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Gimme a Break, Gimme a Break, Break me off a Piece of that...
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: In which Cammy hates the meatloaf, Darcy loves the meatloaf, and May order something ELSE. Or the Triskelion Lunch Room is the place to be!
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Cammy White, Melinda May

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Triskelion, Lunch Time.

After being grounded for a few days, Agent Darcy Lewis is back to work. Back in her usual sleeveless white tank top under a black blazer and knee length black pencil shirt and her hair pulled up into a bun that's speared through with red chopsticks. Certainly not SHEILD issue is the oversized knitted cardigan that she wears over her blazer.

She is walking to a table by the large windows, a sit in the sun. The bruises on her are still visible: a hand print around her throat, mottled bruising on one calf, both of her knees.

Cammy White has posed:
    Cammy is dressed in SHIELD sharp uniform, lines squared, boots shined, the works. Carrying her tray of...whatever the hell pepper loaf is and being grateful that at least the veg salad looks edible, she spots Darcy('s bruises) and decides a bit of conversation might not go amiss. "Hello there. Had a rough assignment, eh?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Hmm?" Darcy hums looking up at the voice. Her tray had just been set to the table.

"Turned out that way. It's always fun with milk-runs go pear-shaped," quips the agent. A rueful smirk is set to her lips, painted as red as the chopsticks in her hair. She holds out a right hand.

"Darcy Lewis," she greets, as if she wasn't wearing a Level 5 name badge.

Cammy White has posed:
    Cammy rebalances her tray on her left hand (setting it down on the table when she hasn't been invited to sit would be presumptuous) and shakes. Her hand is rough, calloused, and bone-hard. "Cammy White," she greets, as if she is not wearing a name badge either. "Pleasure, I'm sure. So, shall I guess? You ran to the store for milk and were accosted by a particularly militant sect of Krishnas, who had sworn to show you the way to oneness with all or kill you in the process?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
After shaking, Darcy motions to the chair across from her in wordless but warm invitation. She moves to sit when Cammy moves to accept.

"If only it were that mundane!" Because only a SHIELD agent would find a militant sect mundane. "I occupanied a supernatural consultant to a foreign consolate to assist him in placing magical wards to ease the ambassador's fears of being watched by ghosts when as assassin with a metal arm attacked us. I played distraction as long as I could, and got my ass handed to me. It's okay, because the ambassador and the consultant lived. Still trying to figure out if we caught the MAD. I'm behind on my emails. Hopefully May'll debried me soon. You new?"

Cammy White has posed:
    "You might say," Cammy agrees. "Still, awful news about your attack. I'm certainly pleased you came out well, though!" She takes a seat across from you, and asks, "Supernatural consultant, eh? Is that your specialty, or were you filling a slot on the team?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Settling into her seat, Darcy scoffs on a laugh, grin lopsided.

"Nah. My speciality's staplers, post-it notes, and paperclips. But the consultant is new and asked for me to go with. Because I'm a fucking badass," Darcy states, just assuming she was going to get asked. She puncuates her point by stabbing her fork in the air in Cammy's general direction, lips grinning and her green eyes giving a totally-not-serious wink.

Cammy White has posed:
    "Oh, of course. It's only my training that kept me from fleeing in fear when I heard your name," Cammy agrees easily. "That, and the knowledge that running would do no good if Darcy Lewis was on my trail." She stabs a bite of pepper loaf and lifts it to you in salute. "Cheers." She eats it.
    She doesn't let her face change. She swallows.
    "Do you find yourself wishing you'd stuck with staplers?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy laughs as Cammy goes right along with her in her statement of her own badassery. She uses her butterknife to cut herself a piece of the meatloaf to eat.

"Not really. I mean, they make awesome stapler-chucks, but my ninja paperclip stars are the shit," she states as she chews. "Mmm! This meatloaf's the bomb today."

Cammy White has posed:
    "Oh, paperclips? You'll have to show me. I know how to make shuriken out of a sheet of A1 paper, but no one ever taught me how to do it with paperclips," Cammy invites, diplomatically changing the subject away from the food.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
What is diplomatically? Can you eat it? Does it take like peppered meatloaf?

Darcy grins wickedly. "Sure. I love launching them at people's heads with rubber band sling shots. Getting pretty good at it." NOM! The meatloaf though.

Cammy White has posed:
    Mixing it with bites of salad and drinks of water helps. To take her mind off it, Cammy asks, "Any other forms of jutsu-no-office supplies you'd care to share, or are you more than just a stapler-ninja, Darcy?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I am a fucking Tazer Queen," states Darcy with firm assurance. She takes a drink, and goes back tot he meatloaf, reaching for the kitchen on the table to add to it. Enhances the flavor!

"And you? What sort of badass bitch are you?"

Cammy White has posed:
    "Not too much of one, I'm sorry to report," Cammy explains modestly. "A bit of specials forces combat training, and I can shoot the mark often enough to satisfy my instructors, but that's fairly close to the end of it. Still, a soldier is less valuable for her proficiency than for her commitment to the cause, isn't she?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I would have said for her heart, but I'm a fucking sucker so what do I know?" Darcy quips around a mouthful of ketchup pepper meatloaf.

"WHich special forces though? I mean, if you can talk about it. I know around here somethings are like STFU, ya feel?"

Cammy White has posed:
    "The accent doesn't give it away?" Cammy asks with a bit of a grin. "Or are you just being polite and not assuming the extremely Caucasian girl with the English accent didn't train in England? Sort of a 'did you assume my gender?' thing?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Well.... You might be a Brit that trained somewhere else? I dunno. I hate making asses outta people. Especially myself," Darcy quips as she chases the last few plates on her plate. She sits with Cammy at a table in the sunlight, a little huddled in her over sized sweater, bruises still visible but fading.

Cammy White has posed:
    "No, no, fair enough," Cammy agrees. The salad is definitely more palatable. There's no maize in it, either. She expected maize in the salad in America. "No one likes to be made an ass of."

Melinda May has posed:
While maize is a very common food staple in the US, it's usually only found on southwestern salads. Yuck. Also, it's considered a sacred crop in Mexico. But May hasn't arrived to impart trivia unto the younger women. She's here to get something to eat. And no, she's NOT getting meatloaf. Instead, she speaks with the kitchen staff briefly before getting a glass of chilled water and turning to see who else is here. Hm. Maybe she should leave Lewis and the agent she's chatting with be. Heaven knows, she's unsettled many junior agents unintentionally in her time. And intentionally, too, but she meant to do that.

Walking across to a currently vacant table, May settles in to wait for her meal to be prepared.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Especially Fury. Fuck, I can be an idiot," Darcy quips, eyes catching movement and glancing over to May. Oh! Debrief must happen. Better schedule.

"Heya, May!" she calls out. Loudly. And she waves. Loudly.

Don't ask how Darcy waves loudly. She just does.

Cammy White has posed:
    Cammy follows Darcy's gaze. May, huh? Neat. She doesn't wave, loudly or otherwise; not her place.

Melinda May has posed:
Well, so much for that. Darcy waves. Loudly. And May supresses the urge to sigh aloud. She gets up again and heads over to say hello, because she knows if she doesn't she'll not get a moment's peace.

"Lewis. White." Yes, she does know Agent White's name. She's not officially met her, but she's aware of goings on in this building. Hell, she might have been the pilot for the transport that brought the blonde over from the UK.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"What's shaking? Gettign lunch. Wanna sit with us? Did they run out of meatloaf? Wouldn't be surprised. It's amazeballs," rambles Darcy, just as bright as the nice day outside. Looks like the PTO helped her mood.

"When are we losing my briefs?" Because that's exactly what debriefing means, Darcy.

Cammy White has posed:
    Cammy stands up politely as May approaches, a pleasant smile on her face. "Agent May. A pleasure, of course. Would you care to join us, or are you otherwise engaged?" Now May has an invitation to stay and an excuse to leave, both offered while ignoring Darcy. Cammy's learning!

Melinda May has posed:
May nods politely to Cammy when the young woman stands to greet her. "Thank you," she says as she claims a chair at their table. She's gotta eat after all, and she can always MAKE Darcy pipe down if she starts to get annoying. Then White is called away and May is left with just Darcy there. But, at least when her food arrives it won't make both young women envious. She can deal with Darcy's envy.

"I take it you're feeling better?" Because clearly, she is.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Much. I needed like real sleep. Though I'm missing a weekend, May. It's criminal. Why am I missing a weekend?" Darcy says, toning it down a bit, a little bit, because Darcy knows about where the STFU line is with May. usually.

Melinda May has posed:
"You are missing a weekend because you were injured and spent most of it in Medical. Why do you think you were being told to go home and rest? Because Fury is a jerk?" May shakes her head. Not because she doesn't beleve Fury is a jerk -- she knows that he is fully capable of being a true jerk when the situation needs it -- but he never does so without reason.

Before she can say any more, her food arrives. It's a good-sized slab of freshly grilled halibut with steamed vegetables and a baked sweet potato.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Well. No. But it really didn't sound like he was telling me to go home. It sounded like he wasn't used to me just being general grumpy, which I know is stupid becuase it's not like a work WITH the guy for him to get to know me and why would he even want to I mean I'm just dumb ol' me and I'm rambling so I'm shutting up now," Darcy says, leaning back in her chair to drink some water. Her eyes turn to May's plate and she smirks.

"Ooooh... Hally Butt!"

Melinda May has posed:
May picks up her fork and spears a piece or broccoli. "Well, as a general rule, sassing the Director is never going to go well for you. He went easy on you because you were still on the injured list." She eats the broccoli. "If you had not backed down when you did, he would have followed up and sent you to the coldest city in upper Mongolia."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"That poor city," Darcy quips, in a tone that's a clear: Whew! I dodged a bullet.

"Thanks for rescuing it. Guess you didn't have to, and so on behalf of Mongolia I thank you." Pause. Darcy drinks some water.

"So... what happened? Last I remember Barton was in a coma, then pulled a Walking Dead, grabbed me and... nothing. I woke up in containment."

Melinda May has posed:
May shakes her head. "I don't know all the details, but Barton was affected by a contagion of some sort, and when he grabbed you, he infected you as well. Why it sent him off on a rampage and just put you and several others in comas, the science people are still trying to figure out." They're also trying to figure out what stopped it and reversed the effects because... ladybugs? Yeah, no.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oh. A... contagion? Freaky shit this week, huh?" Darcy comments with complete aplomb. Because she's played Ndemic's Plague Inc. The Necroa virus is a thing. More water sipped.

"Anything you want me to help research on that?" Because she can.

Melinda May has posed:
May considers through a few bites of her food. "Yes. See if you can find patient zero by backtracking the spread of this contagion. Also, check up on the Winchesters. They were insulated from the worst of this but no telling what they might have heard or experienced." Yes, she worries. Not that she'd ever admit to it openly.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Not that Darcy hasn't learned Worried Momma Hen May voice. She pulls out her phone to make a note to herself.

"Sure thing. I'll send you an email soon as I have more. How is Sam, by the way?"

Melinda May has posed:
"I haven't had a chance to catch up with them." Hence the mostly-veiled worry. "But I think I would have heard from Medical or the Winchesters themselves by now if there were any problems." It's been a challenge, but she's forced herself to NOT try to keep tabs on the boys mostly out of respect for them.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods to this. "Especially Worrywart Dean. I'll to a walk through... bring flowers and a teddy bear.... and a get well soon card that makes noise when you open it," Darcy says, because that's what you do!

"Oh. I may have promised Agent White that I could teach her to make ninja throwing stars out of paperclips. SHe may or may not have taking me seriously.."

Melinda May has posed:
May pushes her plate back with a nod as Darcy plots to annoy the Winchesters. She's not going to stop it.

The paperclip comment earns Lewis a raised eyebrow. Then after a moment she pulls a paperclip from inside the cuff of one sleeve.

What? paperclips are useful.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"And I'll let her know to go to you," Darcy quips on a smirk. Water finished, she tidies up her eating area. "You done with your lunch? I can hit the trash on my way out for ya," she offers. Because it's about that time.

Melinda May has posed:
"I'm done, yes. Thank you." And while Darcy's tidying, she quickly bends the paperclip out so that by the time Darcy is standing, May is holding a little bit wire that resembles a little caltrop more than a paperclip.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Shiny," is Darcy's comment of the paperclipcaltrop. Plates stacked and cups collected, Darcy displays that she may have been a Broke Girl once upon a time and waited tables to survive by smoothly gathering everything up, getting it all to the trashcan and setting the non-disposable things in the proper places before using the hand santizer on the wall to wash up and then she's off, headed to her office to start her research.