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Latest revision as of 20:40, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 24 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Marinette has epic timing, and the misunderstandings are REAL.
Cast of Characters: 87, 142, 143

Vorpal (87) has posed:
You have seen a cat with his tail between his legs? Well, you're not literally seeing one now, because he appears to be a human... but trust me, if you could see Tommy's true self, you might see that tail tucked in shame.

Knock knock knock. No doorbell. Just in case. The rehead hoists his backpack and shifts anxiously from foot to foot, ready to sprint at the first sign of wrathful bluebell-blue eyes.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien glances from his video game briefly at the knock. A moment is taken to pause the game before he's pushing to his feet and making his way to the door. He's just gotten back from work, with a blissful two hours to himself before he has to get on the computer for a Skype call with Mr. Feng his Chinese tutor for an hour before heading out for fencing class, and then... Adrien opens the door while mentally shoving today's schedule out of mind. He has reminders on his phone for a reason.

"Oh. Hi, Tommy. What's up?" Adrien asks upon seeing his friend at the door. He steps back in wordless invitation for the other boy to step inside.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
It was a tense silence but Marinette has learned to channel her irritation and turn it into energy for work.

Multiple dummies, each with a different design pinnes to them are lined against one wall of the living room, trimming and accessories and a myriad of fabrics scatter the floor. The girl herself has several pins in her mouth, fabric draped over one arm and her shoulders, a needle and thread in one hand and her hair pulled up in a bun.

She's standing in the middle of her 'mess', eyeing one design critically when Adrien answers the door. For heartbeats, blue eyes rest on both boys and then she simply turns back to her designs.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Hey, Adrien..." Tommy's smile is a cautious one. He leans in and goes for the hug- "How's everything?" loaded question. It really means 'battle stations? Shall I flee?' but ... he doesn't know if Adrien understands that. He spots Marinette and for a moment wonders if she's going to ninja-throw those pins at him from across the room, but then she turns around and...

Green eyes focus on Adrien's. Raised eyebrow. Tilted head, slightly pursed lips. Code language for 'Is she still mad?'

With his luck, Adrien probably thinks he's asking if he should go kiss her on the cheek or something.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Accepting the hug - because real hugs have always been so few and far between that any being given are quickly learning to be accepted - and Adrien head tilts as Tommy's attempt at guy-speak. It's something Adrien does not know is even a thing, so he takes it completely at face value while closing the door.

"They're okay. I guess. Just sitting around before I have to run off again. You?" Adrien asks, half following TOmmy's gaze toward Marinette. When his eyes get tehre, the smile he had falters a bit, only for a heartbeat as Adrien forces himself to interpret her cold shoulder as a Designer Thing. Like his father. Too busy, too engrossed in his designs and in his work...

"There's some cookies still, if you want one?" Because Adrien would LOVE one, but he already got bitched out by the photographer this morning. He's just waiting for his schedule to get reshuffled with an hour at a high end gym added to his already heaping plate of responsibilities.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Actually..." Tommy reaches into his bag and takes out a box. "Mom sent me a care package. I told her about how you were all the way over here from Paris and she said you'd probaby like to sample something American home-cooked..." his voice is hushed, as he looks at what Marinette is doing.

She looks like she's either trying to bore a hole into the wall, or studying designs. He's an optimistic. He's going to go for designs.

"Let's not bother her, she looks like she's trying to concentrate."

He grabs Adrien's hand and tugs him to the kitchen, because he suspects that Adrien wouldn't get the hint not to bug Marinette. He was taken with the boy, but he marveled at how someone so clever could also have the density of Osmium.

In the kitchen, he feels free to speak in his normal voice. "So... she sent slices of her award-winning apple pie. Which is really a German dessert in its origin but... you know."

He opens the box. The slices are carefully wrapped and there is enough insulation and cushioning there to transport precious crystal. Mrs. Hunter clearly did not trust the post office. "Have at it, she made them specially for you."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The mention of someone else sending food into -her- home, the implication that she wasn't capable of cooking what Americans pass off as food, causes Mari to still and stiffen and barely surpress a growl.

Heartbeats after the boys disappear into the kitchen is the loud *SLAM!* of the front door closing.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien's eyes widen a bit. Tommy's mom sent hima care package?

"That's.. so sweet, and thoughtful. Wow," he says of the box, looking at it as one might a birthday present or a Christmas present. His hands clasp behind his back to keep himself for reaching out to touch it, check to see if it's real. And then to hear it was sent for HIM, has the blonde rocking back on his heels with a doble blink.

"She did?" Adrien's voice is hushed, trying to keep from bothering Marinette as she works. It's why, even though he was playing a video game, the volume was muted. Hand taken, Adrien follows Tommy into the kitchen, and then blinks at the food offering.

He can feel his mouth watering and he's so glad he left plagg upstairs in his room, with a belly full of cheese, to sleep. It means Adrien didn't have to deal with obnoxious kwami being obnoxious.. silently... from inside his shirt pocket.

"Oh. Wow. She did? She didn't have to. She shouldn't have. Really, I mean. .. this is really nice and amazing and they look delicious but.. I really ca-"


Adrien jumps, a cat suddenly faced with a dreaded cucumber. His eyes widen again and he turns to look back toward the living room, where he can see the dressforms... and no Marinette.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Oh crap. What did he do now?

"She also sent some brownies, too," Tommy says, trying to add more brownie points. He takes out two in fact. "... I get the impression she doesn't like me very much. Is it 'cause I'm American?"

Hey, it's not that he believes in stereotypes... but he did meet one or two people at L'Alliance Francaise who looked at him through their nostrils, and he had the distinct impression that it was because he was a loud American.

He couldn't *help* being loud. He was born with hair that color. "... maybe she'd like a piece of pie?" Ooooh no. Baaad idea....

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Turning from the living room, Adrien shakes his head lightly, looking concerned.

"No. I'm sure it's not because of that," he says. Because he's really sure that Marinette's still really made at him. That she's dealing with this because of what it means for her future. She hates him. He should just give up on being friends with her. WHich is a horrible thing to even think. Physically, it hurts. Adrien has too few as it is, so he draws in a breath, fights for that smile.

"It'll be fine," he lies out of sheer hope that it will one day be true. "Maybe? We can ask her... when she comes back down..?" Because he's not gonig to go face angry Mari. Angry Mari is... hot as hell and he's pretty sure he'll make a complete idiot of himself. And why would he even think that OHMYGOD. Angry at HIM Mari is....

THinking is hard. Someone do something to get my brain to stop chasing its tail? KTHX

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"You look tense..." Tommy says, and reaches over to put both hands at the sides of Adrien's neck. He really did look tense. Like a whip. "Here... just take a deeep breath, and *relax*." He leans forward a little. He may be invadng a bit of Adrien's personal space but it's the best way he can dig into the muscles of the shoulders. "We can figure out what's wrong later. Relax and just go with it or you're going to have a coronary..." is that cologne? Whatever it is, it smells nice. Adrien smells nice. Adrien...

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien's a follower, so he tries to follow directions. Deep breath, roll shoulders up and then back down again.

"I'm trying. It's just hard. I'm not used to living with anyone..." And then there's the whole 'I left her' guilt trip. It's so much worse than perhaps even Plagg might guess, given how often he's been left. He knows how badly it hurts to be left like that. He never wanted to hurt anyone like that, least of all sweet Marinette! But he has, and it's something he has to deal with, and Adrien just can't relax under that weight.

The attempted massage is tolerated, but really as tense as he is, it just hurts. However, instead of saying anything, Adrien just nods in agreement with Tommy.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
This isn't working. Adrien is more tense than ever. How can he help this through?

And then, he has a genius idea...

What if... What IF- he attempted just a tad, a *pinch* of chaos magic? Adrien was rigid, and probably so was his mind. Maybe a little bit of chaos could help to loosen him up?
It was worth a try. Just a tiny bit... his fingertips let out the most minute jolt of chaos magic as he tries to massage Adrien's shoulders...


Every spell has a chance to fizzle, no matter how great you are. And, what's worse? Every spell has a chance to backfire.

Guess what?

The tingling, warm sensation that runs through Tommy's body is not unlike being pleasantly drunk. He feels warmth in his chest, and most importantly, lightness in his head.

And it's probably because of that that all inhibitions go out the door with Marinette, while his lips go over to visit Adrien's, suddenly closing the gap between them in an instant.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
You know the worst part of storming out? Realizing you forgot something and needing to go back. Mari's return is much quieter than her exit. And since the boys are preoccupied...

"Wow. Really? At least everything makes sense now," sounds from the doorway, a bitter, painfilled and resigned tone. And then she spins on a heel and very quickly makes her way back out.

Let's hope she really didn't need whatever it is she forgot.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Clueless of the magic use, Adrien had closed his eyes to try to get himself to relax when suddenly there are lips on his.

Wait. What? Tommy's kissing him?!

And Marinette's voice behind him!

He had brought his hands up to try to politely push Tommy away, but hearing Marinette did horrible things to him because this was NOT what he'd wanted from a first kiss!

Why was Tommy kissing him anyway!? Adrien liked girls!

So, what was meant to be a gentle nudge push please away turned into a full arms extended, step back, stop stop stop. He inhales, ready to turn to chase after when the sound of hte door is heard again and Adrien sighs in resignation. He gathers himself, then looks up at Tommy and finally seems to realize he was still holding the other boy's arms in his hands. Adrien lets go and steps back.

"I like girls."

Might as well just say it, because there doesn't seem to be anything else for it.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy stands staring in abject horror for what feels like an eternity, but which he knows have been only a few secods.

The floor drops away from him and a pit forms in his stomach when he realizes... well. Everything. How he has been acting, all the signs he thought he saw. Everything.

He misread EVERYTHING.

He sprints. He bolts, really, and in three leaps he's left the kitchen, streaked past the living room and exited the door in a flah. The fact that he jumps through a Rabbit Hole to his bedroom as soon as the door is closed is something that, he hopes, Adrien won't have a chance to spot. He wouldn't come after -him- anyways.

When he's on his bed, he can let the sting in his eyes pour over, and tears fall down his cheeks.

He carries on silently, crying in equal parts out of heartbreak and embarrasment, when he realizes...

He left his backpack on the kitchen counter.


And almost as if on cue, a peal of thunder, and a flash of lightning outside his window, as another spring storm begins.