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Latest revision as of 22:47, 24 October 2017

If you like it then you should put a (Flight) ring on it
Date of Scene: 29 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: As a note: In a backstory to be published later, Dyrk Magz was able to locate Brainiac 5's distress call, and his omnicom was used to splice together a device to cure Querl's case of time lag. But Officer Magz wasn't the only Legion ally out there searching for distress calls...
Cast of Characters: Brainiac 5, Magno, 357

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy doesn't look up from his intricate work. But his smile is both smug and thrilled. "See?"

Magno has posed:
"Come on in, Wildfire!" Dyrk chirps happily, leaping up back out of his seat, book tossed aside. "Take a load off, welcome to the RandCorp Penthouse, temporary HQ of the Legion!"

Because that's what it's gonna turn into real fast when more people show up.

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire drifts down, and touches down on the carpeted flooring. "Nice to see you too Brainy." He says looking at the Coluan immersed in his work. As always. For Dyrk, the man gets a hug, a quick pat on the back and release. " Can't tell you how glad I am to see you guys. I thought I was lost. Stuck in this era. Did you know they still use fossil fuels? It's times like these I'm glad I dont breathe. Air would taste nasty."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I was just mentioning that very thing. It's excellent that you're here, Wildfire." Querl sets down his lab equipment. "As the Legionnaire present with seniority, I've stepped in as temporary leader until Cosmic Boy's whereabouts are found or a special election can be held. I have also temporarily waived the rule on active powers and reinstated Dyrk as emergency auxiliary. Another thing to vote on. I used to think votes were such a waste of time." He shakes his head. "Anyway. Now we need to figure out what comes next."

Magno has posed:
"It's not *that* bad," Dyrk asserts, "There are worse spots on Rimbor." As for anything else, "We're still waiting on access to actual technology. Contacts with people who can help us get what we need to start checking Space. Rand has been extremely generous but we can't wait on him forever -- eventually we're going to need to get out on our own and see what we can figure out on our own."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
"What comes next is we get off this rock.. They Don't even Have Tri-band yet." Reffering to the 31st century's retrotech radio stations playing hits from across the millenia. " So.. we get a space ship.. You can just build us one Brainy. Between my strength and Dyrks magnetic personality.. we can transport whatever you need." He says excitedly.

"Besides.. This time has filled it's space with junk. Nobody can be bothered to clean up after themselves.. It's a mess up there. I was spending more time dodging junk than actually scoping things out."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy thinks about that. "It would be easier to find an existing spaceship and retrofit it to our needs, maybe. It's not a question of design, I have countless spaceship designs memorized, it's a question of *materials*. Our budget's been effectively reset to Zero. We might be able to prevail on the Justice League or even the Avengers for assistance."

Then he adds, "I'm not going to lie, this is a barbaric era. But we need to accept that we may need to build new lives here, Drake. But what we build WILL be the Legion."

Magno has posed:
Dyrk Magz retrieves his discarded book with intent, "I was doing a little reading earlier; we might also try the Fantastic Four? They're scientists and explorers - they might be a little more our speed."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire fingertaps his 'chin'. "What if we fix two problems with the same proton?" He asks, looking between both of them. "If its materials we need.. we have a planet full of it.. I was reading this era's version of the internet at a .. they said it was a library. Bit small.. but they said they have more digitally.. So at least there is that. But my point is... the world has junkyards full of materials.. and Earth Orbit is still chock full of debris from early space travel attempts."

"If we clean up their orbit.. we get the materials we need.. sitting safely in space. No corrosion.. no territorial squabbling over junk.. And all we could want I bet. That's probly easier than obtaining and Legion-fitting a 21st century spacecraft."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Interesting." Querl says, thoughrfully. "If we were to gather space junk and derelict satelites, I could certainly use that as raw materials." He taps his chin, and then says, "But that would require a fabrication plant..." He begins working on his computer. "Which would itself be easier to set up in orbit and then incorporate into the ship. The same with robots to construct the craft...." He adjusts holographic screens with a touch of his finger. "It could work. What do you think about Drake's idea, Dyrk?"

Magno has posed:
"It could work," Dyrk echoes. "But you'd be doing almost all the work yourself," he turns to Drake, a slightly worried expression on his face. "Brainy may have re-activated my membership but I still don't have my powers. You'd be running back and forth for hours hauling whatever junk you could get your hands on because you're the only one who can get up there."

"It could work, but it's not going to be as easy as going shopping."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire shrugs. "Basic metallurgy.. A 12th level intellect would surely possess the secrets to create the alloys we need. I can smelt the materials initially. Set up a fab plant on the moon. Probably easier than Geosync. Space junk has the aluminum.." He trails off as Dyrk mentions his lack of powers.

"You don't have your powers? Krud.. that would have made this SOO much easier." He says and sits down. In midair.

"I can bring you both with me.. Legion rings protect against hard vaccum." He ponders this for a moment. "What a tech solution?"He asks, looking at Querl. "Can we rig up a tech solution for Dyrk powers? Basic electromagnetism?"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I could certainly rig up a set of gauntlets to duplicate ferromagnetic powers. It wouldn't be anywhere near Dyrk's innate level of output, but he'd already have the training to use them." Querl says, before he puts his hands behind his back and gets up to look out the window. "We have to remember, this is a chaotic era. No United Planets. Numerous intergalactic warlords roaming unchecked. All of our potential allies are small groups or they have their own interests."

He sighs, and shakes his head. "I wish the others were here. This is not my area of expertise."

Magno has posed:
"Maybe not, Brainy, but talking to people is one of mine. Let me get out there and see if I can meet up with some of these different groups and see if they'd be willing to help us?" Dyrk doesn't even touch on the whole powers thing. Not going there.

"X-Men, Fantastic Four, Justice League - there are so many others, right? You said this Rand had friends too, the security guard who let me all but said as much. Something about a Thunder God, I think." Anyway. "We're resourceful, smart, and determined - we're Legion! We can do this."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire reach up to his own 'head' and grips his helmet. Pulling it back slightly so his presses his face against the glass. Stark white 'eyes' that ripple and seethe with power. A smile forms in the blackness beneath the eyes. All that is left of Drakes once human features. And he's grinning. "This sounds like a job for the Legion Of Super Heros." he says and the 'face' actually moves as he speaks. Old habits die hard.

Then he releases his helmet and the face sinks back into the blank faceless plate. "We focus on one problem. And solve it. Then the next. And the next. and the next. Ad infinitum. There is nothing we can't do. Especially if there are more of us scattered in this timeline. If you like I can scout out beyond Earths Orbit. Depending on temporal flux, they may have entered this time where Earth WAS. Could be anywhere in the orbit."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac 5 puts his hands behind his back, and gives a little smile. "On that, we are agreed. I'm going to work on developing a plan for going forward. Dyrk, I want you to make a decision on which of Earth's meta-alliances we approach first, then figure out the right way to do that. Drake, your job is to keep up the hunt for Legionnaires who might be scattered throughout the solar system. But our priority one goal is getting out of HERE before we become a drain on RandCorp's resources."

Magno has posed:
"Which means we need money," Dyrk muses, rubbing his chin. But then he points at Brainiac; his tone is warm but he definitely means this. "*No* currency manipulation."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Of course not!" Brainiac 5 says, "I'm working on putting together a small fund which I'm then going to invest using this Earth's *primitive* financial market. Using simple four-dimensional math, I should be able to put together a comfortable fund of several billion dollars in..." He adjusts something on his holographic interface, "Three weeks."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Though I would prefer to work in British Pounds, for some reason they have a consistently higher currency value."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire laughs a little. "Nah.. they have the stock market in this time. Primitive.. but it's here. Little math.. Little predictive analytics. Buying and selling stocks on the open market. We can make our capital right there. And Gambling is still widespread. Poker, games of 'chance'. he says with full on airquotes. "We can come up with a little starting capital."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire snappoints at Querl as they both drop ideas. "Great minds eh.."

Magno has posed:
"Maybe *jobs*, if we're stuck in this time," Dyrk says - eyeballing *both* of his teammates warily. He shakes his head, too. "Grife."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"Well, Legionnaires," Querl says, somewhat loftily, "We have a plan. Dyrk, who do you think you're going to approach first? I can make you a universal translator, but the materials I have are somewhat limited. As of right now you'll be able to understand Earth languages, but I can't give you a function to auto-translate what you're saying." That's totally true, and not because Dyrk trying to speak English is hilarious.

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire eyeballs himself up and down. "I'm supposed to get a job.. like this?" He asks. "The most I could do is school this century in basic physics. Which I can't do because.. societally speaking.. we don't exist here. None of us are born for another thousand years give or take. And because I'd be giving away theories that havn't been invented yet. And because I'm pure energy stuck in a containment suit. I'd rather NOT be a labrat." He says ticking off the reasons on his fingers. "I'll stick the stock market idea."

Magno has posed:
Oh does Brainy get a *look*. It includes a smirk. Oh sure. "Thanks, Brainy." Wildfire gets a *sigh*, and a pat on the shoulder, "Just... whatever you do, do it on the up-and-up. We don't want to destabilize any economies or wreck any major financial institutions while we're here. I don't want to do something that might end up accidentally tanking Brande Enterprises because we got sloppy."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"I don't DO sloppy." Brainy says, archly. He adds, "We do need to exercise care not to destabilize our own future, but I'm reasonably confident that that isn't going to happen."

Magno has posed:
"*How* many labs have you blown up?" is Dyrk's only gentle rejoinder. Deep breath. "Anyway, the translator will help. I think I'll try the Fantastic Four first. Science Explorers seem like they might be up to the challenge of helping us, if they aren't neck-deep in their own work."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
A grin at Dyrk. Though he may not see it. High level 31st century physical and temporal physics.. and Dyrk gets a "Duh.." In answer to him being told no to destabilize the economy. "That sounds good. Mr Fantastic is likely going to be the most symathetic to our cause.. and if records are right.. he was nearly on par with our Brainy."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainiac five smirks. "Nearly." Then he says "Then we approach the Fantastic Four first. And I will continue my work here."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire unfolds his legs, still floating. "So.. question. Dyrk do you have a ring that works? Brainy's looks like his is damaged."

Magno has posed:
"He's using mine to ping the other rings. Until we have more resources, it'll have to do." Dyrk looks over at Brainy, "Can you put a communicator in the translator? I'm not going to worry about what it looks like if size makes that an issue. I shouldn't go too far afield without a way to get in touch."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire nods. "Well.. I know where you guys are now, and I can fly without it. So.. if you like, you can use my ring until I get back."

Brainiac 5 has posed:
"My ring is actually almost fixed." Querl says, "So Dyrk can take his ring and I'll put mine in the signal amplifier once it's repaired." He adds, "And, I just want both of you to know--I am incredibly glad you're here."

Magno has posed:
Dyrk Magz grins, "I'll hug you again, you keep talking to me like that." It's not really a warning, and frankly it's probably more of a promise at this point.

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire laughs. He missed the Legion banter. "Fair enough. Just thought I'd offer. And likewise Brainy. "

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl raises an eyebrow at Dyrk. "While I'm never going to be on par with Phantom Girl in that regard, Dyrk, I will not lie -- it's beginning to grow on me." He tilts his chin up at Wildfire, and says, "And Wildfire. ...Thank you. Sincerely. It's people like you who make the Legion matter."

Magno has posed:
"All right boys, enough flirting," Dyrk says through a laugh. "We've got work to do. Where did that woman leave our uniforms? I'm sure Brand would like his own clothes back..." and off he goes in search of the closet things got put back away into. "We've got to get out of here before we get completely soft! His people's enthusiastic work-ethic is almost Athramite!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Brainy is wearing a purple turtleneck and a pair of black jeans. He seems quite comfortable. "I'm in no hurry. This apparel's inelegant but it has its appeal."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire drifts towards the window. As always clad in the last suit he'll ever wear. "You're going to make an energy cloud blush Brainy." He teases. "But I'm going to head out. Maybe check out Saturn. See what Imra's ancestors are up to."

Magno has posed:
"True enough, but I think my Science Police uniform is a little more appropriate for the situation than denim pants and a t-shirt," Dyrk calls from the closets. "If you see Superman tell him we say hello, Drake!"

Brainiac 5 has posed:
Querl bends down and returns to his work. He sticks his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, and then says, to himself, "They'd be so lost without me."

Wildfire (357) has posed:
Wildfire nods and offers a small salute. "Will do Dyrk." He says and slips out the open window. A moment later he's gone.