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Hunting with Speed!
Date of Scene: 12 May 2017
Location: A Cemetary in Bludhaven
Synopsis: A rocky night of sleep leads Eva to an early morning jog where she finds a Tall man giving a corpse their last rights.
Cast of Characters: Sam Winchester, 170

Sam Winchester has posed:
The darkest hour, it is said, is the one right before dawn. In general, that seems to be true enough. It is certainly the one that a certain Moose-size Hunter has chosen to be about his work. The night is punctuated by soft grunts of effort and the plat of earth clods hitting the ground beside the grave of one Dexter Alfonso III. The edge of the shovel shines ever so faintly in the moonlight as it strikes the earth again and again. The streetlight which might otherwise have illuminated the digger's grisly work in Fury Cemetary is conveniently out of commission tonight.

There is no clean way to go about this work. It is dirt and sweat and death. The man who is doing it chooses to do it with only the occasional flash of a penlight to re-orient himself in the darkness, carefully shielded by his large hands, allowed to shine for a mere few seconds. The big gas can, box of matches, and bag of salt beside the grave are as good as news anchors for those in the know; Dexter Alfonso was probably one very pissed off spirit, and someone has decided to do something about that this evening. It's hardly the only case to be had in these parts, but it's certainly one of them, and perhaps one of the easiest handled barring any strange or unforseen complications.

Eva (170) has posed:
Another hellish night. One filled with nightmares of the life she is trying to leave. The images of Ghosts, Vamps and gods knows what else have all taken center stage in this horror show. Its enough for Evangeline Wilde to wake up and go for a run.

Running used to be reserved for being chased. Now its the most effective way for her to get around. Even at a jog she is faster then most anyone. As she passes by the graveyard, her eyes catch the glimpse of a small light. A second later she is right up on the grave, "Hello? Not grave robbing are you?" She gives a little half smirk. Yes she knows whats up. "Could I help you with anything?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
The big man starts rather visibly. His first instinct is to tense for combat...and to curse himself a little.

He'd been focused. Too focused. She's gotten the drop on him. And even if it might just work out this time...

He wipes sweat and dirt from his brow with one arm, a shadow in the night. His voice is wry, mild, friendly, and wary, all at once, as he asks, "You always ask strange men if you can help dig up graves with them in the night?"

He does flip on the penlight though, so they can see each other better, illuminating, briefly, boyish if slightly haggard features. It lets him see the little smirk, the knowing in her eyes. Finally he gives a warm half smile. "If you want to get filthy, I won't say no. Grab the spare shovel."

He nods to the one on the ground. "I always bring a spare," he explains. "In case the first one breaks."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva laughs, "Not my first rodeo." She darts over much faster then anyone should be able to. She grabs the extra shovel and hops down into the grave to help dig. "So what's the story?" She asks. "My guess is a spirit of some form."

Quietly she starts digging, clearing out dirt. "Evangeline Wilde. Eva for short. Thats my name." She actually seems to have some strength to her as she moves.

"Smart by the way. Definitely a good idea to cover your bases. Usually a good idea to run with a friend though. Just incase something gets the drop on you." She smiles a little. "Oh and don't worry, I'm not anything supernatural. I'm human to my knowledge. Just altered."

Sam Winchester has posed:
"I could run you through the battery of tests and you me," Sam grunts, getting back to the digging, "But if you'd been something supernatural after my hide, I guess you'd have ended me ten seconds ago."

He realizes he's neglected his name. It's more secretive habit than anything else. She's given hers, or at least she's given //a// name. With fellow Hunters, he uses his own, and for now, his creativity is failing him anyway.

"Sam Winchester."

He decides to answer about Dexter, and leave the rest unaddressed, for now-- the bits, that is, about running with friends. "Killed six women, all blood relatives," he agrees. "All of whom looked like the Mom who strangled him in his sleep when he was a child." It's ugly stuff, both the new deaths and the old, reported as matter-of-factly as the opening hours of the nearest breakfast place.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva Shrugs, "Probably wouldn't be the worst of ideas. I mean I have been informed about some of what happened but it is still a big mystery. Also, nah. I don't kill hunters. Y'all do an important job. A thankless one."

"Winchester? Huh. Heard of your dad I think. Big time hunter out of Lawrence? I think anyway. My parents were in the game. They... Aren't anymore." Enough said about that. She doesn't go into how she knows about that.

As he explains, she winces, "Great. Just when I thought this area was a quiet neighborhood. Sounds like a real charmer..." She winces and immediately stops to look around. "You're digging him up to salt and burn him. He's going to be pissed... I'm the only woman around Ahh Shit." She winces. "Guess I fell into the bait position didn't I?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam's head snaps up the moment she mentions his father.

He clears his throat a little bit.

She might feel him just regarding her there in the dark, listening to every word she's said. She can bet he hasn't missed her comment about being Altered, either.

But she's already getting on to the business of dealing with the problem of the spirit. Some spirits don't seem to realize that the grave is being dug up and burned until it's too late, but...he marks her appearance, marks the hour, and grimaces. "You do fit the profile," he says slowly. "But if we can get this thing dug up and done before he notices that would be preferable to putting you into any danger. Either way, maybe I can buy you breakfast when we're done here? I'd like to talk more."

He says little more than that though, digging with a renewed focus and intensity, eager to turn three feet down into six feet down so that a murderous spirit doesn't show up to try to kill his fellow Hunter. He's not a man who is eager for a fight. Ready for one. But not particularly eager for one.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods, "Yeah lets get this done. I don't wanna dance with a pissed off spirit this morning. Tell ya what, I got a place nearby. We can grab stuff and go there. Don't worry. Its a safehouse for hunters. I know what its like to do the job." She begins digging quickly.

She is definitely fast, clearing out a large chunk of the 3 more foot dig without much difficulty. "Speeds sorta a thing to me." She keeps going. Moments later the Coffin is exposed. "Well would you like to do the honors, Sam?"

Sam Winchester has posed:
To say he appreciates her speed and hard work is an understatement. To say he appreciates her offer of a safe place is even more of one, though there is a knee-jerk reaction where, for just a moment, he hesitates. Trust is tough, and she's altogether a boon tonight, which is reason enough to be concerned. He covers this hesitation by hefting the coffin open and nodding, reaching up to grab the necessary supplies.

He's liberal with the salt, but he works quickly. He grabs the gas can next. The body is small, twisted. The sight is enough to help him make his decision. "That's kind of you. I'll take you up on it."

He'll get out of the hole before lighting the match, though, offering Eva a strong hand up. If something's going to go wrong it's probably now, though, so he doesn't watch her, whether or not she chooses to take it. He watches the area, ready to snatch up the salt and deal if Dexter's spirit comes to call.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva accepts the hand up. For a brief moment, Sam would find the world slowing down around him. Almost like time was stopping. Once she lets go things speed back up. Once on solid ground, she begins looking around. She's worried. This is definitely the more difficult part of dealing with any spirit. What is going to happen.

Sam Winchester has posed:
Sam Winchester notes the effect, and his eyes widen slightly. Well, there is part of his answer. But despite the oddities of time which is speeding and slowing at the touch of another person's hand, he really doesn't waste any trying to puzzle it out. He lights the match immediately, dropping it into the coffin. The light from the sudden blazing inferno that he's created-- he really was, after all, very liberal with that gas, too-- illuminates his grubby, sweaty face. Tonight, it seems, they're going to get a break, a reprieve: the corpse is small and the deed is done.

Even so, the youngest of the Winchester clan is tense and watchful until the very last bone crumbles to ash. Sometimes it's satisfying to watch the spirit burn up with the body, but in this case he is more than happy that young Dexter never showed.

He lets out a resigned sigh, though, as the fire burns down, leaning on his shovel.

They still gotta //fill up// that hole.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva stands by as she watches the corpse go up. "If only we had some marshmallows." She states with a little snicker. Standing there she seems almost impatient. Of course to her this is taking a small eternity. Her eyes close and she carefully brings herself under control using the technique shown to her by the Scarlet Speedster.

As the The fire wanes and finally begins to go out, she smiles. "Well time for the fun part." She begins filling in the in hole. She is moving at that faster pace, the same as she used in emptying the hole. The thing that would be a bit odd is the fact that she isn't really getting winded. Its as though that is her steady or even slow pace.

Sam Winchester has posed:
And now Sam starts to understand more and more. He actually pauses, not even bothering to fill the hole. Right now, she's got this, and his own slower efforts would seem almost comically ridiculous by contrast. It's a fascinating study, anyway, to be honest. "You didn't need to play bait," he observes with a smile. "That little trick of yours is pretty amazing. But now I guess I know if we'd gone that route you'd be able to outrun just about anything. How are you doing that anyway?"

He can't help the very real curiosity, though he clears his throat a few moments later, as if perhaps a little concerned that the question is an unforgivably rude one.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva stops filling the hole. There isn't much left anyway. "That is a really good question! I will explain when we get to my place. Tell you what, lemme fix this up quick." What happens next is a blur. She steps it up. That little leasurely pace she was going at is gone. Within a minute the grave is finished being filled and then patted down.

With a smile she hands over the shovel. "Alright, The place is a few blocks from here. Head north 3 blocks and then east 2. Number 142. I will meet you there. Just come in. The door will be open." With that she's gone like a bat out of hell. She doesn't break the sound barrier at least. That would be awkward, waking up a bunch of neighbors after helping to dig up a grave.

Once at her home, she hits the lights and puts in a call for pizza. A small light in the window flips on. It reads, Spiritual Advisor. Yet there aren't any signs that she might be some fortune teller. There are however a few symbols on the windows that would definitely show that she is or at least was a hunter.

Sam Winchester has posed:
All of this leaves one Sam Winchester faintly bemused to say the least. He is of course slower. He gathers his supplies and takes them back to the stolen car he's been driving. He gets behind the wheel with a shake of his head...

But follows her directions absolutely. He notes the symbols, notes the address. It may be that he'll need this information again. He does this by flipping open a small, leatherbound book. His father's journal, then his brother's, and now apparently his, picked up over the course of the long trek that brought him out of California and across the country alone.

Then he closes it, gets out, and raises his hand to knock politely before he remembers her instruction to simply enter. This, he does, though with some level of due caution still, taking in the interior of the space in a way that notes the layout, the exits, any weapons both meant for that purpose and potentially improvised.

Eva (170) has posed:
As Sam enters, he will find actually nothing short of a regular parlor. If there are weapons here, they are well stashed. Off to the side there is a room with a table and multiple chairs on one side and on the other, a rather nice single chair.

Eva walks out with a couple sodas. "Sorry, trying to get off alcohol. Not to mention I am technically underage still." She moves into the living area. She takes a seat and gestures to the couch, "The big question I guess is the place to start. What is up with the little trick I was doing. Well, Ummm, I'm actually trying to get out of the life." She looks down and takes a sip of her soda.

"Alright. When I was younger, My parents were killed. They had tried to hide the life from me. They told me that they were Bicycle Salesmen that traveled around selling bikes. When They died, I went to the funeral a complete mess. There were a lot of people there. Ones I'd never met. A couple of them took me aside and explained who my parents were. They explained that my parents were hunters and what had killed them was this creature called a Ccoa. Part of Quechua Lore. They traveled down to South America to fight with the thing and it took them down. I lost myself to revenge. I wanted my parents back For years I trained and hunted looking for this thing. All I wanted in my life was to get this thing and take it down."

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Don't apologize for hospitality," Sam advises quietly, as he takes the soda. He's as prone to managing his lifestyle with the bite of alcohol as anyone, but he accepts the can graciously. He folds his long body into the couch gingerly, aware of how filthy he is, sitting on the edge to minimize the damage to the fabric. He sort of leans forward and places his elbows on his knees in lieu of sinking down into the comfort of the proffered furniture.

A sympathetic wince crosses his face when she says she wants out of the life. His eyes shine with empathy, emotion.

But he doesn't interrupt.

His lips might quirk a little at the bicycle salesperson line though. He can picture the battle, picture the life and death dance with a flying, lightning-spitting cat thing deep in the jungles.

"But of course," he prompts, "Killing the creature didn't bring them back."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods slowly, "I tracked it down about a year ago. It took me about 6 months to actually get the things needed to kill the thing. I got it though. I went down to Chile and tracked it down. The bastard gloated about killing my parents!" She shakes her head.

"Anyway It spat lightning at me. Hit me and knocked me down. To this day I don't know how I got up from it. I had to get up close to finish it. A silver blade dipped in ox blood. I spent too much time looking for a longer blade then one of my knives." She shakes her head. "So I got in close and I stabbed it. Then something happened that the lore didn't say. There's a reason no one's ever found a corpse of those things. Turns out when they die they are struck by lightning and their bodies sorta vaporize."

Eva takes a little sip of her soda. "I was down, My body hurt from the lightning I got hit with so when I took it down I just dropped. Lightning struck it and me. It dispersed I vanished. For 6 months, I was gone. Only after talking with the Flash did I find out where I was and what happened." She frowns over that.

There is a knock on the door. She gets up, heads over and promptly tips the pizza guy. Bringing it in, she sets it down on the coffee table. "Help yourself."

Sam Winchester has posed:
"Thanks," Sam says fervently. He's hungry, and the fact that it's nearly dawn now doesn't stop him from appreciating pizza. 24-hour pizza delivery places are a rare treat, and he digs in before he even responds to the story. Two whole pieces seriously disappear as if inhaled, and he downs the soda. He's starving, unable to remember the last time he even ate-- lunch, maybe?

His expressive eyebrows lift at mention of the Flash. He knows who the Flash is, of course, keeping up with the news and the tales of heroes far more visible and impressive than the average Hunter.

He considers Eva and asks, "Are you thinking of trading up to his kind of work? Or do you have visions of simply leading your life now?" He's genuinely interested; it shows in his tone. With his stomach somewhat settled he is focusing on her as if she's the most important person in the world right now, a veritable VIP of existence. It's the kind of unique focus and sympathetic attention that has earned him halting stories of supernatural problems in state after state, from people who may be aware that super-people exist but are still iffy on the ghosts, magic, and witchcraft thing. When he reaches for a //third// piece of pizza the movement is absent; he doesn't even need to look.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva doesn't judge on the need for pizza. She will eat later and heaven knows she will eat a butt load more then three slices of pizza! She sighs. "What had happened was I basically got shot out of this world. I was in this place called the Speed Force. No idea how long I was there. It felt like forever though. When I came back, I could move faster then I ever thought possible. I literally can run on water at mach 2 without any issues." She laughs, "There is bad to it too though, I mean, my metabolism is through the roof. I am still learning a lot about it. I couldn't slow down..." She shakes her head.

Finally she grabs herself a slice of pizza and takes a bite. "That is the question isn't it?" She laughs a little. "Its a difficult thing. Everyone I've ever heard of trying to get out of the hunting game either winds up sucked back in or dead. I'm retired from hunting and this morning I was right back out into it. I have nightmares from what I've dealt with but, I still got the itch I guess. Its sorta why I opted to become an advisor. See if I can help people out be it other hunters or civilians who need advice in dealing with things. This way I can send the hunters that I know where they can do the job."

She laughs, "I have thought about doing the super hero gig. I move fast enough that I could do both. Sleep doesn't exactly come easy anyway. Thats why I was out for a jog this morning. I was having nightmares again."

Sam Winchester has posed:
"The gig sounds about the same to me," Sam points out, with a sort of infinite and inorexible practicality. "It's about saving lives. But-- I think my friend Bobby would appreciate the position you're trying to put yourself in. A little permanence, a little coordination, a little getting into the game when it becomes absolutely unavoidable."

He pauses, then digs a small notebook out of his pocket. He scrawls one of his numbers down-- the one that's most often carried on his person, as it happens-- and passes it over between two fingers.

"In case you need to send a Hunter somewhere."

But she's created an opening, one he can't help but dive into.

"My father, John. Or my brother, Dean. Any chance they've come through here? Taken advantage of your advice? Your hospitality? Have you seen them, at all, recently?"

And there it is, the crux of it, the answer to why nobody was watching his back as she jogged her nightmares away in the dead of night, only to come upon a singular figure in a dark and lonely cemetary.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva takes a moment to think. She quickly begins going over in her mind who has been through her. Not many people yet. "Sadly no. I only just opened up here. I know this place is pretty active. I will keep you in the know if either your Father or Brother pass through."

As she takes the number, she quickly writes down her own. "If you need back up, let me know. I can be anywhere in the country pretty quick sadly, I can't exactly carry a lot in the way of equipment. Though I guess I could use a pack or something. Either way. If you need help, let me know I can be there." She smiles a little.

"Oh if you need any supplies and are in the area, Come on by. It may not look it, I have plenty of goodies stashed away for a rainy day. When I moved in, I brought all of my gear from when I was hunting. I also have access to my parents him in Missouri. That has even more goodies."

"The big thing I need to figure out is how to make some cash without breaking the law. I had the Flash come down on me over my umm... lifestyle. So yeah..." She blushes a little and finishes off her slice.

Sam Winchester has posed:
She needs a way to make cash without breaking the law.

The words forge a rueful smile on the face of the young Hunter, one filled with a hint of pain and a lifetime of dashed hopes.

He shares none of them. "I'll buy you some groceries before I leave. It's the least I can do."

With a credit card that says Stan Adelberry, but it is what it is. The Flash hasn't come down on //his// lifestyle, and he wouldn't listen even if he had.

He pauses to program her number into his phone. Whether or not this means he will take her up on her numerous and generous offers remains to be seen. He has this to say about it:

"I might take you up on any or all of it, Eva, but if I were very honest I'd say what I really need the most is a shower. And maybe a nap on your couch, if you don't mind."

She'd said it was a safehouse, so he's hopeful. Really hopeful.

But he won't assume.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles "Showers upstairs and to the left. Across the hall is a guest bedroom. Feel free to crash there." She smiles. I need to get changed myself and don't worry about dirtying the couch. I can clean it later.

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Since I opened Up the whole advisor end I have had a bit of an income coming in. I have managed to help some people with what I know. I don't really charge for helping people. I hate to charge people for help that they desperately need." Shsighs. "They do tip me on occasion though which is nice. I still do some of my other stuff. What Flash doesn't know won't hurt him right?" She laughs.

"Anyway. I am happy to have been able to help tonight. Haven't been on a hunt in a while thing." She laughs.