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Hazardous to birthday cakes
Date of Scene: 24 October 2017
Location: New Lots, Brooklyn, at the LGBT shelter
Synopsis: The *other* Superman drops in on the Breath for a lesson in breathing. Kaelyn says hello in a dragon.
Cast of Characters: Breath, Super-Man, Kaelyn Silverleaf

Breath has posed:
Tucked back on a minor street is a nondescript strip mall. One of the units is only barely marked with a rainbow flag, with barred and covered windows in front concealing errant views inside. But this is the address that the phone number matches, so it must be the place. If you flew in, the roof is flat and has some makeshift training equipment scattered up top, hidden from the street.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan was brooding over the dressing down agent Romanov gave him for surrendering during the fight. The problem was, he is not supposed to be using his powers during training, and once they started using weapons he had no chance. He knew he had no chance, so surrender was the only logical choice. If you can not win...unless you have a rasion to keep fighting such as to let someone else escape, you should try to live to fight another day...not force them to hurt or kill you. Right? He wanders aimpessly, dressed in a red shirt and black pants rather than his costume.

Breath has posed:
Breath is on the rooftop, out of sight of most, but for someone with heightened senses? Or even just with a bit of awareness? The occasional wind noises coming from up there are just not matching the weather right now. She runs a few steps, jumps, and blows downward to slow herself, hang in the air a moment, then drop back to her feet without stumbling too much. Why isn't completely clear, but presumably there's a reason for it. in between, she inhales and counts off a number to herself. "Fifty-two.."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is reasonably aware of his surroundings, even when brooding. He hears the odd sounds, as of wind behaving strangely. An Air manipulator named Blue Condor almost killed him once, so he pauses and focuses. First he locates the sound with his super hearing, then he looks at it with his Super Vision. He observes the girl holding herself aloft with her breath and is interested. He seems to remember seeing hr . He puts his power into his hands and jumps up onto the roof. Once he lands, he says, "Hello. I think we kind of met efore, though I do not think we were introduced. I am Chaoren.

Breath has posed:
Breath blinks and looks you over. "Maybe! It's a little hard to tell with the different clothes, I think?" She tilts her head a bit, "But hey. Hiya, I'm the Breath. Nice to meet you! Is there, um, anything I can do for you? I mean, most people don't come up here that way, y'know. Sorry if the place is kinda a mess, but like, I don't get company much here." She grins some, offers a hand.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan takes the offered hand before answering, "Breath is something I need to learn. It is a power I should have, it should possiblt be the next power I learn, but so far I have yet to master it. I am, as I said, Chaoren. Thgis is Mandarin, and it means Super-man. In most ways, my powers resemble those of the template, the original Superman, but it takes me time to learn them."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. "Okay, awesome. But hey, sure, I will see what I can do! I think I remember your voice from someplace where anybody who was there deserves my help. So you say it takes time to learn them? How does that work? So I can see if that works the same way for us." She thinks some and looks you over like a teacher, considering and organizing her thoughts in her head. "You said you are like the local Superman, so that helps.."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan explains, "My trainer, Master I-ching, tells me that I have 8 powers based pon the trigrams of the I-ching, these should approximate the powers of Superman. So far, I have Invulnerability, Strength, Super Hearing, Penetrating Vision, Speed, and Heat Vision. The next trigram I am to reach corresponds to the mouth, and should be my super breath.

Breath has posed:
Breath hmms and nods. "Right. Okay, you're invulnerable. I'm not, so that's probably why I can't do one of the things Superman does. This is good. Okay. Well, the first time I used my breath was inhaling, and it was when I was swimming. So, hmmm. You never really notice something until it isn't there. What happens if you relax and just let all your breath out, then don't breathe in for a bit?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says a bit sheepishly, "My invulnerability is limited in some ways, one is that I still must breathe. Should I exhale and hold it I would eventually pass out and start breathing normally."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. She thinks a bit. "Have you tried? Show me." She crosses her arms and steps to your side to look your posture over, thoughtfully.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan focuses his energy to his belly, making him invulnerable to most forms of harm. He assumes a Ti Chi pose and first lets out his breath, then forces out more breath. He holds that, despite increasing desperate desire to draw a breath, until his head starts swimming and he stats to topple, then he gasps for breath was his stance changes to keep from falling.

Breath has posed:
Breath barks as soon as you start to wobble, "Inhale down into your belly! Every corner, all the way across! Make sure to put your whole diafraghm into it! Not just the parts you are used to! All the way up your spine!" She watches your posture, "Open your chest, relax your shoulders!"

Breath has posed:
Breath adds, "And keep pulling the air down deeper! It goes a lot further down than most people know."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan follows instructions, as he has learned to do with instructions from Master I-Ching. He puts his diaphram into the breath and expands his chest...and coughs suddenly when he reaches his normal limits.

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "Okay, relax, hold, let it sink, then try to pull in more! For me it's like finding another lung, on the edge of my diafragm. Follow the air in your lungs and see if it goes anywhere. Air likes to explore and find new places. Watch the air in your lungs, and what it wants to do.."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan realizes the mistake Breath is making...it is not where the AIR is going that matters, it is where the ENERGY is going. He has not explained to her that his powers function by directing energy he draws from the IDEAL of Superman to focus into his powers. He tries to bring the power to his lungs, but that is not where it wants to go. He continues to try to inhale further while letting the energy flow through the trigrams, belly, hands, ears, thighs, feet, eyes...not staying at any but followiung the energy flows at taught by Master I-Ching until the energy flows into his face. This time when he exhales, he freezes some of the training equipment solid in a block of ice condendsed by his super-cold breath.

Breath has posed:
Breath mimics your stance next to you, then puts one foot forward, "Forward stance, raise your chin, spine straight," and moves into a taiji press movement, "Project forward, breathe out. Good! You had it cold. I see when Superman freezes things, it looks like he flexes his abdomen a little bit first. I think you did, too. It seems like it would squeeze the heat out of the air. I don't think you have to take that heat out, though. Sometimes the air isn't as cold."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan admits, "The first time I tried this, I was trying for the freeze breath. I needed the cold to help with a control parasite thay was manipulating people and would go dormant when exposed to cold. I can see that freezing would not always be useful." He tries again, tryingto get the energy flow right and adjust his stance as directed.

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "You want to relax the spine and straighten your throat so the energy can come out, and a forward stance is nicely braced to practice. If I squeeze with a full set of lungs, it warms me up a lot, and I pull some of the heat out of the air. But I can't deal with too much heat, so all it is is slightly less warm of air; you're indestructible, you can take the heat."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Well she's brought it back out again it's her 'suit' This being an inhabitable construct that at this point resembles a humanoid dragon of some maybe 7 feet 10 inches to 8 feet tall. The scales are metalic crystaline seemingly also biological too with runes down the arms legs and along the ridge of spines that rides down the back and between two wings. Yay for western dragons. There's even a tail. The eyes apear to be clear rich blue saphires. 'Kaelyn' is also wearing what appears to be some bright silks and leathers mixed with something akin to chainmaille to keep the construct's modesty maybe?

Who knows but the construct is zooming through the sky at some pretty rediculous speed a rope in a doughnut contrail following behind it as the thing zooms in from high atmosphere a few pops and quiet booms accompanying it as it slows down from high mach aka hypersonic to soon subsonic speeds while descending. As she notices people on a roof, Kae's vision zooms in and she banks in that way an odd rippling of space around the construct barely visible as Kae makes a sudden change in direction pulling a seeming right-angle turn.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan adjusts his stance, though that may be difficult to do in some situations when he might need the power, as a training extercise it could help. He exhales, getting more force amd less cold...and creating a hurricane force wind that blows towards a Dragon thast happens to cross its path. He wonders if he should expolain that he is currently linited to only one or two of his powers at a time, when using his breath riught now he is probably no more indestructable than Breath is.

Breath has posed:
Breath is surprised by an unusually large shaddow suddenly and sucks in some breath quickly, turning to track the dragon and opening her stance with her lungs, watching, since.. well.. who knows WHAT that thing is?

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae is then suddenly caught by a crosswind? Suddenly little alarms blare inside her costume and wards flare what with the cold nature of the wind and all making it look like the dragon's in a rune-lined bubble. As she rearights Kae's wings flare widely and pump once the air around her distorting briefly before she comes to a hover... She then notices the two staring at her and blinks before she tilts her head "Ummm Oh yah sorry! Was out trying out new mods I made to my suit!" She calls out cheerfully then nods her head this looking like a bit of a dart before she gives a little salute.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan bows, "Long has it been since I have beheld your dragon armor. Apologies for my error, I am attempting to learn control of my Breath. It takes some effort to master a new power." He pauses, "I fear I did not get your name when we met, I am Chaoren, this is Breath." Actually they did not ecactly meet, as he was inside a space ship while she was outside...

Breath has posed:
Breath ohs, "HEY! I know you! What's up? That's cooool." She gestures around at the frozen stuff. "Yeah, totally working out some stuff, it's neat. I'm super glad I could help."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan gets a buzz on his phoner, a message asking him to report back to SHIELD. He says to the ladies, "I have to go, duty calls." He then jumps off the roof and runs away at sonic speeds."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks and tilts her head before shrugging and flying up to roof top. Then as she lands Kae in her dragon construct kneels and the chest 'compartment opens revealing another glowing gemstone inside. This glows a bit and well Kae simply appears or materializes outside the suit... The chest then closes up and the dragon 'suit' remains kneeled as skae checks her self over and rubs at the back of her neck.

Kae then smiles "Yup we've met!" says Kae cheerfully as she nods "Was just trying out the new suit... Hoping to get it perfected."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "Neat. So um, yeah, this is where I usually work out of. And this is totally my secret lair. Not really secret, but you know."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae laughs and nods "Secret's safe with me." she responds cheerfully... "Sorry if I frightened you it's kind of fun to take the suit out every now and then."

Breath has posed:
Breath ohs, "No, it's all good, just like, I didn't know who you were like that and stuff, y'know? Um, but I'm sure people are going to be going weird after a bit if too much craziness happens here. I mean, on top of the other craziness. Although I guess it helps get the rep out. This is like, one of the safer places to be queer right now because of all this stuff here.."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
"Ya mean like that Darkseid invasion? LIke that was nuts.. I had to kind of do just normal lab and shop stuff in that for a while as I couldn't do much else... " Kae rubs the back of her neck and motions to the 'armor'. "It's why I'm developing that... Was hoping maybe to try and put it in front of Tony Stark for ideas...." she says cheerfully and tilts her head "He seems to be the master of the super suits."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods, "Yeah, I guess, I have to go bug the local inventor again for my wings. Every time I see him, he's upset at something. Then maybe I can work on my next idea that I have no idea how to make. Meanwhile, still stuck with the inflatables. I swear those things pop way too much, I need better materials."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms and wanders back to her suit and touches a rune on its shoulder. The thing spreads out its wings. They're elegant, seemingly made of a slightly shimmering skin like material for the webbing between the massive wings... she also runs a finger along the rune-lined mythril-like wing bones... Each joint seems to have a small circular or oval crystal at it... "Like this perhaps?"

Breath has posed:
Breath picks up a backpack, then blows into one of the tubes on it. Some large crude diamond wings made out of plastic inflate outward. "Well this is what I've been using.. because I can blow stuff up really easy. But I'm broke, so I use cheap materials, and I don't know how to make them better."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae oooh's and nods slowly... "Ummmm.... See if you can recyle ripstop nylon from old parachutes... you might like that better?" Kae suggests then glances around curiously before rubbing at her neck again and taking a deep breath... "Amma thinking Imma gonna have to get that girl back to her resting spot and grab sleeps." she says and smiles a bit "Flying it around takes it out of you and all and well I am testing it out in high orbit and stuffs..."

Breath has posed:
Breath shrugs, "I did, but they don't hold air, and it's the whole structure and shape bit that's important so far. Orbit? Neeeat.. Why does everybody gotta have cooler stuff than me?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ummms... "Amma Artificer Mage... Spent my whole life developing the skills I have and well Im kind of ummm the inventor class of the whole magic-using world. We're enchanters and creaters of artifacts and such..." she then motions to the suit "That's a buuuuuunch held together into one machine as it were.." Kae then taps a few runes on the chest of the suit they glow and the suit raises its head on its long neck before the chest opens and exposes the orb in its center. Kae then touche sit and fades away.

As the orb is enclosed in the chest again the suit stops being less suit like and more lifelike again as it gains a life force and all. Suddenly Kae the dragon-suit blinks and sighs "Wierd transitioning and all.." She mutters voice now hollow-ish with just a slight artificial sound to it... "Anyhow, if you want some ideas or help swing by the store... I may have something lying around in the back I can give you to help." She says and offers a smile yus it's veeeeeeery toothy what with a maw full of fangs at this point... Kae then glances up and smiles "Well I gotta be going... Good night? And good luck?"

Her wings then spread and she lifts off gently gaining a bit of altitude and a safe distanc. She then flexes them beats and that wierd warping of reality surrounds her again and she rapidly accelerates upward then changes directions and heads directly toward bludhaven.