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Do Electric Dragons Dream About Electric Sheep
Date of Scene: 28 May 2017
Location: Star Tower, New York City
Synopsis: Burgers trump politics and spycraft. Particularly on Memorial Day.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Black Widow (Romanoff), Pepper Potts, Cyberdragon

Iron Man has posed:
Memorial Day weekend. It's a weekend where friends and family gather to stoke up the grills and have burgers, hot dogs and such while listening to others telling everyone what the 'true' meaning of the day really is. Tony is more than aware; his family has given a great deal to 'the cause', whatever that might have been at any given time. To that end, Tony has a grill out on the landing deck just beyond the large plate glass windows, and he wears an apron over his t-shirt and jeans that says 'Kiss the cook'. A BBQ spatula is in hand, and he's staring at the food still cooking.

"Pepper?!" Tony's voice rises in the double syllables. "Tell me again how to not make a hockey puck? I swear, because if this burns, it's going over the side, and whatever it lands on, it's on your conscience."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
While Natasha hasn't been able to share as much time with her new friend as she might like due to her work, she has come to visit as often as possible. She had checked herself out of the hospital early but she did go back to visit each day until Pepper got out. Then things got complicated thanks to the Russian spy's stubborn streak. When others would still be in bed recovering or at least at home with their feet up watching Netflix, she was ignoring her light-duty status and rushing in with the Avengers to an emegency. And injuring herself anew. Not that anyone knows that part. Except Deadpool. Long story.

Somehow, she got invited over for a bbq. It's one of the most surreal experiences of her life. Not because someone thinks she is another person and invite her while she plays her role. No, this was an invitation. From friends. Weird. She's not sure she'll get used to that for at least another decade or three.

She is sitting comfortably on a chair, legs crossed, a tumbler of vodka on the rocks in her left hand. She's dressed casually for once, wearing jeans and a green button up blouse instead of her work clothes. "If it lands on my car, I'm shooting him," she warns Pepper in a low voice.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Finally out of hospital, Pepper's still on orders to 'take it easy', not that Pepper knows HOW to do that. Hell, the last two days in the hospital, she was working almost full time from the bed and wouldn't hear any different about it. However, it is Memorial Day. Everyone is off work, even her. Well, her now. She took most of the morning to catch up on international stuff. Most of her bruising is gone, just a few long scabs across the cuts on her face and where she had stitches from the surgery. She's in an elegant white sun dress with long sleeves to cover most of the bits that are still healing. The rest she's done as much as she can with concealer. She carries some fancy German IPA out of the interior rooms and looks over to Tony at his questions, a deep smirk on her lips.

"You flip it after two minutes and take it off the moment it stops juicing on the grill. You CAN cut into it to make certain it's not still red in side. A tiny bit of pink is okay. Or you ask JARVIS to tell you when the internal temperature hits 167 degrees." Then she looks back to Natasha, smirking deeply. "If it lands on your car, you have full permission. Or, really, for whatever else idiotic he does today. I'm certain we'll both want to strangle him before the evening is out." Pepper states huskily, her voice clearly teasing as she walks over to Tony and snakes a loving arm around his waist for just a moment. She leans up to kiss his cheek, "...but then again. I do rather like how handsome he is. Maybe we should keep him around." Pepper states straight to his face, half grinning.

Cyberdragon has posed:
John and Cyber have had a talk about the SHIELD Agent Romanov. The Pair of them talked over the situation with the SHIELD Agent and what was said. Both have come to the agreement that yes Tony did abscond with Material that was meant for SHIELD. The Agent already not happy, and things just got progressively worse.

So the pair are willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Still he hasn't fully been tested. Stark's been too busy to really test Cyber's combat limits. And John not willing to puse those limits outside of a safe area has been doing all he can to avoid using higher levels of strength, or power.

Still The Idea of the holiday with his adoptive Guardians is appealing but John had to get some things from his home, namely the Fresh herbs and spices he has been hand growing so he has done his best to pack them up and get them here as fresh as possible. As far as anyone knows John is simply working a part time job here for MR Stark as a chief. And no one knows that Tony and Pepper are infact his guardians.

So the pair enter the Elevator with the fresh herbs and spices Cyber in his CAnine Disguise, next to his //master// as the pair walks up. Not knowing if anyone else will be here he steps off the elevator and comes into the main areas, "Tony I'm..." and John Stops, he Remembers Natasha as a SHIELD Agent and instantly he says, "Do I need to Vammoose again for a while Tony?" he asks holding what looks like a Large bag full of fresh smelling herbs and spices. Beside him the Dog starts to smell the air and gives a whine at the scent of cooking food...

Iron Man has posed:
"Okay, okay..." Tony concedes, "Jarvis. Give me the call when the meat is ready to turn." There, at least he's willing to be taught. It's the entrance of John, however, that Tony sounds a different tone, "Oh hey. John. Here. Burgers. Grill. It's all yours, buddy. The dog gets it if it's burned." He twists around to look at Natasha, and continues, "Just to save a car."

Tony is ready to hand over both the spatula AND the apron to John, and he begins to shrug it off even with Pepper at his side. He looks to Natasha, "It's your own fault for not parking it in the garage. I moved the Ferrari and McLaren so you'd have a spot."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I don't like confined spaces, even for my car," Natasha returns, smirking a bit. She's much more at ease than she was the last time John met her. She gives him a nod of greeting, automatically analyzing his body language and movements, the agent there underneath although she's relaxed. It's habit. She can't help it. After over eighty years doing it, she's not going to stop now just because she's at a party. Not that she's obvious about it. It's just a glance and she's moved on but she's already learned what she could in that glance.

When Tony passes everything off, she shakes her head. "I see. Give you a wrench, some bubble gum and a slinky and you can make a nucleur bomb. Give you a spatula and you have no clue."

She does give Pepper a look. "We should keep him around? I don't know where this we is coming from. That's all you, Pepper."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The woman turns her head as John comes out, a warmer smile crossing her lips, "No, John, stay... of course." Pepper states warmly. She still looks a little crinkled around the edges, a little fragile, but she's mostly back in one piece and hiding the lingering exhaustion of a healing body under her business like smile. She then looks back to Tony and leans over to press a small kiss to the corner of his mouth before stepping away. It wasn't something they ever used to do in public, something has clearly changed between them over the last few weeks, but she's happy to do it now. "Now, Tony, you asked me to buy this awful beer. You're actually drinking one. Here." She puts the IPA in his hands, giving him a pointed look and a bit of a smirk before looking back to Natasha.

"Nat...if you want some awful high class beer, we have a ton. It smells like hops. And... John, Natasha is... She's going to be over more often. I know things didn't start quite well between you two. I hope that changes. We... we're all family here. In different, weird ways. But we are. So... we should all get along. Natasha, this is John, our... adopted... well, I won't quite say son, but he's living with us these days. John, you remember Natasha..." SHe tries to introduce, fresh slate and all. "And yes. I'm keeping Tony around. A lady has *needs*, Nat..."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As John Takes a look at the mess Tony has made and instantly he is on damage control. right now he's tence and trying to save dinner. He sets the fresh herbs down on the count and starts to check things and turn them. He keeps his burgers Juicey by turning them often, "Tony you are a man of many Talents, Cooking is not one of them." he says and starts to get himself on preping to get things under control. "Well I have to earn my check....." and then he listens to Pepper spill the Beans on him being adopted, and the Dog comes over to Pepper and then starts to park at her one, not too loud and sits down on his rear panting out so eager for ear rubbings. Almost like an over sized puppy.

The Dog is well trained, as he doesn't get to excited.

The Talk of him being adopted, "Don't let it fool you, I'm only here cause I can do what Tony can't. Cook." he says with a Smile then the Talk of Natasha being around actually catches John off guard as he says. "Am I gonna have to be careful about coming up here from now on? I mean I don't want to walk in on something secret with Shield out on the table. And yeah That day was very tense." It's John's way of asking if Natasha should know, or should be kept in the dark about him and Cyber.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark says, "Then all bets are off," Tony finishes. "You had the chance to put your car under wraps, but nooo."

Tony's got the spatula and apron in hand to hand off, but when the conversation begins about whether or not he's going to be kept? "Wait.. wait. What? Should I be the one asked if..." No. Don't go there, Tony. He accepts the beer and makes a face at it; he's not a beer drinker. He's scotch or, in a pinch, brandy. But only in a pinch.

"A lady has..." Tony actually rolls his eyes at Pepper the moment that comes from her, but he doesn't have long as Jarvis' voice comes through,

"167. 168. 169. Sir? The food... 170."

"Uh... John? I think there's a problem." Spatula. Apron. "Here. This is why I keep you around." Not really, honestly. "As for secrets and things, nothing, and I do mean //nothing// leaves this room. Here, unless I say otherwise, I'm Tony. That's Pepper. Period." Not completely true, of course. Tony does a whole lot of work from the Penthouse, and spends most of his time here rather than in his office."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I think I'll pass. I can't stand that stuff," Natasha says, nodding toward the IPA that she is positive she can smell from way over here. Not really but those things are frighteningly aromatic. In a bad way. To ask a lover of such things, she's the one in the wrong. She just knows she's right. And they are idiots. "I think I'll stick with this overpriced vodka instead." She lifts her glass in a mock toast before glancing over at John again, watching him get things back under control. Maybe she won't have to worry about her car after all with the cook a the helm.

"And I don't discuss super secret SHIELD stuff in living rooms typically. At least any other living rooms. I have no doubt that this place is bugged worse than a termite mound but I know Tony wouldn't misuse information. You're probably safe," she tells John.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...I thought you wanted beer. You said it's a memorial day tradition. Now we need to get Thor or someone over here to drink all of this." Pepper mutters with a slight laugh, but she's not really complaining. She is happy to be happy, alive. With people she cares about. Even being sent on pointless errands, half of her life some weeks, isn't getting her to her right now.

She then looks between Natasha and John. Part of her realizes that neither of them actually groks who the other is. THey can dance around this oddness as much as they please or Pepper can just out with it. She looks between them, then back to Tony, before just taking the leap. "Natasha...John...in his other form, is the... entity you spoke to. In the elevator. John... Natasha... she saved my life the other week. Things might have started... strange between us, but..." Pepper gives the other redhead a long look, "I'd trust her with my life again. And any of our lives. She can be trusted, SHIELD or not." The weight to Pepper's voice almost makes it a decree. If Pepper was mom in this house, she got to make SOME rules.

Cyberdragon has posed:
John has it under control and just as the burgers hit 170 he has managed to Pull them making sure they get a little of that lovely taste on the outside and starts to take over trying to salvage and get the hotdogs on the Grill, and other things as well. Corn, Potatoes, as he nods to Tony and to Natasha.

"It's a pleasure to meet you under more pleasant circumstances, Uh Natasha, or Ms Romanov?"

John asks as he is trying to get the Chaos Tony has left him under control and as he sorts things out. "I knew sooner or Later SHIELD would Show up, put me on edge when you brought up the attack. I thought I would have been able to handle it better."

And then there is another voice, similar to John's with a slight reverb to it and deeper pitch as the voice says right from, the dog. //~And Since part of my Duty is to protect John. I kinda took the whole Take me apart and put me back together thing kinda as a threat against John.~//"

The Dog says as he sits there on his haunches looking at Natasha. //~John and I had a nice long talk, and after everything decided that it was just one of of those very bad days.~//

Iron Man has posed:
Tony is more than happy to let the cooking out on the helipad be done by John. He's got the beer in hand, and leaning over to the younger man, he hands the bottle over. "For cooking." If the fire gets too hot, dousing it with something is good. Beer? Even better!
Now, Tony is free and clear to head back into the Penthouse proper to get his scotch. He doesn't say a word for Pepper's decree. As far as he's concerned, she's got an even say in the matter, and if he does have something to say, he'll do it later. "I told you I wouldn't let them do it," Tony is pouring his drink from a crystal decanter. "So whatever they say on the matter is just them talking out their a-
"Sir?" Jarvis' voice interrupts the man, most likely on purpose. "I was instructed to inform you that-""Whatever it is, Jarvis, it can wait."
"But sir-""No. It can wait."

"Very good, sir."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
To hear those words from Pepper makes Natasha feel a warm rush of something she doesn't wnat to analyze too closely. After their start, she hadn't thought to be in that circle again. She refuses to over analyze her feelings because if she does, she'll mess things up. It's easier to just accept and try not to think too much. No need for complications.

Oh, what a good word! Complications. John is the giant dragon thing? She looks his direction, appraising, trying to keep the agent under control although she suddenly has about a thousand questions to ask him. Everything from what he is to what he can do to his origin and onwards. To do so would turn her from casual guest to something negative, especially after their last meeting.

Then the dog pipes in.

Her head whips around to the creature, expression blank, regarding it for long seconds. She glances at her vodka tumbler then back at the dog, wondering if she's had too much. But no, she's not tipsy. Maybe she's lost her mind? Hard to tell. People that do usually don't think they have. Perhaps that's it. Because y'know, it's a dog. That talks.

She's going to need a bigger glass.

"Emotions were running high that day," she says carefully. "Hopefully we can all begin anew."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Before you go in there... Pay the toll." Pepper teases Tony, tugging him into a full, earnest kiss. Yes, ew, PDA, but occasionally they can be happy. She's HAPPY for once and, after a near brush with death, she's in the sort of mode that she doesn't want to take anything for granted. Then she lets Tony go back inside to get his scotch, as she knows that's what he's after, while she looks back to the other pair.

Natasha's surprise and slight warmth is noted, even if Pepper can't entirely read the woman's feature's, she knows something has changed. SHe can sense that much. So she steps over to Natasha and stands just slightly beside the woman before folding down into the chair next to her. Almost presenting a united front and a quiet bit of moral support as Natasha's brain works through the weirdness of boy and his 'dog'... "I think starting anew would be nice. I'd like this place to be... a sanctuary for all of us. I think we all need it." Pepper chimes in a bit softer,

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Dog Stands up on all fours and then takes a single step as his form ripples and shifts. With in a fraction of a second the dog has become a dragon. A Quadrupedal Dragon that has wings folded against the back and the tail moving

With a Soft smile on that Biomechanical face the dragon says. //~John and I are willing to give the beneifit of a doubt.~// he says and then starts to walk over to join John and laydown relaxing in the air. The dragon is a perfect blend of Organic and technological.

"One of the Reasons why Tony and Pepper assumed legal guardianship was because Stark wanted to keep an eye on me. Cyber and I are Symboticially Linked. Which is why Tony and Pepper were so protective. As for my other family. I'd rather not talk about it, at least until we are all sober if that is alright Natasha?" he says and gets to work on the food and once he is sure he has a moment will grab himself a Soda.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony slows and slides a hand around Pepper's waist, but before he kisses her, his tones turn a sotto, theatric whisper, "In front of the kids?" It doesn't really matter, and he does give her a quick kiss before he moves around her to the bar. "It started back in the truck when SHIELD was moving the bit of tech. I was asked just to keep an eye. When I found out what it potentially was, there was no way I could let it continue. Particularly when a kid was involved." Tony is 'fessing to basically stealing sensitive property. "I wanted to keep an eye on them, absolutely, but I know that when SHIELD has an idea in their heads, it's hard to change it." With glass in hand now, he takes the first couple of swallows of the scotch, more than happy now to stay put.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"We weren't aware there was a kid involved either," Natasha says carefully, treading into areas that are probably best left undisturbed. She glances over at Tony. "To us it was technology, not symbiotic." She shakes her head. "We aren't evil. If we knew the truth, things would have been handled differently." Of that, she's positive. She knows if she were the one in charge of the transport, she would have.

She glances over to John then the dragon. "I apologize for our last meeting and I do look forward to learning more about you in an official capacity, if you are willing to speak to me again. But for now, this is a friendly gathering so I'd prefer to keep that side of things well away from our," she glances at Pepper with a soft smile. "Sanctuary."

Cyberdragon has posed:
"Natasha," John says firmly. "It was a bad day for us all. When you showed up I was scared. You were pissed at Tony, it was a bad day. I am more than willing to forgive and forget." he says with a smile and starts to get the meat and food ready to serve as he will make sure Tony gets a good meal. "One thing I can do is make sure Tony eats right and healthy." he says. And will smile softly.

//~We'll when you are ready to talk with us Natasha.~// The dragon says.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A brow arches from Pepper as Tony asks about the kids and she smirks deeply, "Fully grown kids who know full well how all of this works, mister." Pepper teases him huskily, but then does let him go. She falls quiet after, letting the dog, young man, and secret agent hash things out. Pepper remains a protective guardian, hovering at the sidelines as she listens, but she doesn't try to shove her nose into making it better. Natasha and Cyber seem to be doing that well between themselves, at least. Pepper relaxes a hint more as things seem mostly resolved.

"Well...that all said, it's a holiday. BUsiness behind us, burgers are done it seems, we should all relax and maybe put a stupid movie on, or something. We all need it." And with that, Pepper does actually direct most of the rest of the day, and all of it is RELAXING activities. A few more drinks, enough food to be uncomfortable, stupid, funny movies... It's as close to normal as things get in this house hold, but it was probably something they all needed.