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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/25 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=163, 272, 283 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:163|Cyberdragon (1...")
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Latest revision as of 21:10, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 25 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, Tygra, 283

Cyberdragon has posed:
With John Coltan's home in this region to the east of the preserve, he had to wonder if it was fate that he would meet the First Thundercat, Tygra in the preserve. Still it has allowed him to stay at his home, for extended periods of time while keeping an eye on the Berbils. He knows they were aliens, he just wasn't expecting Robotic Teddybears.

He doesn't like keeping secrets from Tony Stark, or Pepper but once the Thundercats were being helped by the Justice league. He wasn't going to expose them to Stark. In fact Cyber is concerned of someone from SHIELD Discovering them. So he has been staying out here to help hide the fact he is working for Stark as a cook.

WEll that's the cover infact, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts are his legal Guardians. And he doesn't want Tony in trouble, and Cyber concerned for the cute creatures, as is John the pair have kept them secret once he knew the Justice LEague knows of them. It's a loop hole that keeps Tony out of trouble.

All that changed when Cyber caught the News of the Giant Cat statue and as such Cyberdragon has been prowling the forest. His shape shifting abilities allow him to blen in with the trees and the forests almost like he was part of them. doing his best to keep the Berbils alerted against people around them and the Thundercats. So far Cyberdragon is currently just moving from tree to tree his Bio-electrical vision senses allowing him to detect almost anything like a large group of people.

Prefering to try and use mis direction and avoid violence. Such and altering his foot prints to berbil tracks and have them lead all over the place mostly away from where they really are.

He is genuinely concerned about SHIELD After all they did want to learn how to take him apart, put him back together. Granted that was a stressful meeting compounded, but still he would have left Tygra and Kat know that he doesn't entirely trust SHIELD's intensions. At least at this point in time.

Tygra has posed:
With help Tygra has been able to correct his issues with the flying rocket. It's not so dangerous anymore and has actually been redesigned to allow for a passenger comfortably. Handlebars from a motorcycle even a kickstarter it looks a lot like a rocketbike now only, it's still a bulbous thruster from a derelict and crashed spaceship.
Tygra figures when the time is right he will even let the Wily's paint it up. It doesn't even have a name yet. Eventually it will. It also sucks at landing.

A trail of black smoke behind him and the fire from the boosters start to ease off, slowly but slowly Tygra lets up on the handles to allow for the jury-rigged vehicle to sputter and start to plummet heavily, which it does, it crashes down hard in to the grass which is a better option than slamming in to New Troy cityscape.

Once again the travel on the TigerRocket has Tygra's hair wooshed violently to one side.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
Once Cat's Lair - rather, this new version of it - was built, it was just a matter of time before others learned of it. Tygra rocketing around on..a..rocket tends to draw attention as well. WilyKat is watching this skeptically, squinting into the sky with a frown.

"He's going to kill himself. Cats were never meant to fly like that." They can pilot ships through space, but, well, there's a reason WilyKat is sticking to his hoverboard right now, which he's riding to keep up a relative pace down below. WilyKit is not far off, covering another part of the area just in case Tygra veers wildly out of control.

A grimace follows as the striped Thundercat comes down hard and fast and he zips in that direction, undoubtedly fearing the worst. "Tygra! Are you all right? Tyyyygggraaaaaa!"

Cyberdragon has posed:
of course the sound of a rocket makes Cyber turn his head in the direction of Cat's Lair and then with one flare of his wings he wings up and over the area and he homes in on it as he instantly spots Tygra as the sound of the crash and then Tygra hitting the grass as he rushes to the Tiger's Side and instantly he holds his wings open hoping that the feline hasn't broken his neck.

"Tygra" And he will actually reach up to place a hand on Tygra's neck feeling carefully to make sure there are no broken bones or injuries.

"Tygra' You alive?" he asks very concerned as his colors shift from forest colors, to his normal Red and black...

Tygra has posed:
The rocket hops once, hops again then skids to a halt. The assistance of trees keeping it from completely rolling. Tygra was thrown free, tumbles once then springs landing on both feet in a rather impressive flourish. He hopes someone seen that! Then trips backwards on his heel, a piece of loose dirt dropping him on his rear.

"Ack. I'm okay WilyKat!" He shouts loudly, then mumbles under his breath patting himself off. "Except for my pride." Then he is hearing Cyberdragon, a voice he recognizes but his translator isn't in. All he can recognize of what the man-dragon is saying is, 'Tygra'. It's then the realization of a hand upon his neck and he is making for a very wide sidestep. Fingers unfurled defensively as toes grip in to the earth, claws exposed.

"I did not realize you were that close!" Maybe the rocket's sounds are too loud, makes hearing rough.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
The signs of the landing aren't difficult to spot, which helps WilyKat hone in on the location. He's not quite fast enough to get there before Tygra's made his graceful landing (which goes unseen, naturally) followed by his subsequent fall (which /is/ seen just as he arrives).

The sight of Cyberdragon also showing up and trying to assist, followed by Tygra's reaction, leads to Kat hopping off the hoberboard, which comes to a stop a few feet away with nobody atop it. "Hey! Hey! It's all right!" He's running up, waving his arms overhead and back and forth. "I don't think he's big on touching," he tells Cyberdragon, while squinting at Tygra. For a moment, the device he uses to understand others and allow them to do the same in return is shut off, so he can ask Tygra only, "Do you have your thingy? For the talking?" To Cyberdragon, it would sound somewhere along the lines of a wildcat making..noise.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon steps back hands opena s he recognizes the posture, "I thought you might have been hurt, neck injuries are serious." he says and the lack of understanding quickly equates to him not having a translator in. "I wanted to make sure your neck wasn't hurt." and he points to his own eyes then Tygra, then his own neck and holding up a branch and then half braking it to show he was trying to see if Tygra's neck was hurt. But he steps back giving the Tigerman some distance.

As He listens to the pair and wonders just how he is going to communicate, But still he takes a few steps back.

Tygra has posed:
"The talk thingy? Oh yes. The translator." Tygra is further reminded by WilyKat. His voice is too loud, he is almost shouting. "It is okay. You just snuck up on me and I did not expect anyone to touch me... " Dragon is lucky he didn't get some Thunderian Judo-Flip! "Does anyone else hear a really loud humming? I think my translator is broken." No. He is just shouting because the rocket is loud. "Jaga this is annoying. I think I need to make the TigerRocket more eco-friendly. Lookit all of this smoke." The Thundercat carries on.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat's translator is flipped back on, but it's no surprise Tygra probably sounds like some kind of tiger to those who can't understand the Thunderian language. "That's what he's saying, that he didn't think you'd try to touch him." And for Tygra's benefit, he adds, "He thought you might have broken something, I think." The translator was off when Cyberdragon tried to explain, but WilyKat seems to understand the idea behind checking on him.

"I think it's just your ears. You /were/ riding a rocket, you know. And your hair's all..you know, again." He shoves some of his to one side, to mimic how Tygra's got blown around. Some of the smoke reaches him and he coughs a few times waving his hand in front of his face.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragons smiles as he can understand Kat and says, "I just wanted to make sure he hadn't broken or injuried his neck." and then looking over to the Smoking Rocket he will come over to it and start to stomp and smother the fire or flame or anything else using his wings to flap and try and disipate the smoke as much so there will not be a clear spot to track it from he even steps on the fire or burning parts with no ill effect. Doing his best to try and get the smoke out fast.

"I been in the area since the appearance of your home. People know of the Berbils. I been keeping an eye on the area trying to mis direct people away from the area. I have no idea what will happen when it becomes public knowledge of it's exact location and how to get here."

Tygra has posed:
"I was at that." Tygra grins somewhat proud of himself. "I am out of my league. I should probably let Panthro fix it for me because I am stumped or what did that human say? Toss in the Fabric?" That grin shines on both WilyKat and Cyberdragon, his finger rising up to push a claw in to his ear, "Mawp, mawp, mawp." He sounds out as if he is trying to get his ears to pop.

"Yes, the Berbils are very fast builders. I told them to try and be cautious on how quick they go but they are eager as we are and they see the Cat's Lair as protection for them. Wherever it stands tall everything it surveys is under our protection."

In regards to the smoke, "Thank you again for the assist, friend-dragon." Translator is working now and hes not as high volume.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"They're fast, and they made this for me. Kit's got one too," Kat explains about the Berbils, having gone over to retrieve his hoverboard and tuck it beneath an arm. He shrugs unknowingly to Tygra as far as the human phrase goes, shaking his head a few times. Once Tygra's translator is working again, he can tell mainly because Cyberdragon is able to understand. That will save the need to translate.

He adds, "I guess this is our new home now, since we can't go back to New Thundera. There might not even be a New Thundera to go /back/ to." This is said with a frown, one that lingers. Certain someones had to be left behind.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Once he is sure that the rocket is not gonna explode on him he will reach down to pick it up and heft it onto his shoulder with out an issue. He lifted Lion-O's stasis pod up and carried it without an issue. "I can understand that Tygra. My own home isn't too far from here. So it's given me an excuse to come into the area from time to time. I am mildly worried about SHIELD finding the Berbils and the Thundercats. My first meeting with one of their agents, was during a stressful time. And the resulting conversation did not leave a good impression on me."

"Throwing in the Towel." He corrects Tygra with a smile. And then he comes over to Kat and places a hand on his shoulder. "I am sorry for how you feel, but don't loose hope Wilykat, miricles happen. I've seen my fair share of them. Never give up hope." he says and says, "So shall we head back to your lair?" he asks easilly holding that Rocket engine on his shoulder.

Tygra has posed:
"He is a Thundercat. We never lose hope." Tygra says with a renewed pride. "I watched the television about your SHIELD. It is a necessary thing, they enforce order. I had not thought so much of laws and rules but I realize we are in a form invading your planet, we must rely on the goodwill of your people to believe otherwise." A thought.

"We'll go back one day, WilyKat. We'll save them all if we can. We simply needed a... tactical retreat to regroup. Perhaps this planet has the allies and heroes we need to return to New Thundera and save everyone."

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"If anyone comes around and they mean well, we can talk to them," WilyKat says. And talk, and talk, and talk some more in certain cases. "But we've faced all /sorts/ of dangers. I guess this is just another one." Just for the time being, he sounds a little older, closer to the way he now looks. It might be that thinking about more important things leads to him being more focused than usual.

He plays more like Tygra in sidestepping the hand, trying to make it look like he's big and strong enough not to need the support. "Yeah, we'll find a way back home and save everyone somehow. Mama, the other kittens.." If they're even still alive. Just how many years went by with them in stasis on the ship?

He does seem ready to go back to Cat's Lair, hopping on his hoverboard again before it begins to glide in that direction.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon misunderstood as he stops and turns to look at Tygra, "You mean that your world, NEw Thundrea was conquered and you were forced to withdrawal and return at a later time?" he says and then the dragon says, "There are many heroes I know of from reputation who would be more than willing to assist you. You may also count me among them." he says and will continues on as he swallows.

The Dragon Carries the rocket and will place it where Tygra tells him.

"Well I have been trying to do a little misdirection in the area, doing my best to lay false tracks away from the lair. Avoiding being seen, I have no desire to confront anyone, or lead to a mis understanding." The Thundercats are his friends, something about them the way they act talk, Cyber telling him his perceptions, Something about the Thundercats he trusts. Somethings you know with your eyes and mind, others. You know in the heart.

Tygra has posed:
"We will." Tygra encourages WilyKat. "By Jaga we will." As Cyberdragon moves the heavy rocket the Tiger strides casually nearby, motioning just near the Cat's Lair, "Anywhere is fine. I am not concerned with where it is left. This entire area is secure... " At least it was a few days ago and no Berbils have sent out any alerts. Though, they were concerned at first about Cyberdragon but they are friendly creatures and quickly determined him as no threat to their well-being.

"Yes, we had to flee New Thundera we were... defeated. Our enemies are strong, numerous and without any kind of honor. True scum."

A studying look is given to Cyberdragon,"Why so eager to help us, friend-dragon? Are you... without kin or others who call you one of their own? I seen you in that Hall of Heroes and you appeared very welcome."

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"We're not trying to hide from anybody, so you don't have to try to throw them off," WilyKat explains to Cyberdragon. "Cat's Lair is hard to miss if you're in the area." He's keeping a slower pace with the others, though he occasionally speeds up and stops to wait for them to get closer before moving again.

Then? He continues on in relative silence. It can be seen that he's looking this way and that, playing scout, lookout, focused on something other than seeking attention.

Cyberdragon has posed:
After Cyberdragon sets it down he is caught off guard with with the conversation about family. And he seems almost lost for a moment. "I am more worried about hunters Kat, People with guns. Most weapons civilians could bring against me are of no danger, but to you..."

The Dragon seems to change and ripple as the inside opens up as the human host inside steps out of the suit of living armor. Something Tygra and Kat have both scene as he tries to think. The Dragon tells John. //~I don't think it will cause you harm.~//

"I have not parents or blood relations. My Mother was strong independant, She came from a small town. A few dozeon people, The Males there were not to her liking as suitors so she sought a suitor else where. She wanted a child, and." He rubs the back of his head he doesn't want to make her sound like a lady of ilrepute. "My mother found a man suitible to her tastes to have me. He was a traveler and not looking for more than a night's pleasure. But she was a good woman. LAst year my grandmother was dying, a sickness. She passed on, several months later... mom and I were in a terrible accident. She did not survive."

Tygra has posed:
"Guns, we are no strangers to weapons of this Earth or others. We are warriors Cyberdragon, we are not infants or weaklings in constant need of protection. I understand where you come from in this and you are a valiant spirit, but even the Wilys are far more dangerous than your humans. We are simply not the kind to... act on our more violent instincts. Unlike what I have witnessed of Earthers so far." Tygra may sound a little 'speciest' right now but thats only because he is.

"I am sorry you do not have a clan or a close people. But not all families are born of blood." A friendly smile appears. Tygra doesn't mention much more about the Berbils being kept safe. They're sneaky. They can roll in to bushes and hide very well.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat opens his mouth to say something, but Tygra seems to cover it well enough. He raises a brow as the older Thundercat vouches for he and his sister, though he doesn't look as if he knows exactly how to take it. A true compliment, or a backhanded one?

He stays quiet - savor it - throughout all of Cyberdragon's explanation, and only one word can be heard from him after the boy in the dragonsuit has finished speaking for the moment. "...whiskers." He keeps his back to them. That way they can't see his face.

Cyberdragon has posed:
John Shrugs as he says. "Having lost my own family I can understand what you went through to a small degree."

The Dragon now speaks. //~Do not assume that they are without danger Tygra. Some of those with power look no more different than the average person, when infact the could shatter a large tree with a flick of their wrist.~// A word of caution of not judging a book by the cover.

"Well, I take that back, I have one realitive but he is...." John doesn't want to speak ill of his only known blood relation.

//~He is greedy he desires to use My host for his own ends and means. Thankfully he does not know of me.~//

"Thank you Cyber. But I am not with out friends or allies. For now I need to keep some things private and secret for my own safety. But I do have powerful friends. You are among them. AS for willing to trust and help you... You are good people. Somethings you know with the mind, others... you know in the heart."

Tygra has posed:
Tygra goes quiet a moment as a Berbil shows itself walking over to stand by them. It doesn't speak it just stares.

A momentary glance at it and then he is looking back at Cyberdragon, "Your warnings are not without their consideration and acknowledgement." He says in a flat tone. Tygra is a prideful creature, a warrior of plenty experience. He is aware Cyberdragon is only out for their safety and knows little of who, what or where they have been or through. The likewise goes for them.

"Berbil Bert is curious what you think of Cat's Lair. As an outsider."

"The man is still your blood though? Blood is important." Tygra says in regards to the talk of John's cousin. He isn't exactly what to say there.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
Good chance WilyKat is being quieter in part because of who else is here. Tygra, he knows well. Cyberdragon, not so much yet. There's still a matter of trust that's being worked out, even if that one bought him hot dogs that one day.

He offers Berbil Bert a wave and a thin smile, but the usual enthusiasm is lacking. Moody Kat, apparently. "Sometimes family is all you have, good or bad," he offers back to the others, still floating along on the hoverboard as they get ever closer to Cat's Lair.

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Dragon has an almost smug smile on his snout as he stands up and looks around it and smiles. //~Reminds me of the Sphinx in Egypt when it was first created. It held the head of a lion~// as John smiles and nods. "And Kat I know what you mean. But he did break into my home and try to rob me blind. You can choose your friends, choose your enemies. Can't choose your family." he says with a smile. "Berbil Bert it is Beautiful, and a testiment to your people's skills and talents." he says genuinely impressed. Even some heroes would ahve been hard pressed to build some places like this so rapidly.

//~If we ever get the Chance you shoudl visit Egypt. In ancient times they held Cats as divinities. Along with all sorts of other animal headed creatures and beings.~// Cyber says. And John looks at Cyber and then to Tygra.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to the idea of him being some twenty thousand years older than I am." John says plainly.

Tygra has posed:
Tygra doubletakes WilyKat and his silence. He is almost tempted to check his temperature but instead carries on talking with Cyberdragon/John, Berbil Bert is actually walking with them as well now. "He has no translator but he is thanking you." It sounds like weird scifi distortion when they talk. If Tygra knew what dubstep, autotune or electronic was he might compare.

"The news people were saying it was like Egyptians but we do not know what that is to offer a fair and polite comparison. 20,000 years you say? That is incredible."

WilyKat (283) has posed:
Mental puberty, slowly catching up to WilyKat's physical maturation? Some other reason, or more likely a combination of a few different things may lead to the more subdued demeanor from him right now. "Hey, I'm gonna go find Kit and let her know everything is all right, that you're still in one piece," He's looking to Tygra, "And that you're visiting," He finishes by glancing toward Cyberdragon and John, then he waves and the hoverboard takes him off into the woods in search of the area his twin should be in.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"I am very impressed." John says with a smile, and he allows Cyber to talk now.

//~I wasn't awake for all that time. But if I take the time I can search my memories I am sure I could bring up some interesting Tidbits, but that would take time to do. It's like you trying to search your memory for important details.~// Still the Dragon smiles as he will bow his head to Berbil burt listening to the sound and translation by Tygra. He wants to be sure that he learns the berbil language and of course the Thundarian tongue at some point aas he looks off in the distance. for a moment as if he was trying to recall something.

then to tygra John says. "Yes I am wondering if some of out myths in Egypt, concerning the egyptian Gods might have been your ancestores, You said thay you were fighting a race called mutants. Similar to various animals from Earth? Such as Jackalmen? the god Anubis was the Egyptian God of the Dead. He was a Jackal headed god. Like a human with the head of a black Jackal Sound familure?"

Then he waves Kat off with a smile and says. "Something tells me trouble follows him and his sister where ever they go."

Tygra has posed:
The Berbil language sounds a lot like the name, maybe that is where they got it. "BerbildrublehrubleBurb." Just incredibly distorted with autotuner and electronics. It can get annoying quickly, actually faster than the Wily's twin-chatter. Which at times adorable is often so rapid fire it takes a Wily to understand it. Tygra has perhaps without knowledge of it naturally started just ignoring the Berbils if they talk to much. Right now he is doing that. It's just one of those things. Thundercat Royalty.

"Our worlds are very far apart but the mutants and many other races we have encounters are quite capable of intergalactic travel. The connects may be more than just a coincidence." Tygra responds to both John and the Dragon, "I find it very amusing that humans worship us... uh, aliens similar to us. Creatures.

"Very well WilyKat. Tell them to save me some dinner... " They won't.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"Well consider if I and Cyber went back in time 10,000 years. With out powers we would be almost nigh godlike. Why wouldn't people worship me as a god?" The Ancient Alien. Still John sits down as Cyber smiles and rubs his head against the Berbil softly before coming over to lay down next to John as he curls his tail around him almost catlike as he purrs, his tail lifts up to tap john's pocket before he lays it back down.

Then John Snaps his fingers and says, "Almost forgot. One of the reasons why I came out here. You know we have pet cats right? there is an herb a Plant we call Catnip. It effects the cats in various ways, most of the time it gives them a sense of euphoria, like a pet treat. And once it wears off. Normally it can take up to two hours before it works again to effect them."

And he pulls out from his pockets some pictures of the plant in total color "This is the base plant. And this." he pulls out what looks like a metal wrapped Vial in several plastic bags, "I have no idea how it would effect the thundercats. It could be harmless, could be highly dangerous and addictive, or a poison But there might be some of your friends who thinks it is funny to pull a practical joke down the line that ends in disaster. Inside the metal foil is a Vial that contains some dried Catnip. And it's sealed up in in several air tight bags."

Tygra has posed:
Tygra watches curiously and looks even more so as the vialed catnip is handed over. "You're giving me poison? That works specifically on cats?" His eyebrows rise up and he almost wants to pop the cork off and sniff it himself, he doesn't though, not just yet. "I will put this in for examination. Is it deadly or just... we have things like this back home." Did he lick his lips? Maybe. It is hard to tell.

Cyberdragon has posed:
John looks at Tygra and he pulls the Vial away. "Tygra. This could be dangerous and addictive. I don't know how it will effect you. I don't want you guys caught blind sided with simething that can be easilly found."

//~One man's pleasure is another's poison.~// Cyber says and John will bring up his wrist watch to project a Hologram of Cat's on earth reacting to Catnip.

"As your friend promise me you won't tamper with this until the Other Thundercats know of it." he says. Thankfully With Berbil Bert there someone can at least verify that John is telling Tygra to be cautious over this.

Tygra has posed:
"Don't worry friend-dragon, I am no child." Tygra will safetly tuck it away in a pouch. Warning enough he will likely not touch it until it actually is researched, if John had just given it to him and said be careful that might be a different story. The weight of his words are taken seriously though and he will not pry in to it without the others around or the proper channels. "This is enlightening though, you say this is common here? Our enemies could use this as a weakness if it has the same effects."

Cyberdragon has posed:
With a nod he smiles. "Very common, you can buy it in most any store that has a pet's section. And knowing how children can be." he says looking off in Kat's direction of where he headed. "It's natural to want to experiment. I know of a couple of cats that Catnip turned absolutely nasty and vicious." John lifts up his arm pulling up a sleeve and shows he has some faint bite and claw marks on his arms. "That's why I wanted to share it with you prior to you being blind sided with it."

Looking once more to Cat's Lair. "Sadly I h ave to go and I do hope I can get a look inside." and he nods to Tygra as Cyber starts to stand up as John takes a Step back. "I'll be back in a couple of days. Stay Safe Tygra, and here." as he offers the Thundercat Symbol back, "Since I am a regular in the area, I don't think I need this any more." he says with a smile

Unless Tygra will insist he keep it he will hand it over. Either way there is a flash of light and almost instantly the Bio mechanical dragon and human are one creature yet again.

Tygra has posed:
Tygra extends his hand then stops it, his palm shoving the Thundercat emblem back. "You keep it. Its a token of friendship." He doesn't have much else to say as John-Dragon vanishes completely out of sight.