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Latest revision as of 22:46, 24 October 2017

Memorial Day Hangout
Date of Scene: 30 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Following a wild animal around can lead to all kinds of places. In this case it leads to a massage parlor.
Cast of Characters: Feral, Sibilance

Feral has posed:
    It's early dawn with a warm, orange sun creeping up from the horizon to hang above Trillium Park. Foot traffic and cars are going to be heavy thanks to the day's holiday, but that happens later. Still enjoying some of the evening's cool with a light mist of dew covering the grass, the sprawling, expansive grounds are mostly empty except for a few of Gotham's early birds.
    One visitor to the aged city is hanging around in a patch of trees a short distance off the side walks - literally. Suspended by her knees, Vanya's tattered red pants are dangling from a tree branch as the woman strains her way slowly and laboriously through vertical sit-ups. Her hair is matted with sweat and the were-woman's tank top is a few shades darker than it's supposed to be - she's been at this for a while. Thankfully the prevailing wind is away from the street.
    Pausing to hang for a minute and recover, the brown-eyed woman reaches down to a small bag resting against her tree and pulls out a water bottle.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil hated the chill.

    Taking off from the edge of the park, the snake woman goes for a jog. The moment she does, she immediately passes a group of joggers on their own exercise routine. She moves so fast that she might eclipse an olympic sprinter, and it's clear she isn't even moving as fast as she can. She doesn't look tired at all. She does grimace through the chill, but getting her blood pumping was the best way to generate heat sometimes.

    She makes one lap before she notices someone familiar is in the park. She notices the mental climate first, of course, that sharp and predatory mindset still fresh in her memory.

    So she turns and comes to an abrupt stop where Vanya is training to peer up at her.

    "Hola!" she greets. "Are you sure that tree is alive enough to take that?" That's a joke, as most of the greenery in Gotham wasn't very green.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya curls herself back up to drink right-side up and for a moment goes blind to the snake behind her. "Huh?" she blurts, dropping back down with a little water dribbling across her cheek. Realization comes quickly and the were-woman's inverted face lights up with cheer and amusement. "Oh hey! You're up early."
    "Tsh, and thank you for noticing. I have to be choosy about my branches," she admits. And sure enough Vanya has chosen one of the thicker ones and stayed close to the trunk.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance tells Vanya, "I have a routine to maintain," and leaves the issue of her being up in the morning to that. She doesn't LOOK tired. She then asks, with some idle interest, "How long does it take for you to stay in shape? Does your ... ability not maintain for you?" She looks for a nice spot to lean against the tree and cross her arms.

Feral has posed:
    At that the were-woman laughs, only to grimace and put a hand to her abs. "Oof, oh... sore stomach." Forcing herself up just a few more times, Vanya grabs the tree branch as she unhooks her legs then tumbles off to land beside Sibilance in a graceful crouch.
    Leaning back, Vanya falls unceremoniously onto her butt and rests a hand on her elbow, still mildly panting for breath. "I wish, all this is hard work," she answers with a proud slap to her washboard front. "I spend maybe... two hours a day? I don't really count and I like to sneak in... sports during the day."
    "How about yours?" she banters back as her eyes fall approvingly to the reptile's upper body.

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibil takes a noticeable step away when Vanya falls, as the skittish snake isn't fond of ending up a landing pad... despite not being anywhere near in danger for that. She smiles in sympathy toward the sore chimera woman, the snake stepping up to sit down nearby. She nods slowly and makes something of a face at the thought of constantly working on her physique.

    "I have an hour-long morning routine, and then I practice martial arts with Master Zhao, and then I get more training from... Let's just say I'm really busy most days. Today's a slow day," she explains, exhaustion more emotional than physical in her voice and posture. "I don't need to do a lot of it," she admits, "My mutations keep me at a pretty insane baseline by normal human standards. It's just not enough to keep up with some of these weirdos crawling out of the woodwork nowadays. Don't want to get blindsided."

Feral has posed:
    "Lucky," Vanya cracks mirthfully. "I can never keep a master for very long. All the little schools here are just cookie cutter go-through-the-motions forms, or they get upset after telling me to spar."
    The were-woman frowns bitterly. "And I warn those idiots too--" She blinks and looks back to Sibil with a start. "Wait, Master Zhao, as in Zhao Lin? That leopard drunk?"

Sibilance has posed:
    "Maybe you're a bit much for a normal school... just a smidge," Sibil suggests, lifting one hand to measure out the exact size of a smidge between two fingers. "Martial arts are mostly about teaching discipline and training a body to work on muscle memory. It's all 'going through the motions' so you don't have to think in a fight, you just act."

    "Yeah. The leopard drunk. He's a friend of mine," she tells Vanya, "Smells funny most of the time, but he's a decent teacher, and I don't have to pay him hundreds of dollars for phoned in lessons."

Feral has posed:
    "You're talking to the woman who put him on his butt when we first met. Pinned him to the ground and everything," The brown-eyed woman laughs as she flexes an arm and slaps her biceps proudly. "Of course we weren't going all out. My pants wouldn't have survived the fight."
    "He's slippery, but I wish he would work on that smell," Vanya adds with a snort. "Some of us have good noses..."

Sibilance has posed:
    Sibilance knits her brow when she is reminded that the two of them had fought before. Maybe more than once. The snake woman rattles her tail just once before a hand goes out to stop it. "A lot more might've gotten wrecked than your pants if you both went all-out," she mentions, "He's a lot more than slippery." She reaches down to pick at the grass to busy her hands as the conversation continues.

    "I shoved him into the shower the first time he came to visit me at home. He's been using it ever since," she explains, "But he doesn't visit enough to keep all of the city grime out of his fluff."

Feral has posed:
    Vanya snorts and slaps her thigh as she laughs uproariously, only to double over again holding her stomach. "Ah-ah, still sore! Stop making me laugh, that kind of hurts hehehe..."
    Getting herself back under control, the were-woman rubs her eyes as a few last snickers work themselves out. "Ohh... oh gods... heh. You're doing a public service. I don't understand how it even gets in all his fur with how much clothes he wears. I can't stand to have all that on over fur, this shirt is too much already," she grabs her sweat-damped collar and stretches it out.
    Letting it spring back with a *snap*, Vanya falls on her back in the grass and lets out a deep breath as she looks up through the leaves at Gotham's blue sky. "I don't know about you but I need a shower - and a hot bath too, ooh and a massage..."