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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/05 |Location=Xavier's School, Westchester, New York |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=128, 858, 16, 34, 170, 87, 113, 47 |pretty...")
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Latest revision as of 23:24, 25 October 2017

Ice Cream Social
Date of Scene: 05 June 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Polaris, 858, Rogue, 34, 170, 87, Emma Frost, Phoenix

Polaris has posed:
Leading Lina into the Rec Room. Polaris had been working on something-ice cream sandwich kabobs. She has a few trays of cookies to make tiny ice cream sandwiches with already cooling at the soda bar. "I do hope they aren't all out on some camping trip."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
As Lina follows Polaris, she shrugs. "That would be disappointing, honestly. But I think at least a few of the students are around because I saw some yesterday when Jono was walking me around." Looking around the room, she asks "Can I help with anything? This room is neat, it has like everything you could ever want to entertain yourself with. I wish my high school had that! Then again, all I'm really into is music so it would probably be wasted on me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was out at the lake and had been all day, but she was returning now and heading for the patio area behind the school... while flying at a low altitude just over the hedges and walk ways. Once at the patio, Rogue swung her legs out and touched down onto the stone floor then came to a jogging halt just outside the french doors that lead into the rec room.

The eighteen year old Senior Classman reached out her black gloved hands and pulled the doors open, then swept her arms up above her head and posed between the doors. "I'm heeeeeeere!" She announced to all within the room, a big smile upon her face and her chin tipped back just a bit. Rogue was wearing a loose-fit green tanktop that exposed part of her midrif, some black denim shorts and leather boots on her feet, it was hot outside... which was trouble for a girl who needed to cover up less she injure anyone who may touch her... but, it was just too darn steamy out for her to bundle up today.

A second later and the Southern Belle slipped into the room and shut the doors again behind her back, hands back near the small of her back now.

"Someone said somethin' about ice cream?" She then said in a more serious voice.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
What is Jono doing here? He doesn't eat. Hopefully there will be more people about, because idea cream and cookies are wasted on him. Nonetheless, there he is, walking into the rec room. He's dressed in primarily black, like he always is. Though the coat's been left somewhere, and he's just got the t-shirt, jeans, and boots. And of course, everything south of his nose and north of his waist is wrapped up. Also in black.

He just sort of... hangs near the door for now. Just leaning his back on the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. He feels awkward and out of place, but that's nothing new. Though here he kind of has a reason to -- he doesn't eat. And he does miss it, yes. Because what teen doesn't like sweets? But he can watch the others enjoy, right? Maybe live vicariously through them a little?

Polaris has posed:
"Yup, Ice cream sandwich kabobs, that's a mouthful, someone come up with a better name." Lorna says crisply and finishes getting out the ingredients. "We have a music room. And a music teacher." the green haired mutant tells Lina. Looking at Rogue and Jono she nods her head in. "There's still pool, get in here Jono and visit." She calls out and looks to Rogue with a smile, canting her head to the pool table.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina turns as she hears the doors to the outside open and blinks in surprise at Rogue's appearance. "Wow, talk about an entrance." The first thing she notices is that Rogue has dark brown hair with white accents. "Man, what is with everyone and these neat hair colors," she murmurs softly to herself.

As Jono slips into the room, Lina flashes him a smile. She walks over to him and pats him on the arm before turning and giving Rogue a wave. "Hi there, I don't believe we've met. I'm Lina, a friend of Jono's." She nudges him. "Right? Don't make a liar out of me now." There's mischief in her eyes.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue strut her stuff on in through the french doors from the patio and she moved right past the two young kids playing video games, making them groan as she blocked their sight from their precious shoot-em-up game for a whole two or three seconds!

Rogue looked first to the pretty Princess Polaris and she grinned at her. "Easy. Icecream Tubers. Bam. Done. I'll take ten percent'a the profits. Which is a total bargain."

Then the southern girl waved to Jono. "Lookin' like a well dressed mime, Jonothon!" She said to him with a faint smile before moving to the small kitchen area and pausing, her green eyes going to Lina. "We love wicked hairstyles around here. Tell Ororo she needs t'sport that mohawk again."

Rogue would offer Lina a gloved right hand, the glove was black with a grippy-texture on the palm. "I'm Marie... though most here call me Rogue. Nice t'meet ya."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono always feels self-conscious when someone calls him by name in public. So when Lorna calls out to him, he ducks his head down a little. Though he does straighten from the wall and nod. {{Right. Sorry. Didn't know if I'd be in the way 'r not.}} He starts to approach the developing party proper.

He offers a slight 'smile' at Lina at the pat on the arm. {{'Llo,}} he offers in greeting. The nudge gets a sheepish look. {{Yeah,}} he confirms. {{Lina 'ere's a friend.}}

Rogue gets a funny look. {{Mime? Nah. Not 'nough stripes,}} he counters. Besides, he's not wearing nearly enough white.

Polaris has posed:
Shaking her head, Lorna gets to work keeping half an eye on the students. She assembles a variety of icecream and cookies in different combinations. Strawberry, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream with mini sugar, chocolate chip, and peanut butter cookies. It's fast work so nothing gets too melty. The finished skewers she pops on a tray in the freezer. "I miss the mohawk, she looked good with it." Lorna sighs and coughs. "But lets be professional, I mean."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina smirks faintly at Rogue, taking the extended hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Marie. And Ororo had a mohawk? Oh my goodness, what that must have looked like. I can't imagine it at all." She lets out a laugh as she hovers somewhat near Jono. "I know you don't eat, Jono, so I will for the both of us. You can enjoy it vicariously through me, right? I mean it would be better if I could send the sensation of the taste to your head, but that's not my gift. Would be neat, though!"

Lina turns and watches Lorna prepare the delicious snack and watches with delight. "Mmm, that looks so yummy." Turning to Jono, she asks "So out of all those, which is your favorite flavor? You get to pick, I can't decide! They all look so good." Turning back to Rogue, she asks "So I just found out about the school yesterday. I guess you could say it kind of found me, or at least Ororo did. I'm guessing you're another student here?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sat down after shaking Lina's hand and she placed her hands ontop of the marble countertop on the little 'bar' area she was seated at. With a glance back to Jono she gave him a little grin. "Guess Ah was thinkin'a the Blue Man Group... though you'd need a lot more blueberries in your diet to finish off that look." She was just playing around though, hoping not to offend him, it was just her style.

Rogue nodded to Lorna and Lina then. "Only eve'ah seen Ororo's mohawk in a few pictures myself." She nodded specifically to Lina then. "Been here for about five minutes now, or four... I don't know... I'm terrible with time."

Rogue's green eyes started to scan all the treats Polaris was making. "We celebratin' soemthin'?" She asked then. "Cause, I'm terrible with dates too."

Eva (170) has posed:
A hundred different horrors flash through the dreams of Eva Wilde. Its a common occurance for her. Nightmares go with the territory. They are as much part of the job as running scams is. Her eyes open and she sighs. Sitting up, she moves over to her mini-fridge and grabs a water. Quietly she begins walking her way down to the Rec Room.

The young woman is pretty damn fast. Even when not running she can move fairly well. So it only takes her a few seconds to get down there. Once inside she gives a little wave. "Looks like quite the party in here." She states as she ducks in and leans against a wall. Her eyes go to pool table. a little shrug is given and she quietly starts shooting pool.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{Dunno how worth it havin' ter listen t'ev'rybody's errant thoughts'd be,}} Jono remarks. Then he blinks when Lina wants him to choose a flavor of ice cream. He tilts his head. {{Go for the chocolate,}} he suggests. {{Can't go wrong startin' there.}}

Jono doesn't seem offended by Rogue's statement. His mental voice is amused as he notes, {{Not unless the Blue Man Group set their heads on fire.}} Mind, he's got his fire wrapped up at the moment.

He pauses, looking in Eva's direction as she enters. He waves. {{'Llo,}} he greets simply.

Polaris has posed:
"Look, there's all kinds of ice cream, just-grab a skewer that has all three and you don't have to choose. " Lorna tells Lina and looks to Rogue. "I can't just want to cook a little?" She asks and puts a hand to her chest. "I'm hurt Rogue. I like to be domestic on occasion." She teases and nods to Eva, before looking at Jono. "Don't let the girls run all over you." She advises.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina listens to the exchange between Jono and Rogue and giggles a little. As Jono picks chocolate, Lina bursts into a wide grin. "Best flavor ever, a boy after my heart." But Lorna's suggestion that she just have all three sounds just as good. Eva's entrance receives a smile from Lina and a nod, although Lina doesn't approach the woman.

Turning her attention back to Rogue, Lina asks "So are you staying here as well? I know Jono lives here, but as I understand it some students are out for the summer and off other places. Just wondering, that's all. I don't live very far away and Ororo said I could visit and stuff. Get to know people, you know, like me." Meaning other mutants, of course.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grinned at what Jono said with his mind-power. "We are all thankful for that." She softly replied to him while her eyes were locked on the treats across from her. She stood up on the edge of the barstool and started to reach for a skewer and then poke at things with it, which wasn't going very well and might annoy Polaris quite a lot!

"Heya, Eva." Rogue said without looking at the pool player. "Come, get iced sugah treats." She continued to feabily poke at things from across the counter rather than go around and do it the normal person way.

"I'm livin' here." Rogue replied to Lina. "I was a total hobo before I came here... so they're lettin' me stay here outta pitty for the homeless, Ah think."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono actually blushes at Lorna's words of not letting the girls run over him. {{Thanks for the warning,}} he notes, sounding amused. Though the words have an undertone of embarassment to them. He goes quiet, only giving a 'smirk' with what remains of his face at Lina's words. And Rogue's observation gets a return statement, {{I dunno. 'The Matchmen' might work for a band name.}} Referring to matches with blue heads, of course.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva Smiles and gives a wave to Jono, not quite really getting how he's communicating as well as hoping that he can't read her mind. It would be like a stoner at a nascar race trying to keep up. She takes a shot and sinks a pair of balls without much difficulty.

Then Rogue addresses her. She looks over at her and smiles. "Any hope of some cookie dough ice cream over there?" A split second later she's at the ice cream, looking around at the different things there. "Mmmm this looks good!"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And then there's one more addition to the rec room as a bona fide humanoid feline clad in jeans and a t-shirt enters the room. "I -thought- I heard people!" He grins. He's very good at grinning- it's one of those contagious types of grins. He's also technically speaking a tabby, although orange tabbies don't have bright red stripes in a hue of red not usually found in nature*. The same color that is on his wild, red mane.

"I thought I heard Mr. Wagner say there was some sort of social going on earlier. I'm Thomas. I just got in today."

He does that awkward looking-at-everybody-in-turn thing that some newcomers do when they're not sure whom they should introduce themselves to first.

Polaris has posed:
"Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, with peanut butter, chocolate chip, or sugar cookie, kabobs are in the freezer." Lorna announces still finishing up the last few. She glances to Vorpal being the only teacher-someone save her. "Hello Thomas, I'm Polaris, come in, meet some fellow students."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina nods at Rogue's explanation. "I see, okay. Well, it sounds like you ended up in the right place. Hopefully things continue to go well for you." She's just being her usual optimistic self. "If you don't mind me asking a personal question, what is it you can, um, 'do'?" Pausing, she adds "I can go first if you like. I'm a singer and, apparently, my voice has a few 'extra' gifts attached to it now. I'm still kind of figuring it out, but I can be unintentionally suggestive and, on the flipside, sometimes help other people. Like. It's hard to explain, but my bandmates all play better when I'm singing with them. So maybe I'm like a booster of some kind? You get the idea. It kind of works differently each time."

Turning her attention back to the ice cream snacks, she glances at Eva and agrees with her "I know, right?! It looks /so/ good." Settling on a snack with both chocolate AND vanilla in addition to mini sugar cookies, she takes a bite. "I picked the right day to swing by, I can tell." And then another person is joining the room and her jaw drops open. At least she has enough manners to swallow the ice cream before responding to Thomas's entrance. "Oh my gosh." Yes, she's staring. No, she can't help it. A beat passes and then... "OH MY GOD, HOW CUTE!" She's not /quite/ screaming. Just... being kind of loud.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue finally sighed and got up from her barstool to go get on eo fthe pokin-sticks (her words) and she looked up and over in time to see Vorpal stride in, which got a big smile from her. She'd never met him before, but he looked cool as hell and seemed nice. "Welcome to mah Mad World!" She said over to him before grabbing a handful of pokin-sticks.

Rogue turned back to the ice cream treats and then waggled her hip out ot the left to bump Polaris. "Thanks, teach!" She said to her friend and the teacher she TA's for.

When Lina asked her of her powers Rogue kind of figured that was coming and she released a light exhale while the other explained her own. "Sounds like you'll be friends with Nancy... er, uh, Tatum." Rogue was prepping her ice-kabob.

"I uh... suck the lives outta people wheneve'ah they touch my skin. As well as any mutations, or... seemingly any kidna powers they may have beyond normal human capacity." Rogue lifted the kabob up and tongued at it asa it was melty. But only for a second.

"Oh, and, I steal personality and memories, leave folks in a coma. So... yeah, gloves." Rogue waggled her fingers inside her left gloved hand. "I try t'hide the resta my skin too... just gets hard in the summe'ah." She tried to be detailed, so anyone new in the room could hear it. "Its why people avoid me around here, call me the Grim Reape'ah, among othe'ah things."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva grabs herself a peanut butter kabob from the fridge. "Thank you, Miss." She licks a her ice cream for the moment and then turns to everyone. "Hiya all, Nice to meet you. My name is Evangeline Wilde. Eva. I am a new Teacher here. Supernatural Studies. I teach how to deal with the stuff that goes bump in the night."

With a little smile she darts back to the pool table. With a quick move, she gently flings her ice cream upward. Not hard. just enough that her hands are free. Lightning arcs around her as she quickly takes a shot. Then she grabs the ice cream before it touches the ground.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Thank you, Miss Polaris," Thomas says, and begins to make his rounds to introduce himself to the room. He looks... mildly uncomfortable at Lina's reaction to him. Mostly because there's something slightly emasculating at being addressed as 'cute' in the same way that a puppy would be described. But... he reasons, it could be much worse. There could be someone here who is allergic to cats. "Hi there... yeah, I'm... okay looking." He grins at Lina.

At Eva's introduction, he raises an eyebrow, "That sounds like a cool class. I wonder if I qualify as going 'bump' in the night. I don't think so... except maybe when I roll off the bed. Which is why I don't sleep on bunk beds. Where do Cheshire cats fit in the supernatural scheme off things?"

Rogue welcoming him to the 'Mad World' makes him smirk. That sounds about right for his life. "I don't believe I caught your name," he says to Lina and Marie.

Polaris has posed:
"Nice shot!" Polaris compliments Eva and washes her hands once all the ice cream sandwiches are assembled. She dries her hands and reaches up t shake her hair from it's pony tail. "There. Before people go thinking I'm a haughty snob because my father rules a country now." She laughs and wanders over to the pool table. "So, who's playing-I won't, Rogue's destroyed me often enough and my pool buddy is missing."

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina's eyes widen just a bit as Rogue explains what her powers are. "Oh my. That's... unique." She's clearly trying to think of something else to say at first. "I wonder how my power would interact with yours. I can't even begin to imagine if that would be a good or a bad thing. Or even a thing at all." Shrugging, she goes back to enjoying her snack while talking to Rogue. "So who's this person I might get along with, Marie? I already found out about another student with powers that have to do with sound and stuff. Does the person you mentioned have similar powers, too? I didn't realize it was so common to have that kind of power. I mean, it's such a bizarre thing to me."

As Eva introduces herself and walks back to the pool table, Lina says "Oh wow, supernatural studies? That sounds super interesting. I know, like, zilch about anything supernatural. That's the kind of thing I could totally take advantage of." She's nodding as she continues to enjoy her snack.

Thomas's question earns a smile from her. "I'm Lina," she says as she extends the hand that's not currently holding her treat. "Nice to meet you. I'm visiting here, I'm friends with Jono." She points out the black-clad young man nearby with her kabob, managing not to get any ice cream on the floor as she waves it around. Apparently she seems to have recovered from her initial reaction as she seems more normal now. "Did you say Cheshire cat? Like Alice in Wonderland? Or whatever iteration of that story is your favorite."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue would overhear Eva's introductions and it'd make her smile while she took a plate and went back to sit down at the bar area. "Pretty name, new Teach." Rogue said to Eva with a smile. "Paranormal stuff is great, I'd take your class but I should be graduated by the end'a summe'ah."

Rogue would then look back to LIna and nodded at her. "It'd be bad thing, Ah promise ya, sugah." She said in a serious tone of voice. "And its the music teache'ah, thats who I meant."

Once seated again, Rogue would lean back in her chair and wait for Lina to finish her introduction and then nod with a smile. Speaking in flawelss French, laced with flirtations-tones for the Cat Man. "Toutes mes excuses. Mon nom est Marie." She'd tell him, voice husky and playful because she was just having some fun. "Most just call me Rogue though. Happy t'meet ya, Tomtom."

"Thanks for the treats, Princess Polaris!" Rogue shouted to the pool-table-bound teacher with the green hair.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva looks at everyone and smiles. Her attention goes Lorena, "Oh thanks. Honestly I don't think anyone is playing with me. Probably for the best. I may or may not have a rather long streak of hustling pool. Girl's gotta make a living somehow and Sometimes its just more fun to do things that way then scam credit card companies." She laughs.

Her attention shifts to Tomas and Lina, "I'm pretty sure you don't kill people so, no. Not ones like you. The things I teach about hide in the shadow and are deadly. There are things everyone has been told are fake especially as children. Monsters, Demons, Ghosts. Most people write these off as the marks of a crazy person. I've spent too many years hunting and eliminating them. Saving lives while people go on without ever realizing I did anything."

She smirks and looks over at Rogue, "Well not like you couldn't shadow the class right?" She offers as she nibbles on some more of her ice cream.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tomas raises his eyebrows at Eva's explanation. "I see, that's pretty interesting." He makes a note to talk to Eva about the supernatural. He looks at Rogue, "That's an interesting accent, Marie- where is it from? I'm terrible with placing them, I'm afraid."

He doesn't move towards the pool table. He tried to play several times in the past. He still owes his uncle for that stained glass window in the study. And, of course, there was the concussion...

Polaris has posed:
"Rogue is a wonderful TA, and pool hustler." Lorna offers to Eva with a grin before practicing her queen wave at Rogue with her middle finger at proud salute. "People's princess, right Rogue?" she asks with a laugh and pauses before looking to the younger students. "Never repeat that, and get some ice cream." She commands and nods to the kabobs in the freezer.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina nods at Rogue's assessment of the potential danger of their powers combining. "I'll take your word for it. Promise I'll never sing you that particular song, Marie." She pauses briefly before turning her attention to Thomas. "I'm sorry if I kind of screamed at you before. I wasn't really thinking before I opened my mouth. I need to get better about that."

Lina then glances over at Eva and comments, "So that's the kind of supernatural thing you teach about? Honestly, you make it sound a little alarming. I haven't come across anything like that yet. Wonder if that's going to change now that I'm officially a mutant. Or have I always been a mutant? How does that even work? Hrm."

She taps her lower lip, having finished her ice cream snack by now. "Oh yes. By the way, thanks for the snack, Polaris. It was delicious. I really appreciate you letting me stay and enjoy it."

Rogue has posed:
"Shadow it, Ah just might have'ta do too." Rogue said to Eva with a litlte smile beore looking to Thomas. "Caldecott County, Meridian, Mississippi!" She said to him with a prideful bolsterous volume to her voice! She then frowned and droped her tone down again. "We got two bowlin' alleys an' four bars. But the library was closed down and they use the parkin' lot now for a beer festival.... Which is really just an excuse for the Doogan family t'host a Drunkathon in public." It'd been a long while since Marie had been home, and now she suddenly was thinking about it, missing parts of it.

Rogue caught the tail end of Polaris flipping her off and it made her grin nice and big. "Ah told ya Ah just got lucky, in all ten'a those games!" She said back to her Teacher. "You let me know when ya wanna play next, Ah'm absolutely positively certain you'll win the next one, Princess Peoplelaris!" Rogue smiled nice and big for Lorna.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva snickers and finishes off her ice cream as Rogue and Polaris go back and forth. "We will have to play sometime, Rogue. I do enjoy a good challenge." She smiles a little and thinks about things.

Her attention goes to Lina. "Imagine for a moment I had the power of invisibility. I walked in here invisible and didn't make a sound. Everyone here, unless you ran into me or read my mind, would think I wasn't here. The same goes for those things I teach about. People do not see these things until they interact with the rest of the world. At which point, the people they interact with are believed to be crazy and can't wrap their heads around things. SOme things are just curious or quiet. Ghosts can be like that. The problem is, when a ghost is left alone for a long time, All they have are their thoughts and emotions. Some can handle it. Others go vengeful. At which point they begin interacting with the physcial world. It can start small. Pulling hair, pushing people, making cold spots. As time goes on though, they can get much more aggressive and they can kill. So ya gotta know how to deal with the problem."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy tilts his head at Marie, "That sounds..." dreadful, really, but he's polite "Interesting. You're a bit of a long ways away. Do you ever go back home?"

PRobably the worst question he could ask, but he's trying to be sociable. Then he muses, hearing Lina "You know, I'm not actually a mutant. I'm something else..."

And then, in a hushed voice, he asks Marie "... 'Princess'?" It seemed he stumbled into an in-joke, but he wanted to make sure.

Polaris has posed:
"Oh glory." Polaris sighs at Rogue before looking at Thomas. "That would be me. My father is Emperor Magnus of Genosha." She tells the student and adds hastily "But I am still an instructor first in the school and Miss Lorna or Polaris is fine. As you can tell, my students clearly don't stand on ceremony." She adds and looks at Rogue with a lopsided grin.

Lina Whitecroft (858) has posed:
Lina's eyes widen a bit at Eva. "Wow. You make it sound positively terrifying. I sincerely hope I don't run into anything like that anytime soon. I... I don't think I know what I would do."

Thomas mentioning that he is not, in fact, a mutant earns a curious expression from Lina. "You're not? Then... you know what, I'm still learning about all this stuff so let's just leave it at 'you're special and unique and that's a wonderful thing' and move on." She's smiling aabout it, though.

Turning to the teachers, she gives a quick wave. "Thanks for being so welcoming, but I should probably get going. It's getting late and I need to get home." She flashes Rogue and Thomas a smile as she gets up from next to them. "It was very nice meeting you both. I look forward to seeing you again when next I visit." As she passes Jono, she gives him a half-sorta-hug thing. "Bye," she says with a grin just for him.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono has been one hell of a wallflower up to this point. Quiet, just listening to the conversation around him. But when Lina hugs him... oh-ho, is that a blush? Certainly not, what are you talking about? {{See yer later,}} he says in reply to the departing Lina. And no, he is totally not blushing.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had to agree with Lina after hearing Eva's rundown. "Now I ain't gonna be able to sleep tonight." She muttered with a litlte smirk. The southern gal would then wave to the potential new student as she made for her exit.

At Thomas/Vorpal, Rogue grinned from where she sat at the bar with a plate of ice-cream treats in front of her. Lorna explained who her father was but then Rogue leaned toward Thomas and added further in a near-whisper. "Her dad totally has the hots for me too... which is totally gross, cause he's old as shit... but still... he's rich. So... ya know, gotta keep'im on the hook." She did qick chin nod toward Thomas and then turned to look back toward the others like she hadn't just said any of that at all.

Emma Frost has posed:
There's suddenly a rasping at the door frame and an unfamiliar face is standing in the doorway.

Emma frost, has her blonde hair genlty curled to hang down near her shoulder blades and past her clavicle. "Any of you youngsters know where I can find miss Grey?" She asks, peeking in, wearing a white blazer over her black top and a pair of matching black pants over a pair of black glossy heels. Frost stands in the doorway with her hand on her hip and the other danging down to her side as she pulls it away after knocking. This woman commands a level of respect and awe in some way. How people tend to react varries from person to person though based on how they perceive authority.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva Laughs a little. "And this is why my class is important." She smiles. "I do have a remedy for that." Lightning arcs on her and she vanishes for less then a second. A blink and people would miss that she vanished. She is holding a bag of rock salt. "Here ya go!" She states with a smile. "Its splashing a ghost and a number of other things with acid. It won't kill them but it will hurt like the dickens!" She snickers and sets it aside. "Seriously though, If there were a anything that dangerous here I'd be on it. There is a reason I have salt all over my room."

Quietly she shoot a another shot on the pool table. "So umm there is something I could use some help with. I am relatively new to my powers. It has its down side. As the kitchen can probably attest, My metabolism is through the roof. I do my best to keep control of my speed but it is really not easy. So any advice would be good."

She looks over at the new arrival and gives a little wave. She doesn't know Emma Frost. She might have heard the name before but, Its not exactly something in her line of thought.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy is about to laugh at what Marie just said, when Emma Frost walks in.

Holy crap on a pancake.

He remembers her, alright. The first thing that comes to his mind is the image of Frost falling on her derriere, with coke zero spilling all over her decolletage after he accidentally causes one of the chairs to become animate. He trie not to think about it, but that's the image that comes to his mind.

His already noisy and chaotic mind goes into overdrive. "Hey, is there any ice cream behind that bar? Let me check!" the Cheshire Cat jumps over the counter to end up on Marie's side, and then he ducks. Not here. Not here. Not here. "Oh, look, they have napkins back here..." he mutters.

Polaris has posed:
"Shewi-" Polaris coughs and looks up at Emma as she enters. "Oh, we were just having ice cream sandwich kabobs, you want one, Emma?" She offers sweetly, a pretty smile on her face. Looking to Eva, Polaris considers the question. "Protein bars-the meal replacement sort, keep them handy and eat nutritionally dense meals." She suggests. "Or be like Iceman and eat like every meal is a food competition."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had met Emma before, but she honestly didn't even remember it... it'd been on the heels of an anger-fit... so her mind wasn't in a great place to really hold onto those memories. Rogue watched Vorpal dash behind the counter and then pretend like he wasn't there and she just watched him, her two-toned hair dangling down toward him where he was rooting around for stuff in the cabinets.

"Silly Tomtom." She chided him. "Thats not where the food is. Thats where the rat poison is that Miste'ah Logan hopes the kids'll get into is."

Rogue glanced up and over at Eva. "Sorry. I ain't got a clue how t'help ya with that. Sounds like somethin' the Professah would wanna talk to ya about though."

Rogue then looked at Emma while eating some of the ice cream, she narrowed her green eyes that were surrounded by black eyeliner... giving Emma a right 'stink eye' stare. But she had NO idea why she was doing it.

Emma Frost has posed:
"No thank you Lorna." Emma says towards Lorna, choosing to ignore Vorpal and his rather selective mind, instead choosing to step forward with her eyes leveled squarely on Eva.

Now out of the hallway, Frost's stoic demeanor seems to command the room and she scans it once again, awaiting an actual response to her question. as she scanned around the room. Never has she seen children so behave like cockroaches scurrying away from the light that is Emma Frost.

She scoffs once as she turns her attention to Rogue and squints back for a just a moment before returning her gaze back to Eva and the room before adding,

"I am a very busy woman and I abhor repeating myself, so one last time. Where can I find miss Grey?"

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva looks at Emma curiously. "you 'abhor' repeating yourself..." She repeats back. The huntress crosses her arms under her chest. If there is one thing Eva is not, Its Sophisticated. She's about as common clay as they come. "Dontcha think that if someone knew where she was we'd have told you? Have you checked her room? Wait a second. Be back in half the time it will take for you to remove that stick from your..." Lightning begins arcing around her and BOOM! Gone.

A second later, "She must be off campus. I just searched the entire Mansion. Since making demands is so much easier then looking around yourself." She did not check the basement of course. She doesn't know about that yet. Quietly she darts over and grabs another ice cream kabob because she needs energy!

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And and orange-furred hand emerges from behind the counter and YOINKS Marie down next to him, behind and under the desk.

".... Marie...." he whispers urgently, "Please tell me SHE doesn't teach here... if she does, it's over, I'm transfering over to Acapulco or something like that. That woman gives me the creeps!"

He peeks over the counter. Just to make sure she's still busy making demands to the teachers.

Polaris has posed:
"You want to reconsider coming into our school and pressing the new staff. Jean would be here if she was here." Polaris says tapping her head and comes around the counter. "And since when are you so pushy to see Jeanie anyway?" Lorna presses and looks over at Thomas before sighing and hooking an arm under Emma's to tow her to one side of the room being the veteran mutant about. ""What's the emergency?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's narrowed glare at Emma got even narrowerer and glareyerer when the White Queen spoke like that at everyone in the room. "How about you go fu--!" Rogue sudenly disappeared and her metal fork on her ice cream plate went flying through the air behind her and actually landed in the sink with a metalic-on-marble clatter.

Now on the floor behind the counter where Vorpal and yanked her down to, Marie suddenly laughed, losing the annoyance that was previously building up inside of her.

"Wha--?" She whispered to Vorpal. "Her?" Rogue glanced in the direction of the door on the other side and then shook her head. "Hell nah, thats some whacko rich chick... seen her at the boat races last month... She don't work here. Wait... why?" Rogue was now staring at Vorp with a questioning look on her face.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma blinks a few times as Eva disappears via her superspeed and squints her eyes again, certain she'd win the stare-off with Rogue, her icy blue eyes combating the greens of Marie's.

But then Lorna interviens and drags Emma across the room. Saving the two students from the White Queen's response.

In a polite whisper, Emma responds, "I am just trying to help her, find out if she made it back from the event in Ohio intact." Emma smooths her hand across her thigh and up towards the bandaid on her forehead hidden slightly by her hair. "I didn't leave without scars myself."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva darts across the room and joins Rogue and Tommy hiding behind the counter. "What are we hiding from?" She whispers to both students. "Is it because the lady in white out there..." She pauses and shakes it off. "Sorry. Bad joke. When I start my class you will learn a little about why." She nibbles at some more of her ice cream as she stays down.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And Tommy confesses. "I... kind of accidentally breathed magical life into a chair that careened across the room and sent her sprawling on her ass and splash coke all over her..." the cat says, rubbing his forehead. "... wait. I looked like my human self at the time... there's no way she'd know it's me."

He pauses. "Except for the part where I just JUMPED behind the counter and made myself even more suspicious..." He sighs. "I'm so smooth..." he gives Eva and Marie a smirk.

Phoenix has posed:

Hurricane Wilde blows in and out of Jean Grey's room in a heartbeat-- more than enough time for trained eyes to see emptiness and a neatly made bed.

Afterwards, the dull pink glow in Jean's eyes dims and a small frown crosses her features as she pushes madly Eva-swept hair out of her eyes and rolls off of the mattress. Personal days are a rarity for the Vice Principal, but it's Sunday, she just finished fighting two small-town dictators, and the last time she took a break before today, she was dead.

Apparently, though, duty calls-- but why? Clothes shift from the closet, finding their way towards Jean; simultaneously, Jean flings her mind out in search of the huntress', intent on probing for some hint as to what warrented speeding into her room.

Emma Frost--

-- ice cream--




Clad in jeans and a faded Jason Bourne shirt, Jean wanders into the rec room while Vorpal relates his tale, passing a squinting, queasy glance towards Eva along the way. It isn't until Vorpal finishes that she snaps out of it, offers a polite laugh, and follows it up with a stiff wave 'round the room for the gathered ice cream eaters and invaders.

Her gaze, of course, ends on Emma.

"Miss Frost," she says, approaching with a taut smile. "It's-- uh, definitely not what I expected, seeing you here; what's up? How are you?"

Polaris has posed:
"Oh great. See? Jean KNOWS." Polaris says and peeks at Emma's bandaid with zero regard for her personal space. "Bah, vitamin E cream and you're fine. Hey Jeanie, tap in sister, she's yours." Lorna offers and walks back over to the students behind the counter. "Eat up! Ice cream is melting and I made all that nonsense." She gestures with a look at Vorpal. "You stick close to me Thomas and you'll be fine." She nods somberly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughed at Eva showing up and then at what Vorpal said he did. "That sounds amazing." She told him. "And it sounds like the best powerset Ah've eve'ah hearda. You need t'do it again..."

She'd go to stand up though, cause laying on the floor behind a counter while not humping, seemed weird. So the teenager stood up and picked up her plate then turned to take it to the sink.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva darts out from behind the counter and returns to the pool table. She pulls her little ice cream tossing stunt again so she can take a shot. She catches it and licks at the sweet treat. "Ahhh so much better. Gotta have high carbs don't ya know?

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Juuuuuuuuust in case, I'm going to go back to my room in case she recognizes my voice or something." Tommy grins at Marie, Eva and Polaris. "It's been a pleasure, I look forwad to seeing you when 'frosty' isn't around..."

And then, the floor opens under him. Or, rather, a Rabbit Hole, depositing him on the bed in his room, plop. He turns around and waves at the two he can see from the Rabbit Hole in the ceiling before it closes up.

"Wait..." hi ears droop. "I didn't even get any ice cream!"

Oh well.

Emma Frost has posed:
"I tend to not do what's expected of me." Emma says, a pleasant smile crossing her red painted features. The CEO wears a white blazer and black undershirt and pants, turning towards Jean she extends her hand. "I didn't get a chance to catch up with you the other night and wanted to make sure you were okay after the ... situation resolved." Emma's blue eye lingers on Jeans before turning back to Lorna and her eyes flicking to Rogue and Eva in kind.

The telepath keeps her face from revealing the humor she finds in Vorpal's fear and concern at what the blonde might do to him should she make the connection.

"As you can tell, I had a rough time in Kirby, and I wanted to swing by to make sure you're okay and extend a kind offering in some way."

Phoenix has posed:
Lorna's offer gets a polite smile, a nod, and a, "Thanks," but no bites, not yet-- not while Emma's here.

"Ah," exhales the redhead while taking Emma's hand briefly "Yeah, I'm-- fine, but just //finding// that kid and dealing with him would've been a good day's work; the clean-up was..."

Jean's arms fold tightly around her ribcage.

"I'll be better tomorrow. But I'm fine; thank you. What about you? You and that woman in the jumpsuit-- some kind of cat thing?"

If the bandaid is still visible at all Jean leans just a little bit closer as she squints at it; otherwise, she just studies Emma for signs of wellness.

"I couldn't make out a ton, what with the flying, and the bleeding from my eyeballs, and the horrible screeching, but I'm //pretty// sure I saw a cat thing."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and gives a little wave to Jean. "Good to see you. Been meaning to have a talk with you in the near future." She states but doesn't press. Her attention is on her game. Its not like she's playing aonyone. On the contrary. She's quite content just to clear the table herself.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna looks at Rogue and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Thanks for coming by, the other students really respond to you." She murmurs and steps around her to slide the ice cream into the freezer as Jean and Emma talk. "You know." She says a little louder. "If you needed muscle..."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I've been better." Emma says, her eyes flicking up to her forehead and the bandaid there with another glance towards her thigh which was burned and cut but is covered by the pants she's wearing. "I got rather abused even where I was stationed in the melee, but you, you and everyone else ran in and were incredible, I'm impressed at how pristine you appear." Emma says, taking her hand back and observing Jean with an inspectful eye before she glances back over to Eva and the speedster's words and finally to Lorna.

"It would have been nothing short of a miracle for you to have made it in time and even then I'm not sure what you could have done." The telepath admits that maybe even she was outclassed.

Phoenix has posed:
"Something," is the best suggestion Jean can offer, murmured as she meets the other psychic's gaze. "Holtzmann - who I need to check on - seemed to have their number-- I mean, honestly, you guys, and Captain Marvel, and that other strong lady, and the one with the mask-- you did most of the heavy lifting; they screwed with my concentration something fierce. I might //look// okay, but..."

Indeed, a closer look might reveal that while there aren't any obvious signs of injury, the fatigue of engaging in two psychically stressful over the past week is clawing at her.

"Anyway," she adds, dismissing this all with a wave as she turns towards Lorna. "I would've waited to get a team together, but I wasn't sure how long the situation out there would be stable-- it was that little town in Ohio I reported on the other day. Next time." The last is said with a small smile, which manages to shrink a bit when she finally turns towards Eva to give another stiff wave.

"Hey-- yeah," she says, not looking directly at her for any longer than acknowledgment requires. "Sure, I'll be back for normal office hours on Monday, but if you wanna make an appointment-- is it important?"

Polaris has posed:
"I don't think you appreciate how great and terrifying I can be." Lorna counters and leans against the counter looking at Emma. "I fly pretty damn fast." She shrugs "Next time you might not get so many boo-boos if you had a woman who can make force fields." She offers, trying to be nice before walking over to the pool table to study Eva's game. "Neat speed trick. I know a few speedsters. Might have some imput on that diet of yours." She suggests and rakes her fingers through her green hair. "Anytime Jeanie you know I'm out a window for you. Not like I've got a boyfriend to notice." She says maybe a touch bitter as she heads to the door. "Kiddos had fun with their ice cream so I'm off to hid from the smaller humans. See ya ladies." She calls.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles, "Thank you, Lorna. I will take you up on that. Catch ya later though!" She smiles a little. Then her attention shifts over to Jean. "It can wait. No rush yet. I am just starting to get a feal for how I should do things around here ya know? You'll be happy to know that haven't done any hunting since starting but, I have put word out on some things. Part of what I wanted to talk to you about but like I said that can wait." She's talking fast. Fast enough that her words are practically running together. Turns out her speach can go super speed too!