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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/05/08 |Location=Logan's Cabin - Breakstone Lake |Synopsis=Rogue goes to visit Logan and it's revealed that she's more of a ticking emotional time bomb than she's been letting off. |Cast of Characters=16, 202 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:16|Rogue (16)}} has posed:'''<br>It's been a couple days since Rogue has even been back to the mansion. Partly because she has no idea if the F.o.H is watching her every move. Partly because sh...")
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Latest revision as of 16:02, 13 May 2024

Interlude : Healing Check-In
Date of Scene: 08 May 2024
Location: Logan's Cabin - Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Rogue goes to visit Logan and it's revealed that she's more of a ticking emotional time bomb than she's been letting off.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Wolverine

Rogue has posed:
It's been a couple days since Rogue has even been back to the mansion. Partly because she has no idea if the F.o.H is watching her every move. Partly because she had to let emotions out the only way she knew how. Some people have decided to help her, but she fears the retaliation she may get once Logan finds out. It's a whole swirl of emotion in her head, but come back she does, if only to check up on him to see how many tubes have been removed - and if he still needs the help to breathe.

Walking into the medlab underneath the mansion where the X-Men base lies, she moves to stand at the foot of Logan's bed while waiting for him or someone to give her an update while taking in the scene in front of her. Still in her X-Force uniform which she changed into before leaving on that fateful night to go destroy the thing she found Logan on and getting no more answers than questions.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan's had a bunch of tubes removed and is breathing on his own. Some of the coloring in his veins are reduced. That's when his eyes roll open. He starts to cough and speaks with a raspy voice, "Who do I need to stab fer a beer?" he grumbles and coughs. Then he tries to sit up. There's a pause as he sees things plugged into him, pressed on his skin and everything else. His hands try to work at undoing all of it. The motions are slow, but he's clearly "Awake" for the moment.
Rogue has posed:
"Logan. Stop it..." Rogue says this as she moves forward. "You need to keep these tubes in...you need to let them help you still, you can't..." There's a breath taken there before she looks behind her just to be sure and then pulls a single bottle from a bag she's been carrying. "Promise me you'll stop pulling things out of you and you'll get this." Every word she speaks holds emotion she can't quite hold back anymore. Just seeing him still laying there is enough to drive the memory of finding him as she did fresh as if she were seeing it clearly in front of her all over again. "Just drink and then rest...you need to rest. To heal. Please..."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan considers stopping it as he listnes to Rogue for a moment. Then she pulls out the bottle. "Alright," he'll sit back. Memories a haze and he looks around for a moment. "How bad?" Logan knows if he's here they found him in a bad state. Then his gaze goes to her uniform. "And what did ya do?" the voice a little raspy. Ocean blue eyes trying to take in everything he could. "How bad was my blood." Logan know she's here because of some kind of drug, poiisoning or drowning. While the memories are fragments, he would have remembered water.

And the blood was pretty bad. So laced with poisons and sleeping agent some people wanted to wear a second set of gloves to be safe. At one point Hank McCoy even commented, "They were planning on subding a pack of elephants with this, or worse."
Rogue has posed:
Rogue swallows back the lump in her throat, but she still manages to help Logan into a comfortable enough sitting up position before popping the beer bottle open and handing it to him. "Bad." She says first. "They had bound you to a St Andrews Cross...tied you against it with barbed wire..." Then she tells him the rest. How the pulled the wire apart with bare hands to get him free and carried his dead weight all the way to the mansion. How it was posions and sleeping agents, the strength they used to subdue the healer. She sits on the edge of his bed as she tells him that much before going silent for a moment.

"When I was able to see you...you were full of tubes. On an oxygen mask. Your healing ability was helping but wasn't being fast enough. They had to drain a lot out of you...and put fresh back in..." Then she takes a breath, looking herself over as she does. "I went and changed into this. I flew back out to the spot. I screamed for them to show themselves, convinced they had been hiding. When no one came out...I destroyed the cross. It's nothing but wood and metal on the ground...." Then she grins. Something wicked. "They will pay for what they've done. All of them. Come hell or high water."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan listens and as she mentions barbed wired, his hand clencha nd unclench. Memories coming to him about that part. "Insult to injury," Logan would normally respect that, in some underhanded way. However, they took it a step too far.

"Sure goin' to war over me is that good of an idea?" Logna asks knowing damn well, he would have already started one if the shoes were reversed. Still, he will ask. "Ya ain't gotta do that on my account," he nods to the uniform knowing they both hate the colors because when they get put on...bad things follow.
Rogue has posed:
"They did that to you because of me. So I'm not going to war just for you. It's for me, too. For all of us." Rogue says this and then looks to the floor for a moment. "While I was in the clearing...after destroying the cross...I was alone. They weren't there. Nothing but the shattered remains of both the cross and me. I cried. I cried out..." She admits this, then takes a breath. "Nat--Sinister--answered the call. I know no one likes him...but we share this enemy. He had a friend with him, a man named Nick Drago. I've met him a few times as well. Good guy." Except for the whole, you know, friends with Sinister thing she supposes.

"I showed him everything, mentally, and they're going to find all the information they can on the ones who initially attacked me in the diner. Unfortunately, the ones who took you to that clearing left nothing behind...didn't take video of it...so..we're working with what we have." That much more and then she looks back to Logan. "We'll fix this. Cause we have to."
Wolverine has posed:
Logan's quiet for a few moments. Ocean blue eyes watch her for a moment. He's watching Rogue take in everything Then who she talked to afterward. "What's the plan?" Logan knows there's something that's going to happen for a moment. He thinks on it for a moment.

"Could give ya an edge, but it might keep me in here longer," Logan first poses this out for a moment. As he waits tos ee how she would take this news. "I got more than the healing powers," he knows she might be against this.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue blinks, glancing over to him. "I'm pretty sure you can't suddenly give me adamantium coated bones..." Which is the only thing else she thinks he has. Besides the bones that grow out of his hands - which are now claws due to the aforementioned metal they're coated in. "I don't know what the plan is. I'll have to reach back out to Sinister, or he may find me once he has the information he promised. I don't know how much he'll want to get involved in this..." Admitting that much before she takes a breath. "I need you out there with me, Logan. Which is why I need you to not refuse the help you're getting. I don't know what worse could have happened...if I hadn't found you in time..."
Wolverine has posed:
"I have senes n' can trakc darlin'." Logan points out. Then he looks to her talking about going back to Sinister. He looks at Rogue for a moment. "I'm tougher than i look. I ain't ogin' anywhere til' I'm done wit' ya. N' too bad I'll never be done wit' ya," Logan smirks as he tries to downplay how serious this moment is. Does he know it is? Yes. He's trying to be positive, for her.
Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles, perhaps coyly. "I know you're tough, love. I truly do...but they made a mess of you." She wonders if he realizes just how scared she was in that moment among other emotions running through her. "I'll never be done with you either. Come hell or high water. It's me and you, Logan. Always." She shifts to lean over him, letting her lips touch his in a brief kiss before pressing her forehead to his just after. "Medics say to give it another day or two. They just want to make sure you're safe from anything else in your blood that they may have missed with everything else they found."
Wolverine has posed:
His gaze goes toward Rogue for a moment. His gaze rests on her for a moment. "Ya okay?" He senses something. Logan won't prod it much. Honestly, he's trying to gently nduge it. Ocean blue eyhes on her as he looks at her, "I can get up n' take care of myself," Logan tests for a moment.
Rogue has posed:
"No. No I'm not okay." Rogue says this, and then swallows the emotion, burying it will at the others. "But I will be." Then she forces a smile. "One more day, Logan. Tomorrow. I'll swing back by and if everything is still looking good I'll get you out of here. Just give me that much...please..." Asking this as he tests her with a protest of staying. Emotions be damned while she sits there with the man she almost lost.
Wolverine has posed:
"Mmmmmhmmm," Logan syas with a simple gravly voice. His gaze on her for a moment. It focuses on her for a moment. Then comes Rogue's please. He'll nod at this. "When yer ready to talk. I'm here. Ain't goin' anywhere fer the moment. Maybe tomorrow mornin'," he says firmly for a moment.
Rogue has posed:
"You understand /why/ you're here tho, right? You understand that I had to figure out where the fuck you were, fly there, find you in such a state... Logan you were -deadweight- when I pulled you off that cross. And then I had to -carry you- all the way here... they had to give you a transfusion. You were FULL of poisons and sedatives...it was enough that your healing factor was only BARELY keeping you alive. ALIVE, Logan. They could have very well killed you. You could have DIED...if I was likely minutes late even..." Rogue says all this then stands from the bed and paces away. "And here you sit not even seeming to give a shit about that. Are you even fucking grateful that you were saved? Or are you too proud to even say thank you..." Okay. Redirection of some emotion. That's...okay...right?
Wolverine has posed:
Logan's eyes narrow for a moment First he is going to to address soemthing. "I was always grateful n' thankful. Don't throw that on me darlin'. All the times we stuck our neck out fer each other, I never once asked fer a thank ya. Figured it just went wit'out sayin'," Logan says to her firmly for a moment.

"If ya wanna be upset I was dead weight or came close to dyin', be upset wit' them," he looks at his surroundings. "I'm tryin' to peace it together. Tryin' to think of what happened to help ya, but it's jumbled," he looks at her for a moment. Then away. "I was givin' my head time to work n' maybe give ya somethin' useful," he says firmly. For a moment he thinks of yanking out everyuthing before wandering off for a walk.
Rogue has posed:
"I'm upset with *everything* right now!" Rogue yells at him and then scoffs. "You know what. Forget it. Rip out the tubes and take care of yourself." She sets the bag she's been carrying down and then looks to him. "I wasn't really banking on you figuring anything out. Mostly because you were so out of it, I figured there wasn't much to piece together. I've still gotta find the car you were in and maybe that'll help jog some memories...but my priority was coming back to you to make sure you were okay. But fuck it, right? Only thing important right now is taking out the bad guys, right?" She throws her hands in the air then and motions to one of the med techs. "Get him out of all that shit and let him walk outta here if he wants. Stubborn jackass..." Turning then to walk right out of the med lab without another word.
Wolverine has posed:
Logan looks at her as she lets out that emotion. "And you've been so bottled up since the cafe it's comin' out in different ways." Ocean blue eyes looking at her. "Holdin' it back n' in, until somethin' forces it out," Logan knows that because he's the king of doing that. Well, was. Xavier's School has focused his priorities. Brought him out of it.

"Between the two of us we're one broken person n' one unbroken person," Logan looks at her for a moment. Then she starts storming off as he sits up and turns in the bed. The chords stay in though. He's just trying to get comfortable.