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Latest revision as of 00:39, 26 October 2017

Thunderian/Amazon Relations
Date of Scene: 08 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Tygra, Wonder Woman

Tygra has posed:
Thundera was as beautiful as Earth looks right now. Tygra can appreciate a night sky over the garden courtyard, the chib-chibs are actually singing a song for the single moon. A single moon. It makes him long for home but he can also appreciate whats before him.

To the outside world this Cat's Lair has become something of an exhibit, a tourist attraction full of strange cat like humanoids and bear robots but to the Thundercats it is the closest piece of home and safety they have.

They cannot say they haven't brought some of New or even Old Thundera with them though, aggressive and non-native terraforming has begun around the Cat's Lair, more common and Earth survival capable plant life than what lies in this garden around the tiger striped warrior.

Private musings, the man is definitely not expecting visitors while the moon is in the sky and the night air grows chill.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was returning after an event... not too terribly far from here. She'd been in the air for awhile now and it was further than she generally flew on her own. When she noticed a change in scenery below, she dipped down ou tof the moonlit night and flew down to observe this compound that was terraforming the area around it... it looked alien, to her.

Diana was wearing a big blue robe that covered her body, her black hair was untied and it was floing about her shoulders. She was dark in the night sky, but clearly there with the moonlight creating a silohoutte around her body.

Diana flew low and slowly, it was pretty clear that she was performing a recon-type view over the facility, almost like a living Drone.

Tygra has posed:
The Cat's Lair should look very alien to anyone. Especially those native to Earth. It's the sweeping flight of Diana that has the Cat's Head at the top of the fortress actually lift and move, yes, it actually moves. Its not finished being constructed though and only grinds a little to come to a halt.

It's enough to make Tygra look up from his session of feeding the animals outside, his low light vision picking out the robe covered woman, it startles him at first, memory of Mumm-Ra but then, the black hair is flowing, his lips in their curl of displayed teeth close. A flying human? He has already met several of these. The man is beginning to /wonder/ if flight isn't just a natural thing on this planet.

"Ho there!" He waves up ather, one hand bare, in the other what looks like a handle with three bulbs is held. The animal feed having been dropped and forgotten before he even realized it. Yes.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana floats down when she hears the voice and she comes to about four feet off the surface of the ground that he stands on, though she remains about twelve feet away from him. She just hovers tehre a moment and watches him in the dark. Her face is more visible now sinc ethe sunlight bouncing off of the moon was rather bright tonight when one's eyes were properly adjusted.

"What is this place?" Diana would eventually ask, her voice soft and cool, accented with a tone that is very uncommon... at least to anything heard in this part of Earth.

Tygra has posed:
"A piece of Thundera." The translator has become an extension of him lately. It goes to show Tygra is not entirely stubborn, he just likes to flick toggle it on and off to hear English to Thunderian. "I am Tygra, you are welcome here." He waves her forth, over the wall and towards the grass. "I assume like many you're curious? Though you are the first one to fly so close." The tiger striped male smiles, his golden yellow eyes seeking out her face.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana quietly touched down on the soft grass, her armoed boot-tips were momentarily more easily visible. She was also able to be seen now with weapons strapped to her back, a sword and a round shield.

"I am Diana." She replied, her eyes sweeping around the immediate area as she took in the scenery. "What is Thundera?" She asked, her eyes returning to him, though her chin dipped just a little while she stared at him awaiting the response.

Tygra has posed:
Tygra studies Diana as she lands. The armor catches his eye under the robes as does the shield and sword. This is not expected, she is battledressed like one of their own. "Jaga... " He is heard murmuring. "You're well... " A look from the garb to her face, "Quite pretty for a human being." The Thundercat has seen some attractive ones but none with the actual blessings of Gods. Humans typically in his mind fall short of Thunderian women.

"My home planet. Far from here." He admits, a touch of sadness in there but never as much as he often hears the other Thundercats exert.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Thank you." Diana replied to his kind compliment and she showed a faint smile before her eyes looked away again at the compound they had created for themselves here. She took a step to the side, turning to her right leaving her left side facing him now. "When did you arrive here?" She asked then after a second, returning her gaze to him. "What brought you to Earth?" She asked further.

"I had not heard of any such planet before, nor have I heard of this place you have... created for yourselves." She exhaled lightly and turned to face him again a few stepps forther into the courtyard. "You are peaceful?"

Tygra has posed:
Tygra's head cants to the left at the faint smile. He seen it. It makes him curious while gazing upon her why he cares if a human smile looks good or not, "You're welcome. We... did not come here intentionally, we were forced from our second home of New Thundera." A motion with splayed out clawed fingers at the garden and the walls, "We had no choice really. Our world was corrupted by a powerful and dark evil. It became inhospitable to us and we lost a very deciding battle so... we are here now. Crashed." He explains though he is not apologetic about it. Its needed its good to stress they are not invading, despite the giant Predator Cat's fortress and the overgrowth of terraforming alien plant life taking hold outside.

"Yes, the Code of Thundera permits us from being hostile to anyone who means innocents or us no harm. You are peaceful?" He follows her, letting her look around. Watching her as she moves. "You walk with the grace of a warrior. It is only fair I ask as well."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Peace is my mission." Diana replied to him then as she'd heard everything and listened with an attentitive stare upon him. "But Peace is achieved through hardship and extensive amounts of... effort." She showed a faint smirk then, but it quickly faded.

"I am sorry to hear about your plight." She said in regard to his world. "Such a fate is the very thing that I am fighting to prevent on -this- world." She glanced around and up at the complex that they were occupying now.

"Which is partly why I found this place so curious upon seeing it from above. It looked 'new' and strange, so it set off a number of alarms."

Diana would then look back at him. "Are you staying here then? Is your... space... craft, destroyed?"

Tygra has posed:
"Then we are in accordance." Tygra smiles once more. "Yes, peace cannot be won on good intentions alone." A pat of the whip at his waist. "We are a warrior people, I would say we almost speak the same language." Except he is on a translator.

"Honorable of you. We while here intend to do our part also, we only wish to stay peacefully in this place here and will do the very best we can to protect your planet while we prepare outselves to try and eventually one day retake our homeworld. "

"It is now inside of the Lair, built in to it." He lifts his chin up at the 'Alien Sphinx'. "We had to use the parts and the last of our energy source powers it."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look up when he spoke of the Sphinx and she would eye it closely. "All the way from another world, far far from here... Yet the similarities to things here upon Earth... are shocking." She said in a soft and quieter voice.

Her blue eyes came back down to look at him, though they'd likely be too dark right now to tell their color. "I am Diana Prince, I come from a remote island here on Earth called Themyscira." She drew in a breath. "I live and work out of Metropolis and Manhattan... I seek to aide those all across this planet, using the gifts and powers bestowed upon me to right wrongs and prevent unjust sorrows. Should you and yours... need my assistance... please, seek me out."

Diana's eyes remained locked onto his, she stood there motionless aside from the night air gently blowing her black hair about her shoulders.

Tygra has posed:
"Very shocking. Perhaps we are not too far apart in our original design." Tygra's eyes fixed upon her own do not move, golden-yellow orbs of intelligence and curiousity. His lips quirked in to a daring smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Diana Prince. I have been to Metropolis. Several times, even your Hall of Justice. A very impressive city." The blowing of the wind has him glancing up, towards the clouds to watch as they drift quickly, chill picking up. "Are you cold? I can show you around if you so wish." The action of looking heavenward the only way he could pull his gaze free of hers. It feels almost weird to find a human attractive to look upon.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana didn't respond to the Hall of Justice bit, if he'd been there though then that likely meant others had more information on him (and maybe more of his associates) which she'd wish to look into... aliens from other worlds concerned her, always.

"I would like that." She said to him, but gently shook her head side to side. "But I have to be on my way. I was simply curious and wished a little more insight as to the nature of this place, and those who occupied it."

She would then show another soft smile. "Thank you for sharing with me. You have been a gracious host."

Tygra has posed:
"Of course. Please, visit me-- /US/ any time." Tygra says with a broad smile. Idly that whip lashes out around his shoulders then back around, just a casual swing of it as he has it on him, to toy with. Much like someone standing in their yard staring at a neighbor while they flip around a football. It's just a dangerous or possibly dangerous weapon of war.

"Diana Prince of Themyscira we will meet again. I would like that." The tigerstriped man's eyes are trained to her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
With a gentle and soft nod, Diana gave another smile to the Man Cat and then she lifted back up into the air and hovered for a moment. "And your new home here is very lovely." She added before lifting off into the night sky and silently sweeping back up toward the stars!