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Latest revision as of 21:23, 24 October 2017

Idyllic Scenery
Date of Scene: 26 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Storm, Wolverine

Storm has posed:
It is a warm afternoon- spring threatening to turn to Summer as the seasons pass and flow. With the sun out and the breeze cooling enough to enjoy the heat, there are many out and about this afternoon. Some are lounging under trees, enjoying the calm day to study or read. Some are out just exploring the grounds. Training. Running. Laughing or playing.

Out enjoying the weather is also Storm. She is wearing a sleeveless white dress that wraps around her neck, opening a tear-drop just above her chest. Clinging her stomach and hips, the long dress splits at mid-thigh on either side, flowing freely, allowing her easy movement.

With her long white hair down, enjoying the feel of the breeze tugging on the strands, she is standing near the edge of the lake, her eyes closed. Statuesque as she simply drinks in all of the sounds and ripples in the wind around her.

Such a beautiful day.

Wolverine has posed:
    Smack! You can hear the grumbling from behind you as Logan arrives on the grounds with a pair of jeans, and only a slightly stained white t-shirt, and bare feet. His dog tags are jingling over top the t-shirt, and in his right hand is a large can of beer. Of course. The other hand flicks away an irritating insect as Logan saddles up besides Storm, standing on her right side. A small trail of smoke wafts behind Logan as he puffs on one of his smelly cigars.

    "Damn bugs. You'd think they'd get the hint by now that I don't taste any good." Logan's voice was slightly muffled because of the position of the cigar. Lookingt up at Storm, Logan takes a moment and smiles. "Hello 'roro. You are looking ravishing, as always. Taking in a little scenery? Tryin' ta' relax a bit? Calm before the storm, as it were?" Logan looks over the lake, and adds, "Beautiful spot."

Storm has posed:
In a way, his disturbance in the flow of the breeze and energies of the area gave him away before he stood next to her. Though without opening her eyes, she reminds: "We generally don't allow alcohol on school grounds."

Thankfully, the breeze blows in a manner to keep his smoke from her face. She can at least stand the smell. Opening those pale blue eyes, she looks aside to him with a warm smile: "Logan, always good to see you." Looking back across the lake, her face sombers a touch. Those that work with her most would likely know the subtle intricacies to her expressions with how even she generally keeps herself outward.

"A Calm, yes. The light rippling of the lake water against the breeze is a rather serene sound. Helps to clear the mind if one will open themselves to listen."

Wolverine has posed:
    The breeze was nice. And Logan always enjoys standing beside this wonderful, strong and courageous woman. It was like she could always see right through him. Her eyes...and now, to ruin the moment...

    "Uh huh. Well, you know me." Logan takes a drink, just to make a point, "Stickler fer rules I am." Logan grins, almost like a naughty child. Always pushing the envelope, just a bit.

    "Seems ta' me yer in a good mood fer some reason. Glad to see yer clearing your mind. Otheriwse I'd be seeing dark clouds and showers on the horizon. I'll try not ta screw that up fer ya, by putting you in a bad mood." Logan's eyes twinkle with mischief as he adds, "I kin see the kids are havin' a good time today. Lots of laughing, joking, splashing, and fun." His eyes watch over the students playing on this beautiful day, and he feels...almost happy. This was where he belongs.


Storm has posed:
She won't tell the Professor. Logan's been reminded of the rules plenty enough to know what he can and can't get away with. As long as it doesn't become a problem.... Such as one of the children getting ahold of it.

The breeze changes direction for a moment, billowing her skirt the other way before it reverts again. Natural- She didn't do it. "There will be a rain tonight, but it will not be my doing." She replies with a soft chuckle. It has been... a while since she has let herself fall to emotion and a storm struck the mansion.

"It is a beautiful day. Enough to put one in a good mood to try and momentarily forget the darkness that lingers on the horizon." Her eyes watch the ripples on the lake, change and bubble- little fish snapping at the surface to the flies that dare to touch its mirror. "Logan.. I do have something that I may need you help with." Her tone is more serious, though the edge to her expression may indicate it is something that has been weighing on her. Bothering her.

Wolverine has posed:
    Taking another drink of the beer, Logan then swirls it around, the fizz of the drink making a "ssssss" sound. The breeze was cool on a warm day. An idyllic day indeed. AT Ororo's words, Logan simply nods, and takes a pull on the cigar. The great thing about his relationship with Ororo. Words. They didn't have to talk alot. They understand each other.

    "Rain huh? Well, the plant's need waterin' and my car needs cleaning off. Guess that saves me some time." LOgan stares out at the lake, and listens to the sounds in the background. His enhanced senses picking up snippets of conversation, the sounds of giggling and laughter, and the energies of the young.

    "Darlin', there is always darkness lingerin' on tha' horizon. We just take it day by day, one Earth shattering problem at a' time." Logan hears the tone in her voice, and the changes in her stance. "Alright 'roro. Ya' know you can count on me to drop everythin' fer ya. WHat's up?" A quick puff on the cigar while Logan watches her, trying to guess what it could be. "Somethin's bothering ya?"

Storm has posed:
There is a flicker of amusement. Of course- he would find rain as a cheap and lazy car wash. Though he does have a point. Using the garden hose is a get-by between rains. Her garden flowers best from the natural waters. It is well enough due.

Though the goes into explaination of the weight on her mind: "There is a young student that has taken sactuary here, but he is scared. There are people after him. I met them, in the city- disguised as detectives, wanting information about his whereabouts. He claims they are dangerous and are a danger to the students if he stays here. Thus far, I seem to have convinced him to remain under our protection."

She pauses a moment, letting out a soft sigh before she looks over him to meet him square in the eyes. A light turbulent storm in her own. "But beyond that, his heart wants vengeance and revenge to those that took his parents. He is in pain. I.. have tried to steer him away such a dangerous path, but I may need help doing so." Yes... a two-fold problem. She always worries about the students and when they have trouble. Sometimes, its complicated.

Wolverine has posed:
    Taking another drink of the beer...the last of the can, Logan nods. As he turns the can upside down, he grunts, shakes his head, and says, "Never enough inside these little cans. Where's tha' fuzzy elf when you need quick delivery?" Logan sighs, and looks back over the lake as Ororo continues.

    Letting her finish, Logan crushes the can, grimaces, says, "Sorry" at the loud sound the can makes, and takes an uncomfortable puff on the cigar. Logan notes it is getting low as well, almost burned down to a quarter of its length.

    "Of course 'roro. Whatever you need." His english almost seems to get...better, as he takes things more seriously. "I can help ya' with that. He will have a lot of things swirling around in his head, "Logan taps his temple with the hand holding the cigar for emphasis, "But we'll help him. And if anyone comes looking for him..." SNIKT! The claws on his right hand appear suddenly, with the trademark sound. "..."I'll deal with them. Harshly." Logan smiles.