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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2017/06/10 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=961, 118, 282 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:961|Kiden Nixon (9...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:06, 26 October 2017

Time Bandits
Date of Scene: 10 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 961, Ghost Spider, Juggernaut

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Luck, the Spider-Family always seemed to get the bad end of luck. Merchandise has been dissapearing from the Bodega and Gwen's boss blamed her for it. It wasn't her fault they were too cheap to afford cameras! But this time she was waiting, after all she couldn't lose her job and stopping a little petty street crime was right up the proverbial alley for everyone's favorite Spider. It all happened in the blink of an eye suddenly there was a girl foot colliding against the front of an atm. Her sudden appeared and perhaps the force of her movement smashed the thing wide open as in a blur she gathered the cash.

What happened next was a chase for sure, every so often Kiden had to stop slipping out of her time stream as she dodged around the thick crowds looking over her shoulder with wide blue eyes. "Holy crap is that Spider-Woman? Oh geez go figure!" She said slipping in and out of going incredibly fast then grinding to a hault as she moved around someone in the crowd.

Meanwhile Juggernaut wasn't very far away at all, just having finished a job himself an easy smash and smash. A little intimidation job from one local gang to another and he made out with a decent payment. But just as he was getting ready to leave he started to hear the commotion, the sound of webbing, voices of surprise from the crowd, something was going down and heading his way.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Gwen was getting tired of being blamed for everything. It was first small things, then bigger and bigger things getting stolen. So yeah, she was on her guard now. Waiting...looking for something. Anything. THANKFULLY that something came pretty quick by the ATM exploding and a girl suddenly appearing with her foot through it. Her eyes get wide, blinking. "H...HEY! STOP!" she barks, and is getting out from behind the counter when the girl dashes out.
    Kiden probably doesn't notice the store closing and gate locking with a "Back in 30" Sign on it, but she'll notice when SPIDER-WOMAN is suddenly swinging behind her. Sometimes she gets close when the girl suddenly comes to a grinding halt, even close enough to touch her before Kiden zips off again. Spider-woman at one point is running along the side of the building doing...a /decent/ job of catching up, her spidersense thankfully not going off.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Squandering the power to move mountains and giggle at full force punches from The Hulk on a little gang based intimidation jobs? Sure, why not! Juggernaut has, if little else, made a career out of using the vast cosmic power of Cyttorak on simple thuggery and today is no different even if stooping low enough to take a job from rival mafioso type groups is a little under his usual fare. Likely he was bored or simply needed quick easy cash. Either way, it was something he planned on quickly doing without drawing the attention of the local capes and cowls.

It seems that's not going to happen and he wasn't in the mood for anything that could be considered an annoying fare. Sure he's always got time for a slug fest with the likes of Ben Grimm or Hulk but otherwise it's time to be on the move. He steps out into the streets. Footsteps shaking the sidewalks with heavy *THOOOMS* as he eyes traffic and then looks in the directio nof the incoming commotion.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden came barreling through nudging against people in an almost comical fashion, wearing just a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt with a jacket over top. She looked over her shoulder as her eyes widened seeing webbing flying from Spider-Woman only to look forward again and see the massive form of the Juggernaut of all things. Talk about being between a Spider and a Hard Place. Luckily her power activated just before she would've run into him sliding into no time and dodging out of the way at the last moment stumbling off to the side even as she saw the web about to connect with his massive form and the incoming Spider that was about to knock into him.

Meanwhile the bag of money went flying into the air and spilled on the ground as Kiden cursed to herself trying to gather it up even as the drama next to her started to ensue. She flipped in and out of that blur of speed trying to collect everything while avoiding the crowd. "Oh geez this was supposed to be easy!"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-woman's spider sense is...spotty at best. So while another member of the Spider-clan could easily tell that a walking building was about to leave a building an enter her path...She...not so much. She's focused on the girl running, so unfortunately, all she really sees is a large mass of red suddenly in her way.
    There's only three people that could take her hitting them full speed in basically a flying kick with stride...and unfortunately...she just hit one of them. She slams into the sudden blockade, dropping to the ground and blinking. "What the-..." She starts, then looks up, the eyes in her mask getting wide. "Oh...Ohhh no..."

Juggernaut has posed:
    The impact resounds and resonates up and down the street and sends a rippling shockwave through the body of the bruiser ..who just stands there as if he was just hit by a small breeze. Juggernaut himself barely blinks and then casts his gaze downward towards Spider Woman, his own eyes widening and his broad mouth forming into a full toothed grin only partially hidden in the shadows cast by his domed helmet.

"Spider--!! Er...I mean..Spider..girl?? Huh? What's this? You cosplaying or something?" He crouches low, looming over the sprawled Spider Woman and holding up a single finger which he shakes back and forth, "Not to shabby an impact but uh...why don't you run along before I have to hurt you for attempted assault.."

Juggernaut's footprints have left huge craters in the ground. His very movements seismic events reaable in other parts of the city. Needless to say the path of destruction he left leaving his last job is quite visible. He's been up to no good. That much is obvious.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     The strike against Juggernaut sent those shockwaves and Kiden in her altered time-stream could visibly see them, having to dance around and under the waves of energy even as it sent her bag exploding. A shower of money ensued as a distraught Kiden let out a groan moving around in that kaleidoscope of color that was no-time moving around the pair in a flitting blur of speed as she tried to grab the falling bills, ducking under and around them as they knocked into one another and Gwen fell backwards onto the ground. Suddenly she came out of no time looking to Spider-Woman and mouthed. "Sorry."

The teenage mutant didn't exactly look like the petty criminal she was playing even felt remorse for her pursuer running into such bad luck that much was evident on her face, but something was obviously driving her as she slipped back into no time trying to clean up the green money mess as the two titans clashed.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman groans a little, getting up to her feet and cricking her neck. She sighs, shaking her head. "NO. I'm not cosplaying. I'm new. Somewhat. We don't...really travel in the same circles." She says, noticing the large, juggernaut shaped hole in the building. She just looks so put-upon in that moment, putting her head in her hands.
    "But...Ughh...I...I'm going to have to ask you to leave the city now." She says, dreading every word she says to the man, having to look up a good deal. "Or...damnit...Or I'll have to make you. Well...I'll have to try. So...just...Leave New York."

Juggernaut has posed:
    He is monstrous but not a monster. Not unreasonable. Someone once said that logic stops The Juggernaut. He actually feels some empathy for Spider Woman though perhaps that's to strong a word. MOre 'poor girl, running into someone as awesome as me for the first time' sort of empathy.

"New? To bad. Wrong career choice on the wrong day of the week I guess. I'm not the type of person you want to run into on your first day on the job... SO listen, I'll do you a favor and not turn you into a smear but I won't be leaving the city for good. Got to much going on here. I -will- take off from here though. I was just leavin---hey!"

As Biden flickers into view, Juggernaut pauses, utterly confused as the money flies everywhere and the mutant slips in and out of her personal timespace. "What's going on here??" he rumbles, taking a few stpes back cautiously.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Colliding with a person not only drags her out of no time it makes her hit them with great force a hundred maybe even a thousand times harder thanks to the Chronokinesis she wielded so avoiding people was something she had to do all the time. Running about and snatching the bills from the air she screeched to a halt coming out of No-Time right in front of The Juggernaut right as he said his question. The young blonde offering a bashful smile and ducking under any blow he might throw out of surprise as she slipped back into it. Dodging back around behind Spider-Woman to get out of his way as she tried to clean up her Mess. "Oh geez, oh geez. The things I do for friends!"

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman does appreciate the Juggernaut's sensibility...but...boy it sucked being the good guy sometimes. She blinks a little as the Juggernaut's attention is diverted to Kiden...and...well she doesn't exactly know what the deal is with her...but she knows what she has to do.
    "Hey!! While I appreciate the favor, I am TELLING you now. GET. OUT. OF. NEW. YORK." She glances at the speeding Kiden. "You need to go. NOW." She snarls quietly at the girl before looking back up at the big man infront of her.
    "Don't worry about her. Worry about me. And how you're going to fix the damage. You a contractor too?"

Juggernaut has posed:
    Good will begins to leave the brute as he glares back at Spider Woman, "I don't take kindly to being told what to do, girl, especially by some wet behind the ears newbie. DOn't know who I am??" HE takes a single step forward, huge fists clenching, the size of boulders and his knuckles popping and cracking like tree trunks splintering. The ground shakes from the single step. "You make me mad I'll see to it that you hang up your suit there for good!"

His own dilemma causes him to grit his teeth in annoyance. He -was- leaving, but now his ego and need to preserve his rep has kicked in. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't flatten you both!"

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden skidded to a stop behind Spider-Woman and spoke up. "Hey she was chasing me! I'm not after you!" She said with a gulp before suddenly being behind Juggernaut instead. "I'm just uhh, gonna go okay?" She said with some apprehension she slipped to the side and instead hid behind a nearby corner to watch what was about to unfold. Part of her felt guilty for leading the new Spider-Friend right into the Juggernaut but at the same time she had to get the money to someone she had to. Kiden was wrought with indecision on what to do as she observed.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-woman rolls her eyes when the girl finishes picking up the money and to make a few comments before zipping around. She grumbles a little. "I know EXACTLY who you are. Believe you me. I don't wanna be standing here." She says with a little chuckle. "but...I can't just let you go after this." She says, pointing to the trail of destruction. "I've got to try."
    She tilts her head a little at the man's insistance and that comment. "Well..You know...I'm betting you probably can't actually hit me." She says with a smile. "Sure...you do...oooof. It'd be rough. But...I dunno...You strong guys are usually REALLLLYYY slow." She says, ready to move if Juggernaut starts to swing.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "/Chasing/ you?" Juggernaut peers at Biden, still confused and trying to settle things in his mind.

Spider Woman, however, presents a challenge he can't resist now. "Oh, you might have borrowed some of ol'webheads visual style but you obviously haven't talked to him or gotten the real low down on who I am. I'm faster then I look." He cranes a huge fist overhead. "And I fought Spiderman enough to know that even with you monkeys dancing around..I really only gotta hit you once.."

And with that his huge fist comes barrelling around at her as he lunges forward with another seismic rumbling step. The very air pressure such that the force of the blow will do local damage if it misses Spider Woman.

And it's a miss he expects to happen. His other fist is at the ready. SHould she dodge, he stands poised to swing it around as well, trying a two for one approach.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden cursed under her breath then sighed as she saw Juggernaut starting to swing. She wasn't there and suddenly she landed against his back like a ton of bricks no doubt causing him to go slightly off balance from the forceful impact but Kiden knew even though that would likely kill a normal person he'd probably only stumble a bit. "Hey please don't kill her, she was just doing that hero thing right?" She said ready to hop off and slip back into no time if he tried to reach back to grab her as she rode the unstoppable force piggy back for a few moments. "Look I don't really like heroes either they don't know what lifes like on the streets, what people go through here. What we have to do... But I'd feel bad if I got her killed."

She said as those fists of fury rained down on Spider-Woman below as Kiden watched with concern.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-woman nods her head a little. "Yeah...Yeah...no you're right about that." She says, then she sees that first fist come slamming down towards her. Sure enough, just like JUggernaut planned, she easily dodges out of the way, but when the second fist is swinging around, Spiderwoman keeps her momentum, running along, up the wall and leaping off, Juggernaut's second strike missing wildly as she sails up and lands on the tall man's head in a sitting position, facing Kiden.
    "Please don't assume what we do and don't know sweetie. I made this myself with goodwill hoodies and old spandex tights." She says, tugging at her outfit.
    "I appreciate you not wanting to get me killed though." She says, rolling off the man's head and landing behind him, having turned to face him.

Juggernaut has posed:
    "I aint gonna kill her. Who do you take me for? SOme nutcase! I'm jut gonna hurt her a little and teach her a lesson!"

Juggernaut's voice roars loudly over the sound of his own swing and the second attemp ends up slamming into a light pole, warping the thing around his huge knuckles before it rips it up wildly from the streets and sends it careening off into the abandoned traffic scene. Bystanders have long cleared back at this point, wisely.

"What is this. Group therapy? You ladies need to learn how to pick your battles better!"

Biden's impact ..does basically nothing. Rogue can treat tanks like tissue paper and a full blow from her wouldn't even move the giant from where he stands. Poor Biden basically slams ino him with no visible effect. As Spider Woman finds purcahse and leaps off, he spins..bringing a huge back handed swat around to try and slam into her. "Enough with all the jack rabbitin' around!"

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden was surprised when her impact didn't even move him. As he swung around she belt on legs flailing behind her until she fell off and landed with a groan slowly getting to her feet. "Okay, handicap then! It's only fair right?" She said with a smirk as playful as ever despite the situation as she grabbed Spider-Woman by the hand and pulled her into no-time with her. Gwen suddenly saw the world in a burst of color as everything seemed to be so incredibly slow. She didn't feel thirst, hunger, pain. It was like everything had just stopped in the most peaceful way she could image, despite the hulking Juggernaut next to her.

But Spider-Woman didn't have long to thing as Kiden tossed her towards The Juggernaut with the help of the jumping spiders own momentum making the next blow by Gwen to hit much, much, much more harder as she was amplified by Kiden's time manipulation. "Sorry!" She said aloud as she sent the blindingly fast Gwen towards him cringing a little as she went back into no-time to dodge the impending shock wave.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman blinks when the girl says that, her spider sense tingling as for a split second she sees that fist swinging around behind her. She does a backflip over the fist, landing on the bent lightpole and tsking. "See? What'd I tell you Ju-"
    She stops when she's suddenly in that...different world. "Wh...what's...what're you doing? Hey...I appreciate it...but we can't beeeaaaWwwooaaaUUHH!" She yelps as she's swung around, suddenly back in the real world and her foot drilling into the massive man's back. He might've actually got sore from that one as another shockwave cracks the cement around the two enhanced people. Spider-woman lands with a thud, groaning and getting up to her feet.

Juggernaut has posed:
    The impact is indeed..considerable. WIndows crack and break. Car alarms go off and the streets are rocked by the blinding force. Force that...does not movee The Juggernaut though it does cause him to rumble out a loud "Hey!" from the force of the blast. HIs huge legs tense. Vas body digging into to brace from the impact as he rumbles "Nice one!"

And then he's spun around, digging his heels into the concrete as he turns and brings his massive semi truck of an arm up and then down towards Gwen again, intending to use his palm to try and flatten her to the ground and pin her there as he leans over.

"I've taken hits from Thor's hammer, an enraged Hulk and the combined forces of the Xmen and just snorted at them, girls. What part of -unstoppable- don't you get. You don't beat The Juggernaut by just trying to hit him harder! Newbies!"

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden tumbles backwards from the shock wave landing behind a car that held shield her from the raining glass and derbies that Gwens No-Time strike creates. "H..holy crap." She said poking her head over the edge of the car looking towards him and the fact that Juggernaut didn't even move. "T..that was awesome." She said with a slightly agape jaw, she'd never used her powers to assist someone with super-strength like Gwen had and witness the incredible power it created but even with all that he didn't even look hurt.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman gets another tremble on the small of her neck, allowing her to scramble out of the way just in time before the palm SLAMS down on the concrete, forming a handprint in the rubble. She gasps a little, turning and eyeing the man, but then seems to be talking to Kiden.
    "Yes it's very impressive sweetie, This is the Juggernaut. As he said, the HULK can't stop him. So maybe you should finally take my advice and get out of here? Distracting him so he won't beat you to a pulp doesn't do anything if you just stick around yah know." She gnaws on her lips under the mask a little.
    "I'm not wet behind the ears...this is just a new league for me." She says, a little grin on the face of the mask. "It's a pleasure by the way. Say...how many times have you hit me?"

Juggernaut has posed:
"Whose side are you on, girl?" asks Juggernaut of BIden at her use of the word awesome. He's not above accepting a compliment about how cool he is. He happens to think he's awesome as well. "And yeah welcome to the big leagues then." he rumbles, "You think I'm really actually trying hard?" He clenches another fist and grins, "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you. " And with that, Juggernat's huge fist swings around and plunges downward, straight for the ground this time with the resraints dialed back just a touch more.

He causes earthquakes just by walking and his unshackeled attacks have sent the strongest flying for miles and caused seismic events readable across the country. Needless to say when his fist hits the ground the explosion it causes is considerable. A thunderous *KATTHOOOOM* A huge Hulk scale earthquake that causes the ground to lurch violently, sending cars toppling everywhre, shuddering the foundations of buildings and sending a shockwave rippling out from the ground zero epic center in a rolling wave that looks like a bomb just went off. A huge meteoric crater rapidly forms as the area sinks inward and the eartquake and shockwave rolls out to send everything and anyone caugh in it flying.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden listens to Spider-Woman and part of her wants to run away, to get out of there and take her money. But as she see's that massive blow coming her eyes widen and time stops. She can't let that cape die and she needed to get out of here if she was going to possibly survive such a earth-shattering strike. It was like waves were passing through the ground, ripples sliding along the concrete and asphalt as it started to crack and rise and fall from the massive explosion of force. It all happened to slow in her bubble of time as she decided the best place to hide as behind the Juggernaut himself. Pressing back against him pulling him into her timestream for a brief moment. "Go easy on her, please?" She said with all due sincerity as her clothes fluttered as the blast went off around them.

In that moment he too felt that overwhelming sense of peace. He could see the destruction he had wrought slowly unfold around him in waves of force and energy, he could chose to lessen the blow in that moment to give into the tranquility and her plea. Though who knows what thoughts were passing through the mind of the great Juggernaut as he returned to normal time.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman growls a little when she sees that fist moving, raising an eyebrow and realizing in a moment that he's not trying to hit HER. She backflips to avoid the massive blast up front, but is caught in the air by the shockwave. She's totally unaware as Juggernaut zips into that other world, the massive man able to watch her hang there, seemingly unaffected for a moment, but when he's brought back to the real world, she's knocked against the glass window of a bus stop, the glass cracking in a web out from her. She groans a little, starting to get up to her feet.

Juggernaut has posed:
    Does Juggernaut pull his punch? Who can say. His strength is incalculable. He could do worse in a rage. He certainly could have done less. But perhaps in that one instance there was a moment of inner reflection and he pauses and pulls a frction of his blow just before the impact.

It's still pretty damn cataclysmic. He blinks, as he's back to reality. His expression confused and uncertain to what he just witnessed and then he sees Spider Woman flying back and going against a distant bus stop. He frowns, gritting his teeth and beginning to take a step..and then he pauses again. Normally this would be the great time to go charging ahead and to take advantage of her vulnerability. Instead he hesitates..and then he turns.

"You ladies aint worth the grief." he complains and then begins starting into a thunderous earth rocking run..the opposite direction. HE barresls into the streets, cars flipping and over turning or flattening under his gait as he crosses the street..building up speed and thundering into a nearby park. He's....leaving?

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden gains a half-smile stepping out of his way. Her clothes tattered and her face dirty even just from the dust and wind that she was hit by after she hid behind him from that blast. "Thanks big guy." She said softly and then looked over her shoulder to the injured Gwen and heaved a sigh. "Shit." Slipping into no-time she walked over to Spider-Woman and groaned as she lifted her up. When pulled into stasis no matter how bad she was hurt the injuries wouldn't get worse at least for now as she started to carry her out of there slowly. "Geez you're heavy." She said huffing all the while though luckily she couldn't get tired at least while within No-Time.

"I'll take you somewhere safe, please don't beat me up and arrest me when you feel better?" She said unsure if Gwen was stunned or unconscious at the moment and possibly even talking to herself.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman groans a little as she was getting up to her feet already, but is leaning against the cracked glass of the bus stop. She blinks a little as the man mutters that and turns around, storming off. "Th...thas right..." She murmurs, and squeaks as she's suddenly pulled into that stasis world, looking around and groaning a little, pushing herself off the woman. "I have my own safe place...thank you." She says, part of her suit ripped, the girl noticing it and grumbling. "Damnit...Gotta fix this..."
    She takes a step away, then turns around and walks over to Kiden. "You do not try to beat the Unstoppable Juggernaut in a FIGHT! OhHn..." She groans a little, rubbing a spot on her shoulder.
    "Give me that money. I'm returning it. I'm not...beating you up...or arresting you. But I'm ALSO not going to let you get some counter worker FIRED." She says, putting her hand out.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden stumbles a little as Gwen steadies herself and demands the money back. "Look, it's err complicated.. I don't wanna get anyone in trouble or fired but.. Lets go somewhere else and I'll tell you whats going on. I just think a giant crater isn't the best place to talk.. Besides I think we both need a change of clothes." She said at the tattered outfits they had on. She held the bag in one hand and Gwens hand in the other, after all she had to maintain physical contact for her power to work.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman grumbles a little when she hears that, looking at the woman's face. "I'm fine." She insists, letting you hold her hand. Her other hand however, moves behind her back and with a thwip and a tug, that bag of money is ripped out of the girl's hand and snatched into Gwen's, a few strands of webbing still attached to it. "We'll see how good your story is." She says, keeping close to Kiden.

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     Kiden furrowed her brow as she snatched the bag and then huffed as she guided her away. It took a little while but at the same time it took no time at all before they were in an abandoned level on a building not too far away. Kiden has obviously co-opted a room that has probably used to be an office or some such as a room as they came out of No-time and back into the normal time stream. "Look I heard about you, you're a hero right? Just kinda appeared one day? Some assholes have kidnapped my friends, other mutants. They said if I didn't use my powers to get stuff for them they'd kill them.. I'd rescue them but I don't know where they are.." She said falling down into a chair as she sat there.

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman looks around as she sees the abandoned office when we come out of the No-time...palce. She watches the girl carefully, nodding her head slightly. "That's about right." She says, raising an eyebrow when she hears that. "Uhhhh Huh! Hrrm..." She moves to a window nearby and peers out of it, looking down to the city below. "So...other mutants have your friends? Or...are your friends the mutants?" She asks, looking back at the girl as she slumps into the chair. "Because once you turn the money in...you'll be proving to them that you'll break the law. And the demands will get worse."

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     "My friends are the mutants, were all sorta runaways for one reason or another. It's not exactly easy being 'weird'." She looked to Spider-Woman. "They're supposed to leave a message tomorrow and tell me where to leave the money, I don't know what else to do. I've already looked for them for days in 'No-Time' as I call it and couldn't find them. Please do you think you can help?" She asked with a gulp standing up again and walked over towards Gwen to stand by the window with her. "I mean I don't know everything you can do but you got hit by a full blast from The Juggernaut, you gotta be pretty tough."

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman listens to what the girl has to say, nodding her head a little. "Hrm..." She thinks slightly, then sighs. "He...didn't /actually/ hit me. Like...full on hit me. It was...just a shockwave. But believe you me I can still take a hit from him. At...at /least/ one." She says, then glancing over at her. "I'll help you." She says with a nod. "So you've never seen these people? Just...tell you to drop the bag somewhere and walk away?"

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     "I was out getting food when they came, left a note and then started sending me messages telling me to do things.. Not a lot of people even knew about my power I figured it had to be someone that worked for Zebra Daddy, this pimp I helped save someone from once." She said a little pained. "If I had killed them.." She trailed off. "Whatever, I thought maybe someone in their old neighborhood might know something but I can't talk to anyone there cause they might recognize me and then hurt my friends.." Those blue eyes looked towards Gwen with a glint of moisture to them. "My family left me, I can't go back to school, they're all I have."

Ghost Spider has posed:
Spider-Woman nods her head a little. She listens to the woman's story, facing the window. She does glance over at Kiden when she mentions if she had killed them. "Then we'd probably be having a very different conversation if you killed someone." She says, sighing when she sees those bright blue eyes all brimming with moisture. "Okay...hey...there there...It's going to be okay. We'll get your friends back." She says, moving closer and putting her arm around the girl. "Look..." She moves her head around a bit, growling a little. "You can have the money this time. But...you're telling me where they told you to drop it. Got it? I'll...watch the drop...see if I can't tail them. Or...if that doesn't work, I'll look and ask around the neighborhood. Without the costume."

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     She leaned against Gwen nodding at the other woman speaks. "Is this what I have to look forward to? Assholes exploiting me for my powers, people hurting those I care about because I had a /really/ wacky time stopping puberty? It's all such crap." She looked towards Spider-Woman and into those large masked eyes beneath the heroes hood. "T..thanks, but why are you helping me?" She said not used to such altruism. Sure she asked for help but it almost felt like a vain attempt at the time.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman strokes the girl's back gently and sighing, "Depends. Depends on who you run around with. But no...that's not how most people act. But...well that's why so many of us wear masks." She says with a smile somehow discernable even through that mask. She laughs a little at that last question. "Because I'm a hero. And you asked for it. People WILL give you help if you ask, honey." She says, patting the girl's back before stepping aside. "Jut try and remember...that for every bad guy in there world, there's usually a couple dozen good people." She says, then snaps her fingers a little. "Oh...one...last thing before I head out...don't...rob that convenience store again. Okay? The clerk there is a close personal friend of mine. We roomed together for a while. And you're seriously close to getting her fired. SO just...stop...going there."

Kiden Nixon (961) has posed:
     "Yea, sorry. The worst I usually did before was dumpster diving and finishing other peoples food they were done with at restaurants. We all ran because we just wanted to be left alone but, the world doesn't wanna leave us." She gave a shrug and nodded. "How can I contact you? Let you know when it's gonna happen?" She wiped her eyes a moment pulling herself together as Spider-Woman got ready to leave. "Your costumes really cool by the way, much better then any of the other Spider people." She said with smile on her dirt covered face.

Ghost Spider has posed:
    Spider-Woman smirks a little and nods. "Yeah...sometimes it'll do that." She says sadly, then looks back at Kiden. "Hrrrmmm...well...oh! I know. Leave an envelope in that store's mailbox. Label it...SW or something. She'll make sure it gets to me." She says, then smiles a little, letting out a laugh at the compliment. "Well most of the other spider-people don't have that feminine touch, do they now? Thank you Kiden. For all the help." She say, giving the girl a playful nudge on the shoulder before she opens up one of the windows. "Be in touch! Because if you don't...I will be coming for that money." She says, waving at you before she leans back and falls from the window.