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Merci Mercy at Mercy
Date of Scene: 31 May 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Mercy texts Adrien and Marinette shows her claws or Marinette is stupid jealous but it's okay because apparently Adrien's telling everyone they're engaged.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, 142, 143

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it goes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes it's at a standstill.

For Mercy, it's been all three of those at some point these last few days, but it's only when she's back within the routine of her typical day that she realizes she hasn't heard from a friend for quite some time.

One Adrien Agreste.

As such, when Mercy takes a break from her current repair, she'll reach for her smartphone which sits in one pocket of her mechanic overalls. Thumbing the lock off, the dark-haired woman will scroll through her contacts until she finds Adrien's number. Then she picks the text option and starts typing -

- 'Hey Adrien. Haven't heard from you in awhile. How're you doing?'

After a quick re-read for any typos Mercy will then push the send button. It'll likely only take seconds for another phone to receive that text - bing, you got mail!

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Things were looking okay this afternoon, all things considered. Adrien had managed to get Nathalie to bring in sandwiches and cookies. It was like a picnic, only in a hospital room. Adrien was making the most of it, and ignoring the giant pink bear in the corner. it was giant and pink. When Adrien's phone chimed, Plagg poked at it with a foot as he took another bite of the cheese feom adrien's sandwich.

"Someone wants attention. It's not me this time," says the kwami needlessly as he sits on Marinette's thigh. Adrien collevts the phone.

"First time foe everything. " "Whats that supposes to mean?"

"It's Mercy." Adrien saysn sounding surprised. He kinda forgot, with everything that had been happening. Hos thumbs dly over the keyboard on screeen.

- Hi! Soery. Been hectic. Im ok. With girlfriend in hospital. you? hows lorien? -

Because clearly the boy has no sense of you sont just drop in the hospital and girlfriend all in one sentence and then change the topic cssually. He hits send.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette wasn't allowed good like that yet but she enjoyed watching the kwami and Adrien have a decent lunch. She would have preferred to be able to get up and make it herself but... Not happening. Do she'll make due with this.

Plagg's quip had Mari snickering and reaching out to lightly scritch the top of his head. "Everything ok?" Whatever you do lityle kwami-kitty, don't move. You're keeping Mari calm.

And Tikki knows this which is why she pauses in her tiny bites from the cookie and blinks up at Marinette. "Be good."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Cleaning. Who really enjoys it? Well, some do, but not necessarily Mercy. It's a tedious job, but it's a job that has to be done. So, that's what she continues to do as she waits for a response. It's only as she finishes wiping down the various work benches and tools she used that she'll pause to survey her domain. Good, everything is in its place. With a faint smile the woman will turn towards a cabinet, intending to go over to it now, but before Mercy can trot over the rabid buzz of her phone is felt and heard.

"That was quick." She murmurs to herself as she tucks the hand towel into another pocket of her overalls. Then, once more, Mercy reaches for her phone. A quick thumbprint upon home button will quiet the buzzing and and also release the screen lock. The first words are expected, as she reads them, but when she gets to hospital the coyote can't help but widen her eyes in surprise. "What?" Comes her voice, which echoes slightly within her garage even as her fingers start tapping at the screen -

- 'What? What happened? What can I do to help?'

The mention of Lorien isn't even touched, because yes, you don't just change the subject when you throw in hospital! Hospitals typically mean bad things have happened.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Ugh. Her." "What?" "She puts me on edge." "Plagg!" "Whatm She smells like dog." Adrien rolls his eyes before smiling at Marinette, completely calm, nothing false about the expression.

"Yeah. She's just worried. I sort of dropped a spiderguy on her and havent really checked in. I got a little side tracked. Itxs fine," Adrien says with a roll of shoulder. This is the least crazy thing theyve been through. "Lorien isnt an akuma, but he's been through some bad things and I was worried. Mercy is a nice girl, helped me as Chat once or twice, so I told Lorien I knew a few people to help him and told Mercy about him. She and I.. as adrien... met Lorien and... that's the last I know. Like I said. side tracked. " His eyes fall to his phobe again. a quick read and he replies.

- An accident. shexs ok. just recovering. the mercy stafd is ok. not sure what tou can do thouhh but thanks. -

Adrien doesnot read for rypos. not while Marinette is herr to take most of his attention. He is unapologetic.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Marinette...." Tikki's little tone holds so much warning as she watches bluebell blue eyes narrow when Adrien turns his attention away.

"Really?" Too sweet. "You should have your nice girl stop by." She's ignoring her kwami now, thank you.

Poor Plagg might want to move before those pets become violent.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
While Adrien might be able to translate typoese quite easily, Mercy isn't as proficient. She'll read his text several times as she puzzles out some of the misspelled words. Finally, when the meaning becomes clearer to Mercy, she'll start typing again -

- 'I'm glad she's okay. Let me know if you need anything brought up, I can bring it. Clothes, food, whatever, just ask.' -

Even food for Plagg, even if she does smell like dog to the little magical creature.

And just in case he does need something, Mercy will walk into her front office and flip the sign from open to closed, before she returns to the garage proper. A few more steps will take her to the second door that leads into her actual living space. As she walks Mercy will continue to keep one eye upon her phone and the other for her cat Medea.

Wouldn't want to trip and end up in the same hospital.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"If you're feeling up to visitors, sure," Adrien says to the too sweet tone, misreading it for sincerity. His eyes fall back to his phone, reading the new message quickly.

"I'll let her know to stop by," he says as he types his reply on his phone, calm and relaxed and not perturbed at all. Plagg, likewise, thinks nothing of Marinette's tone. It's Tikki's warning that has the cat-kwami pausing before his next cheese-bite, green eyes flicking to his counterpart, head on tilt. The purrs that had soundtracked lunch fade away as his ears swivel.

- Me too. It was a tense few hours. Sounds like she'd love to meet you, if you wnat to sotp by. Wenalready had luch. -

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette's smile is ... Well, it looks more like something you'd ser on Chloe. Tight, too sweet and not anywhere near sincere. "Can't wait." There might have been a hiny of a growl there.

Tikki's antennas twitch unhappily and her eyes slide to Plagg. "Remember Vulpine?," is asked in a whisper. Her Chosen has.... issues. Subscriptions even!

And suddenly, those pets aren't all together gentle anymore.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Again, the text is read by Mercy, and as she reads it, she'll idly bend down to give Medea a quick pet. Then the coyote is texting back -

- 'Sure. I can bring you both some snacks. What does she like?'

And just like that Mercy is moving. Her mechanic overalls will be swapped for jeans, boots and a simple black-t-shirt. Her hair will be pulled back into two braids and then the coyote is locking everything up tight and leaving. It'll definitely be a minute for her to get there, especially if she has to stop at the store for any snacks, or cheese. But get there Mercy will.

Mercy will step inside from the main hospital entrance and once inside she'll pause to look around. With that pause her nose will crinkle ever so faintly, as Mercy resists the urge to sneeze thanks to the overwhelming smell of antiseptic and industrial strength cleaning products. Once that sneeze is mastered the coyote will free her phone from a pocket -

- I'm here. In the main lobby. Let me know what floor and room number.'

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Did you want her to bring anything?" Adrien is asking, eyes on his phone as he texts. Chloe-smile? What Chloe-smile?

- I'll ask. -

Plagg's whiskers quiver as he looks to Tikki. His ears flatten out. "How can I forget?" He grumps, but dense kwami is as dense Chosen and it only sinks in that something's wrong when a pet hurts. The purrs are gone and Plagg zips from Marinette's lap with a tiny yowl, cheese dropped and forgotten.

"Meouch! Watch it! I'm a delicate kitten!" Plagg grouses, collecting his tail into his paws and hugging it to his chest. It makes Adrien look up at his kwami, frowning.

"You're a pain in the tail, Plagg. Come here, and stop annoying Marinette," Adrien retorts, reaching out to catch the flying cat.. only for Plagg to zip away.

"I am not annoying her! You're annoying her!"
"No, I'm- dammit, Plagg! Mercy's on her way."
"Like I care."
"Plagg! Someone's going to see you!"
"Your fault. Not mine. My cheese is melting."

Chase the kwami lasts until Mercy gets to the hospital and by the time Adrien's phone chimes again, Plagg's been captured and tucked into his pocket. WHY the pocket contains the kwami who can phase through things and who used that to great effect in Keep-Away-from-Adrien is anyone's guess. Maybe Plagg is just unlucky. Whatever it is, Adrien's a little pink cheeked by the time it's done and he is reaching for his phone. Must send two texts.

To Mercy: - Room 417, 4th floor. Give Gorilla your name.-

To Gorille: - Mercy Thompson. -

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Marinette!" Tikki frowns at her Chosen who actually gives Plagg an apologetic look. "Sorry, Plagg. He's not annoying me, Adrien."

Tikki is already dipping into Mari's purse when the raven haired girl huffs. "No, I don't want anything from her." Except to transform and drop her off the roof.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Poor Adrien, poor Marinette, and Mercy too. This meeting will likely be an awkward sort of thing, but -

- it is what it is.

Even though nothing was needed Mercy still took it upon herself to rustle up a few snacks to sneak into the hospital for both Adrien and Marinette. And perhaps Plagg too. Her illicit goods are hidden in a small messenger bag that's hanging diagonally from one shoulder to opposite hip. At Adrien's text the coyote will nod to herself as she strides to one of the elevators. A jab of her finger will light up the up arrow and then Mercy waits. Idly she'll people watch, as she waits. Happiness can be seen with a family awaiting a new baby to arrive, sadness and worry for those injured and heartbreak too, as others lose someone so close to them. All the scents swirling around her is enough to cause the dark-haired woman to frown. That frown and her thoughts that accompany it are soon pushed aside as the elevator finally arrives with an insistent ding. Stepping into the elevator, Mercy will push the fourth floor button and wait.

A few minutes later and Gorille might spy Mercy Thompson striding down the hallway towards room 417. Upon seeing the bodyguard Mercy offers a jaunt wave and also her name, "Mercy Thompson here to see Adrien and Marinette."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"It's okay, Marinette. Adrien's a dork," Plagg retorts, muffled from his Chosen's pocket. Adrien just ignores the barb in favor of moving to clean up the picnic lunch. He sits back down at Marinette's bed side, hand reaching for hers, wanting to lace their fingers together. Really, he'd like to rub her fingers against his cheek, but for a few moments he manages to suppress the urge.

When Mercy arrives, Gorille's eyes look her over once before he turns, knocks three times waits four beats then opens the door for Adrien's guest. Adrien looks up as the door opens, a light smile on his face. He's not as put together as he normally is, but then, staying in a hospital does that to a young man. Well, does that to anyone.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Ah, Plagg. If only Adrien knew how lucky he was you spoke.

Marinette giggles at the little kitten-kwami. "But adorable."

And then Adrien's fingers weave together with her own and it relaxes Mari a little further. Enough that she brings their hands up to rub his cheek gently before settling them to the bed as their guest walks in.

The young woman is has several IV bags hooked up to het as well as a heart monitor and an oxygen machine. They may have had problems keeping the oxygen on her. She doesn't like it.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
A smile of thanks is given to Gorille when he pushes the door open for her, then Mercy steps inside. Automatically the older woman's gaze will turn to the room, then Adrien and finally Marinette. "Hey." She says quietly to both teenagers, "How're you both doing?" Mercy asks, even as she shifts her messenger bag off of her hip, so that it hangs simply from her shoulder.

"I know you guys didn't need anything, but I brought a few items, just in case." Continues the coyote as she steps a little further into the room, though she stays well out of anyone's personal space. "A bit of candy, some drinks -"

Automatically her magical sensing abilities ping slightly for Plagg and Tikki, though she makes no mention, or even looks in either of their general directions. Adrien may know the coyote's abilities, but Marinette doesn't.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien grins slyly as Marinette says he's adroable. His green eyes slide toward her, settling with a sense of adoration. Her fingers brush against his cheek and his eyes flutter closed. It's been two days since he's had a chance to clean up properly, and though it's not visible (because blonde) his cheek is slightly rough, like a cat's tongue. The faint Chasing Plagg induced flush receding so that when Mercy comes up, Adrien looks only slightly rumpled instead of completely out of sorts. He doesn't rise though, as he normally would. Not with Marinette holding her fingers to his cheek exactly as he had been wanting to. All Adrien gives Mercy is a warm smile.

"That's sweet of you, thanks, Mercy. Come in. Marinette, this is Mercy Thompson. Mercy, this is Marinette Dupain-Cheng," he says to make introductions and one would have to be completely obvlious to miss the softening of his tone and the way his eyes settle on Marinette as he says her name, or the very faint way his head tilts into her hand as his fingers curl a little more tightly against her hand.

In his jacket pocket, Plagg makes gagging faces and wishes his Chosen had shoved him into Marinette's purse so he could curl up with Tikki instead of being couped up all by himself ...and no cheese!

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I'm not allowed to have that stuff." Clear liquid diets suck.

Introduced, Marinette nods her head. "Bonjour." Even when she speaks English, her accent is very apparent. She tends to revert to French when agitated though. Or very relaxed.

She's far more... hmm... normal with Adrien so close and their fingers laced together and her hand against... Does he not realize he can use the shower in the bathroom?

Oh! Right. Totally not nearly as GRRR as she was before.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is not the sort who's oblivious. Especially with her keen hearing and keen sense of smell. Her gaze will look between the pair a moment before a faint quirk of a smile lifts the corners of her mouth upward. Then it's to her messenger bag and the coyote will take a moment and busy herself with the contents of her bag. A small plastic bag will be pulled free and within it bottled water (and soda), candy, trail mix and even packaged cookies will be found. It's not the healthiest food, but everything else would have required refrigeration.

With introductions Mercy will automatically look back up at the couple. Her gaze will shift between the pair again, "Nice to meet you, Marinette." Greets the coyote politely back, even as she then offers a grimace to the young woman, "Liquid diets aren't fun. Hopefully when you're on regular solid food some of this might still be left over for you." And with that said, Mercy will set the bag down and out of the way, whether it's close to Adrien, or on some out of the way tray or table.

"Do you mind if I ask what happened?" Mercy says, even as she relegates herself off to a corner, giving the two teenagers space. "And if you'd rather not, seriously, just say none of your business. It's cool." A grin will be seen at the end of those words and a bit of humor might also be heard from Mercy. She knows how to mind her own business, even if she is curious.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari smiles. Yes! It's genuine. "It's stupid." She blushes brightly. "I was in the park and being silly... I didn't see the mud, slipped and ended up driving a tree branch through my shoulder..." Her cheeks flare brighter. "One of my more epic clumsy moments."

And it's not a lie really. She was in the park and it was because of mud she ended up slamming into a tree.

"Thank you. For bringing stuff. He needs to eat more."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
When Mari tells her story Mercy can't help but grimace, a wince washing across her features for a quick second. "Ouch." Mercy says, an understatement to be sure. "You're lucky it wasn't anything worse; though I'm sure it doesn't feel that way right now." A second grimace crosses her expression again, though this one is more of a sympathetic grimace. She's had some wounds that laid her up, yes.

"How long will you have to stay in the hospital? I assume until they're sure everything is healing nicely? Or when you're ready to transition to rehab?"

At the younger woman's thanks, Mercy offer a quick wave of her hand, "You're welcome, but it was nothing. Seriously. Just a few things for you to eat - well, for him to eat." An amused look will be given to Adrien now, since between the two teenagers, he's really the only who'll likely eat it. Though perhaps Plagg and Tikki might take a nibble.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Taking the offerings, Adrien reluctantly untangles his fingers from Marinette's, turning to place the items on the bedside table. Thus, his back is to Mercy when she asks about what happened, but his front is to Marinette, giving her a clear view of how the mere reminder of how Marinette got innjured sends a flash of guilt across his face. It's there and gone in a moment though as Adrien pulls his expression back to a warm smile. A warm smile that is all kinds of false. He busies himself with putting the snacks away.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
That amused look being directed at Adrien cause Mari to turn her head and arch a brow at him.

"I won't need therapy. And I'll be out by the weekend." One way or another. Even as she answers Mercy, her eyes stay mostly on the young man beside her. "I have classes I can't miss."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
That flash of guilt while not seen by Mercy is scented from the young man. A slightly concerned look will flicker across the coyote's expression as she turns her attention from Marinette to Adrien. While Mercy would like to ask a question she doesn't, that would just make the conversations all kinds of awkward.

The brightness of his smile isn't missed either by Mercy, as she keeps that concerned gaze upon Adrien for a few seconds longer. There's a definite promise in her eyes later to ask those unspoken thoughts, but for now, the dark-haired woman's attention shifts back to Marinette. "Oh that's good news." Says Mercy, when Marinette speaks of not needing therapy and when she'll be released. "Just remember not to over due it. It's easy to do when you start to feel better." And while she was leaning casually against the hospital wall, the coyote will begin to straighten from it. "I should let you both get some rest - if either of you need anything please don't hesitate to text or call. Really. My business allows me to take a break whenever one is needed."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"You'll be fine soon, Mari," Adrien says softly, defaulting to french. He looks up to Mercy briefly, nodding as she speaks of needing to go and for Mari to get some rest. Standing now, Adrien starts to step around the bed.

"Let me walk you out," he offers politely.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I can take care of myself," is given at Mercy's advice to take it easy. "We'll be fine. Thanks."

Can she sense the hostility? Are we sure Mari's even trying to hide it?

She's silent as the pair walk out. Once they're gone, a button is pressed and soon a nurse is walking towards the door of the room.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
The coyote can definitely sense and smell that hostility from Marinette. It's enough to earn a second look from Mercy, but that's about it. She'll offer only the vaguest of strained smiles to the other woman, before she nods to Adrien's offer to walk her out.

Really, she should say no, but perhaps everyone needs a breather? It's hard to say. Either way the pair walks out and as soon as the door is closed behind them, Mercy will slide a quick look towards Adrien. "I'm pretty sure she didn't want me there." States the coyote with a crooked grin, before her expression turns more sober, "What happened? Really? Most of that was the truth, but -" There were enough little things that Mercy picked up on that she knows there's a broader story here.

"And if you want me to mind my own business that's okay too, but whatever it is, please be careful."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Just outside the room is Gorille, and Adrien walks past him to lead Mercy to the elevators so he can speak in soft tones.

"She didn't lie. It's just... Chat was involved. I don't really want to talk about it," Adrien says, concerned that saying anything else would give away too much about Marinette. Her identity would always remain safe with him, no matter what it took. At the elevator, he presses the down button.

"Thanks for the text and stopping by," he says with a note of finality.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's expression will keep that worried overtone to it, but she will not, accepting what Adrien has to say. "Be careful. Both of you." She says one last time, before she steps into the elevator when the doors open. "Call if you need anything."

Then the doors close and Mercy is being whisked down to the lobby once more.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"We will. Merci, Mercy," he says with a nod before he heaves a sigh as the doors close on Mercy, wisking her away. He can't tell her, not unless Marinette herself says it. And that's okay with him, so he draws himself up and returns to the room with Marinette. The smile is back, though a touch troubled, and he immediately moved back to Marinette's side.

"How are you feeling?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Oh yes, I can, thank you. I know my rights and my life is not in immediate danger. I don't need the ocygen. My heartbeat is steady. You can send whatever medication you want... I'll agree to therapy and outpatient care but I -will- be going home today." Marinette is staring down the nurse as Adrien walks back in and to her side. "Tired of being here."

The nurse looks at Adrien helplessly. "It is highly recommended your fiancee stay in the hospital a few more days, Mr. Agreste buy if she's going to insist on signing out AMA... we technically can't stop her...."

Wait! Wait. What!?

Marinette turns towards Adrien. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Fantastic! Stubborn Marinette is being stubborn. Adrien smiles at the nurse when she looks at him. There's a flicker of something across his face when the nurse rats him out, before his smile turns ever so slightly cat-like. Turning to Marinette, Adrien speaks almost as if he were on eggshells... and in Chinese.

"I may have told them we were engaged so they would let me stay. I didn't want you to wake up by yourself or to be alone so... Sorry if it bothers you, you.. weren't awake to ask and... I guess I should have said something earlier," Adrien explains, his eyes on Marinette, hand reaching for hers.

Can't you almost hear the snickering from his pocket?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The Chinese makes Marinette blink and then concentrate before she blushes softly, dips her head and gives it a little shake. "It's okay." Could her cheeks get any pinker!? As yhe fingers weave together, she dors indeed blush more. "I would've said yes anyhow."

"Please, sir... try to get her to stay... I'll be back in a few minutes."

Mari frowns as the nurse leaves and the cuts her eyes over to Adtien for a second. "I don't like being stuck here..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"Oh. Really?" Adrien's turn to blush as Marinette says yes to a propsal he hadn't given and hadn't thought too hard about until this very moment when with that tiny blush and her approval he's suddenly trying to remember every jewelry designer Agreste has ever worked with and if maybe his father would design The Dress and if she's want a big church thing or something small at a beach somewhere and then the nurse is talking to him

"Hmm. Wha- Oh. Yes. Yes, ma'am. I will," he promises her before he turns back to marinette and brushes back her hair.

"I know, Mari. I'm sorry... I really am," he says, because he feels it was his fault; he broke the stick while it was in her CHEST. "But, it won't be for much longer and they really need to make sure everything is okay first..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari sighs softly, leaning in to the touch. "You have yo stop apologizing, Adrien. What happened to me isn't your fault. It's no one's but mine. I didn't want to be out there... I wasn't paying enough attention to correct myself when I saw the mud... You certainly didn't jam the tree into my shoulder..."

Reach up, she runs her fingers through his hair and smiles. "You aren't to blame for this, okay? If it'll help... I'll stay. No more whining or complaining. Bug's honor." What?

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"But you were out there because of me, and Tommy was mad because of me, and I smelled.. If I had stopped... maybe it wouldn't have been so bad and-" Cue fingers in his hair.

It really is a good way to shut a chaton up, no?

Eyes closing, tension slipping away, Adrien sigh faintly.

"Okay. Thank you. You can complain. But.. just do what the doctors say, alright? I want you to be well," Adrien pleas softly, eyes opening to look at Marinette.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Don't. What you do... What we do, we can't afford to dwell on 'what ifs' and 'buts'. It comes with a risk. We both know that."

A small nod of her head is given. "I promise. I want you to do something for me, okay?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien knows this, knows the risks. He just never had to really face it before. That he has now has shaken him. Feeling Plagg wiggling in his coat pocket, Adrien reaches in to pull the kwami out to set near Marinette's purse. Plagg promptly clambers in to curl up about his other half so he can smother the guffaws at how Marinette found out that Adrien engaged them into Tikki's shoulder.

"Anything, Princess," Adrien says.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Not that Tikki is doing much better considering her hands are clamped pver her mouth and you can still hear the faint giggles.

Marinette smiles. "Either go home, or send someone, for: A change of clothes for you, toothbrush and toothpaste for us both, the stuff you use to shower and a proper pillow and blanket for you. Then I want you to take an hour and breath, shower, change clothes... Just... Relax. I'm okay."

Her hand comes up to his cheek. "I love you and I hate seeing you worry yourself like this. It's not needed. And you wouldn't allow me yo do it if roles were reversed..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Faint giggles and soft snickers. Plagg is shaking, he's trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Because nurse may return.

"Right. Yes. I'll... do that," says Adrien, blushing. If the press snuck in and saw him, his father's PR department might just skin this cat alive. She reaches up and Adrien leans into the touch.

"I know, but I can't help it. I... I don't want.. I don't like seeing you hurt and... I don't want you to be alone right now and..." Adrien forces himself ot stop that train of thought with a quick exhale of breath.

"Let me make that call. Will you put the oxygen back on and try to nap some? I can put netflix on my phone for you..." Which means he'll tell Gorille to place the order.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I won't be alonr. Tikki and Plagg are here." She smiles, leaning in to rest her forehead against his. "Thank you for taking care of me."

But then he wants the oxygen back on her. Her nose wrinkles and it's clear she wants to whine and object. Instead, she takes a deep breath and nods. "Alright. I'll rest while you take some time for you. Go 'run' if you need to."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I object," Plagg calls out from the purse the moment Marinette suggests physical activity. He pulls himself closer around Tikki, making Adrien sigh faintly. His forehead comes up from Marinette's, green eyes opening to peer at her for a few moments.

"I"ll be okay. Let me make sure somethings are coming in and I'll go shower, change..." Shave...

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette smiles, nodding her head. "Okay. Take your time and relax. I'm not going anywhere." And then. as promised. she resituates the obnoxious oxygen prongs back at her nose and leans back against the bed, laying it back a little so he knows that, yes, she's going to rest as promised. "Oh! And makes sure you eat something decent, hm?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"As you wish," replies Adrien, smirking faintly. They should watch that movie, and Adrien will try very hard not to let on that not only are the movie lines memorized, but so are some of the fencing moves between Inigo and Wesley. Nor will he ever talk about that one competition he won because he had been fighting leftie through most of it and when he and the other leftie faced off he had movie quipped: I have a secret. I'm not left handed.

Adrien was a little disappointed that his opponent hadn't reciprocated. Well, up until Adrien cleaned the floor with him. One hte best days he had had until he got home and his father just pressed his lips together and walked away.

Adrien leans forward to press a kiss to Marinette's forehead, the light stubble near his lips a bit raspy.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari giggles at the stubble and reaches up to run the back of her hand over it. "The rugged look isn't bad, mind you," is noted, eyes dancing. "And now I need a movie night when I get home."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"You can have all the movie nights you want," Adrien promises, giving one last kiss before pulling himself away to get a proper overnight bag sent up. When it arrives, he slips into the rest room to shower and shave and clean up after leaving Marinette with his phone, unlocked, and his Netflix account open. He doesn't insist she stay out of his texts. He doesn't even mention it. Thre really isn't anything there he doesn't want her to read and if they are some embarassin things... well, she asked for no more secrets between them. Which means he'll talk to Marinette about Mercy, but not today. Today, she needs to rest.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette was tempted. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't. She didn't though. Part of her wanted to but she didn't.


Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Called, the cat-kwmai phased out of Marinette's purse to float in front of her, his whiskers canted in an amused angle.

"Yes?" Plagg prompts, curbing the urge to demand cheese. Because Tikki's Chosen was sweet and darling and gave him pets and agreed with him that his own Chosen was a completely adorable dork.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari holds her hand out for him to settle in to. "I'm sorry I hurt you earlier. I didn't mean to. I just... Well, there's no excuse or logical reason for it."

"Jealousy!," comes from her purse which gets a glare from Mari before she looks back at the kitty-kwami.

"Forgive me?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"You were jealous. It's okay, Marinette. We cats get that. I don't like when the attention isn't on me either," Plagg says, sounding oh so reasonable in the most ludicrious way possible... while settling into Marinette's hands, purring, and rubbing his face against a thumb while his tail curls into her fingers.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Bright blue eyes watch the kwami settle and it makes Mari smile and draw him upnto her cheek to cuddle him a minute. "Thank you," is said gently at his understanding. "I just... I don't like feeling like... I'm being silly, nevermind."

Pulling the little kitten kwami close, she starts to pet gently while laying back and forcing herself to relax and try to rest. She promised after all.

"Come on, Tikki." And the little red lwami needs no more prompting than that to join her Chosen and her other half for cuddles.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Brought to her cheek, Plagg stands on all four velvet paws and rubs the length of his tiny furred body against her, floating off her hand long enough to 'snake' around and rub himself the other way, paws touching back to her hands a moment later. Petted, Plagg flops, purring loudly again.

"Then don't. If something's buggin you, tell him. He's a big kitten. He can take it. I tell him all the time when I'm annoyed or hungry or sleepy or..." Cue Tikki and Plagg rolls back to paws so he can curl about Tikki, accepting no less than all the pets from both. If Tikki gets pets from Marinette too that's okay, but only if he is getting the pets also.

What was he talkingbaout?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari chuckles. "I'll try." Because she doesn't always talk well around Adrien and their in new territory now.

Both kwami get pets and Plagg gets loving little scritches from Tikki too.

"After a cat nap though." It wasn't intentional! "I promised him."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Unintentional or not, Plagg still snickers, curled up around Tikki, eyes closing and purrs on super loud.

"I love cat naps. Let's do these more often." A yawn and Plagg's already drifting off.