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Latest revision as of 16:04, 13 May 2024

Dumplings with a side of time warp
Date of Scene: 05 May 2024
Location: Genghis Connie's - Restaurant
Synopsis: An important discussion over cooling noodles
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Quake

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
There are many ways to try to reconcile with your girlfriend, and Clint Barton prides himself for being a pro when it comes to it. That is, because he had a lot of relationships and as many to try to fix at some point. Truly this time, it was not because of something he said or did that created the situation. Nonetheless, Skye might not see it the same ways as he does. After all, it was two years for her to wait, while it was only like a week away for him.

So, Clint had decided that a sit-down restaurant would be better than grabbing a pizza or other crap food. Knowing that Skye loves Asian food, he then made sure to get a booth at Genghis Connie's.

Clint arrived first, having texted Skye for the place and time. Feeling a bit nervous and checking the time, the archer was starting to think that maybe Skye was still mad and set him up.
Quake has posed:
Skye knew the restaurant.

Ironically, the very restaurant was where she had broken the news about Clint being back. And. if she was truthful, her wavering on going back to him. She half expected Nat to yell at her about how stupid she was. That she had only moved on. Did she *really* want to take a big step backwards?

The trouble was, Skye didn't know. She really missed him, terribly. But Nat was right: Did she want to go backwards? Did she?!?

A small part of her brain said 'Yes'. And that made her worried..

The last time she went here she couldn't find a parking spot. So/this/ time she figured just park a couple of blocks away, because the odds were she was going to have to walk from a distance anyways. But as she approached the restaurant, her feet went slower and slower.

Something about this 'date' (if you could call it that) was momentous. Clint was nervous. He spelt more things wrong that he normally did. And the only reason Skye could come up with was this arrangement of theirs. She was scared that he would demand a yes or no, and she still didn't know what she would answer.

She wanted more time!

However, that was a cop out. She knew it.

Walking into the restaurant she had a tiny glimmer of hope that he wouldn't press the situation. But deep in her heart, she knew this would be the day when either she said that was then.. Or welcomed him back into her life.

As she walked over to the table, she grinned. "Had to park three blocks over. Did you think I wasn't coming?" And sat down.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Looking up as Skye approached - like he didn't make sure to keep his eyes on the door, really? - Clint offered his most lethal boyish grin, "Naw, I knew you couldn't resist coming," the archer answered with some innuendo in - and berating himself instantly. //Way to go, buster// he groaned internally.

"I mean, this is the best Chinese restaurant of the whole street. And it's on me," he added, sure that it sounded better with this added information.

As soon as Skye was seated, the server came to drop menus on the table, despite it being printed on the paper table mats. The place was rather quiet, which was perfect. In case of yelling and face-slapping, it is best to avoid crowded places - also something Clint Barton has a fair amount of experience with.

After a moment, always feeling kind of nervous, Clint stated, "I'm glad you came." And now, the archer waited for the soon to come and inevitable //We need to talk//, which most of the times he heard it said seriously, rarely ended well for him.
Quake has posed:
The server handed them the menu - not that Skye needed it. She usually had some sorts of noodles in a bowl of broth with whatever the cook cared to put in. For some reason she managed to convince almost every single Chinese food restaurant that she went to to provide that service for her.

Not everyone could get that. But Skye did.

Watching Clint as he pored over the menu (only to pick the usual things) she could see that, yes, he was nervous. Most definitely they were going to be having *that talk*. And despite knowing that? This time Skye was not going to take pity on him and bring the question up herself.

In some ways? The was almost the exact push and pull that they had done back when they first started going out. Where they pretended all they were doing was having sex and could walk away, *anytime* they wanted.

Note: they were lying to themselves then.

But now? Were they?

"You know what I want." Oh, such a double entendre, as Skye looked at Clint, waiting for him to decide.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Actually, Clint had the firm intention of trying something different tonight, but after looking at the menu, decided to order the same as usual. Maybe tonight was not the best time for experiments with food.

He was about to call the server, when Skye's question gave him pause. Oh damn, that was worse than he expected. Being called a jerk, required to explain his actions, heck, even a good old fashion slap, that would not have surprised him. Again, experience. But this one was new: a simple statement, but oh how heavily charged. Did it call for a mundane answer about the food items to order or - and knowing Skye, most likely - a disguised loaded question.

"Hrm, lemme guess," Clint started, as if reading a mental list, "Pho soup, maybe a spring roll, hrm, lemme think. Ah yes, with a sprinkle of explanations and to top it all, a long shower?"

Oups, the shower might actually be what /he / wants - typical Barton. Well in all honesty, his has the merit of opening the floor for discussion. Beating around the bush has never been his forte. Might as well aim for the problem and get over with it, one way or another.
Quake has posed:
"Yes. No. Definitely yes. And big N. O. In that order." Skye sighed. "Make it an eggroll." Then she sat back.

"You know? Since you have been back, I have pondered what to think - let alone what to say to you. Damn Clint." Clint, not Hotshot. "This is weird, don't you think? I mean, put yourself in my shoes. You would have gotten a new girlfriend like that."

She snaps her fingers, just so.

"What would you say to you if our positions were reversed?" All the while she wanted to go back the way that it was. Except it couldn't.

Surely there was a way that they could meet in the middle?
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
As the answer to his list of items is provided, Clint tries to hide his deception. Actually, to be honest, the archer did not really believe Skye would accept his list as is, especially the last item. Life is rarely that easy, especially when it comes to the women in his life.

Small mercy, as the server returns to get their order. Pho soup, egg rolls. This gives Clint a moment to collect his thoughts. The server retreats with their order, now it's time for the archer to try to put some order in his explanations.

"Look, Skye," Clint starts, "I'm still investigating this time machine, or whatever they call it. That part, I can't prove right now, tho we know the /house/" - meaning SHIELD - "They like to play with that kind of stuff. Yeah, so it is the explanation. I get it, it does not answer your questions."

Which questions the archer does not answer to yet either. But at some point, humour, jokes, innuendos would not cut it. It never did.

"In your position? Two years? Yeah, I can see myself having some girlfriends for sure," Clint finally replies. "Many even, yup. And they would all have had a good time, until I messed up, got slapped, then booted. Been there, done that. Only those I loved, really, I tried to fix things with." He paused, thinking that mentioning Bobbi as an example would not be appropriate, "And only those I loved the most, I let go because they were better off without me. I'd rather you don't add your name to my exes list, but it's up to you. You might be better off without me. Only you know."
Quake has posed:
Damn the server.

Skye has to wait to answer him.

"Would I be? Hell yes! At least I had to go on without you. This will - what.. the second? Third time that I would have taken you back? How many times should I do it? One more time? Ten? Twenty? A hundred? How many times?"

Note: She hasn' said 'if'.

"I really do love you, I really do. Just are you going to do this again, and again? For that.. we would be better off as friends." If. "So, can you tell me, this would be that last time we do this dance?"

Please say yes, please?
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
And yes, their meals are cooling on the table while they both try to sort things out. For a moment, the archer tries his best to put himself in her shoes, trying to understand her position and, mostly, the related questions. Good questions.

The problem is, Clint Barton has no answer. There has always been a gap - often an increasing one - between what he wanted and how it turned out to be. At some point, the ridiculous idea of talking to a shrink about self-sabotaging crossed his mind. The last he can do is to at least try to answer, and in the most honest way possible. Which she might not like.

"Skye," Clint starts, "Technically, I didn't break my last promise. I had no say in it. I'll join you if you want to kick Fury's balls." He pauses at that, doubting this is what she wants or needs to hear. "Look, seriously, I'm sorry for this shitshow. I didn't intend to leave you, nor do I do now. I'm sorry you were hurt, if you want to take some time, it's all fine. I think it's only fair that you decide. I'll do as you wish."
Quake has posed:
And with that? Clint cut out all the bullshit and identified the truth.

He never meant to go away /this/ time. And she had already forgiven him for the past. So what does she want?

Skye stirs her pho idly while she thinks. Really thinks. Does she want him? Not back again, because in Clint reality he was only gone for a mission. A week. Not even the way she did when she turned 'traitor'. Only Fury knew at the beginning that she she was a SHIELD agent playing a very dangerous game with HYDRA.

She put herself in his shoes.

"You do know I'm of Fury? He's like a father figure for me." A pause. "Maybe a little ball squishing. Just a hint." Complete with the gesture, thumb and index just an inch apart. "Fine. I still don't like what has happened, but you are not to blame."

Then she laughs. "I haven't pulled down to archery practice since you last used it. In the backyard.. Oh god, it's a wonder my neighbours haven't reported me for neglect." Mind you, they all were afraid of her friends. "Where do we go from here? The cats miss you. I miss you. My bed has been lonely without you."

There. She said it.
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The archer visibly relaxes as Skye comes to the same conclusion than he. Except, she's talking of a bed instead of the shower. In the end, all is fine in the world.

"Now, I'm kind of scared," Clint jokes, playing with the things in his bowl, "Dang, two years, must be hungry like the wolf." Not that he would have anything against it.

But after this moment of relief, it seems that Barton is not done with the Fury part.

"Still, once we recover," hrm, "I'd like to know more about this machine. I couldn't find anything at the Mansion, not that Tony would leave booklets around. We could ask Nat," and then his voice trails off. Shit, he forgot to call her. "Ask her if she heard anything about it."
Quake has posed:
"You wish." Skye rolls her eyes. Referring to the hungry like the wolf. In truth? She had gone back to her old ways: Mr. Noodles, chocolate bars, and cold coffee. She took care of the cats, but herself.. enh? Not so much.

"Nat was saying that Phobos was testing on something similar. I agree, we should talk to Nat."

She gives up on her pho. "Want to get some takeout and snuggle up on the couch?"
Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
He himself is quite hungry, for pho and other things. Without answering Skye, he gestures for the server to bring the necessary containers to bring their meal home.

"Yup, we'll have to talk to her. Before she kills me, that is."

As their meal is made ready and he pays the bill, Clint grins.

"Now, I did not mean to /snuggle/, but I'll be happy to play pillow if you so desire, ma'am."