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Latest revision as of 00:34, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 07 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Juggernaut, Feral

Juggernaut has posed:
    A vat abandoned subway station, reinforced by makeshift engineering by creative intelligent mutants and hollowed out in additional areas to provide extra room, serves as the go to place for metahuman brawling and gambling..likesly illegal in its own way. A center ring with reinforced pylons, serves as the highlight of the club with two mutant bruisers pounding on each other with meaty thwacks that vibrate the air and shake the first set of spectator rows. A booking area for bets and a wide bar and a scattered assortment of tables rounds out the entire dimly lit setting which features a various assortment of humans, metas, mutants and the like who mix and mingle in here without feeling singled out or called out by any sort of unusual appearences. A sort of 'anything goes' type of dive and hangout.

Mutant healers are on standby should things get out of hand and they are indeed needed from time to time. A loud *TWHAM* resounds as the blue skinned bruiser sends the red skinned one tumbling into the air and out of the ring to slam into a distant support pillar. The room shakes. Bystanders erupt into boo's and cheers. It's a typical evening.

Feral has posed:
    Wandering inside with her hands in her pockets and every bit human in appearance from her loose brown ponytail to her bear feet, it's a certain tourist's first time visiting. Vanya smiles toothily as she looks around the repurposed station and plugs her ears against the cheers from the latest match. Not bothering to change out of her distinctive red pants, the brawler's honed and feral silhouette might be recognized by anyone familiar with the smaller fighting circuits by the harbours.

    Making her way to the booking area, she browses the odds and the night's entertainment first, brushing some of the subway dirt on her feet onto her pants legs, but more than a couple furtive glances are given to the center stage. The predatory Russian isn't here just to place bets... but spotting an opening in the schedule, she does put one down on 'Feral'.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Indeed, some people do recognize her. The more savvy and educated on such matters take note of her arrival and nudge one another and indicate her with nods of their heads and finger pointing. Most others miss out on this, their attention drawn to the ring as a disembodied voice calls out, "And that's it for Red Kong! Blue Titan still holds the record!" There is a pause before the announcer calls out, "The floor is open and the tkke is signifigant! Do you think you have what it takes to bring Titan down?? They've been trying all night to no avail. Just what is his secret!"

As the announcer goads the audience on, the bookie says to Vanya, "Got it.Couple of names ahead of you wanna give it a shot at Titan. Course we might have some no show's. Hold out for abit and you'll get your shot." His frog like eyes squint at her as if trying to determine if he recognizes her..

Meanwhile in the back, a large looming presence rumbles some displeasure. Cain Marko dominates his table much like a large semi truck eats up the space in a cramped parking lot. He eyes the arena with displeasure visible in his small ice blue eyes. Cyttorak has failed to be appeased by the violence this evening and so Cain himself is restless. Bored. Disturbed. As the red mutant fails to give him any sort of entertainment the huge brute grunts and flares his nostrils, "Alright then.." he rumbles..and then slowly looms up to his feet. The very ground around him shakes with his movements as he towers up and up, the shadows of the room casting the muscles of his gargantuan body in deep canyon like relief. His very presence drawing a hush from those immediately around him as he begins plodding forward towards the ring and the booking section.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya smirks at the bookie as just being in the club begins to rile her up. The din, the cheering and the crowd, the mingled smells of blood, sweat, and the dusty back room haze that seems to stir universally in every such venue. "You're not on the menu are you, frog legs?" she begins to tease until she pricks at the hush that falls over a nearby section. It's not a sound so much as a feeling - in places like this quiet isn't normal and the feral fighter has been in far too many not to feel the shift.
    Turning her head with a snap that flings her ponytail over her shoulder, she smiles big, slightly-fanged teeth at the tower on two legs that's proceeding towards the ring. "If he's the main course I might not need dessert..." she purrs, licking her lips before springing briskly towards the titan and tucking into a section of crowd to watch his approach from somewhere close.

Juggernaut has posed:
    At practically ten feet tall, even at his most 'human' like, Cain looks like a walking siege tank. His muscles press against his simple white tee shirt, looking ready to split them apart with the slightest movement. Veins the size of garden hoses stand out hugely with freakish vascularity against his monstrous forarms and biceps. From the rear he appears practically headless given the swell of his back and the size of his neck. All in all he's a monster towering chest over the next largest meta present and his booted feet shake the ground as he draws nearer to the ring. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a massive fistfull of green which he then stuffs into the chest of a nearby bookie as he passes, "Put this all on me."

At that point is huge legs tense, nearly splitting his jeans, and he suddenly leaps - arcing into the air over the cage enveloping the ring, and then landing into the ring with a thunderous *BOOOOM* that nearly topples over the rules ref and BLue Titan.

"Erk..a hell no. I aint fighting him!" objects blue Titan, ees widening with what could be seen as faint recognition. His voice is drowned out by the crowd getting louder and rowdier.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya can't keep an eager smile from her face as the light shining her molten-bronze-coloured eyes is briefly eclipsed by the moving wall of flesh and bone. Her fingers play at opening and closing loose fists to disperse excitement that's building alarmingly fast. Now if only he had claws and a nice fur coat...
    The aniformer's face grows a furry muzzle as Juggernaut's entire body takes flight across the club and buried somewhere in the din of the crowd, a literal wolf whistle follows his boot-heels. "All of this on Jumbo, then all the winnings on me," she instructs with half an eye to the nearest bookie as a pre-counted fold of bills comes out the wolf-woman's pocket and down the front of his shirt with a quick flick of her hand.
    Before he has a chance to reply, the canine-faced metahuman bounces towards the ring.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "Just take the first hit and lie down." rumbles Cain as he looms up over Blue Titan, "I've done this before. I'll even split the take with you." He turns his vast body towards the crowd as he speaks and raises one arm skywards. He then brings he arm down into a single bicep flex. His hulkish muscle seemingly exploding with sinew as it piles more and mor mass atop itself, flexing a bicep the size of a small car and splitting his sleeve in the process. His shirt strains elsewhere, beginning to rip as his muscles bulk up and Cain turns towards B.T., muscle still flexed but hand now curled into a fist. HIs knuckles pop and crack like splintering tree's and boulders. "All you have to do is take my SUNDAY PUNCH!"

B.T. grimaces but holds his ground. "I aint going down -that- easy, man. You big, alright, but I got a punch of my own man." he rumbles. The two bruisers face off against eac other. Cain merely grins.. HIs smile growing larger and larger as his shirt begins to split at the seams, the huge man getting bigger and more pumped impossibly so. "Suit yourself.." he rumbles.

Feral has posed:
    By the time she's found a viewing spot among the crowd, pushing, elbowing, and leap-frogging her way forward, Vanya's wolf features have pulled themselves back into their den. Her face is deceptively human again as she raises up on the balls of her feet to push her nothing-special height to something better suited to watching the fun and the were-woman's bronzed eyes quietly fade to a hyper-alert pale yellow.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Cain Marko twists at the waist, cocking his huge fist back as if winding up, that stupid grin still on his face. Blue Titan readies a charge.."BEGIN!" shouts the announcer.

Cain swings. To B.T's point of view it's as if the entire field of vision is suddenly taken by the incoming fist. There's literally no where to turn.

A loud *BOOOOOOM* rocks the entire building. The shockwave exploding upward above ground ot set off car alarms as a seismic evnet rattles all of Mutant Town. Cain's fist slamming into BLue Titan and then carrying the large mutant up into the air ..a nd then blasting him off of it from the force and sending the man hurtling across the full length of the under ground station. He blasts through pillars, walls and additional walls until finally exploding to a stop with a rain of debris and a plume of dust filling the air in his wake. The force of the blow such that the cage around the ring warps outward, distorting before being blasted apart and the first few spectator rows being bowled over by the shockwave.

"Mmm.." cain muses as he pulls his hand back, standing in the epiccenter of the punch, "...well I -did- pull that." he rumbles.
5rWhen the shaking has finished, the crowd erupts into a chaotic roar. Mutant healers rush to attend to Blue Titan.

Feral has posed:
    The wolf in woman's clothing stares at the earthquaking blow and a transparent extra eyelid snaps shut just as the shock and dust blow her hair back. Vanya's otherwise unassuming form doesn't move, toes gripping the concrete floor and tattered pants fluttering off her legs like streamers - she's rooted against much more than that.

    Grasping a still-standing section of cage for support as an ear-splitting smile spreads her face, the feral brawler doubled over with laughter before the ringing has stopped in her ears. It takes more than a few moments for the Russian to collect herself and gives anyone foolish enough a small window to jump in the ring.

Juggernaut has posed:
    None so foolish emerge. Some, perhaps, are famliar with this red haired behemoth and may have seen a similar scenario before. They've bet wisely and as the money rings in, the huge man simply tugs at and straightens his tee shirt slightly and then begins to turn, preparing to make his departure from the ring unless stopped. He seems satisfied for the moment and he disregards the loud noise and chaos happening outside the ring. Most of it. The sound of a feral bit of giggling laughter catches his ear and he briefly flickers his gaze over the crowd before turning his attention towards an open enough area and preparing to leap again.

Feral has posed:
    Vanya manages to get herself back under control before Cain gets out of the ring and seeing no one else jumping in ahead of her she almost frowns.
    "Hey! Don't leave so soon. Some of us want our turn!" She shouts above the club's din as she begins climbing up the metal cage. Nimbly cresting the top, Vanya flips forward and tumbles down to the inside of the ring, landing in a springy crouch on the balls of her feet before standing to her full height plus a few from her heels floating off the ground.
    The were-woman flicks her hair back over her shoulder and smiles excitedly at the towering behemoth as she clenches her fingers, knuckles popping and dense, compacted muscles tightening up her body. She might only be the width of Juggernaut's arm, but the yellow-eyed stares up with a challenging and playful intensity that belies the size disparity. As far as her gaze says, they're equals - at best.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "We have a new challenger!" announces the disembodied voice. The crowd roars ine excitement and Cain turns, swiveling on his feet to loom over Vanya and just bilnk a few times. Where he dwarfed Blue Titan, right now it's like an aircraft carrier looming infront of a yacht. The size difference is comical and despite her feral features, it's clear Cain seems uncertain on how to deal with this. Finally..he just grins slowly.

"Didn't you just see waht I did, girly? I don't think you know what you're up against! You drunk or something, darling? Just looking to have a little fun?"

Feral has posed:
    Cast in Cain's shadow, Vanya rolls her arm in its socket a few times to loosen herself up, a toothy smile on her face that's become more subdued before the great thing itself but still shows an unwavering confidence. "I was hoping a fight club in Mutant City would have more eggs in its basket, but you went and scared everyone off with just one punch," she complains coarsely and a broad, sweeping wave of her hand extends over the crowd.
    "There has to be one person here who can turn into electricity or something and just shrug off that hit... bah, no fun to hit lightning anyway." Shrugging to herself, Vanya draws herself into a tall and relaxed fighting stance before stretching out a calloused fist for a boxer's tap.
    "No crazy ghost tricks from me, Brick House, but those big fists won't help until they hit me."