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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/26 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=207, 170, 145 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:207|David Akenda (...")
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Latest revision as of 21:08, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 26 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 207, 170, Magik

David Akenda (207) has posed:
For the most part, David has beeing doing all he can to push his thoughts of vengence out of his mind, he knows the teachers are trying to help, so lingering on the pain he feels doesn't help. So right now he is more or less just relaxing after breakfast, actually he's been up before dawn. And as a result he is fairly weel dressed, slacks, black shoes, white shirt, and a Tie. Similar to what would be in triditional japanese public schools. Though some of the kids have talked about taking him out shopping for a new set of clothes.

Resting on one of the steps reading a book he is waiting for things on the day to get started or something to happen.

Eva (170) has posed:
The roar of an engine can be heard outside, coming up the drive way. A glance out the window would reveal a rather beat up, '69 Oldsmobile 442 Convertible. It... needs work but it's running. It stops outfront of the mansion. A woman who looks like she is a bit of a hair metal fan, exits the vehicle and moves toward the door.

A moment later, the woman walks in. Her attention goes to the rather amazing building. "Never thought I'd be crashing in the richest part of the country." She laughs. Quietly she looks around. "Is Ms. Grey around?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As the person comes into the area the sound of the Car does catch his attention and as he slowly stays up putting a book mark in his novel. A book on Moby Dick a tale of revenge of all things. And he will slowly approach the young woman and with a slight uneasy smile. "Um, No I am unaware of where Ms Grey is." he says.

"I'm one of the students here, mind if I help you?" he asks. He seems to ignore the talk of her in the richest part of the country. Just passing it off as a comment.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Evangeline Wilde. New Teacher here. I will be teaching Supernatural Studies." She smiles a little. "A pleasure to meet you David. I am just moving in. I need to find where my room is supposed to be so I can start unloading." she snickers.

She then laughs, "I think I am going to need to find a place to park my new car so I can actually work on it and get it up to snuff. Not the best with Mechanical stuff but, If I can do it I will have a smokin hot ride for when I'm not footing it."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he looks to her when she calls him but his name David, he is clearly surprised and the unmistakible appearance of fear comes to his face. his entire bond tences like a coiled spring, But as she goes on he seems to relax as he says. "Pleasure to meet you Ms Wilde. Well there is a garage, I could show you where it is." he says. "I could try and help bring your stuff in, as for your room. We'll need to speak with the teachers on that."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "I'd probably need you to hold the door open." She blinks to him with a grin. "Everyone here has special abilities. I was informed of this. I do too." Lightning crackles as she dashes behind him faster then the eye can track. "I don't get to show what I can do too often. Usually when I am working with people, That is the last thing on their mind."

She smiles, "Well I guess I can see where the other teachers crash. See if a room is there. If there is one there, I can get set up and move if necessary." She takes a deep breath. "Didn't mean to sound cocky or anything. I just have some things in there that... I don't really want people messing with." Like a small arsenal.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As he realizes the young woman is not a student but a teacher he seems to relax as that would explain her knowing his name. and he says. "Of course." and he will keep the door open and the show of powers allows him to say, "I Do have my own powers I coudl use them to help get these in and secured." his wires each have a carry weightof his own body weight. So he can carry a lot of stuff making sure that she can help get her stuff inside as some other students seeing the action come out either from breakfast or stuffs and he will actually ask if they are willing to help the new teacher move in.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Lets see if we can find a room first. That is sorta important right?" She quickly looks around. "Would you mind leading me towards where the Faculity stay?" She looks around. "I Have a few books in my car which are umm... Not bound in normal leather. Very old and I still freak out when I handle them."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David Akenda with a bow he will lead her up to where the Facultiy rooms are so that she can see where the rooms are. Right now David is lucky, the male students in his room are out for the summer so he won't need to deal with room mates. He has the entire room to himself but he does show where the teachers are staying so she can surely find a room of her own.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little and steps into an empty room. One with a window. "Ooo! Nice!" She looks around. The floor is hard wood which is sorta nice. Well Very nice. "That's going to be tricky." She snickers. "I think I will get a nice throw rug to put by the door." She doesn't state the why of course.

"Well, Lets unpack. Focus on the stuff in the backseat and the passengers seat. Don't mess with anything in the trunk. That is Where I keep some of my tools of the trade."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
With a bow he will help the teacher with her stuff, one of the benefits of his wires is he can wrap the boxes up nice and secure and then use his wires to lift them up and to the Top of the stares with Ease. There are some others as well who will help bring some things as well. Managing to test the strenght of some of the beams David will actually use his wires to help just lift them up off the ground and over a banister to the ground almost like a set of construction wires. That carefully hoist and set them down.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and pops the trunk. Then she is off. She races in and out of the building several times over. The girl definitely can move. Within a minute the trunk is empty and everything she had stowed there is now stashed in her new room. "Thank you. Oh and umm don't handle that book there. Its sorta bound in human skin." She shutters over that one.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he looks at the book and when he tells her it is made of human skin David actually drops it his wires come off of it as he looks at her. "Tell me you're joking?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva sighs, "I warned you. Some of the books I have aren't bound in normal leather. SOme of them are very old and were used by some very dark individuals. Nasty witches and the like. I own them because of my area of study and my umm... Other job." She races over and picks up the book and races it up to her room before returning. "Thats that one. I think thats the only one like that I brought."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David looks at her and his mind is turning as he asks. "Demonologist? mage?" he asks. Clearly he is not all that disturbed by the idea she coudl be a magic user. Hell the people aftetr him are said to have demon in their veins.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva takes a deep breath and then looks at the young man. "Hunter." She states in an icy tone. "Its a very nasty. Very bloody gig that I want out of in the worst way. Sadly escaping that life is very difficult. I'm hoping that by teaching people about what to do when they encounter those things that go bump in the night, that maybe the need for people like me will go down."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David listens to her there is a flash of something in his eyes, something that he could use. "What about half breeds? humans that have demon or devils or other foul creatures bred into the bone, anything that can cause them pain and suffering?" he asks of her.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva blinks, "Half breeds? Huh. I will look into it. That sounds liek a mess. There are the big things. Holy Water and salt. Those are about the only weapons for demons that I have access to. Then again salt is an answer for about everything to me." She snickers. "I will search through my lore books and see what I can dig up. If I don't have it here, or at the Safehouse, I know where else to look for it. A nice long run for me really."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
"I think I'll come back and explain some more in detail. After you have settled in. Ms Wilde." he says but he will help her get the rest of her things upstairs if not put away. After all she needs her privacy. As one of the students comes up and tells her he has opened the garage for her and there is room near the tool benches.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana's just one of the students that have been moving through the area. With Summer upon them, the foot traffic's a lot lighter. Which means it's a lot harder for the dour sorceress to ditch any other student that has decided to attach themselves to her and is peppering her with... she doens't know. Girl talk? Does she really look like the sort that invites random conversations about footwear?! Because that's what's going on. Footwear discussion while walking and Illyana's rolled her eyes so hard and so many times in the last three minutes, she's won the world record for snake-eyes. But somehow, this girl has yet to get the hint that she. is. not. interested. At least not right now.

    But Oh look, distraction! "Oh hey, is that Mr. Summers shirtless?" She suddenly barks out in her lightly accented voice and points somewhere. The girl does indeed fall for it and Illyana makes a mad dash to hide behind... Oh hey, this redhead here works. She holds up her finger to indicate 'shhh!' and then she waits to see if the girl will wander off on her own.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods to David. "good idea." She wasn't expecting her first challenge here so soon but hey, this is exactly what she does. She looks to the student who appoaches. "Thank you. I will pull it in in a few moments."

And then there is a girl hiding behind her. This school is going to be a blast to hang around. She nods and simply stays in position so as no one will see her behind her. She quietly thinks during this time, as she considers possible ways of dealing with such a creature.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David has one way of dealing with them, but their are too human right now to fully harm. But as the girl is distracted David looks to MAgik and he when she turns around she asks where she went, David says, "I think I saw her heading out back." he says taking pity on the poor goth wizardess. he says allowing Illy to escape and he says to her, "You're welcome." he also debates bringing the blade he has just for her opinion on it.

Magik has posed:
    There's a let out breath as the girl does seem to take David's direction. "Thank you," she says as she steps out from behind Eva. "There is only so much about this summer's line of wedges I can handle before my brain explodes. Into shoes." A pause. "I'm not interrupting anything?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little, "The stuff I missed out on." She laughs. "Sorry. Nice to meet you. My name is Evangeline Wilde. I'm the new Supernatural Studies Teacher. You're not interrupting anything. I was just in the process of getting moved in." She hmms. "I do gotta go move the car. But that can wait."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
DAvid moves over to the door now that everything is inside and he closes the door and makes sure it is secure. Relaxing some as he slowly approaches. Thankfully he can enjoy the comforts here. "Not really I was just reading Moby dick is all." he says understanding how revenge just never ends. "Ms Wilde came in and I offered to help bring in her things." he says maintaining a formality that is natural to him.

Magik has posed:
    There's a distinct spark of interest in Illyana's expression, breaking through her tendency towards resting bitch-face, at the mention of Supernatural studies. "Something I think I will have to make sure to have on my schedule come fall," she comments. "Illyana Rasputin, it is a pleasure to meet you." She glances towards the possible way the pair came in moving the woman's things in. "Are you in need of anymore help?" She does wrinkle her nose at the book title though. Must not be her thing. "You're staying for the summer, as well?" she does ask David.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As David seems a little uncomfortible with the topic of leaving. "I will be staying. I have no where else to go." he says and swallowing hard. "I can speak to you when you have settled in and relaxed enough to be comfortible. He doesn't fully introduce himself.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles. "I look forward to it. I think I have everything in my room now. Besides I have some gross stuff that I brought with me, as this gentleman discovered. I do hate when that happens." She smiles. "If you will excuse me, I need to go move my car." In the blink of an eye she's gone.

Magik has posed:
     Illyana blinks when there's a 'she was here and now she's gone' moment. And here she was about to ask all about the gross stuff! Her eyes squint just slightly at the space where Eva /was/ standing, as if trying to discern the source of it. Teleportation? No, most 'porting, her own included, that she's seen tends to do so with a visual effect. "Ah, I can understand that," she says to David about not having anywhere else to go.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The young man can only shrug as he has more or less given into staying here for a while. At least until the situation changes enough that he feels the need to leave. He doesn't want to, he feels safe here. But unless Scott can speak with Beast about changing his appearance he has no where else to go. "Well At least you have your brother for support. He seems nice, if a touch over protective of you." he says with a slight hint of something. might be jelousy.

Eva (170) has posed:
The loud rev of the engine of the very big blocked vehicle can be heard. Once parked, Eva is back as though she never left. "That's that!" She smiles, "Sorry bout that. Speedsters gotta speed." She laughs. "Anyhoo, I should get my room set up. I have a few things I have to do in there." Like hide a devil's trap and set up a couple sigils, just in case.

Magik has posed:
    "Ugh, You don't know the half of it," Illyana says bout her brother, completely missing any undertones David may have about it. "He's got his reasons, but...it's a cramp on what little social life I have." Not that she's sociable. Then suddenly, she looks as if she had a lightbulb go off in her head. "I just remembered, I've got something I have to do." And with that, a glowing circle just big enough to surround her appears at her feet and she just falls through. "See you!" and as soon as her hands pass, it closes. Anyone sensitive to demonic heebeejeebees may get their radar pinged while the disk was open, but it vanishes the moment it's gone.