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Latest revision as of 23:47, 25 October 2017

Date of Scene: 06 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, 300

Ares has posed:
    The last few days had been terribly hectic for the man known as John Aaron. He had set in motion a few plans to seek out some answers as to the desires of a person known as Mr. Berl who wished to acquire some items from the incognito Olympian. He'd met a variety of people, traveled along the coast with an ease that most would find surprising. But he made it back in time tonight to make sure that Alexander was in bed at the appointed hour, that Pluto was keeping a watchful eye on the grounds. It left the grizzled looking man some time to himself for once.
    At first the book he had been reading in the library beckoned to him, but it wouldn't be beyond Athena to perhaps try to scry him through the bottle of brandy she had left there. Best to let the arcane emanations wear off.
    So it was that he found himself out in the backyard of his home, behind the tall fencing that cuts him off from his semi-distant neighbors. At first he considered sitting and reflecting, letting him lose himself in his thoughts. But doing such... often leads to a darkness overcoming him. He set instead to keeping himself busy in what passes for a garden. His jacket was tossed aside, leaving him just in boots and jeans and that black t-shirt that outlines his torso sharply. A shovel is in his hands and he's digging out the rows of dead plants from his last attempt at keeping such things alive. It's mindless work. But it's clean work. Something he's come to value.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa has been enjoying spending time with Ares, a lot. She's sought him out and seems to be enjoying his company openly and obviously. Tonight, is no different as the wind slightly kicks up in a light breeze around Ares signaling her arrival via flight. She sets down on to the grass infront of him softly and waves with that ever present warmth in her smile.

    "Hey.. hope you don't mind my showing up?" she asks with a smile forming on her lips. "I uh, felt like talking.."

    She's not dressed in her normal workout attire tonight, more so dressed in a pair of boots, black slacks, and a long sleeved shirt.

Ares has posed:
    The older man sits back on his haunches, balanced on the balls of his feet there as he wipes at the sweat upon his brow with a forearm. That breeze is welcome with how the evening's night air is tinged with a mugginess from the recent storms that had danced up and down the coast these last few days. His brown eyes shift to her, gaze meeting hers as he smiles a bit wryly despite the small smudge of dirt on his cheek.
    "Sure," He gives her a nod, and then casually tosses a small hand shovel in her direction, letting it imbed point first into the ground at her feet. "You can dig while you talk, help me with some of these weeds." His lip quirks, amused as he has such gall to order her around like that, the cad.
    But then he raeches forwards and starts to pull out dandelions one after the other, casually tossing them over his shoulder into the wheel barrow nearby. Despite the hour he's making some good headway, the light from the nearby shed giving them enough light to work by.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Yeah, that's a lot of gall and she's not going to take it. "Umm, I didn't come here to help you pull up weeds John.." she replies plainly, folding her arms under her bust and canting her right hip out lightly as she takes a different stance. "I came to talk to, and I came to ask if we could talk about your statement about being a god."

Ares has posed:
    Gaining his feet smoothly he dusts his hands by clapping them together and then brushing them on his jeans. He cocks an eyebrow at her as he steps towards her on the edge of that halo of light. "Alright," Slowly he begins to pull off each canvas glove, drawing the fingers first and then sliding them into his back pocket.
    For a moment he looks her over, then meets her gaze. "Is everything alright?"

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa watches contently, and silently, nodding when he says alright and starts to stand up. She shrugs her shoulders at him when he asks if everything is ok, "Maybe? Maybe not.." she replies plainly. "I just, I've enjoyed your company John, and here you are trying to get me to believe you're a greek god, when.." she pauses a moment and sighs, "Im not sure you understand this, but I believe in and have met one of my gods."

Ares has posed:
    "Asgardians," John crinkles his nose a bit and looks away, features soured a bit, but then he gives a small shrug and looks back towards her. "But if you would prefer to think of me as just some fellow who likes to spend time chatting with you, then that is acceptable as well." He walks over towards a small cooler that is settled against the side of the shed. He flips it open and takes out some spring water, twisting the cap off and taking a long sip.
    "If you don't believe, that's fine. Perhaps there are ways it will be proven eventually down the line. But right now..." He waves a hand.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa exhales deeply and nods, "Yes, Asgardians.." she replies plainly. She watches him take a swig of his water and moves closer to him. "Look, it's not that I don't believe, and there is a way for you to show me you have power if you wanted. Other than that though? I do like talking with you and spending time with you, I'm just wondering what type of relationship we're going to have."

Ares has posed:
    When she steps closer he offers the bottle to her should she so wish, but if she declines he sets the drink aside upon that cooler. He rests his hands upon his hips and meets her gaze with that carefully cultivated calm, that serene mask used to make sure he has the darker aspects of his existence suitably under control One brow lifts as she asks, "How so, what form of proof would you wish, Sassa?"
    He steps forwards and rests a hand upon her shoulder gently, giving a small squeeze as if to try and grant her some aspect of his strength. "I have no expectations of you, Sassa. I would not wish to cause you ill will." He then takes a few steps to the side and sits down upon an old tree stump, leaning forwards to watch her.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    "I, well, I'm nto really sure to be entirely honest. I don't even think it's right of me to ask, but people have tried to manipulate me before.." she adds as she raises a hand in a no gesture for the bottle of water that was offered.

    The squeeze to her shoulder though, that causes her to stare at him with her emerald eyes. "You say you have no expectations of me, yet I have no idea what you mean. You say you wish me no ill will, yet how am I to know for certain if you do or don't?" she asks, a deep sigh escaping her lips.

    "Look, all of that being here nor there, I've come to enjoy your company and I'd like more of it, regardless of who and what you are. Though, I figure if I am to ask of you, I may as well at least tell you about who I am." As if her being able to fly hadn't already given him an idea.

Ares has posed:
    "You told me some of your story, I always felt the rest would come out over time." If there is one thing he has cultivated, it's his sense of patience. Time has passed for him, passed as one role or another, in wartime, in captivity, in the cultivation of a home some time ago. But he seems comfortable with her course as she likes. "I would be glad to hear more,"
    But then he gives her a faintly wry smile, "As for my wishes about you, there really is not much of a way you can be sure. I can't offer much of a guarantee other than my word, but that is only worth something if a man has standing. I have little at the moment. It means something if we have shared experience... well we have only a few times shared here and there..."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa listens for some time, and seems to be lost in thought for some period of time during and shortly after his replies. She comes back to the land of the living and steps forward and holds her hand out. "You said you can't fly right?" she asks him. "You don't weigh a whole lot do you?" she asks with a grin on her face as she keeps the hand outstretched. "I'd like to share something with you regardles."

Ares has posed:
    "I can't fly," John looks at her and then takes her hand with his, fingers interlacing with her own as he gets a faintly crooked smile to match her grin. "However." He holds up a finger of his free hand and gestures to the side somewhat. It's just a wave of one hand, an uncurling of fingertips that seems to cause a faint ripple in reality around them, a surge and fluctuation that is almost like a shifting of air pockets around them.
    At first the view of the garden twists upon itself, then stretches out like some carnival mirror. The image contorts, twists, then shimmers to an old building's interior. A hard wood floor, paper walls almost like a pagoda structure. One of the sliding doors are open and through it the daytime sun shines upon a hillock with a small copse of trees atop it.
    Looking back towards her he cocks an eyebrow, "I do have other ways of getting around."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Yeah, ok, that, that's new... Sassa is utterly dumbfounded. She goes entirely silent, and looks around just blinking before finally staring back at Ares like he just slapped her in the face. "I.." pause "uh.." pause, blink, "Umm..."

Ares has posed:
    "But, still... not entirely proof." He gestures with one hand towards the flickering imagery. "Care to step through, or should I let it close?" He grins for a moment and holds out his hand, causing waves to flitter around the edges of the doorway's surface, like someone had just tossed a pebble into a reflecting pond.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa just continues to be utterly dumbfounded by this. She turns to follow his hand gesture towards the flickering imagery and then back to him. "Ok.." she says as she decides to take a leap of faith and steps in to the doorway that just flittered about.

Ares has posed:
    It's a brief transition, one moment in the Northeast of the United States, and then the next across the world... to see the sun in the sky and to smell a subtle difference in the air, floral, with the hint of rain coming down off the hills on the wind. Then, the next moment, he steps through the pathway behind her, letting it close behind him as he steps to stand beside her.
    A few steps carry him to the side as he looks over the room, then checks a small note that's pinned to the doorway. He pulls it free from the small pin that hangs it there, turning it over one way, then the other to read it. "Hm."
    That said he turns back towards her, "So if naught else I am perhaps more than a mortal, but perhaps less than a god. I think that's about as much as we can prove ultimately."