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Latest revision as of 01:07, 26 October 2017

Cold War Continued
Date of Scene: 10 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ares, Emma Frost

Ares has posed:
    "I had imagined perhaps..." He turns those brown eyes back upon her, quirking an eyebrow curiously as if lowering his appraisal upon her again, considering her with all the terrible aplomb of a panel of judges. "Cordelia... perhaps a Cassandra?" He scrunches up on eye and then adds, "Or a Beatrice." Each one having a particular reason of their own, though they appear rather quickly. Though the last she might get the feeling of a connection to the play? Ah, or Shakespeare.
    But then he looks forwards again and gives her a nod as he moves. "It is wise to be wary of others." He tells her as he moves, "Yet if you present a rather intriguing front, and yet hide all of the details about yourself. Well, that is positively cheating."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma scoffs slightly at the idea of her being a Beatrice, but she does add with a hint of jest. "I could be a Cordelia or Cassandra. I'll have to save those to memory if I need to give anyone a false name." The woman with the pony tail says with a glance towards John, maybe he'll get the idea that she might be hinting that she knows more than she puts on.

The woman limps slightly still as she continues to make her way down the path. "It's not cheating. John. I'm playing by the same rules as you." Emma says with a wink at that line.

Ares has posed:
    "Ah, as to that," The tall man continues his even stride but frowns slightly as he looks upon her steps, the way she limps subtly. "Would you indulge me a moment?" He asks of her as he moves with her, "I know it might seem terribly unmodern and perhaps a little presumptuous yet I am left feeling so terribly useless here with your injuries preying upon you."
    With that said he steps to her side at first offering his forearm arm for her to accept, accepting her weight should she allow him and doing what he can to help her along. His steps slow to match hers and then he adds with that low rumbling baritone of his, "How did you come to be so ill used?" He asks of her calmly, trying to assay her injuries at a glance.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks at at John, idly wondering how long as he going to let her walk like that before being a gentleman, but then she recalls his wild thoughts and realizes this isn't his normal nature. "I tried to help others." Emma says simply, not feeling like divulging any more information on the subject she falls silent until he would break the silence.

Ares has posed:
    "You did?" He asks as he lets her take his arm and then with a few more steps he ever so rudely presumes to step behind her and slip an arm under her knees, lifting her smoothly off of her feet and sweeping her into the air. One moment she is stepping along gently, and then the next all weight is relieved from her weary legs. And there they continue on into the night, stepping along that park sidewalk, moving quietly from one halo of light to the next.
    "You cannot allow such a statement to languish. I would have you elaborate." He says in that deep voice, his chest rumbling against her side as he moves. Those arms around her are strong, the swell of musculature and the touch of bare skin is staggeringly warm. And holding her this close she can sense the subtle tang of leather, and steel, and sweat that comes from such a man who exerts himself during the day.
    "You weren't heroic, were you?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma huffs when she's lifted off the ground and crosses her arms across her chest. "Not until you set me back down. I am not some tart to be paraded around John." The woman says bluntly and is while impressed with his strength is not keen on being made into a weak woman in any way.

The senses of the man are intoxicating but she is stronger than her base urges, and has mastered them long ago. She does not speak until on her feet again.

Ares has posed:
    "Ah, my apologies." He sets her down gently but then keeps his arm available should she need support to continue on her way. She can most likely 'sense' the confusion in him as his memory reaches back as to the social mores of the day. She may catch glimpses of times from the past that seem to spring forth from the previous decade, the previous century. For a moment she might see him offering a hand to a young woman in the eighties and being told rather sternly about Woman's Lib. Then of another time where there are no cars on the street and he was once tasked to hold an older woman who had twisted her ankle until her carriage arrived. Yet the latest one was a woman, a... niece of his? Someone who told him to forget all that nonsense and just do what was practical.
    Yet despite it all, at least there is a sincerity to his actions. So he measures his step with her stride, and continues to insure she makes her way home safely.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma reaches out to take his arm by wrapping hers at his elbow for support. "Thank you John. You must understand that a woman like myself being carried about. It's more offensive and damaging to my reputation that most things. However I do appreciate the motion." Emma says, a bit sweeter in her words than she has been most of their acquaintance.

She does finally talk about the situation. "Yes, I did try to help people in this rather bizarre situation in Ohio on my way home from a business road trip." The woman says, not really advancing the interesting part of that story.

Ares has posed:
    "Bizarre?" He asks, the single word serving sufficiently as a question from him for her to go on. But he then rests his large hand over hers to make sure she is able to maintain her grip and to continue along the path with him. He does tilt his head to the side and adds quietly, with a moment of concern slipping into his tone, "Do you need to speak with the police?" He looks at her sidelong, those brown eyes finding the chill of her blue, "We are drawing near to the streets, I can hail a taxi and we can travel either to the station or your home."

Emma Frost has posed:
"No, the police don't need to be involved. It was too much for them to handle, and the problem is solved anyways. You don't need to worry about it." Emma responds, seems like Ares is going to have to try harder to get more information from her about the night a few days ago. The younger woman doesn't withdraw her hand however and is walking through the park while examining his mind casually as she does everyone. It's only natural. "We're not too far now." The telepath retorts.

Ares has posed:
    "Good," He says as he turns his attention ahead, looking to the flow of traffic. They move to the edge of that park, walking past the wrought-iron gate and onto the sidewalk nearby. His footsteps are calm, measured, and he makes sure to move at a pace she can maintain, the arm under her touch tensing with each step to accept her weight when she leans upon him. He's still rather warm at such proximity, and strong enough to guide her without much trouble at all.
    But then they reach the edge of the street and he gives her hand a gentle squeeze, "Bide a moment, please." He helps her take a seat upon a nearby bus stop bench, then he steps out onto the parking spot portion of the street and motions towards the flow of traffic. One hand is held out as he signals to one of the many yellow cabs that are rolling past. The first one continues on its way, but the second one turns on its blinker and begins to pull over for the fare.
    Once that cab is drawing to a halt he steps up to it, "I need you to take her where she wishes," He withdraws several bills from a wad of cash in his pocket and extends them to the driver. "This should take care of the fare. One moment."
    Then he steps away from the cab and moves back towards her, offering her his arm. "This driver should serve and see you home safely. Please let me know if there is aught else you need. And again, I apologize earlier for my presumption."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma appreciates the efforts of the man who has, obvious to her, lived a long time. She smiles as she climbs into the cab and offers a wave after closing the cab door. She quickly rolls down the windows and speaks, "Frost. Emma Frost. You shouldn't have a hard time finding me if you need." She says before leaning back in the seat and being driven off quickly.