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Home Sweet Hospital
Date of Scene: 28 May 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Natasha visits with Tony and Pepper while Pepper is recovering in the hospital.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Iron Man, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Pepper Potts has posed:
The incident in the sewers, where Natasha literally saved Pepper's life and nearly lost her own, had been a mess. Still, Pepper's injuries weren't immediately bad enough to stop her from using Natasha's comm, once she walked a bit closer to the surface, to summon a SHIELD extraction team. It wasn't until adrenaline gave out and injuries won over, just as the team got there, that was clear Pepper's injuries were a touch more internal and definitely a touch worse than they seemed. But SHIELD was there at that point. The two were quickly scooped off to the hospital, emergency surgeries, and recovery.

Pepper hasn't woken up since. The internal bleeding was fairly severe and the doctors, when explaining to Tony what happened, spoke in carefully couched but positive terms. Pepper's body didn't take well to injury. As strong in business as she was, she didn't really take care of *herself*. She was a fragile framed person who never got enough sleep and survived on coffee. So, it's been a little touch and go, but she's off of the worst support now, just a few monitors hooked to finger and chest as she sleeps it off in that little hospital bed. A bed that is about 8 feet away from the OTHER bed in the room, where her certain life saver rests. Natasha's injuries were certainly initially worse than Pepper's, but the Russian seems to bounce back a little better. Still, they're both being kept for observation, for security, in the same room. Pepper looks like a pale, broken mess in her bed, a slew of bruises and scratches across her face, frame too frail beneath that completely unstylish hospital gown.

Iron Man has posed:
The 'powers that be' made sure Pepper got into the best hospital that money could buy; his money, that is. When Pepper was identified, calls were made and instructions were tersely given. Columbia-Presbyrterian University Hospital, the leading bleeding-edge hospital in the NorthEast, and some would argue (and successfully) the country. It's not until Pepper is off most of those tubes that Tony can bring himself to visit. Hospitals are not somewhere, in his mind, where people get better. Even here.

Does he even have to show his identification at the door? Tony's voice can be heard rising just outside, "Are you kidding me? Really? No, wait.. bring him here. I want to talk to him //personally//.. and I swear, if I hit him, it'll be in self-defense. Or so my lawyers will claim in court papers."

The door opens to reveal a be-suited Tony Stark, his tie somewhat askew because, well... he doesn't really care for ties. Too confining, but it's what has to be done in business. Closing the door behind him, his entire attention is on the frail looking red-head in bed, seemingly too small for the expanse. Once he's certain that she's not breathing her last on each exhale, he looks across to Natasha before he goes to pull up a chair for vigil.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
For her part, Natasha has woken up a few times. She has been unhappy every single time. She hates hospitals. They remind her too much of the past. Of procedures and changes. Of serums and lies.

It was necessary. With the concussion, they wanted her monitored closely. Thankfully, the swelling didn't get bad enough they had to drill extra holes to relieve the pressure. If they had, she probably would've shot them on the spot. Oh wait, she doesn't have a gun. They took that away too.

Even more reason to hate hospitals.

At the moment, she is awake, listening to the drama in the hallway. So when Tony comes in, she glances his direction. She has quite a few bruises and cuts all over the visible portions of her skin but she didn't require support to stay alive.

"If you want to pull the curtain, feel free," she finally says, nodding toward the partition curtain tha would give him some privacy with Pepper.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The first real, faint stirring from Pepper comes at the sound of Tony's voice. She still doesn't actually wake up, but her head turns, ever so faintly, in that direction. Tony. Safety. Home. Even in a pain drugged sleep, body still rebounding from blood loss and shock, Tony's voice is enough to get through to some of the deepest recesses of her subconscious. Was her head always tilted that way, towards him, when he pulls up that chair? Maybe...maybe not. But her bruised face is slightly tilted towards both him and the Natasha beyond. Monitors trip just a hint faster, but still drowsily even. Better than too slow or skipping. She was stable and that was all good news. Her pale hand remains free, on top of the covers, only that small oxygen monitor on her fingertip an impediment if Tony would actually take her cool palm.

Iron Man has posed:
"No.." Tony begins in response, his gaze lingering on the form and figure of the almost broken Pepper. "I'd rather ask you, why didn't you go to the spa like other normal ladies? Manicures aren't that expensive. Just send the bill up. Hell, we could even cover a pedicure if we budgeted right." Now, he turns his head to look at Natasha. "She's not like us." Us. Even though he's not got any fancy mutations to settle back on, he knows he plays in the big league. Mind, he has no clue what it is Natasha has either... he just knows that she's got the same 'friends' as he does. For the moment, anyway.

Looking back at Pepper, Tony reaches out to take her hand, taking off the oxygen monitor from her finger, and he gives it a wordless squeeze. "I want to keep her out of the line of fire as much as I can. Even if I have to send her across the world, I will."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She doesn't take it personally, knowing that his words are his way to trying to cope with feelings. It's just him.

"She's stronger than you think. She saved my life," Natasha points out but she holds up a hand before he can say anything if he had a mind to do so. "But I agree. She is not like us. She deserves to be safe." She turns to look at Pepper, seeing that her head seems to be in a different position. She's usually very observant but perhaps she's just confused with all the in and out of consciousness the first 24 hours. She may have faded out again at some point and not realized.

"If you want to do that, you need to figure out who wouldn't want her as your backup CEO."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The conversation is enough to finally break through the haze of drugs and pain -- Pepper's never really been in a hospital before, not since the strawberries incident about ten years ago -- and certainly not for anything this bad. But her mind is still sharp and when there are worried people she cares about around her, it's enough to claw through what drugs they have her on and her eyes slightly flutter towards the tail end of words. It's Tony's voice she really hears first, and that feel of his hand around her's. She holds on a lot tighter, suddenly (or what feels tight for her. It's probably just a faint squeeze for him.) "T-Tony?...Tony...Natasha, where's Natasha?! Did... they get to her in time?"

Clearly, Pepper is still coming out of the drugs as she's utterly not realized that Natasha is not even ten feet away, much less awake and speaking. Her rasping, slightly breathless with sleep and pain words, however, are filled with concern. Care. If she was angry with the woman before, it's all gone. Tony would recognize that protectiveness in her tone. Natasha was family now. And then her eyes flicker sideways, trying to shake off the drowsy dizziness as she half focuses on the woman beyond Tony. The sharp spike of vitals on those monitors suddenly levels off, relief flooding her frame. "...they got there in time... god. Thank god..."

Iron Man has posed:
"I know she's strong, but she sure as hell doesn't deserve this. If someone was coming at me, then I'll be damned sure that they come at me, not at people who are important to me." The tabloids are filled with 'Tony Stark and Pepper Potts' stories, articles about 'how to catch your man' and 'how to marry rich', and the like. Advice columnists field those questions from the lovelorn, both genders, on how to attract the boss' attention, just like the 'love story' that people imagine. (How very, very far from the truth!)

"And who would do this? Everyone. Everyone who I ever beat out on a contract. Everyone who I personally insulted. Everyone that ever got passed up for a promotion for the last ... hell, since my father had the company. I don't know. There are a hell of a lot of people who would love to see me fall."

Pepper's climbing from her drug induced doze gets his attention; he can feel the pressure on his hand as she rises to some semblance of consciousness, and when she starts looking around, eyes widened, Tony's there, 'shushing' her and offering quiet bits of wordless comforts until, "She's here. She and I are having a nice little chat about who could have been so stupid..." he starts, and stops, ready to start again, "She was worried about you too, Pep. Both of us. Now, lie still before the monitors beep in the other room and everyone comes running."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Yeah, we don't want them seeing Tony being nice and stuff," Natasha adds in a teasing tone. Just as Tony hides behind words, she has the same habit. She's so relieved to see Pepper waking finally. Her eyes shift to the woman's face and she gives a tight smile before looking to those very monitors. Then back to Pepper and Tony. "Wouldn't want to ruin his reputation."

She lets the conversation about who is behind this fall for now. It's not something Pepper needs to be listening to. They'll discuss it another time, when everyone is out of the hospital. Pepper is safe now and that's all that matters.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The sound of Natasha's voice helps a lot, especially almost being teasing, and Tony's shushing actually seems to do the job for a few moments. Pepper leans into his touch, thankfully, needing it more than she'd care to admit. If anyone ever wondered if the two cared for each other beyond the rumors in the papers? That wonder would be well and truly gone now. Pepper watches Natasha for another quickened heartbeat or two before letting dizzy eyes fall shut again, "Thank god... Nat... thank god..." She breathes out faintly, relief flooding her frame.

She doesn't let go of Tony's hand, though. Shall fingertips holding on tight, her thumb brushing along the side of his palm. She folds her arm, though even that hurts a bit, bringing his hand up to her cheek and just holding on close. Safe. He was there. They both were and she was safe. Everything was fine. "...fine. I'm fine. I... it wasn't that bad. She was worse... But the rebar... I didn't know if they came fast enough. I... don't remember what happened... after..." Passing out will do that to a person.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony's gaze levels on Natasha for a long moment, though in reality it's probably nothing longer than a heartbeat, and he's back to Pepper. They'll discuss this later, or rather, he'll discuss this with the media and issue his challenge. This... this needs to be answered, and it will, one way or another. The gauntlet will be thrown.

"C'mon, Pep.. exactly. I can't ruin my reputation. People expect it of me." His tones are soft, gently teasing, and very, very careful. It's when she starts talking about her experience that he once again shushes her. "It's fine. You're okay and Nat is fine. You're both alive and chance are, both of you will be making me crazy for a long time to come."

Tony looks to Natasha again, and his brows crease. He'll be talking to the spy later about what exactly happened in there, too... and then there'll be hell to pay with SHIELD to find out why he wasn't told when it was happening. (Other than the fact the player wasn't online at the same time. Duh.) "Later." As if she's a telepath?

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"They came fast enough thanks to you, Pepper," Natasha reassures her, returning Tony's look and giving the tiniest fractin of motion that he'll realize is a nod. She has no problem talking to him and while she doesn't have all the answers, she will be getting them herself. "Don't worry about it anymore. Don't think about it. It's over with and we're both here. Now that you're awake, I won't be the only one suffering through hospital food. Got to keep our team together."

Perhaps team is a bit much but it's fitting how she feels right now. That time together allowed for them to both move on. The discussion allowed them to find the grounds for friendship. The crisis forged it further. At least, in her mind. Ground work laid, now is the hard part to allow the woman in behind her walls. It'll be a challenge.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While normally Pepper would be catching *all* the subtext between them -- she is a woman never to miss a single detail -- she's also injured enough and still half drugged that she misses it for this moment. Her eyes are shut. She's just enjoying holding Tony's hand there and not feeling scared, alone, or in ridiculous amounts of pain. It was a vast improvement over what her last memories were, especially that moment when she was initially grabbed. The memory alone makes her hold Tony's hand a bit tighter. Safe, she was safe.

"Natasha...Tony won't let us eat hospital food. He's going to send the best delivery. Steaks, if I know him. Or...sushi. Mm... sushi sounds good." She murmurs, not exactly drug-drunk, but also not near so focused as Pepper Potts normally is. She hasn't dare let go of Tony's hand. That's her lifeline right now. "...you two were... saying something? I...didn't mean to interrupt. 'mfine... really. You can keep talking. It's fine... Just some bruises..." Pepper might be drugged, but she's not completely slow. She knew something heavy was being discussed. SHe also doesn't really seem to realize she's been out for almost two days and was in surgery for hours. In her head, this is still just some bruises and scratches.

Iron Man has posed:
"If you want to suffer with hospital food, that's fine," Tony begins slowly, "But Pep's right. I'll find out from the doctors what you can have and I'll have it sent up." They're on the Upper West Side, for crying out loud. The food has no choice but to be good. "Though, this place does have a good reputation. It might not be Michelin, but it may be good enough while your taste buds are healing."

Tony isn't letting her hand go as much as Pepper isn't. "I know you're fine. You're going to have some good ones... as in, I'll be getting questions from the media asking how you got those bruises. I can see the Enquirer now with articles about how I beat you." He breathes a soft chuckle. "I brought your earpiece. I figured you might want to be able to talk to Jarvis when I'm not here, just so you can get in touch with me." He also has a bracelet in hand, and leaning over, he has to let go of her hand and set the bracelet on. It's a medical sensor with ties in to their Artificial Awareness. "And I got you something else." Of course it's pretty... gold, with the delicate wiring intermeshed in the precious metal. Belling the cat, as it were. "Just for you."

'Team'? Tony looks back at Natasha consideringly. Why does he have the feeling all of a sudden that his life is truly going to become more complicated? (As if it wasn't already?)

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As they talk, Natasha sees the bracelet and has to hide a smile. She turns her head, looking to the window of their room to give the pair a little privacy, although they don't seem worried about it. She'd bet her left hand that there is something more to that bracelet than just a pretty bauble. Honestly, she's surprised he hadn't tagged Pepper long ago for him to keep track. He's slacking.

Not that there's much to see at the window. It's more where the window should be. It's blocked off and she has the feeling it's likely bullet proof. Security.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The funny thing about drugged up Pepper Potts is that her mind is a little slower than normal Pepper, it takes a few minutes for her to pick up on things... the 'team' part of Natasha's words being one, and something else that's been nagging at the back of her skull for days. She's trying to wrack her drugged head for it, but meanwhile responds to that other note, "...team?... That mean you're comin' back to work for us, Nat? Or at least will...visit more? I think I like this team... I miss you. Missed you. I missed her, Tony... but she saved my life. It's good... means it's fine. Friends now... getting stuck in the shit like that. It means we're friends... don't get out of that without being friends... You hear me, Nat? We're friends..." Oh god, Virginia 'Pepper' Potts is high as a kite. She's awake enough that the rambling has started and she doesn't even realize just how rambling it is.

"...oh... that's pretty..." She mutters to the bracelet, shifting her hand enough to admire it in the light. "... you just lojacked me, didn't you? Like I'm a luxury car... I need a silver version too, gold doesn't match everything... Maybe pearl? If you're gonna lojack me... it has to match." Pepper is really a light weight when it comes to drugs, probably half the reason she slept so long. But she's awake now, no longer panicking, so her mind is trying to go through everything else.

Then something hits her. That other niggling thing that had been at the back of her mind. Her eyes shoot wide for a moment and she stares up at Tony, "...we didn't use a condom. You totally forgot the condom. I did too. Shit... shit." Well, if this wasn't awkward before...

Iron Man has posed:
Once he's got the bracelet on her wrist, Tony leans over to whisper something in Pepper's ear, though it may not be all that soft that Natasha can't hear it. "Call me." In the next gesture, he's got the earpiece that Pepper is so rarely seen without, and he holds it out for her to take. "Jarvis has been waiting, too. He's worried."

Straightening, Tony turns about to nod at Natasha. It's exactly what she thinks it is; biometrics and all. It was an easy pull from what he uses in the suits for his communication with Jarvis, and it has access to everything it needs to, including a small needle that can deploy and give a microgram of heavily concentrated epi. Just in case. "I didn't Lojack you. I Jarvis'ed you."

It's that last bit, that last moment of drug-induced awareness that causes Tony to straighten fully. "What?" Where did that come from? "I .. Pepper, we'll talk about this later..." He has to go. "I'll be back soon, I swear."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Hearing the babbling, Natasha has to glance back over, a true smile on her face which is a rare thing for the woman who hides her emotions behind a mask. Apparently they are going to be friends whether she likes it or not. Which is alright with her. Not that she'd say that in front of Tony. There are certain things he doesn't need to know. And even drugged, she knows what that bracelet is all about and the Lojack comment earns a little giggle from the spy.

And speaking of things she didn't need to know? That right there was one of them. Although seeing the sudden discomfort of Tony Stark makes the awkwardness well worth every second. She does manage to keep her mouth shut, making no snarky comments. She should get an award or a medal for that, by the way.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Anthony Stark, don't you dare run away... I will find you! I'll...dammit, I'll Jarvis-lo-jack you right back!" Pepper calls after him, even as he makes his awkward excuses and ducks right out. Pepper tries to sit up. That's the first time she realizes that, probably, she was hurt WAY MORE than just some bruising. Everything inside hurt, pretty damn bad. "Dammit, Tony..." She hisses, sinking back down into the pillows and closing her eyes once more as she breathes through the pain. The monitors definitely reflect an up tick in her vitals and the pain.

"...Dammit. He's... impossible. Sorry, Nat. Sorry... you didn't need to hear... I'm not really thinking straight. Shit, what do they PUT us on here?" Pepper's still half rambling, but the pain has cut it back by a few notches. SHe turns her head to drowsily look over to the other woman.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Now Natasha does laugh, particularly at the threat. But as Pepper tries to sit up, Natasha is already halfway out of her bed. She's swung her legs around to the side, feet dangling, stupid hospital gown trying to strangler her like some serial killer. She yanks at the material, trying to keep herself covered while attempting to regain control of the outfit. Whoever created these things was a damned sadist. It's that simple.

Only when Pepper settles back down does she stop, watching warily and ready to leap to her feet. Maybe not leap. Gingerly put her weight on one and hope the other one doesn't give out when she tries to stand is more like it. "I'm pretty sure they put you on either morphine or Dilaudid. Either way, you should keep some around for parties or just to see how often you can make Tony run like a rabbit from the room."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Another bit of panic, exhaustion, and all the other things in Pepper's head is enough to make the good drugs really kick in. She's basically done far too much for a woman as drugged as she is already. "...Shit... I need to talk to him..." She mutters, but her voice is already fading. And there are important things to tell Nat before she passes out. Damned if her brain can remember them. She turns her head once more, looking drowsily in the other redhead's direction, "Nat... you... you're good. You're... real good. I... I'm glad you're back. You're good people..." Pepper mutters drowsily. She'd probably like to use more eloquent words, but that's what comes out. "...Where the hell did Tony go... damn man..." Those are the last things that half asleep Pepper mutters, before her head fully sinks back into the pillow, lips slightly open, back down into the deep drugged and healing sleep.