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Latest revision as of 21:11, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 26 May 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 207, Storm

David Akenda (207) has posed:
One of the students at Xaviers, David Akenda has been more or less hiding inside the school. The one time he went out, he was approached on school property by an assassin from the League of assassins commanded by Ra's Al-ghul to recruit David akenda into their Ranks.

with assassins from Japan after him from the Kaji clan, David more or less has been hiding in the school. doing all he can to avoid being seen.

The Park is open peaceful and of course one can see the partly cloudy day, sun shining as the summer winds blow. Two men on oriental decent are in new york central park, showing a picture around of a young man, japanese decent. And those two men approach one white haired lady, asking.

"EXcuse me ma'am." Have you seen this young man?" they ask. They are dressed very well, almost like detectives. But the picture they show is of David Akenda. There is no doubt of that....

Storm has posed:
Ororo generally stays near the school, but she does venture into the city from time to time. At night especially because of how calm and peaceful the park tends to be. Today is such a beautiful day that she felt the urge. Not only that- Central Park does have some beautiful flower arrangements and sometimes gives her ideas for some of the landscaping at Xavier's.

With the sun out, she is wearing sunglasses, hiding her oddly pale blue eyes, but the white hair is hard to miss. Turning to the detectives, she does look at the picture, giving nothing away in her composure as she looks to them. She's not fond of lying, but she's protective of the students.

"I haven't, I'm afraid.", She replies in a soft Kenyan accent. "May I ask what the young man may have done?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
these two men have sun Glasses as they say. "He's a suspect wanted for questioning in several violent breaking and enterings in Gotham city." They say. "Well if you do see him besure to call us." one of them says and the other produces a card for Ororo to hold. They begin to move onward. Still David did say that he had at least two assassins after him.

Storm has posed:
"Yes, I will keep an eye out, thank you." Ororo takes the card, taking in as much detail about the two as she can in the process. Any tattoos that might be glimpsed at the wrist or neck when they move, any specific facial features, etc.

Though once they leave, Ororo casually walks from the park, not wanting to appear to be leaving with any haste- returning to the School.

Once back at the school some time later, she moves inside and heads to where she knows young Razor might be... Hopefully.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The young Mutant David Akenda having earned the Nickname Razor because of his razor wires. Is currently in his room, medatating. He is the only male student in here and is takening the time to clear his mind, as he has his back to the door, inside a small memorial holding pictures of his mother and father, black bands over the frames and candles infront of them. His Katana resting on it in a holder in respose as he just kneels there mourning and medatating trying to find away to let go of his grief and desire for vengence....

Storm has posed:
Ororo understands the need and want for meditation- She does it often herself to center herself and keep herself at an inner peace. For obvious or not so obvious reasons- when she gets upset, bad things happen.

So it is with a heavy heart that she steps in further after stepping out of her sandals at the door, respecting his culture as much as she can. Gently she makes a small noise as she approaches- on purpose to hopefully arouse his senses to her presence so she won't scare him. Though she pauses a few feet away, letting him take the time to acknowledge her and allow her to interrupt his meditation on his own time.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
It doesn't take much to break his medatation. His wires are out Running under the carpet and attached tot he door as it is opening he is already to turn to the door. and he smiles allowing her to see he has his own build in security as the wires leave the door and then retrances them befor ehe bows in respect. "Yes Ms. Munroe, how may I help you?" he says.

Storm has posed:
Ororo can't help but smile a little at his own little added security. At least he takes care of himself- she can't fault him for that. At his bow, she respectfully and politely bows her head with a partial bow of her form in return.

"I was approached by two men looking for you while I was in the city today. I remember you warning us about who might be after you. They gave me this." She presents him with the card that she kept.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
The mention of two men instantly cause David to move back a step. That Fight or flight instinct rising up as he says, "Neatly combed hair, matching balck sunglasses, offical suits very detective like, bot with very similar features?" he says swallowing hard "Where? Are you sure they didn't follow you?" David is battling full panic mode. "If they find me here they will go after the students to get to me....."

Storm has posed:
"They didn't, I assure you. My childhood... taught me many things. Such as moving discreet and being cautious." Ororo tries to reassure him. "It was in Central Park in the city." Which honestly how busy the city is- makes losing a tail easier than most places.

"David... I did not mean to distress you- only to tell you that they are actively looking. You are safe here- and you and all of our students will be protected."

As someone has said before... God help anyone who tries to attack this school...

David Akenda (207) has posed:
Having lived in fear for his live constantly has sparked his survival instincts and he just pushes against a bar wall and he starts to slide down. Face flush with fear, anger, rage, a desire to kill. And worse yet for him, he doesn';t know how to escape. "Oh god." he says and just seems to be reduced to a frightened child. And as she comforts hjim he trembles and sighs. "They only way I can be safe is to change my face and finger prints..." he says

Storm has posed:
David.." Ororo repeats gently- keeping herself an even calm even though she worries about the young man. "Let us protect you. You are safe here."

She allows a gentle smile to show, her cooler eyes softening. "If and when things come to that- we will help you handle it. For now, let them think they are looking in the wrong place. You cannot find something that is not there."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as David inhales and exhales he looks to the Teacher. David is scared not for himself but the students, and the teachers. "I do not know what they will do when they discover me here." and he sighs out relaxing and he just has to let the day come if and when they do discover him. He has an idea what they might do, what he is in for, or what he is going to do.

Storm has posed:
"If they do." Ororo supplies gently. "We will be ready, if and when it happens. I will speak to the Professor." She promises- as it is the most she can promise right now.

"Is there anything I can do to help ease your mind?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As he leans back and slowly composes himself and he says, "A new life?" he says with a half smerk and then an exhale before he has calmed down. "I have no idea I feel a captive here. Last time I went out side I was approached by a league of assassins member. What's next? Ninja turtles?" he asks and slowly stands up.

Storm has posed:
"You are far from a captive. Unless you think School is a prison." Ororo chuckles softly. Some kids do think that- even normal kids. But that is part of growing up- she's finding.

"You enjoy meditation. Perhaps, I can teach you my other enjoyment to calm and center myself?"

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he looks and smiles, "I would enjoy that." he tells her and then leans down to blow out the Candles and uses his fingers to tweek the candles to make sure that they are indeed out even placing a small jar over each one. To make sure that if they reignite they will consume the Oxygen and smother themselves.

Storm has posed:
"I enjoy various forms of meditation- calm is a necessity. But one I've always particular enjoyed- weather permitting." Ororo offers while he quiets the candles in his room, gesturing to the door. Moving to slip her shoes back on, she will wait for him in the hallway.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
David Akenda chooses to follow her putting his own shows back on once he heads out the door. The young man doing his best to remain calm. "Something that Father would do once a month on the first was the full japanese tea ceromony, just him, my mother and I." Hew explains. "One month he would perform it, the the next it would be mother's turns and then finally my turn."

Storm has posed:
"I am not familiar with this ceremony, but I have heard of it. If you would like, and be willing to teach me, I would be honored to join you." Ororo offers as they walk. She does enjoy learning of various other cultures. While she has learned some of the Japanese culture, she still has much to learn.

It is through the mansion and out to the back yard where the main garden is. She does watch him to make sure that he is calm.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
he smiles and says, "I had heard a rumor that the Professor Xavaier was fond of it so he might give a stink eye if we do not include him as well. But I would enjoy it./ It's a four hour ceromony. Very relaxing when it is taken into the full level." he says and comes out to where the garden is and looking around, "No demon flowers? I heard about an infestation of demon flowers out here..." he says.

Storm has posed:
"We are safe." At least in this part of the garden? She moves further outside, letting the soft breeze tease at her dress and flow calm through her.

"Walking amongst the garden can be meditative, but my particular enjoyment is working in the garden. Planting, tending to the flowers... Something about kindling life in the earth and nurturing it is calming."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
as he walks through the garden with Storm he swallows hard as he says. "I could remember at times when father woudl takes us to see the Cherry blossom trees in bloom." we would spend hours there. Just us, away from business, away from the cares in the world." he says and leans downt o inhale the scents of some of the native flows.

Storm has posed:
"Cherry blossom trees. I have seen them in pictures. I hear it is beautiful when their blossoms start to shed- it is like a gentle rain of petals." Ororo can't help but wonder if she can manage to get one to grow here- though the climate is a little different in the 'west' than in Japan.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
As he slowly just starts to kneel down loosing himself in memories and the meditation. Trying to remmber happier times. "My mother loved them when the petals shed, it was like large snow flakes...." he says.

Storm has posed:
Ororo gently lowers herself to her knees next to him, sitting back on her heels- letting him share his memories. "It sounds like a beautiful memory."

Looking out across the flowers that are there, in full bloom this time of year: "Memories are something to be most cherished as they make us who we are. Those that we remember the strongest have the best influence. You remember your parents fondly- keep this." She speaks softly, letting the calm of the sharing to remain.

David Akenda (207) has posed:
"I never even got to bury them... no funeral. He set fire to the home... police said their bodies were in peices...." he says tears running down his cheeks. He remembers their deaths he watch his mother be gunned down, then his father and finally the weapon trained on him.

Storm has posed:
A hand is gently placed on David's shoulder, if he allows. Looking to him, her smile is light, but hopefully reassuring. "Perhaps, one day, you may get closure, but know that they live on in your heart even if they are no longer of this Earth. But I do not speak of vengence. Sometimes... closure is different for all of us."

Removing the hand, looking back to the flowers. "My parents were taken from me similarly when I was a young child. I have barely a memory of them- I was too young. I am grateful, however, that you have many fond memories of your own to hold to."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
"I watched them be gun down by a man I considered my uncle. He was my godfather Ms Munroe. I am sorry for your loss, I am. But my pain is deeper." he says making sure the level of his pain is under stood everything he had had been destroyed. "But what's done is done. There has to be away out of this to make them pay..."

Storm has posed:
"Please do not misunderstand. It was not a comparison, it was simply a level of understanding." Ororo removes her hand, resting them in her lap with a small sigh. "Revenge and vengence does not quench a thirst, it only grows it. There may be a way that has not presented itself that would avoid darker measures."

David Akenda (207) has posed:
AS he stays there and he inhales and exhales. "I know I have read Moby Dick, Ahab's vengance cost him everything. I have read many stories and historical events of how vengence doesn't end. It is hard to keep my thoughts from going there." he says and just seems to be trying to medatate to relax as best he can.

Storm has posed:
Ororo closes her eyes, enjoying the calm breeze that flows past them. Her voice remains soft, almost trance like as she lets herself focus on the energy of the elements around them and the calm afternoon: "Close your eyes. Don't speak. Simply .. listen."

If he will calm his mind and open himself to the sensations around him; the breeze is a gentle calming caress like the slow trickling flow of a river in an invisible silk sheet. Wrapping and comforting- but not constricting. The chirps of the birds in the far trees, the soft sound of the grass and plants being swayed and played with by the breeze... The warmth of the sun peeking through the clouds in a pleasant greeting embrace...