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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/05/29 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=163, 352 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:163|Cyberdragon (163)}}...")
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Latest revision as of 22:48, 24 October 2017

Date of Scene: 29 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyberdragon, 352

Cyberdragon has posed:
For the most part Cyberdragon has been out in Oyster Bay diving deep to the bottom of the bay exploring all sorts of wreaks and ships down there. Well wrecks maybe here and there but there is some interesting things to find down there.

In all the pair have been enjoying everything for today being alone together expecting at some point Natasha will ask to see them as he left a note for her he would be out this way at Stark Towers. Currently the pair are resting on one of the more isolated bridge structures, just to chill and relax.

A scan showed John and Cyber that Cyber is made up on A cell like structure similar to normal living cells, but instead of Carbon in his celcular make up. He has mettalic elements in his structure and a fair number of those elements are not found in natured. Being syntheticly made. And for those with advanced technology to detect such, he will stand out like a sore thumb.

Mandora (352) has posed:
It's a good thing that John and his 'friend' the Cyberdragon are at one of the more isolated places. Because soon there is a sound in the air, one that's probably indicative of something about to happen. The sound, if they look up, can be seen to be made by a... flying motorcycle?! It's true, there is a flying motorcycle headed in John's and Cyberdragon's direction.

It's not flying by itself, of course; there's someone on it. It's a woman in a uniform, with a copper helmet on. Her hair's pulled up through the helmet. But she does look really official. And the look on her face doesn't inspire confidence -- her mouth is drawn into a hard line across the bottom of her face.

Cyberdragon has posed:
The Energy from the Flying bike does catch his attention, his bio electrical senses also detect electronic and electricity. In the Sky so the Flying bike cane get his attention sooner that it would have on the ground. And when he confirms it is indeed heading for him he looks around and seeing that there are areas that can be effected if this comes to a fight so he lopes yes lopes off the bridge and those wings Snap open heading in the direction of the open atlantic. If it comes to a fight he can use the ability to survie underwater to put himself in a position where he can force the odds in his favor of victory if it comes to a fight.

As he reaches the open area of Oyster Bay he's not making any attempt to actually loose his persuer, but he does intend to get away from populated areas if he has to cut loose, and once he reaches a good distance away he suddenly snaps up the speed breaking an easy 500 miles and hour to get nice and far before he drops his speed and snap turns claws flexing forarm blades out, hard as tungsten carbide and the edge 3 Nano meter's wide.

Hovering in mid air he awaits for the person to catch up to him, at least here he has a better chance of not being attacked on mass.

Mandora (352) has posed:
Sure enough, the motorcycle-riding woman follows the two of them out into the bay itself. When he kicks up the speed so does she, her foot pressing the accelerator to keep up. She doesn't close the distance between them just yet, though whether it's because she's merely unwilling to or actually unable to is anyone's guess.

However, when he stops, the woman pulls the flying bike to the side, leaving enough distance that she can react if he attacks her while staying close enough that he can hear her over the wind. "My name is Mandora. I just got an advisory to be on the lookout for a possible artifical biological entity," she explains as she puts away the ID. "Your biosigns match up. Would you happen to know anything about this?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
the Wings of the Dragon flap down and move in rapid succession as he uses his position to be ready to recieve an attack. But when it doesn't come he seems to relax, the Blades don't retract on the Forearm and he seems almost utterly devoid of body language. And as he hears her words he almost looks confused. The Biomechanical dragon actually seems to ripple a scan shows that it has harded it's body forming areas of armor plates ready for an attack.

But the Dragon hovers there. "As a matter of fact it's very possible I am, who the hell are you exactly Mandora and whom do you work for?" He's wondering who it might be. His body language has shifted some he's clearly expecting an attack to come.

Mandora (352) has posed:
"That's all I'm at liberty to offer, I'm afraid," Mandora replies. At least on the subject of her identity and who she works for. "I can say that my reason for asking is to make certain that the entity presents no threat to civilians, and if it does, contain it."

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he narrows eyes eyes and lifts his lips up to show those sharp teeth of his. "Your concerns for Civilians are not nessicary. And since you won't tell me who you work for, I am unwilling to offer more Information than that because if if talls into the wrong hands, people might get hurt around me by those that wish me harm. I'm not looking to start a fight." The Dragon says throwning the ball back into her court.

Then he looks around at the Ocean around the pair. "But the best thing about out here is if someone starts a fight, I don't have to worry about harming others if I am attacked." Right now the dragon is on the total defensive, he is making sure that he has plenty of room to move if a fight starts. But something else, almost like an inexperiance, as if the creature is young, perhaps teens or recently awakened. He might be inexperianced but he's chosen his battlefield well. His form might also give him consideribly aquatic movement and speed.

Mandora (352) has posed:
There's a bit of a tensing from Mandora as those teeth are bared. But she doesn't immediately attack, since no attack is being aimed at her. However, she frowns visibly when he doesn't offer more information. She does a quick mental count -- this guy clearly isn't a normal Earth civilian. The wings are enough to figure that out. So maybe that's all right to give, anyway. It's not like she doesn't have authorization.

However, while she's mulling this over in her head, she's not being idle, no. She's using that helmet's connection to the Worldmind network to run a scan on the flying person before her. She'll pause long enough to run that scan. It's not until data's been collected that she finally speaks up again.

Mandora then further offers, "My superiors seek to prevent violations in non-interference with this world's development, including -- but not limited to -- abductions of humans by intergalactic entities, any contamination of Earth through illegal technology, smuggling of Earth resources to other planets, and/or the use of Earth as a refuge for intergalatic criminals. There is some concern that the presence of said artificial biological entity may be a violation of non-interference laws."

Cyberdragon has posed:
AS the list of the issues come up and those scans of the being show it is bio-tech, and that inside is what appears to be a human like form, the bio tech is around him. Hard to tell how indepth it is he narrows his eyes and seems to be more relaxed. The tone is military like but it's enough to make those blades on the forarms suddenly retract. The snarl leaves his face, as he says, "Sounds like you are some sort of intergalactic police officer."

He seems to relax some but not enough to show he is off guard. "Well if that's the case I can certianly understand the issues of allowing a planet to develop naturally. As for me, I have been on Earth for over ten thousand years. If you would like I can direct you to a location where you should be able to find artifact that old that haven't been disturbed in that long at least, nothing of real value to human culture, nothing dangerous."

Mandora (352) has posed:
Mandora nods. "That's one way of putting it, yes," she allows. In fact that's pretty close to the mark. But as ever, professionalism dictates that she can't reveal what she's not allowed to. Also who knows what her superiors would do to her?

The mention of an artifact has her quirking a brow, unseen behind the helmet. "An artifact? Is it of Earth origin?" she asks. Though she does note that if he really has been here that long, it does rather help his case that he's not a threat.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As he thinks and he says, "Yes a tomb. Give me a moment to locate it in memory. I don't have instant recall. Especially that far back." And he begins to turn his head as he starts to think, an maybe a minute later he says, "Do you have a map of Africa you can pull up?" he asks. "It's deep in the Congo, but your technology should be more than a match for anything there wildlife wise. As for anything else." he shrugs.

Assuming she brings up a Halo map he would point to an area near the Congo's jungle near the norther edge about a hundred miles or so from the jungle edge. "There will be a ruin I think... About here. Much has changed and I didn't have access to orbital imagining back then. But the landmarks of today in relation to things place it in this area."

Mandora (352) has posed:
Mandora does indeed have a map she can pull up. The map is projected out of an emitter on her motorcycle. He might have to get near to point out the place, and when he does he may note she tenses again. But still doesn't attack him.

She nods, however. "Do you believe the artifact within has some importance or poses some threat?" she inquires. She can't see the need for the artifact otherwise.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"The Ruins and tombs with in are well over ten thousand years old, the fact that I know of it and it's location. Combined with the estimated length of time since humans should have been in it's location last. Will verify I am that old here on Earth. And I assume that your orders would prevent you from telling local inhabitants of it's location. Which means if it's discovered any time soon, you would have leaked the information and your story as a police officer from space is suspect."

He says with a smile having gotten her in a logic trap, if she's telling the truth she will tell no one and let nature take it's course. "I can give you information based on a geral lay out, how many levels, roughly how many corridors, and the typ of stone it was constructed from. If your technology is as advanced as I think you will be able to scan inside the tombs for said artifacts and relics, and realize that intact as they are the only way I would know is having been there, over ten thousand years ago." he says.

Mandora (352) has posed:
Mandora pauses, thinking over his words. "Can't fault your logic," she admits. Though she doesn't seem like she has any air of having been 'busted' in a lie or something of the sort. Though she does assure him, "The only place the information will go is to my superiors. I'll make note of the description and layout. My superiors may choose to check the validity of your claims or not."

Cyberdragon has posed:
With a nod he says. "As you wish." He wants to say more but he holds his tongue. "A Word of caution, Be careful if you investigate alien artifact of great age through out the world. If I discover those I know of are in danger of being discovered and will cause harm to those around it, I will deal with them myself. If they are in no danger of being found. I leave well enough alone. For they are part of the world's history, and you have no right to steal that history from humanity. Balance the needs of protection humanity and allowing them to uncover their history carefully. Some things are meant to be found when humans are ready to understand it properly."

Mandora (352) has posed:
A tilt of her head, though Mandora nods. "Non-interference is more than just taking away alien toys so Earth civilians don't get them. Besides, removing them might cause just as much trouble as leaving them there. Possibly more. Artifacts that have been there for that long a time are, as you said, part of Earth's history. Removing them would be interfering." It's part of Earth history if aliens visited a long time ago and... well, did things.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As the dragon seems to be tireless with his wings flapping he says. "Sadly if you want any more information from me. It will have to wait, I am sure we will speak again soon. I have some information to share with people about you. There are a lot of aliens on earth some honest refugees. Like Superman, Knowing that there is an intergalactic Police officer on earth, might interest them, perhaps willing to Co-operate with you, Aid you if you will let them. Others might use you to identify alien tech to claim for themselves. I am not sure but the ones I am staying with I do Trust because he hasn't harmed me, or trying to pry my secrets from me by force. Questions yes... but he seems willing to accept a No."

Mandora (352) has posed:
Mandora nods. "Don't worry. I'm not here to arrest every alien and take them to jail," she assures him. "My only priority are aliens that are known to be causing serious trouble with their interference in Earth's history. I'm aware that there are aliens that function as sanctioned peacekeepers. It's unlikely I'll be set to bring them in. There are bigger problems." Homicide detective and jaywalker, basically.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"That I can respect, and believe at least at this point. But still, if there is a group you wanted to contact, I have heard great things of the Justice league. The Avengers as well. SHIELD I am not sure I would trust them with my secrets yet, dispite being a united nations approved group. But Getting in touch with these groups might help you avoid trouble. Such as taking a dangerous alien into custody. Don't think too bad of them but I think SHIELD would show up claim juristiction due to being on earth soil and try and tie your hands up with your own regs, to claim such a entity and it's technology."

Clearly the dragon doesn't know what is going on but wants to steer the police officer to people who can help her honestly he feels. And if she is not what she claims stop her with little trouble.

Mandora (352) has posed:
Mandora makes note of these names. This is all going to go in her report, yes. All these organizations. The Nova Corps will probably know about at least some of them. Though she does recognize the need to get in touch with these people. They might have information. "I'll keep them in mind," she notes. "Thank you for being so cooperative, and I apologize for interrupting your day." She can totally be polite.

Cyberdragon has posed:
With a Nod he smiles, "Of course, Mandora, I do hope you enjoy your stay on earth and I hope it will be a pleasant one for us as well as you. If you will excuse me, I will let you continue on your way." As he does he will actually loop backwards and swing under her skycycle heading back to New York City so he can swing by Stark Towers. Oh hell things are always weird for him.