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Latest revision as of 23:22, 24 October 2017

Outside the School
Date of Scene: 30 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Tygra, 283, Emma Frost

Tygra has posed:
"Amazons." Tygra says sounding it out quietly. The translator being toggled between words as he strides alongside WilyKat down one of Metropolis many busy streets. They're sight-seeing, they were told they would be okay doing this here and are taking advantage of it. The looks they get are ignored but it is much fewer than one would expect. This is after all a time where aliens, mutants and metahumans are almost the norm.

The taller broad shouldered Tiger-striped male isn't wearing his pistol, thats back at the Cat's Lair but he does have his collapsed whip is dressed in white and blow flowing garments that almost look martial arts in theme. Barefoot and bareclawed.

"They are women warriors like the villagers we met back on New Thundera it appears. Lets see what else is over here... " He is getting good about toggling the translator on and off between the English language and Thunderian.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
With others doing their own exploring, it's come to WilyKat and Tygra paired off in Metropolis. Feet mostly bare as well, his hoverboard is nowhere in sight. This is a walking trip, at least after they got here via whichever mode of transit worked best. He's in his usual, which means the full outfit of the tunic, the darker sleeves and leggings, and various pouches.

"Which ones were those, again? I don't know if I remember them," Kat is forced to admit after trying to check his brain for a thought or impression of them. Even if it doesn't come back to him, he's got that wide-eyed look of someone taking everything in for the first time. After all, he is.

Emma Frost has posed:
Standing on the stairs leading up to her school, Emma finishes her conversation with one of the students and ushers them down the steps towards the sidewalk and hails a cab for the young man.

Stepping back away from the uber, Emma looks to her left and spots the two cat based hominids, her ice blue eyes lingering on them for a brief momment.

Tygra has posed:
"Willa, WilyKat. You forgot Willa and her tree people?" Tygra looks a little concerned at WilyKat's memory but it could easily just be the fact they're dealing with so much of a transition. Especially the Wilys.

A horn blares loudly as someone they were not paying any attention to was taking pictures of them and backed up in to the road. This gawking tourist almost getting hit by the Uber pulling out as well.


Tygra's hands come up to his ears, "What an obnoxious sound. Are we being attacked?" His eyes sweep around them seeing only the automobiles nothing beyond the ruckus, the young man isnt getting run over but this is a sudden amount of noise. His golden eyed sweep has him lock gazes briefly with Emma Frost.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"Oh." WilyKat neither confirms nor denies any memory of Willa and the rest, and that's mainly because of the sudden commotion. He hops back on instinct, used to seeking safety back from when he was smaller and younger, but instead his hands go up toward his ears. "I..don't know!" he admits.

It's those vehicles and rude people combining to draw more attention around them, and as he turns around his tail sweeps past as well, eyes darting to and fro. Eventually they pass over the blonde-haired woman. He's already beginning to tuck away something he'd withdrawn from a pouch.

Emma Frost has posed:
"You two!" Emma calls, motioning with her hands towards the catlike duo and keeps her stoic face as she waits for them to approach. "Don't be so obvious that you are new around here. This city will chew you up, spit you out and kick you down the road to the more dangerous neighborhoods." The white queen warns.

Tygra has posed:
"Us two?" Tygra looks at Kat then the woman, his fingers releasing his ears enough to make out what she is saying. The chaos is breaking apart out at least, the picture taker slapping the hood of the car that almost hit him before scurrying quicklly away from the driver. Back to adulting.

The Thundercats of course still looking out of place, "Weaponized sounds. We will have to remember this." He whispers before hopping over a car and another to join Emma Frost's side of the road. Totally a new kind of jaywalking.

"Hello, did you just say this city would eat us?" Tygra blinks. Thats a new one. Maybe it is like Cat's Lair and it has teeth somewhere.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat grimaces. Weaponized sounds? "That could be bad if they know things like that here," he says, sounding at least reasonably concerned about the danger of noise against them. Then, "Hmm?" He's looking back toward Emma, then following Tygra as he darts past slow-moving traffic. There's more honking, more of those attack sounds.


It's as if there's a daily quota on that or something. Fortunately the translator continues to do its work, both in what he hears and says, for he's looking at Emma in confusion following her warning. "More dangerous than this?" he asks.

Emma Frost has posed:
"That's not a weaponized sound, it's a warning sound." Emma explains softly as she starts to move up the steps again, expecting the two kittenmen to follow her.

The white queen is wearing mostly black clothes, a charcoal pant suit with a cream colored blouse, and a tablet held in one hand against her waist.

"I certainly did, this city is nortorious towards the tourists and new inhabitants."

Tygra has posed:
"You heard that? nice ears for a human." Tygra appraises Emma, "And no, I was saying thats a good idea, weaponized sound. I want to make one now or try and then have Panthro fix it." He talks like Emma Frost knows who that is.

"Language, WilyKat!" He blurts.

"Sorry for my companions manners we are still very new. Speaking of manners!" The 'tiger' almost forgets his and extends one strong, clawtipped and striped limb to her; if she takes it he will shake her hand in the way that Jean Grey did. Grasp, lift, drop, repeat, release. Mechanical and perfected. He totally has human'ining' down.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat makes a face at Tygra's admonishing. Emma probably doesn't even know what 'Whiskers' means. Most humans don't, after all.

"It just came out," he claims, trying to pass it off as an outburst he couldn't help. His mouth opens and closes as he even goes to the extra step of apologizing on his behalf. While there's no handshake forthcoming from him, at least not yet, he does wonder, "Who are you, then?"

Emma Frost has posed:
"I did, and yes, I've practiced my whole life at listening." Emma says with another glance over her shoulder before stopping and turning to shake Tygra's hand, noting the mechanical method in which he does so. Must be newly taught.

"I am Emma Frost." The blonde woman says with a polite just as practiced smile towards Wily's question.

Tygra has posed:
"As it keeps coming out. Again and again... " Tygra stops harassing WilyKat about it for now and manages a polite smile in Emma's direction. "I am Tygra. We are Thundercats and simply just exploring your city. It's... different." The hand is of course withdrawn.

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"Do you have a better word for it?" WilyKat asks of Tygra, the question a little pointed. Much like their claws, in fact. He crosses his arms for a few seconds, then changes his mind and lets them hang normally at his sides.

A nod follows as he says to Emma, "Very different. It's noisier, and there's a lot more around. There's so much to see!" Truly, he has the look of someone who could be going through a bit of sensory overload given all there is to check out.