to miss as the swelling continues.

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney keeps up, this isn't a problem. "A burger place is fine, I was juse wondering if they had nachos." She laughs, though. "Burgers with a superstar? How'd I get so lucky?" she asks. "Maybe I'm a spy for the other team?"

Gravitas has posed:
"I'm the lucky one," Tori replies, shrugging slowly. She doesn't really elaborate, however. Instead she adds, "Superstar is a bit much. We're hoping though! Maybe if the game goes pro..." Tori laughs as well, shrugging a single shoulder. "Anyway, if you're a spy you'll learn I love nachos and sodas, and I eat a lot to maintain my fabulous figure," Tori states rather seriously. "I hope you use this information well." Despite Courtney agreeing to burgers Tori leads her to nachos. It's just how she is. Soon enough the smaller girl is holding the door for her blonde companion. "After you."

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney enters, then. "You're no fun." the blonde complains. "You're supposed to be cagey, to try to pump me for information." but of course she's not serious. "Your figure's fine. But I guess you need nachos to build up your strength to kick New York girl-butt?"

Gravitas has posed:
"Ah, but I am lulling you into a false sense of security by being all genuine and stuff and then all your secrets will be mine! Who's cagey now?" Tori grins at that. She leads the way to the counter cheerfully. No crowds here, though the place has a fair number of people eating. "Yes, that. Kicking butt, taking names, putting on a bit of muscle." Tori doesn't have an athlete's figure, really. She's fairly trim, at least. "Okay, so... two of the full-sized nachos, second one extra hot, definitely give us the guacamole... Courtney, chicken or beef? Actually, you go ahead. They're nachos." She steps back to let her new friend order. Once this is done Tori will lead the way to a table too.

Stargirl has posed:
"Chicken, I think." Courtney completes the order. She follows when it's time to sit. "Yeah, I'm Courtney Whitmore. She introduces herself again at the table. "You're going to have to show me how to skate, then. Then I can end up dumping you on your rear in a match."

Gravitas has posed:
"Sounds like a date," Tori agrees, reaching for her food as she does. She adds, "Victoria Elizabeth Lawrence's my name and I will gladly teach you how to get your ass kicked if that's what sounds like fun. I've got time to hang out." She grins then. Tori went for the por kand not the chicken. With the serrano salsa and guacamole on the side for both girls. The plates of nachos are absolutely massive, and Tori sets into hers with a gret degree of enthusiasm. SHe is at least polite enough to swallow before speaking again, "I'm in town for... Like. One more day. If you want to go skating tonight we can, otherwise we'll have to schedule it out."

Stargirl has posed:
Courtney sets about eating her food as well. "Yeah? You were just here for the game?" She has a sip of her soda to wash some nachos down. "You're in Superman-town, then? I go to CUNY, though I haven't figured out for sure what to study, Physics, maybe. I don't know."

Gravitas has posed:
"Fraid so," Tori agrees, nodding. "I bet I can look you up when I come back to town though. I visit a few times a year," she adds, tilting her head slightly as she does. Soda. Nachos. Nachos. Soda. THen there's sweating due to spicy salsa. Tori's cheeks are turning red. More spicy salsa follows. "Yeah. I've been going to Met U. I actually just chose Physics for my majora litle bit ago. I think. I could still change it..." That draws a shyer, still genuine, smile from Victoria, who looks up to study Courtney for a second before returning to her food. "Okay, so. Real talk. Skating. Tonight or tomorrow. Pick a time."