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Latest revision as of 00:32, 25 October 2017

Date of Scene: 31 May 2017
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Hydra goes after Cyberdragon. Hawkeye returns to town in the nick of time to help Natasha with the assist.
Cast of Characters: Black Widow (Romanoff), Cyberdragon, Hawkeye (Barton)

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Today hasn't been too bad. Since Natasha is on light duty, she is getting the jobs no one else wants to do. Things a junior agent should be handling. It has her annoyed and grumpy. What helps annoyed and grumpy?

Big Belly Burgers.

After picking up paperwork and then questioning another complainant who claimed to have seen aliens (which turned out to be the neighbor's corgi), Natasha has parked her motorcycle and gone inside the Big Belly Burger for a delicious but oh-so-very-bad-for-her burger. She is half sitting/half leaning against her bike in the parking lot. Her soda cup is sitting on the seat to her right while the burger is being enjoyed. She's in her SHIELD work uniform, complete with guns in holsters and gauntlets on wrists. She gets a few looks but thus far, everyone is leaving her alone.

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyberdragon has been around the area in the Bay mainly because of the park and ocean. He's been investigating some of the underwater areas and it is easier for him to actually escape notice coming out here and investigating the underwater locations. He's void a couple of areas with underwater caves. Caves he has taken an interest in and wondering if he can make them hidden lairs for himself.

For the most part the situation with Mandora had him concerned. But still with Tony and Pepper out of contact he has little choice but to consider talking to SHIELD, and not wanting to simply stroll into their offices he has to find someone in the field. So as he flies through the Sky he is looking at the ground and then his eyes Zoom in on a red head in a black uniform, and instantly spots who he believes in Natasha. I mean come on how many would have hair that beautiful. So he starts to Circle around and starts to slowly drop down from the Sky. There are plenty of people in the area who are taken back. But in a world with Aliens, mutants, meta-humans? Come on?"

A biomechanical Dragon that lands about twenty feet away from Natasha as he approaches her since she is in uniform. "Ah A pleasure to meet you again Agent. We need to have a chat someplace more private. I have a very interesting encounter the other day I think you should know about."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
So much for a burger.

Natasha swallows the bite she was chewing. She takes a sip of her soda to clear her palette before pushing herself to her feet. The fact that people are beginning to pull out cell phones to snap shots of the giant draconic entity confirms what he is saying. Time to vacate the area. "Good to see you too. Two blocks east, one south. Warehouse. Meet you on the roof in two minutes," she says as she walks to throw the rest of her meal in the trash before climbing astrided her bike. She doesn't wait for an answer, just fires it up and takes off down the street.

Two minutes later, she appears, coming over the edge of the rooftop and climbing to her feet. With his ability to fly, he is already there waiting for her. "So what's up?"

Cyberdragon has posed:
Cyber listens to her and takes off to the sky as he is sorry he interupted her lunchs but it is kinda important. Last thing he wants is to ruin her life so he will land on the roof as softly as he can touch down as he swallows hard and relaxes. "Sorry about the interruption of lunch but a couple Days about I came across someone calling herself. Mandora. She work a fancy helm, and rode on a Sky cycle of some sorts." and he will produce a Drawing of her and her Cycle in detail and in color.

If SHIELD knows of Nova Corps it will be one of their officers. "From what she spoke of I got the impression she was some sort of Intergalatic Cop. Hardnosed, serious, Emotionally Constipated. She Identified me as an Alien life form. Artifical. And when I realized she was after me I took off into the atlantic to avoid damage if there was a fight."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha takes the picture, looking at closely. Not familiar to her personally but that doesn't mean SHIELD won't have the information. She just will need to put in a report or run it through a computer to find out for sure. She listens as he explains meeting the woman and her attitude. Her posture is casual, relaxed, but she is very aware of their surroundings. She glances up and around once before looking back to Cyberdragon.

"Why would she be after you? If she's from space, aliens are a dime a dozen. Unless your are wanted in the intergalactic circuits?" It's posed as a question and she watches him carefully for the answer. She isn't expecting it to be true but one can never tell.

Cyberdragon has posed:
"No I think it is sorta like Star Trek's Prime Directive. Her words and I quote her." Then Altering his voice to that of Mandoras after a few moments.

"My superiors seek to prevent violations in non-interference with this world's development, including -- but not limited to -- abductions of humans by intergalactic entities, any contamination of Earth through illegal technology, smuggling of Earth resources to other planets, and/or the use of Earth as a refuge for intergalatic criminals. There is some concern that the presence of said artificial biological entity may be a violation of non-interference laws."

And after that he will return to his normal voice after that. "I did tell her of the Justice LEague and the Avengers. As well as SHIELD being interesting in recovering such technologies and what not. And the last thing I would want is for a Fire fight to erupt where people got hurt for her showing up out of the blue and claiming juristiction." He says and then he makes a motion to point behind natasha and then a down. Bringing up three fingers and close one.

What Cyber can see behind her is what looks like one of those camera Drones that a lot of people use for arial photos and such.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Is she planned on arresting Superman too?" Natasha asks as she mentally makes notes. "Because I'm pretty sure he has interfered with our development if that's all her basis for an arrest is." She doesn't like the sound of this entity at all. Watching the signals from Cyberdragon, she doesn't make any move that would indicate she is aware they have company. Her posture never changes. No tensing of muscles. This is what she does and she is at ease even while her mind is in action. "And unless I'm mistaken, in your situation, no one was abducted." She doesn't say more than that because even if that was heard, it won't mean anything. Except to those who know Cyberdragon is in a symbiotic situation with a human.

There is an almost invisible flick of her fingers, sending a small disk skittering across the rooftop behind her. A moment later, a mini EMP pulse goes off which should take out any tech on that end of the rooftop. It's only temporary, maybe five minutes, but if she's lucky the drone will be effected and break on landing.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
In the air, a quinjet is flying through. Hawkeye normally flies himself, but after getting off a long mission, he got picked up to be brought back and debrief after the mission's end. He's still in full gear, his bow within arm's reach, quiver next to him. His eyes are half closed, until the other Agent nudges him, "Sir...?"

Looking where she's pointing, he rolls his eyes behind his glasses. "Can't even get back and have a beer without something else hitting the fan. Alright. You get to explain to Fury why I'm late to my debrief meeting."

The Agent stares at him: "Ahh... ok, sir.." But by tone, it is not something she's looking forward to. And hoping she's not stuck on latrine duty.

He swiftly slips his quiver on his back as he gets up in one fluid motion, taking his bow in hand. Going to the back of the quinjet, he lower the ramp as the jet lowers to a point that he can egress without breaking an ankle on a landing.

Stepping off the ramp, the quinjet takes off in the air while Hawkeye hits the back of the warehouse roof in a roll, coming up to a knee and his bow immediately knocked and aimed towards the drone that is between him and Natasha- though he doesn't fire yet. "Having all the fun without me?" he quips to Nat with a slanted grin, but tired eyes hidden behind his glasses.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As she does a Flick throwing off the Disk he had planned to shoot it and wing it with a Plasma burst but the EMP was good the Drone Sputters to the ground falling after it is cut out and the dragon says. "Nice touch, That thing has been following me with an optical cloak for the the last three days out here. Completely silent too." he says and his tail lashes out as his form hardens and is ready for an attack from some unknown source.

"Not one of yours is it?" he asks slowly walking over to the black drone, But when the Jet comes over head and the archer suddenly decends to the roof Top he instantly tenses and flares his wings having almost expected an attack to come from the archer. With a Snarl he assumes a position to get ready to fight but then he stops and turns around, Instantly from a distance he turns around and folds his wings up, across the street someone holding a large energy weapon has fired as the shot from a partical weapon impacts the wings and chest of the Dragon and blows him back off the roof of the warehouse and into the street as several people come out trying to race over to try and net the Dragon. The Guy with the Cannon now attempts to aim for Natasha and Hawkeye.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Before Natasha can answer, there is a blast and Cyberdragon goes down. She goes for a diving roll to the side, expecting Hawkeye to take out the target. He has the range for it. Her job it to stay clear of being blasted. As she jogs for the edge of the roof, she yells back at Clint as though they are not in the middle of a battle. "Well, you weren't around and I get bored," she comments even as she leaps off the side of the building in the direction Cyberdragon fell.

A brief sound of displaced air indicates she fired her line just before the grapple catches the wall and she is swinging toward the ground. She takes in the number of targets rushing toward the cybernetic duo, aligning her swing to bring both feet into contact with the head of one of those approaching him. Upon impact, she tucks into a somersault, releases the line and lands in a three point crouch.

If they want him, they get to go through her.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint immediately rolls out of the way, already half in position to begin with. Though he rolls toward the enemy so he will come up with a line of sight shot.

"Of course this would be your version of boredom." Hawkeye gives a brief shake of his head as he gives a double tap to a sensor on his bow, pulling out an arrow. Nocking the arrow, he does a full draw and releases just as fast. The arrow itself is a concussive one. As soon as it strikes, it explode in a small radius electrical concussion to try and knock the target and anyone in a 5 foot radius out, hoping to net any others on the ground with him.

While Natasha is on the ground, Hawkeye remains on the rooftop edge. Its his haven, after all.

Cyberdragon has posed:
One of the things that might Shock both Clint and Natasha is the presence of a known Hydra Agent. A Lt in their Ranks, known only by Poison. As he comes up and Natasha can see the dragon Thrash around in those electro nets and moments later he has shredded them on his feet, Jaws open and a stream of plasma comes across the ground in front of the attackers spewing up smoke and pavement. This gives him a chance to create a cloud for Cover. Grabbing hold of one of the net people and throwing them across the streets into a wall that seems to know them down.

Hawkeyes arrow causes the cannon to malfucntion and then start to glow, as he says, "Look out gonna blow!" and then he dropps it starting to run across the roof to the side as moments later it does explode in a nice loud Bang.

Swining down with the Dust covering the dragon's appearance gives Natasha the perfect chance to knock anumber of these people down and out of the fight as the agent says, "Containment unit, Focus on the dragon, it's the priority!" he calls out and pulls out a Laser weapon to try and Fire at Natasha.

Now several more oprical cloaked Drones have appeared and start flying around as they begin firing laser bolts at Hawkeye as a large Hydra Sun a stealth sub starts to pull up out of the bay near the Yhate. Ready to try and bring their cargo on board as several people with more net guns fire at the Dragon.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Already Natasha is moving through the Hydra agents easily. Her style is one of motion, never stopping, a flurry of kicks and punches as she takes down three men in moments. She has a fourth in an arm lock when she hears the command, pinpointing the location of the officer in charge. Take him down, the rest will likely fall like dominoes. Cyberdragon seems to be dealing with the nets for the moment and helping to lay down cover, making it easier to do her job. As the Lt draws his weapon, she yanks the man she is holding directly in front of her, a loud crack indicating his arm just broke in the process even as he screams. He takes the blast which stops the noise as he goes limp.

She can't get dragged down with him so she releases, diving to the side and running directly for the Lt as she raises her arm. A bursts of electricity crackles through the air, the smell of ozone, as she fires her Widow's Bite at the man who shot at her first. Fair's fair.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
The Lieutenant is noticed, but he doesn't call him out. he's hoping Natasha will catch it as well. A small wince as the gun blows up across the way, lifting an arm to shield from any rubble.

Oh look.. flying targets. A quick tap on his bow handle and his arrowhead changes again. This time- close proximity blast arrowheads. Normal arrows but with a small extra punch of a small blast for heavier targets. Helps when he figures he'll have a hard time penetrating metal.

He rolls again to dodge blasts, stopping short as one almost clips him before he can get back into position. "I'm supposed to be on leave time right now, you know!" Well, not yet, but hey.

Two arrows are grabbed in quick succession, spreading them between his fingers as he draws, popping off a quickfire at the closest two drones before he goes into a run across the rooftop to avoid more blasts.

Cyberdragon has posed:
With so many Nets Fired even the dragon can't avoid them. Besides they know he can fly, no telling what Anti air weapons they have and NAtasha and Hawk Eye can see it as their targets go down. NEarly Six nets with an electrofied field are wrapped around the dragon making him a neat ball. Seems they have their target down.. Then Heat, intense heat flashes from the area as what is enough to make the attackers scream in pain as they back away and then the dragon just tears out of the nets, on fire? Yes for a brief moment he was on fire. Looking as he sees the Sub is in a direct line of sight from where he is the dragon does something unexpected. He makes a lunge in the direction of the Sub. Escaping was to be expected, taking to the air was expected as it would have given a tactical advantage? Sprinting on the ground to escape, That to? In the direction of the Sub they had? No they were not expecting that move.

It has left the commander the LT Poison a little confused as he barely dodges the attack from Natasha, as all his agents with the heavy capture gear were on the outter half of the area. And he will turn his attention to Natasha as he tries to multitase and orders the drones to attack the civilians, or he would have as one of Natasha's attacks hit home.

More Drones fly up as they start to pelt the area around natasha and Clint witht he Laser blasts they are not designed to be too durible plenty of them are taken out but they do spread out a bit wider now as a limited AI compensats for those blast areas.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Running. Running. Since when is HE the one that is made to dance? "Alright, I'm done playing games." He just got off a long mission- patience? Not one of his forte' when he is tired.

Skidding to a halt at the end of the rooftop- back to where the groundfight is going on, he readies another two arrows to take out a couple more drones to buy him a moment.

Two quick short whistles are blown as he taps his bow sensor three times. Readying this one to fire, he aims high in the air and turns at a quick clip to start avoiding the other drones on his ass.

What goes up... must come down. It is designed to fly so far on a downward velocity before it explodes- and explode it does about ten feet above where Natasha and her targets are. The whistles were a warning that Nat should remember. They've worked together long enough- their 'secret code' can be done without speaking, but this time it was necessary.

When it explodes, it looks like a firework at first as it consumes the arrow, but the little tendrils burn bright in a semi-flashbang of sorts that emit a brief blinding light over a larger area. Hoping to catch the group around Nat unaware so she can catch them offguard and do her thing.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
When the Widow's Bite sends the Lt into a twitching body on the ground, Natasha turns only to see Cyberdragon going toward the getaway vehicle. Wasn't that dragon entity supposed to be smarter than that? Sure, Hydra may have planned for other contingencies but they did not take into account the two SHIELD agents on scene. Who happen to also be Avengers. The two humans holding their position within those ranks on their skill sets which are not to be matched. They also have worked together for decades, a perfectly in synch team who can practically read each other's minds. Hydra had no way to plan for that pair so that gave the good guys the advantage. She's going to have to go after the dragon before he gets himself in trouble. She pushes a button, calling for SHIELD tac teams to respond to her GPS location. Time to get some backup.

She does yell back up at Hawkeye despite everything, "As bad as these guys are, this is a vacation! Or are you getting too old for this?" When they both know she is much older than he.

At the whistle, she dodges a swing from another agent then hits the ground, closing her eyes tightly against the flash of light. She takes a few laser shots but they are more scratches than truly dangerous. She counts to four, long enough for the flare to self-extinguish. Opening her eyes, she is moving, taking out the handful of guards blinking and rubbing their eyes after being blinded. Three are by physical means, one gets a Widow's Bite to the neck. Then she is running again, chasing after the dragon. "Cyberdragon, get back here!"

Cyberdragon has posed:
With Cyber So close to the Sub it opens up. They are trying to send out reinforcements in the capture Squad. More people with weapons including more of those large shoulder cannons that took the dragon down first. And then the Dragon stops. Rearing back his head he opens his jaws, and this time there is a blue of blue white light from his maw. His previous plasma had always been a dark red. The stream he issues now?

Bluish White

A marked increasing of several hundred if not a thousand or so degrees. And like any plasma cannon this shoots a stream of plasma. Not at the guys coming out, but the sub it's self, the Soldiers who were there to capture him to their credit hit the ground. The stream of Plasma impacts the submarine, in particula streaking across the door hinges that allows those doors to open. Explosions reach across the hull as he tears up the Surface of the submarine. the plats buckle, the door hinges are melted to slag. The stream that impacts into the sub sets of an internal explosion.

The stream was short lived, A second stream follows up inflicting more damage on the submarine, damagining it's stealth coating as they realize that their shi can no long close it's doors and the sub begins to pull back out of the docks.

The Dragon is Smart, it's attackingt he Sub damaging the surface so they can't submerge, so they can't close the door.

Yes these guys were actually part of a test, to test the abilities of the dragon infact to see if it would be worth time to invest in a later capture. And right now Plasma stream after plasma stream leaps from that maw until the dragon stops.

With no hope for retreat the Hydra forces drop their weapons to try and escape into the area. Some actually who are somewhat hurt try to surrender. But the sub is turning...

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Old. Twitch. "That was NOT a grey hair!"

Hawkeye can't chase down all of them- He'll have to rely on Natasha to deal with what she can on the ground. But... That sub is moving. Okay then.

Hawkweye comes to a halt at the edge of the roof yet again, one tick on his bow to switch arrowheads. This one is a small EMP type grenade- hoping to disable the sub and keep it from leaving.

Aiming- and firing he aims the arrow into the open hatch of the sub- hoping that it going off internally will stop it in its tracks.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Now that the agents are trying to make a retreat, Natasha actually draws one of her Glocks. "Don't try it!" she orders to the ones nearest her. She pulls out some heavy zipties and begins cuffing the agents nearest her, confident that Hawkeye has the submarine covered. If he doesn't, she will be busting on him even worse. The ones left in her wake, she will deal with in a minute.

She manages to come up behind Cyberdragon, not getting in front of him in case he decides he needs to blast the submarine again. Behind is good. "Cyberdragon, are you alright?" she asks, although she's pretty sure she knows the answer. Despite teh blast he took to the chest, he doesn't seem in danger.

Cyberdragon has posed:
As the Arrow marks through the air, it sores true as the Sub's slow turn allows Hawkeye to get the EMP device into it and then comes the Boom as the sub starts to power down. And starts to List. The problem with the EMPS is it also can fry the hard drives the whole magnetic thing is a Pain in the Ass. as the Sub powers down and he smiles and with their ability to escape really lost the shit has hit the fan.

Still someone is trying to complete their mission as he comes to the Side of the dragon holding a net gun and then the dragon turns baring his fangs and teeth as a blade some 3 feet long erupts from his right forearm. and with Natasha holding her gun he says, "I give up, I give up!" and he drops the net as the Dragon produces a number of thick plastic Zip ties as he snarls handing some to Natasha.

"Yeah just very hungry. That little drone had been following me for the better part of 36 hours, thought I lost it. I'm starving. And my secrets are still safe." Natasha will realize that he means he hasn't left the merger for that long atleast if not more.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
With his job up high done for now, another tap on his bow to pull the only grappling arrow he has. Generally carries one per load-out. Firing across the way, he uses it to swing down and land in a brief tuck roll up to his feet on the ground.

Bow still in hand, but he doesn't hold it in a threatening way- Natasha and Cyber are doing well enough for that. "So..." Looking around in the aftermath, he smirks a little: "That beer is still a ways off, isn't it?"

Count processing in the captives and handing them off to other agents for interrogation or whatnot, or for them to deal with later. The debrief he's badly late for, processing in the sub and counting for transportation... And paperwork.


Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Taking in the various agents sprawled up the street, Natasha shakes her head. "No, there will be no beer for a long time."

The SHIELD tac teams come screaming in from every direction. Agents rush to take the remaining Hydra agents into custody, loading them into vans for transport. Interrogation will come later. Techs arrive and begin arguing over who got to go through the submarine first while agents moved to clear the vessel of any remaining agents on board.

Natasha has holstered her weapon and is basically ignoring the hustle and bustle around them. "I just want to know why Hydra is after you," she says to Cyberdragon.

She glances over at Clint, a smirk on her face. "Look at it this way, we'll have time do dye your hair then you can get your beer. I know, I know, it wasn't gray. Just blonde."