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Latest revision as of 21:59, 29 March 2024

The Gift of Compassion
Date of Scene: 17 November 2023
Location: Avenger's Mansion
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Emma Frost

Captain America has posed:
It is not an ideal sort of situation.

Last night a small riot nearly became something much more serious. Nothing too shocking right? Except in this case the location of the riot was Mutant Town. And the perpitrator? Naturally it was a mutant. Which means that the fact that any member of the Avengers was involved makes it something of a charged situation. Let alone Captain Amercia himself.

Generally when a crime is committed, Steve Rogers is pretty good about turning over the suspect to police custody, to allow them to be dealt with by the legal authorities. But he has grown since waking up decades from the time he was born into. And he has come to both understand and respect that things are not always black and white and that sometimes a more... nuanced approach is required.

Which is why he brought the teen boy back to the Avenger's Mansion after the incident and has been holding him ever since. Cap does not intend to hold the boy indefinitely though. Nor, however, does he intend to hand him over to the authorities. Instead he has found another option. A thired option.

Which is why he is standing in the lobby of the mansion, opening the door for his guest...
Emma Frost has posed:
While Emma Frost, teacher at the Xavier Institute, White Queen of the Hellfire Club and one of the foremost telepaths in the world, is usually glad for the excuse to get away from Westchester and into the city proper, there is no denying that these are not the most ideal of circumstances admittedly.

One of the other things that she is -- aside from a CEO and immaculate dresser -- is a fierce advocate of mutant rights. Which means that her interest, first and foremost is the teen boy currently being held here. Regardless of what happened last night. That is always going to be her focus.

Though even she might find herself just a little unnerved to find herself on the opposite side of this particular exchange given that it is Captain America who is greeting her.

Heels click quietly as she takes those last few steps and strides through the open door, into the lobby of the Avenger's Mansion as if she owns the place. Though that confident, haughty demeanor might be given lie by anyone watching particularly closely as she fights against the impulse to let that pink tongue flash and wet her lips.

"I think we both know why I'm here. If you would be so good as to fetch the boy, Captain," she says briskly, words quick and clipped as if she intends to just unleash a verbal onslaught until she gets her way.
Captain America has posed:
None of this is entirely unexpected.

The Avengers have access to a great deal of information. It helps to be tuned into most government agencies, to SHIELD and a host of other bodies. So Steve was fairly certain just who he would be meeting and has already read up on the dossier.

So the brusque manner, the seeming demands issued, none of it particularly phases Captain America. Instead his brow quirks ever so slightly, a brief smile touches his lips before he smoothes it away -- no point in putting the blonde telepath on the defensive by suggesting that he doesn't take her seriously. Because he most certainly does.

"Ms. Frost. I appreciate you coming down on such short notice. You will note that I contacted you school instead of turning the youth over to the authorities. Which is what I should have done by the letter of the law," he points out mildly.

"So I hope you don't mind spending just a few moments to explain just what is it that you intend to do about this situation," Steve says quietly. "Things escalated very close to dangerous violence," he adds gently.
Emma Frost has posed:
That effort to build up a head of steam and simply roll right over Captain America is brought to an abrupt, if rather gentle end.

It was never much of a plan really. The idea of just trying to plow straight through Captain America wasn't to work and even the roughshod way that Emma can adapt when she feels like it is in her best interest fades away at the quite sincerity of the man's inquiry.

Glancing away, she can't quite hide the grimace that slides over her features. Damn reasonable people. And damn the ones that even she respects too! This would be much simpler if she could just bully her way through the entire thing.

But simpler isn't always better and the White Queen turns back towards the Avenger's super soldier, that expression now calm and composed. As if she always intended to be reasonable and discuss things like an adult.

"Of course Captain. I wouldn't dream of anything else," she says quietly and calmly. Lying right through her teeth.

"I assume you want reassurances that it won't happen again?" Emma asks pointedly.
Captain America has posed:
While some might argue that Captain America is a little naive, that he tends to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, he's not a child.

There is no real gaurantee that Emma could give that would prove sufficient to make Steve believe that there is absolutely no danger in releasing the teen into her charge. It's not a reasonable expectation.

So he simply offers a brief smile and a shake of his head. "As a matter of fact that isn't what I'm looking for Ms. Frost. And realistically you can't give it to me anyways," he points out with a small shrug. "No, believe it or not I just want to make sure that turning him over to you is going to be better for him then handing him over to the legitimate authorities. There are programs you know," he points out quietly.

There is a reasonable chance that he is in no way serious. That he just is testing her.
Emma Frost has posed:
Really, she doesn't know whether to be pleasantly pleased that Captain America seems to genuinely care first and foremost about the welfare of the teenaged boy at the heart of this incident.

Or be indignant that he would even suggest that some government run program could do more for the young man then they could manage at Xavier's? The absolute lunacy of that particular idea. It's pretty much all she can do to keep from sneering at the man!

The compassion helps though. Even Emma will usually respond to that with a little less bite. A little less sarcasm.

Which is what keeps her from immediately responding. Instead the blonde telepath gives a quiet sigh and dips her head in seeming acknowledgement towards the blonde supersoldier. "I appreciate your concern Captain. Let me say, that I very much doubt the young man intended to cause a problem. When mutant powers suddenly come to the forefront there is frequently an adverse effect. Wherever possible we try to help minimize that. To already be there to help control and guide a new mutant through the first touching of their abilities. But that is not always possible," she conceeds.

"What is without question however is that his own kind will do much more to help guide him towards a measure of control. Will keep him safe from the threats out there. Will give him a better chance to leave a productive life. That much I can assure you."