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Latest revision as of 00:53, 26 October 2017

Answer the Alien or Else!
Date of Scene: 09 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 319, Dragonfly (Arazello), Ghost Spider

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    Manhattan's skyline always looks the best at night, when it's lit by the myriad of lights in the windows and on the streets of the great city. At a glance it's a living thing, with the gleams from headlamps and brakelights granting an activity of movement as if the borough was a giant living thing. For most who perceive it at a distance it just seems like this unintelligible display of movement, life, and a curious testimony to mankind's ingenuity. Yet to those who know how to read the pulse of the city, they can get some of the more subtle aspects of such a presentation.
    A subtle aspect such as the glow of red and white lights casting several buildings into a brilliant display of fluctuating light. The colors draw attention as they're meant to, and to most it might signify safety, or protection. But for people in the business who see such lights on the walls of the apartment buildings in this neighborhood... it usually means someone's hurt. Or dead.
    There on the rooftop, above all of the emergency vehicles, two police detectives are conferring quietly about the crumpled form of an older man who apparently had crossed the wrong people in this part of town.
    "What do you say, Harpe? Thai?"
    "We had Thai yesterday, Greene."
    "Oh yes. You're right."
    "No. It reminds me of home."
    "What, Indian food reminds you of Canada."
    "..." There's a pause as Sebastian looks at his notepad, then he kneels down beside the corpse and answers simply. "Yes."

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Emergency vehicles in her patrol zone? Detectives on the roof of an apartment building? A dead body? This is something that definitely concerns Dragonfly as she flies overhead. She'd thought, after all, that she'd done the cleaning up thing quite well. Time to drop in.
    Her black-clad form with its platinum accents above plummets to earth as she makes a three-point landing on the roof, one arm off to the side, ready for action. "Nailed it!" she murmurs to herself, obviously pleased.
    "Good evening, officers," she says, slowly standing, making no motions that would (further) alarm either member of the serve and patrol crowd. "Is there any way I could be of service?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    That's one of the good things about crimes on the roofs. No crowds...no people trying to get in the way, destroy the crime scene. Bad thing is...you get the heroes poking their heads around more. Case in point, after Dragonfly takes note and lands on the roof, there's a thud coming from the top of the small roof access building, Spider-woman sitting down on the edge.
    "Hi! Sorry I'm late for the party guys. I didn't bring any chips or snacks...hope that's okay." She says, peeking at the crime scene. "Figured there was some kind of get together happening up here!"

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    Harpe, a tall blonde woman in a black pant suit looks over at Dragonfly's arrival, ten Spider-Woman's and the look on her face is just unfriendly. She then gives voice to two words, "Oh god." She holds up her badge and waves it in the costumed women's direction. "Ya, no thanks, Captain Missy Victory and Dynagirl, we got it under control here. Why don't you get your..."
    But then Sebastian Greene rises to his feet, the note pad still in his hand as he clears his throat a bit. Harpe looks back at him and he taps pen on the wire ring at the top of his notepad, then sotto voces, 'nice with the capes, chief said nice with the capes.' Which they can probably hear, but then Harpe grimaces.
    "Right," The blonde detective looks at the entirely too perfect looking Dragonfly with her brilliant silver hair and then her cohort, and she sighs. "Maybe. I dunno. Talk with the beanpole over there." She jerks a thumb towards Sebastian, then turns to tell him. "I'm gonna go get some coffee. You have fun. Try not to get tossed in the river like last time."
    With that she grumbles and starts towards the stairwell doorway and pulls it open. Next instant she's going downstairs.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Spandex," Dragonfly says as she moves forward toward Sebastian, carefully avoiding stepping on things that might be evidence. This is a task rendered a bit easier by simply not touching the ground. "I think you'd have to put me into team spandex. I don't do capes."
    The tone is jovial, but there's a slight edge to it.
    "And, I should clarify, I'm not trying to muscle in, nor am I trying to glory-hound, nor am I trying to interfere. I just offered assistance because, well, I can do a few things that might be useful. That's all." OK, the edge is going into full-blown defensiveness. "For starters, for example, if you've got a suspect I can probably find him faster from above than you can on the ground, even with cars. If there's nothing I can do, I'll just go on my way."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman smirks a little as the other officer starts to walk towards the staircase she's perched ontop of. "Yeah! You heard the chief. Nice with the capes." She says, hopping down to the ground. "Even those that don't wear capes. Who actually wears capes these days?" She asks, closing the door behind Harpe and strolling over to the remaining policeman, putting her arm on his shoulder.
    "What we got here Smith? 10-33? Maybe a 7-89?" She asks, but is most certainly looking over the body.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    As Harpe can be heard walking down the steps and grumbling to herself, Sebastian holds up a finger as if to stay Dragonfly and Spider-Woman from talking. He waits until the decelerated closing door swings sloooowly shut, and then once it clicks closed he lowers that finger. "10-35, Vincent McCallum." He announces the name of the victim as he points down towards him.
    The tall police detective looks between them, then offers what he probably thinks is a disarming smile, but it more looks like someone who was pulling the strings on a marionette's face. "He was an insurance officer for the most part, though local word amongst the building tenants were that he ran a loan enforcement business out of his apartment, paid up to a button man for someone in the Russian mob if we go by the neighborhood."
    Sebastian steps back and lets them take a look at the corpse, but asks them. "Please don't touch it." He has to sort of say that, since if he doesn't and they do, well it just would be bad. "Two rounds from a 9mm pistol to the torso. No exit wound." He stops speaking for a moment to look between them. "This is going to require footwork. Busy weekend. Could use some help running down leads. If you have the time."
    It might be rather strange to them that a detective is rather open and quick to embrace the idea of vigilantes offering assistance. It goes against a lot of typical values held by the NYPD. But Sebastian, he seems alright with it.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    Dragonfly stares at Sebastian as he talks, blinking and trying to keep up. As she infers the meaning of what he's saying she glances over at the body with an expression that hints she'd be wide-eyed behind her sunglasses.
    The almost ancient pop melody practically leaps unbidden to mind.
    "Uh ... I do have the time, I guess," she says, staring down at the body with horrified fascination. Absently-mindedly she slips off her sunglasses, twirling them in her hand as her unblinking compound eyes stare ... presumably downward at the corpse, but who knows where else they can see. "I don't see a lot of these things," she adds, glancing over first at Spider-Woman, then at Sebastian. "I'm ... uh ... kind of new to this job."
    She seems to suddenly remember her eyes and quickly slips the sunglasses back on.
    "If you need someone who can fly pretty quickly, I'd be more than happy to help out, though." Another uncomfortable glance at the body. "I imagine you don't need heavy objects lifted or things smashed."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman looks at Sebastian and rolls her eyes a little bit, and even through the mask, that's visible. She shakes her head a bit and looks at the corpse, moving closer to it and crouching down slightly. Very close to the corpse, but not touching it. "Huh. Russian mob...why would they kill someone working for them...Was he laundering? Short on his payments?" She asks, glancing back at the policeman, then scoffing.
    "I know how to handle a crime scene. Sir." She stands up and looks around, tsking a little. "Did he have a weapon on him?" She asks, looking up a little at Dragonfly's upset demeanor, a little smile on her face. "Well you're doing a good job. THis isn't a fun aspect." She says, moving over to the police officer. "Might be able to find something through his bank accounts. At least figure out why he's probably meeting with the people who killed him." She says, looking around.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    Sebastian sort of stares at Dragonfly as she speaks and it seems to take him a moment or two to parse out exactly what she means. But then he's scribbling upon the notepad in front of him. "Leslie Miller, his ex-wife. We need to speak with her, but if Vincent's people see her talking to police then she's likely to get the same from them. You're fast. You fly. You're also beautiful and could get information easier than a black and white." He says these things as if he's ticking off a list, and then he's done writing. He extends the folded once piece of paper to Dragonfly then pauses as he eyes her. "You don't have any pockets."
    But then he shakes his head and goes ok as if not to worry. "These are the questions, have her answer them. Where he was last night, who has he met last, did he argue with anyone of late. Mention Boris. Your speed is your asset, if you can do this first and fast then she is more likely to survive. If not I'll get the answers later, but she will be endangered."
    It's almost as if he expects them to do his bidding. Then again they did sorta offer to help.
    He rounds upon Spider-Woman then, already scribbling on his piece of paper. "Don't know. No motive discerned. No records. Last word he was in good." He answers her questions even as he writes. "No weapon found. Unless your power is melding with computer systems you can't..."
    He stops, "Is your power melding with computer systems?" But then he looks at her outfit shakes his head, as if he answered his own question, then goes on. "Already have IT on it. If you could provide back up to..." He stops, then looks between them. "What are your names?" He comes to a full stop.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "Uh, yeah, I guess I could ask questions," Dragonfly says as she takes the proffered piece of paper. "And no, I don't have pockets. Take it up with my tailor. God knows I can't talk to it."
    She looks over the paper, taking off her sunglasses again, albeit this time not quite so absent-mindedly. Her eyes don't move, but she nonetheless gives off the impression of scanning the text. "OK, this looks straightforward enough, but only one question: who's this Boris I'm supposed to mention and in what context am I supposed to mention him? Should I just ask her how Boris is or something?"
    Her face strays toward the body again.
    "You know, I could lift the body for you, straight up, nobody touching it, if you need to see what's underneath. Then I could put it exactly where it was with no scuffing, dusting, fingerprints, DNA, etc."
    She turns her face toward Sebastian, obviously pleased at the notion. "Would that be helpful?"

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman raises an eyebrow and looks to the cop when he asks about her powers. She looks at her outfit too and nods. "Yeah. Think before you ask." She says, moving over to Dragonfly and taking the paper from the woman's grip, looking it over for a moment before stuffing it into her hoodie's pocket.
    "Gotta have something to carry stuff!" She says, then glancing to the cop. "Spider-Woman." She says, then looks at the other woman at her idea, looking pretty...not impressed. At least until the woman looks her way, then she smiles at her. "Maybe! But...we'd better get on this...there's people to handle that kind of stuff. If this is a hit...yeahhh...sometimes they don't stop with the actual guy that did it." She says, putting an arm around Dragonfly to lead her towards the side of the building a bit.
    "Let's get you away from the body, shall we?" She hops onto the ledge of the building and grins. "Good luck Smithie." She calls to the cop, then grins at Dragonfly. "Race yah." She says, stepping back off the roof.

Sebastian (319) has posed:
    "There's always a Boris." Sebastian says simply in response to her, but for some reason he thinks there will be, at least for this particular case. He looks between them and slides his hands into his pockets, as if to keep them from fidgeting too much. He squints back and forth, between them and seems entirely too antsy about something. But he takes a deep breath and seems to come under control at least partially. "But no, the body is fine as it is for now. And if a reporter got a shot of you, my employment would be terminated." He looks up for a moment, eyebrows lifting, then hms to himself as if a revelation touched his thoughts. He shrugs.
    But then after Spider-Woman introduces herself they forever in his mind become Spider-Woman and the other one. He gives them both a nod. "Oh." He lifts his voice and yells, "And be safe!" As if that will be enough to shepherd them safely through the next few hours. But once they're moving, and then they're out of view he sort of stands there for a time, rocking back on his heels and seeming thoughtful.
    It's then that Harpe emerges from the stairwell, carrying four cups of coffee. "Alright, hope ya like it black we got no..." She pauses and looks around, "Where'd they go?"
    "They left," Sebastian says.
    "Hnh, not gonna help?"
    "No," Sebastian shakes his head, "Once I told them it had nothing they could punch they weren't interested."
    Harpe grimaces and sets the coffees down on an industrial air conditioner. "Typical."
    Sebastian nods, then says. "Yeah." He goes to get his coffee.

Dragonfly (Arazello) has posed:
    "There is a place to put it," Dragonfly mutters, gesturing at the zipper. "I mean c'mon, it's only paper!" She, too, glances over at the detective. "I go by Dragonfly when I'm in team spandex," she says. With that she takes to the sky and zips to the address she read on the paper, moving in a straight line at barely subsonic speeds.
    She's learned about sonic booms and windows apparently.