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Latest revision as of 21:46, 24 October 2017

Out on Pawtrol
Date of Scene: 29 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Ladybug keeps a promise, Chat Noir is hot and then cold, and Vorpal refuses to feel like a third wheel.
Cast of Characters: 143, 87, 142

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
She had made a promise to a new friend. One night. She'd join him on patrol for just one night. And she has put it off for as long as she reasonably could.

So, with and -great- deal of reluctance, Marinette had transformed for the first time in months and taken to the rooftops. She remembered Vorpal saying something about a restaurant where he eats before patrols... Maybe she'd find him there.

So, with a racing heart, frayed nerves and an almost panic like sick feeling, she made her way across the city.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Ay Chihuahua!

The name says it all. The place is not unlike Qdoba... except, well, it's more on the side of authentic and not tex-mex. The result is that currently there is a Cheshire cat loading up on his protein with some carnitas and assorted yummies. People stare, of course, because he's not in his human form... this is part of his 'Networking and PR' thing, where he lets people become aware that there is a superhero in the area, a new kid on the block, and that this place is under his protection as part of his patrol!

He hasn't gotten a discount... YET. But he's hoping.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Tonight was exactly as nearly everynight was since Chat got to New York. He'd finish what he was doing for the day, then hit the roof tops. After a run, he'd pause and check for Ladybug. Every night had been the same: No signal. No signal. No signal.

Tonight, was nothing like those other nights, because as he paused on a low brownstone, Chat once again checked he tracker and: PING!


Here? He was told she was.. gone.. from Paris. His Lady must have come looking for him... But then why was her signal not moving closer to... well, there must be danger. That makes complete sense.

And forgetting that he was trying to put her out of mind so he could focus on Adrien's budding relationship with Marinette, Chat Noir took off at a sprint in Ladybug's direction. Each step, his grin grows, heart racing. If she's in danger, he'll save her. And then he can tell his friend, Marinette, that he saved a damsel tonight.

The convulted mess this means for him as Adrien he'll deal with later. Right now, Chat Noir is running toward what had been missing in his life.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And Ladybug? she'll simply perch on the roof and wait because unlike the Cheshire, she doesn't want people to know she's here. New York has enough heroes without adding her to rhe mix and her life is finally starting to come together!

No. This is just one night to fulfill a promise and nothing more. She can only hope she doesn't run into Chat tonight. At least, not until she's home and the mask removed. The layer of complications it would add otherwise makes her head hurt. A lot.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The carnitas are dispatched with ease and much gusto, and the cat eventually makes his way to the alleyway. A jaunt up the fire escape, and he's on the rooftop in just a few seconds and begins to start his warm-ups- it's not wise to start running and jumping around without first getting the gears working, right?

He hasn't noticed Ladybug, yet, mostly because his mind is still on that delicious food.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
One pause. Chat allowed himself one pause just to make sure her location wasn't changing before he put his baton away following. If there was a fight, he'll grab it out again. But anything trying to hurt His Lady would find the business ends of his claws... or cataclysm. Depending. Chat wasn't feeling very much like entertaining things hurting His Ladybug.

His eyes spotted her easily, perching as she always does. Chat entertains the desire to slow down so he can drink in the sight of her, rememorize every detail. He entertains it for the two seconds it takes him to hit the edge of the final rooftop, and pounce her.

"LADYBUG!" he calls out, voice joyous and happy and bright, the moment his arms are around her midsection. It's like none of those lonely nights ever happened. Just being close enough to see her masked face in the low lights of night, being near enough to smell that sweet scent of something hauntingly familiar which he has no brain to even consider why it's familiar right now, makes anything sad or lonely or confusing fall his hot tin roof.

Pounce tackle. Chat knows that if he doesn't alter his momentum to flip them that the impact will go straight onto Ladybug and she would be very very unhappy. Unhappy Ladybug is not a thing Chat wants. Chat wants Happy Ladybug, because Happy Ladybug is best Ladybug. So, now sooner does he get his arms about His Lady, his best friend, his partner, the other part of himself, His Ladybug, then he flips... maybe over flips? Maybe sending the pair end over end across the roof into a tangle of limbs in full view of Vorpal.

"Hello, My Lady! I've missed you," he says, smile as bright as his green eyes, ears forward, and tail in a happy, pleased-with-self curl. "But the night is purrfect meow, beclaws here you are and here I am. And look! In my arms already." Nevermind that he tackle-pounced.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Anything that Ladybug might have said to Vorpal is cut off at the call of her name.

Blue eyes go wide as her head snaps around. Tackled, she 'oofs' softly and braces for an impact that never comes. Instead, Chat takes the brunt of it which has her wincing internally.

"Bonjour, mon chaton." Despite herself, she grins

"And then she's starting to push up. "Whoa kitty. I'm here, yes." For now. "And tackling doesn't count." Her wyes roll and she offers a hand down to him to help him up. "I see a different setring hasn't helpes any." Her arms cross over her chest and she smirks.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal stands there for a second, taken out of his stretches by the catastrophe that rolls across the roof. He then walks up to dynamo duo with his head tilted and a smirk on his face.

"I thought Chat Noir was a cat. It seems he has upgraded himself into Tigger. I'm beginning to feel slighted here- I don't get a tackle? You're still sore about that sprained ankle, I imagine?" Barb. Tease.

His tail swings a bit, but he keeps the grin up.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Bonsuit!" Chat replies, like a chirp of a meow is the sound of his greeting, eyes closing out of sheer joy and pleasure.

She grinned at me.

Whens he starts to push up, Chat Noir assists, moving to his Ladybug to her feet even as he stays on the ground. She offers him a hand and he takes it, pulling at her as he does so.

"No? Well, maybe I should try my grand entrance again! Beclaws you can take the Chat out of Paris but you can't take... No, wiat.. You can take Paris out of... No, that's not right either..." he pauses, head tilting, claw to his chin, taptapping, to think when Vorpal unsticks and walks over.

"I am not a stuffed tiger toy, Kitten. And feel slighted. This is My Ladyby and My Partner and sometimes I get to tackle," Chat retorts, waving a paw at the orange tabby. It could read as him teasing right back or with the way one wave of paw woulc have looked like a clawed swipe as he said the word 'Kitten' ir could read as dismissive.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Laxybug stands there, arms over her chest and hips cocked slightly as she waits while Chat attempts to figure out what to say. "Some thing just never change..."

She isn't one of them though. She's reluctant to be here. As reluctant as she was the first time they discovered each other. "Get tired od chasing butterflies in Paris?"
    Bit then there's mention of an injury and she blinks over at Vorpal. "Sprained ankle?"

What? That's not concern in her voice. Just your imagination. Moving on.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Why yes, Ladybug," Vorpal says and approaches Marinette with a familiar ease, grinning at her. "Meowmix over here doesn't fall on his paws -all- the time. He took a tumble through my rabbit hole and ended up spraining his paw. Had to lay him out on my couch and apply an ice pack." He does take a moment to savor the fact that he knows. He knows and Chat doesn't know, and that makes him feel a little better after that dismissive wave of the paw. So... does Chat like him at all, or...?

He's having a hard time reading things. The fact that he's never been in anything close to a relationship before doesn't help.

"But it's good to see you, Lady B. I was wondering if you'd ever come and trip the light fantastic with the Cheshire cat."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"He caught me off guard," Chat Noir fairly growls, eyes narrowed at Vorpal. He did NOT like the trip down the rabbit hole. It was a tumble through a world over which he was not in control nor free to bolt from when he wanted to. Both things aggitate the cat, and his tail shudders behind him. The expression smooths a heartbeat later as Chat steps in Ladybug, putting himself between her and Vorpal, while tossing a careless and familiarly comfortable arm onto one shoulder so he can 'lean' on her.

"But it's alright, -My- Lady! I didn't let the .Kitten. slow me down. I'm feline purrfect as always! Especially now that you're here," Chat says, turning his green eyes from Vorpal to Ladybug, and giving her his full attention. Cat cold shoulder. Because Chat is misreading Vorpal's friendly overtones to Ladybug as something more... something so very reminscent of that annoyance at that artist he akumatized. Not that Ladybug was there to witness just how rottenly territorial Chat can get about things and people he likes.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And Ladybug fairly groans at the battlw unfolding before her. "The first one of you to try to spray me will be in a lot of trouble."

Sge looks over at Vorpal. "You. Don't be smug." And then her eyes go to Chat. "And you quit puffing up and hissing."

When did she become a baby sitter!?

Gently lifting Chat's arm and slips out from undernit. "I'm glad you're feeling better." Personally, she loved the rabbit hole.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Aw, chat, don't be so catty." Now Vorpal puts an arm around Chat's shoulders, giving him a squeeze, "We're just toyin' around, right? You're my favorite cat."

He pauses. "I lie. I'm my favorite cat, but you're the absolute top second." He smiles at Ladybug. See? Totally getting along.

"I was going to ask LB if she wanted to go on patrol with me... but now that you're here, I'd love to see both of you in action. Ladybug and Chatnoir? You're like the French Batman and Robin. Except you have the fashion sense not to wear short shorts with elf boots." He gives Ladybug a quick wink- fashion joke.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Green eyes narrow again, much the way Ladybug's do when Chat's being extra-special-annoying. She removes his arm from her shoulder at the same moment that Chat removes Vorpal's arm from his own shoulder. It's even done the same way.

"Cat and mouse," Chat replies, smiling a smile that doesn't warm any part of his face. His ears are folded back.

See? Totally not getting along.

And then Vorpal mentions short skirts. The ornage tabby is completely to blame for what Chat says next, his eyes turning back to Ladybug, the warmth and teasing dances once more across eyes and face.

"They could be making a come back next season. I think My Lady would look pawesome in a skirt, especially a short one." eyebrows wag. Not subtle, not sorry.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Bluebell blue eyes roll and she reaches out to boop Chat's nose. "Down, kitty. Not gonna happen. Totally impractical."

And then there's the mention of patrol and Ladybug's smile fades. "Let's get this over with then." She's already starting for the edge of the building, drawing the yo-yo from her waist in the process.

She has a project she needs to work on tomorrow. A dietician to reach out to. The bank to visit. She really can't afford to be utterly exhausted.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
The odd smile from Chat gives him pause, and then Ladybug looks like she's looking forward to it like she's hoping for a root canal. Vorpal's ears droop for a second, but then he gets his resolve back under him. Jumping off the building, he says "Follow me! I'll show you where the best sights are!"

He uses a Rabbit Hole to jaunt across the street to the other rooftop and starts running, looking over his shoulder for a moment to see if they're following him.