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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/03 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=858, 56, 202, 34 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:858|Lina Whitec...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 22:00, 25 October 2017

Walk in the Park
Date of Scene: 03 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 858, Storm, Wolverine, 34

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Today there's no band practice and Lina decided to venture out into Westchester to relax. At the moment, she has found a nice park to hang out in. Dressed in one of her typical T-shirts (this one has a white cat face on the front and a cat tail on the back) and a pair of jeans, she is currently sitting on a bench with her earbuds in her ears and sofly singing along to one of her favorite songs. People watching is fun for her, lots of people like it... so it's totally not creepy at all.

Storm has posed:
After being cooped up in the mansion for a while since her hearing was temporarily damaged, she was in a need of a walk and fresh air. Now she's fulled healed and back to normal, thankfully. And above all, her friend Logan agreed to take a calm walk with her. Well... as calm as X-Men venturing outside of their haven can be.

Ororo is dressed in a light summer dress as per her usual this time of year, enjoying the flow in the warm summer breeze, her hair braided on the sides, with the rest left down to dance against her back. "I've been wondering about foreign flora. David mentioned Cherry Blossom trees and I've been researching to see if they would grow well in our climate.." Light conversation as they walk along.

Wolverine has posed:
    Strangely enough, Logan is not smoking one of his trademark cigars. After all, he agreed to walk with Ororo and he didn't want to disturb the tranquility of that recuperation method for her. She was the one recovering, not him, and it was just more relaxing that way. Logan is currently dressed in a white t-shirt, jeans, and his worn leather boots today.

    Logan grunts, and nods, non committal. "I see. Cherry blossom trees...well, why not? I am sure they'd take in our weather here. Lotsa rain, that's fer sure. Too much lately." Logan peers at Storm, one eye closed, "You been in bad moods lately, 'roro?" He grins, teasing her.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Amongst those people that are there to be watched, there's a young man dressed in black. Black t-shirt, black jeans, black boots. He'd look like a pretty nondescript guy, with his short brown hair and unremarkable brown eyes. Except for that he's got his face wrapped up from just under the nose. The wrapping of his face disappears below his shirt, making difficult to see where it ends. And above the wrapping, on his cheeks, are a few gray-colored veins. They almost look like cracks!

And there's something else, too. A pair of black earbuds are tucked into his ears, and a thin cord tucks into a pocket. Seems Lina isn't the only person listening to music today! Though he notes Ororo and Logan walking, and offers a nod to them both. He offers by way of greeting, {{Miss Munroe. Mister Logan.}} The 'words' are mental, and offered quietly, so as not to carry too far. Though those close by, or those particularly sensitive to mental 'broadcasts', could likely pick them up.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
As Lina reaches down to her iPod to repeat the last song, she spots a man walking alongside a striking woman with white hair. Her eyes widen a bit and her singing pauses, the song already starting to repeat momentarily forgotten. As she pulls her earbuds out, she turns her head slightly. In addition to people watching she might be doing a bit of eavesdropping, assuming she can catch any snippets of conversation. No harm in that, right?

Once her head turns, she spots someone else. Someone who, she thinks, has a peculiar idea of fashion as his face is covered in the summer. But it's the woman with white hair that has really caught her attention. People who dye their hair those interesting colors are sometimes celebrities! Or she could just be old, but Lina doubts that since she doesn't look old. And nothing about the woman seems familiar, something she says might give it away. It's a shame Lina doesn't have anything to get autographed.

Storm has posed:
Definitely not old! Just.. unique. At Logan's comment, the 'Goddess' laughs: "Honestly? No. Wasn't me this time. As far as the Cherry Blossom trees, I've seen how that are in the fall when their leaves fall. It is a beautiful sight."

At the mental communication, blue eyes lift to Jono, a polite nod of her head given in return. She's not a telepath. Lina is noted as well, but is thought to be just a normal patron of the park for the moment.

"Surprised you haven't been taking more joyrides on your bike while the weather has been nice." She teases back at her friend.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Uh huh." Logan smiles, and shakes his head, "Sure it wasn't darlin'. I believe you. Really I do." His eyes then narrow slightly as he hears those words in his head. Looking over at Starsmore, Logan simply nods, and says, "Mornin'."

    Checking out the rest of the area, Logan notes the others present as well. Taking a moment before reply, Logan assesses the situation as though tactically aware of everyone and everything...just in case, and then looks back at Ororo. "Well, the old Harley is still inna shop for the kids to tinker with. And, well, I've just been hanging around. Not much been going on."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
On the bright side, Jonothon's mental broadcasts are send-only... so he's not picking up anybody's thoughts. It's just the only way he can still 'talk', while missing the lower half of his face. So no one nearby need fear that he's picking through their heads for information. It's less that and more he's casually flinging mental 'words' at people in range. Not unlike people do with their voices when speaking!

However, with both targets acknowledged -- and he isn't aware of Lina's presence just yet -- he means to continue on his walk. He generally doesn't bother people, particularly not the teachers of the place he's living at. Especially not when they're clearly out to enjoy themselves. Jono has a very low opinion of himself, you see, and the first thing that enters his mind is that they don't deserve to have their fun interrupted by a Gloomy Gus like him.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
As Lina notes that nothing the two individuals says reveals any hint of stardom on the woman's part, she shrugs. "Oh well," she says softly to herself. "It's a park in Westchester, seriously. Why would anyone important come here?" She has a bad habit of talking to herself at times, but it's not said very loudly. Putting her earbuds back in she begins to sing Journey's "Faithfully." As the song progresses, she gets a little louder as she really gets into it.

Still learning to control her powers, Lina doesn't do it intentionally, but her voice carries in it the subtle suggestion of noticing her. Not being annoyed by her singing, not that kind of notice. Just becoming aware of her presence. She should really learn to shut that off one of these days...

Storm has posed:
"Surprised you haven't tried to fix up one of the others for a ride, then. You usually don't sit idle for so long. Are you sure your alright?" Storm asks aside to her friend. Jono is given a warm smile as they draw closer: "How are you this afternoon?" A polite question to include him.

The suggestion might be subtle enough, but Ororo draws her attention to Lina, her smile warming a little. "Its nice to see young ones about enjoying the day, isn't it?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan watches as Jono begins to walk away from them. Not one to be accomdating to others, Logan just continues his discussion with Ororo and doesn't speak up. Next, Logan spots Lina, and smiles...slightly..at the tune she is singing. After all, Logan was a fan of older tunes, Journey being one of them. Looking her over, he shrugs slightly, and notes how her voice carries.

    "Well, darlin' I have my prized possession hidden away for just such a journey. I just don't want Cyke gettin' his hands on it, that's all." Logan grins, and regrets not having a cigar. He could use a puff or two right about now.

    "Yeah, I am getting a bit...itchy, stickin' around lately. It's these damn kids, with their problems and whinin'. Sigh. I feel like a psychologist sometimes. Camp counsellor." Logan shakes his head. At Storm's final words, Logan adds, almost under his breath, "At least somma these kids have half-decent taste in music..."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono's not aware of it at first. But he finds himself stopping, turning to look at Lina. He reaches in his pocket to shut off his own music player. Just to listen to Lina's voice. His gaze goes a bit fuzzy here as he listens to her, and he goes remarkably still. Which isn't too hard; he doesn't breathe. But his eyes lid just a little...

Ororo's greeting to him draws his attention back to her, and he looks at her in surprise, as if he hadn't expected her to say anything. He didn't, actually. Particularly not to him. {{Oh, er... Doin' fine, Miss Munroe. An' you?}} Again he offers the words quietly, since he doesn't want the whole park hearing him. The words can't really be passed off as anything but being in one's head, and he'd rather not have the whole park screaming to get away from the 'mutie'.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina is too focused on her singing at first to figure out that she's been noticed at all. But at one particular point in the song, she realizes how loud she's being and tones it down. Not entirely quieting, just not being /quite/ so noisy. It's at that point that she opens her eyes and sees that the young man all in black is paying attention to her. Oops. Blushing faintly, she gives the tiniest of waves as she stops singing altogether. Instead, she calls out in a pleasant voice "Sorry if I was being too loud! I get carried away sometimes when it's a really phenomenal song."

Stopping the iPod and glancing over at the woman, Lina notices that she's approached Jono. Gasp. An opportunity. Standing up slowly, she approaches the trio and smiles. "I'm so terribly sorry to be interrupting, but your hairdo is so amazing. How did you get it so white? The closest I've seen is, like, a really pale platinum blonde." Even speaking, that subtle suggestion doesn't go away. It's just not quite as prominent as it was before.

Storm has posed:
"You two still not getting along?" Storm teases Logan again, amusement dancing in her blue eyes, but she will leave it at that. About the kids, she smiles. "They all need guidance. We were just the same once. It is an important role to help support the next generation." And something she is very dedicated to.

Again, she turns her smile to Jono, "Very well, thank you." She replies with a polite bow of her head. She's rather used to mingling with telepath-minded mutants at this point. Not as unsettling as it once was.

Lastly, to Lina, her smile warms: "Never apologize for enjoying the day." As far as her hair, she chuckles. Not the first to question it. An Afrian with a rich Kenyan accent; blue eyes and white hair. She does stand out. "It is natural, actually."

Wolverine has posed:
    Regarding the unfolding scene with a thoughtful look, Logan admires how Ororo was like that. So easy and graceful with others, bringing them in without any effort. A true skill it was. Which was why she made a great leader of others. "Naw, he's just a big baby. We get along just fine. Fits in perfectly at a school of gifter youngsters." Logan simply nods towards Jono, not saying anything. As Lina speaks, Logan responds, "Naw, kiddo, you weren't being too loud. Interesting gift you have there. Not bad tunes as well." Logan nods towards the music and smiles.

    As Lina approaches and comments on Ororo's hair, Logan snorts, and says, "Must be all that electricity you toss around. Make anyone's hair white." Logan winks, softening the blow.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
With Lina now paying attention to her surroundings, Jono can't just broadcast, lest she hear him. So he gets his phone out. They have those text-to-speech apps, and he's got one of those. Fortunately he's gotten pretty good at phone typing, and within a few moments he's typed out in reply to Lina, <<No worries. You have a pretty voice.>>

Though again, he goes quiet when Storm's hair is asked about. Admittedly it was something he'd always wondered too. He'd just not bothered asking, because he hadn't wanted to bother her, or upset her. Besides, isn't it rude for a man to ask about an aspect of a woman's appearance? With social rules changing by the day, it's hard to remember what's rude and what isn't these days!

As Logan mentions the electricity, Jono goes a bit pale. Not because the indication is that Ororo's a mutant. But that Logan... basically just outed her. In public. Jono's experiences with that have been pretty bad. So he's expecting something horrible to happen...

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina nods her head to Ororo, smiling. "Oh, yes, it's such a lovely day. I mean, I have band practice off which is a relief. Practicing all the time can be such a pain, y'know?" As the woman explains her hair color is natural, Lina's head tilts. "It is? Wow, that's so neat." Contrary to Jono's concern, Logan's comment about electricity goes completely over Lina's head.

Lina does, however, turn her smile to the pair of men, saying "Thank you, I've been singing since I was like, um, eight or something. Really young at least. Almost ten years now. And some of the new songs coming out are just awful to sing to. All synthesized and not natural at all. How am I supposed to do that?"

Jono's text-to-speech app on his phone causes her to blink. Maybe that face covering was more than just weird summer fashion, but she's not about to ask. That would just be flat out rude. Somehow, her idea of what's rude and what isn't is different than Jono's. Fine to ask about someone's hair, naturally, but not to ask why someone isn't talking normally.

Storm has posed:
"Band practice? May I ask what instrument you play?" Ororo keeps the general conversation flowing- especially with Jono present. She understands how hard it is to have that social interaction at times.

She doesn't seem overly concerned about Logan's comment about electricity. If anything, her lips quirk with amusement: "Or perhaps its worrying about you all that brought me to an early white."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan crosses his arms across his chest, and regards the others with a frowning expression. After all, Logan was never one for subtlety or finesse. Or social graces. HIs eyes took in the surroundings, as usual, and he doesn't note anyone paying any attention to them. AT this point it was fine.

    "Prob'ly 'roro. Prob'ly." Logan grins at Ororo. "I'm always doing that to people. Heh." Logan smiles, and notes the conversation but doesn't get too involved. Must be grumpy.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
<<Yeah. Most singers use autotune these days,>> Jono types out. Though Ororo seems to have to right of it -- music appears to be a topic he can at least say something about. Even if he's not actually talking, and using an app instead. And actually, there's a very good chance that, at least where the talking is concerned, that wrapping might not just be a bad fashion choice. If Lina's close enough, she may see the grayish-black veins on his cheekbones, peeking out over the face-wrapping. Like a network of scars. So maybe she's not too far off with that thought.

Jono seems to at least understand that Logan's looking around. And he looks around too. He does seem relieved as he notes no actual observers, and he does relax a bit. JUST a bit, he's almost never actually relaxed.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina taps her lips as Ororo asks about her instrument. "This one, of course. It's the only one I play, actually. See Felix, he's my band leader, was tired of them just playing music without vocals all the time. Said it felt like something was missing. So he had these auditions, right? And I completely stomped the competition into the ground." There's a hint of rosiness in her cheeks as she hastily adds "Not that I'm full of myself or anything." (Yeah, right.) "I've put a lot of time, effort and work into getting this good. It isn't easy, let me tell you. Takes a lot of practice. And that whole thing about your voice sounding different to you than to others when you hear it played back at you? Yeah, you have to adapt to that really quick."

As Lina speaks, her voice softly resonates in the minds of those around her. She is more quiet now so that only those three immediately around her can catch what she's saying. After all, she realizes she must have been doing something earlier that was not-quite-normal. Either that or her singing was getting great enough for people to notice, but with all the things happening lately she doubts that was it.

Some of what the older duo says causes her to wonder, but she's polite enough to limit her questions. As she hovers near the group, she casually flicks her eyes to Jono every few seconds. Something about his face did look different, a little bit. And then there was that wrapping. She chews lightly on her lower lip in thought, but doesn't ask. "Autotune is such a joke. I mean, there are perfectly good performers out there who never get discovered or make it big. And then there are a ton of celebrities who totally cannot hold a candle to some of the real people out there. Ugh. It almost makes me sick."

Storm has posed:
"Ah, so it is a musical group and not a school-related band? That is always very interesting. Practice on something you love and enjoy is quite fulfilling, isn't it?" Storm continues easily with a polite smile.

"Only to some." Ororo lightly lilts to Logan. He's never really annoyed her. Only when he breaks certain school-ground rules in front of the kids, but that is Logan.

A gentle, but stronger breeze blows through the area, making Ororo close her eyes a moment to simply take it in an enjoy it. "Natural talent over 'easy' and forced as some do these days will always win, in my opinion." She comments before opening her eyes again.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan frowns, and tries to find something in his pockets. With a sigh, Logan realises that he didn't pack any cigars for the trip. After all, he thought this walk was only going to be a short one. Logan did not expect to meet up with any others. "Yeah, Jon, yer prob'ly right. I did like the song she was listenin' too. Journey made a few good tunes in the old days. Seen 'em once. Nice concert."

    Looking over at Lina, Logan nods, and watches as she taps her lips and listens to her voice with his enhanced senses. He blinks, looks at Ororo, and then back at Lina. The look he gives Ororo speaks volumes. "Interestin' talent ya' got there kiddo. Nice." Logan nods, and releases his arms from across his chest. He was genuinely interested.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
More typing from Jono. <<Adiemus uses vocals as an instrument.>> Pause, more typing. <<The group. But it's a song too.>> Her words about autotune -- as well as Ororo's -- get a nod, too. <<I can usually hear it,>> he types out. <<Heard some good singers without it.>>

Logan mentions the group Lina was listening to and Jono nods. He types out, <<I like them. Mostly listen to 70s and 80s music.>> Keeping his replies short, so he doesn't get left behind while typing.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
"Yes, it's not a school band or anything like that. We practice in my garage. I had to negotiate that one with my parents and,let me tell you it wasn't easy." Logan's pointing out her 'talent' again causes her to tilt her head. He must be referring to her singing again, of course. "Yeah, I guess it is a natural talent to some degree. But even natural talents take work! Believe me, if I didn't nurture my singing it wouldn't have gone anywhere at all."

The mention of the song and group causes her to smile. "Oh yes, Journey is an awesome group. I've listened to all kinds of music, not just recent music, to get an idea of different ways to sing and stuff. How to make my voice do all sorts of things. Singing can still be a form of creative expression, you know?"

Storm has posed:
A glance between Lina and Logan and it finally clicks. Amusement dances in her eyes a little- Logan spotted it first. Sometimes Ororo misses some. This is one.

"Singing is an art form. I have a hobby of gardening myself- my own sense of expression, I suppose." When she's keeping herself even keeled to avoid changing the weather.

"By the way, my name is Ororo. This is Logan- we are both teachers at a school for gifted youngsters. This is Jonothon, who is one of our students." Perhaps an light introduction is in order?

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods and listens. Logan also looks like he is sniffing the air. Logan regards Jon, and says, "Yeah. Good music in those decades. Not so much today." Logan then turns back to Lina, and says, "It sounds to me..." Logan chuckles at his obvious pun"...that your talent is of a higher level than just singing." Was that subtle enough? After all, he didn't want to come right out and say it. Jon was right, it could be dangerous to say anything in public.

    Listening as Ororo introduces them, Logan says, "If interested, we could give you a tour. Talk about your "gifts" some more."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono has a visible reaction to the mention of nurturing one's singing. He... kind of looks away, a bit of a frown pinching his brows together. He'd been trying to do that himself, before his world -- along with his face -- quite literally exploded. Of course, he doesn't mention it. Not here. Anybody from the school who looked at his file would know it anyway.

Ororo's introduction draws his attention back to the conversation, and he bows his head politely to Lina in response. And he types out, to offer, <<Just 'Jono', if you want.>>

And then Logan says something that draws Jono's attention. See, Jono's not good at People. And he doesn't tend to notice other people's 'eccentricities'; usually he's too busy covering up his own. But then that mention of 'talent of a higher level than singing'... Jono looks to Logan with wide eyes. The question's clear in what of his expression can be seen: 'is she one of us?'

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina's hand comes up to cover her mouth quickly before it drops again. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry for being so rude, where are my manners. I'm Lina, Lina Whitecroft. It's so nice to meet you all." She's smiling now, though. "Walking up to strangers without so much as a 'Hi, my name is' and such. My mom would be furious with me."

At the mention of the school, Lina grins. "Oh, wow, a school for gifted kids. I've heard of those. Everyone is so bright and brainy. I wish I was that good, but my grades are just so-so. I spend too much time focusing on my music. I keep my grades /just/ good enough to where my parents won't complain."

What Logan says, though, she can't misunderstand. Suddenly going very still, her face closes up a bit. "Um, I'm uh, not sure what you mean." She gulps, glancing between the three nervously. "Really, besides my voice, I'm nothing special..." She glances around, but fortunately no one is within earshot. "Maybe I should go..." she says softly, worrying her lower lip.

Storm has posed:
"It is quite alright." Ororo comments to the mannerisms. Her smile remains warm and light. "I wouldn't worry about your grades." She glances between the others for a moment before looking to Lina. "There is no pressure... If you would simply like a tour of the grounds, I would be honored to do so. I attend my own garden there, it is a beautiful, calm place for reflection." A gentle attempt to coax Lina into a more private setting so that she can give a small show of her own powers to perhaps put Lina at ease- but its not something she can do in a public park.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods subtley to Jono, and interpretes the meaning that speeds between the two of them. It was a positive nod, saying, "believe so". "Pleasure kiddo. Nice ta' meet you Lina." Logan's voice was low, but rumbles slightly. "Perhaps your singing talent could getcha a musical scholarship or somethin'." Logan looks over at Storm, and agrees with every word she says. Logan then returns his gaze to the now nervous Lina.

    "No worries. I'm sure you are special. Just keep us in mind!" With that, Logan moves to depart, feeling that his presence was making this stressful for the young woman. "Ah'll be there if you need me."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono can't miss that expression on Lina's face. Yes, he sees her closing up; he's done it enough times himself. Fact, that's a pretty common thing for him to do. And if Logan's sure enough about it to mention it... well, Jono's not going to question Logan's finely-honed instincts.

Though he does seem to understand what Miss Munroe and Mister Logan are trying to do. Some of the people at the school don't have powers that are exactly subtle. Ororo's are likely of that sort. And Logan IS a pretty intense guy overall. But he does want to make sure. If she's a mutant, and her powers manifest in a way that no one can explain away except 'she's a mutie'... he knows something bad is going to happen to her.

So he offers up himself for demonstration of what kind of 'gifted' people are being discussed. By speaking, the way he normally does. {{Tha's what a lot 'f us thought about it. But sometimes there's more to it than jus' grades or talent. What you got's more than either.}} That voice is two things unmistakeably -- mental, and SUPER British-sounding.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina looks hesitantly at Ororo and Logan. What could it hurt? Shrugging, she says "Sure, why not. I mean, not that I'd ever be good enough to get into that kind of a school. It might be neat to see one at least once." The mention of a musical scholarship does start her thinking, but she doesn't linger on that thought for long. Giving Logan a wave as he steps away, she says quickly "It was very nice to meet you. Thank you for the compliment."

Turning to Jono, she asks "Jono, was it?" She nods to him as well. "I appreciate your compliment, too. If I didn't have singing, I don't know where I would be. You folks are too ki--" And she suddenly stops, midword, her jaw dropping. Her head turns every which way -- even up for a moment -- and her eyes are wide open. "What was that? Am I hearing things? Oh my God I'm going crazy." Her gaze returns to the other two and she's staring. "I'm sorry, you must think I'm nuts. I just thought I hear--"

Lina's gaze turns, very slowly, to Jono. Her eyes narrow, then widen, then narrow again. "Oh. My. God. That was you, wasn't it?" She's only a half-decent student, but sharper than she seems. "Oh jeez. Oh my God. No, no, no. No this is not good." She's not closing up now so much as freaking out. "Oh my God, no. I didn't. How did you know? How can you tell? Oh this is bad. Felix told me not to let this happen."

Storm has posed:
"Take care." Ororo offers to her departing friend. Who is leaving.. just in time, it seems. She glances between Lina and Jono for a moment, her lips pressing a little thinner. Oh dear.

Letting her voice remain claim, her attention falls completely on Lina. "Miss Whitecroft.. There are others... with special talents.." She is forming her words carefully trying to soothe and not freak out the girl further: "That are not bad people. Young, like yourself, that want help in honing those talents. Some want to be able to go to school in peace and have a normal youthhood. Some, as they grow older, remain to teach the next generation. Some go on to live normal lives beyond. But.. it is a safe haven. We are not here to hurt you- and it is that safety that we wanted to give you a chance to view for yourself. If you would be interested."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
And this is why Jono doesn't need to go along on 'recruiting' missions, no matter how impromptu they end up being. Because he tends to be impulsive, and let his emotions get in the way of things. At least he REALIZES that he's managed to screw things up pretty bad and doesn't 'speak' further than that. He also takes a few steps back from Lina, his shoulders slouching, his hands going into his pockets. He looks contrite, at least, so there's that. Though he's already managed to scare her, he figures, so the damage has been done. Doesn't help his self esteem, that's for sure...

(God... I must be a real monster...)

He turns his gaze away again, remaining behind and to the right of Ororo, and just stays quiet as Storm explains more in detail what she means. She has a more calming voice than he does, anyway. Jono's voice, even mental, is sharp and probably doesn't too much to put the clearly freaking-out girl at ease.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Ororo's words seem to have the desired effect on Lina as the girl starts to, slowly, calm down. Suddenly, she begins speaking all at once. "See, Felix, he figured it out way before I did. Before I even admitted I was... different. He just knew. Now /he/ belongs in a gifted school. So smart, Felix." Is she gushing? Maybe a little. "Anyways. We promised each other we wouldn't tell anyone. At least when I couldn't deny it anymore and told him he was right. I mean, not that he has anything to hide. But I do. And he told me to, that it was a bad idea. I mean, talk about my musical career being over before it even started. That's the least of my problems at this point."

What Ororo says registers, though, even though she looks a little sideways at the woman. "A school? A school like that?" Turning to look at Jono as he turns away, she says rather sharply, "Hey. Stop that. Don't do that. I'm sorry if I'm seeming like a total jerk, this is just... a lot to absorb at once. You don't get to hide, not afte /that/. You come right on over and stand right here." She points to the ground next to her. She sighs and closes her eyes. "This is not how I expected a day without band practice to go."

Opening her eyes, she fixes them on Ororo. "So you guys are cool? Okay. I can live with that. I'm sorry about what happened, it's /really/ hard to turn off. Especially when I'm singing. When I'm just talking it's not as bad. But apparently that's still not good enough. Ugh." Turning once more to Jono, she adds "That was a crazy thing you did there. Totally nuts." And then she breaks into a grin. "But thanks."

Storm has posed:
Ororo steps slightly closer to Jono and if he allows, he rests a reassuring hand on his shoulder. A brief, light touch, along with a calm smile. She's not upset.

To Lina, her smile remains. "If you would like, we could go there now. I would love to give you a tour and see if you would like to join us. There are others with gifts perhaps close to your own field that might be able to help you learn to control it."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono reflexively winces at Lina's sharp tone, though once the words register he relaxes a bit. And the hand on his shoulder helps. {{Thanks,}} he 'says' quietly. And he does slightly step out from behind Ororo, so he's not exactly hiding. Though his shoulders stay slumped and his hands remain in his pockets.

But something Lina says does make him speak up again, however softly. {{...Me own music career was sorta over before it really began. I'd hate ter see it 'appen t'someone else.}}

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina seems to carefully consider Ororo's words. "Okay." A pause. "I guess I could be down for that. No promises or anything, but, like... that might be neat." She looks around before whispering, "I need to learn how to turn this thing off when I want to, at least."

Turning to Jono, Lina just stares quietly. "I'm sorry," she says. "I can't imagine what that's like. If I suddenly couldn't speak, couldn't sing... I don't think I'd be anything resembling a happy person anymore." The corners of her mouth turn up, suddenly, as she adds "But that having been said, you can't let life get you down. You have to find a way to make it, well, liveable again. Whatever that means for you." Shrugging, she says "I know that sounds corny but it's true. There's no reason to live miserably. It's just... a waste."

Turning her attention back to Ororo, she says "Let's blow this popsicle stand and see what you're selling." She takes a step forward and slides her hand between Jono's arm and his pocket, hooking her arm around his. "You're coming, too." Winking at him, she adds "Oh, yeah, that whole personal space or bubble thing, whatever you wanna call it. I'm a chronic offendor of violating it."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono tilts his head down a little, finding the ground quite fascinating apparently, as Lina seems to understand what he's talking about. It's true, he was going to do the whole Jukebox Hero bit. But he can't now. Kinda hard to sing while missing half one's face. As for making life livable? {{That's a work in progress, luv,}} he notes, with no small amount of dryness in his tone.

Though suddenly Lina's sliding an arm around one of his. Jono's eyes go wide, and he utterly FREEZES. Though it doesn't take much to get him moving again, just a tug on his arm. After a moment, he finally responds, {{Well, er... I live there, so I s'pose I'd be goin' back anyway...}}

And no, that is totally not a blush what are you talking about.