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Latest revision as of 01:14, 26 October 2017

Just Another Day In Paradise
Date of Scene: 10 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 87, 283, Wonder Woman, 277, Wonder Girl

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Darlington Park was a good spot to rest after a shopping spree. A few essentials needed for daily camouflage were in order for some of the Thundercats, and Vorpal was contacted as the earthly 'expert' to tell them how much anything was worth... and how much money had been made busking by the Wilytwins.

The Cheshire cat is out and about in his real appearance, instead of the human illusion, but he is dressed much more sedately than his superhero uniform. T-shirt and shorts. Complemented with WilyKat's appearance, it would seem as if it were two mutants out shopping.

Two bags full of stuff plop by the bench, followed by Vorpal himself on the bench. "Man. It's almost as if you've never seen clothes before, Kat," he tosses his head back, taking in the breeze that picks up now that she sun is going down. "Just how many weeks have you and your sister been busking to get this cash?"

WilyKat (283) has posed:
Well..no, WilyKat has not seen this kind of variety in clothing before. "A..week or so? That's what you call this many days plus a couple more, right?" he asks as he holds up a hand, pointing to each finger before adding two extra from the other one. This, after he's set a bag down. He's still in what most who have seen him are used to, which means the tunic, undershirt, and leggings beneath. "And we didn't do it every day, either. People just like our playing." There's a knowing look of some kind that shows in his expression, like he's the only one in on a big joke.

He goes on to wonder, "And why do they call this a park? It doesn't look like much of one to me." He hasn't asked /too/ many questions this time, just a few about some of the clothing materials, given that's been their focus. There are a few things he's beginning to understand more about this planet and the area, but it's slow progress. His tail, bushier than Vorpal's, settles behind him on the bench as he takes a seat as well, eyes wide as he takes note of what can be seen.

Fortunately the universal translator he has is working properly. Who knows how much actual English he's learned yet? Any at all?

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince emerged from a storefront not far from where the Cats were now seated. She was wearing a black tankttop, a flowing white skirt that went down to her knees and stylish black heeled shoes. Diana reached into the black leather bag hanging from her shoulder to pull out some nice sunglasses that were placed gently over her eyes, her black (so much black!) hair was tied into a tight bun atop the crown of her head.

Turning to her right she started to walk, her heeled shoes clicking on the pavement... but she only made it a few feet before she noticed a pet store on her left, which instantly made the woman stop (all 6'0" + heels) and gently lean forward to tap on the glass at the four yellow lab puppies on the other side of it!

Diana released an excited / pleased / happy little noise as the puppies were rolling all over one another trying to nose and paw their way through the glass to get to her!

"You are all too cute!" She said in her thickly accented English.

Cheetara (277) has posed:
    And that's right about the time Cheetara shows up. "I thought I'd find you here, Wilykat." She says as she kinda walks past Diana and Vorpal. She does look at Diana and smile, just a little. but then she looks at the puppies and tilts her head. "those are pets?" She asks...."

Wonder Girl has posed:
After a few moments, Cassie Sandsmark steps out of the same store front Diana had just emerged from. "Thank you!! These clothes look so amazing! I'll be back soon!" Cassie is wearing a A cute red summer dress. It clings to her every feature. Why Red? Because she looks awesome in red! Thats why. She is even wearing heels which definitely make her look insanely tall.

She quickly moves over to join Diana. "Awww They are adorable!" She watches as the puppies try to get to Diana. She giggles a little as she bend down getting a closer look at them. "We should get one... Or umm... a few! We could raise them at the Embassy! Mascots!" She practically squees over that idea.

She quickly pulls herself together, trying to be a little less childish. "Sorry. It was just a crazy idea!" She smiles a little bit and looks around. "Quietly she speaks to herself, "Cat People? I think I just entered an anime." She comments to herself quietly.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Sitting over on the bench, a ways off from where Diana and Cassandra were, though not unseen, Vorpal smirks and crosses his legs. "I'm not entirely sure that translator thing is being faithful, a park is a park is a park..." the Cheshire cat shrugs and smirks. "Well, you should have enough clothes to at least pass for someone from Earth. Albeit more folicullarly enhanced."

And then he blinks as Cheetarah approaches them. He its up straight and takes stock of her. "Oh, hi... you must be one of the other ones I haven't met yet?" he tilts his head and looks at Wily, as if saying 'introduction, puh-leeeeaze?'

WilyKat (283) has posed:
"I don't know what you mean," WilyKat says of what the translator is conveying for him. He can only look confused at this, but his perspective is undoubtedly different. Rummaging around within one of his bags, he holds up a plain-looking shirt then stuffs it back in, squinting at Vorpal. "Folicu..what?"

It doesn't happen right away, but eventually there's enough 'noise' coming from the pet shop area that WilyKat turns toward it, and this is about the time he overhears Cheetara greeting him. "How did you know?" he wonders, maybe a little suspiciously, as if surprised to see her here. Vorpal's subtle prompting and question leads to a stalled-out expression before he gets it. "Oh, right. Yeah. Vorpal. Cheetara." He gestures between the two, more or less 'showing' them to each other. Job done.

It's the pet store that has more of his attention all of a sudden, and he looks positively shocked by what he's seeing. "It's a dog prison!" he exclaims.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana straightens herself from the puppy window when she hears Cheetara's voice and then that of Cassie's. Diana would reach out to place her right hand upon Cassie's left elbow softly. "They are people, Cassie. Like any others." She said to Cass with a soft smile, not wishing to refer to someone as 'Cat People'.

At Cheetara though, Diana offered a large smile and then glanced back to the yellow labs that were rolling around ontop of each other like a ferris wheel of fuzzy feet and noses.

"Pets, yes. Arguably the best kind." She said with a little grin before looking back to Cassie. "And definitely not something we need to deal with the Embassy. These little ones have a massive amount of puppy appeal right now, they will get homes quite swiftly."

When Diana's suglasses-covered-eyes looked back toward Cheetara, she reached a hand out to her and offered it for a shake. "Diana. This is my friend, Cassie."

Diana saw Vorpal and Kat and would offer them a wave with her other hand to be friendly.

Wonder Girl has posed:
"Awww. Okay. I understand. They are just really cute." Cassie smiles wishing she could pet the floofy puppies. She looks over toward the 'cat' People. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. She is doing her best to not refer to Diana as Princess out here. No point in drawing more attention to Diana.

She turns her attention to goes to Cheetara Then to Wilykat and then to Vorpal. Then finally back to Cheetara. She gives a smile to her. "Hello! A pleasure to meet you." She join s Diana in waving to the others.

Cheetara (277) has posed:
    "You have to explore every now and then, Kat. And who better to scout around than me?" Cheetara says before waving to Vorpal, then looking back to Diana and Cassie....shaking Diana's hand. "Luckily, I had my translator turned on. I am Cheetara, one of the Thundercats, and he...." Gesturing to Wilykat. "....is Wilykat, one of my bretheren. It is a pleasure to meet you both."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal blinks. If three's company, what are five? He's not quite sure. "Hello, Cheetaura, Kat and I-"

And then there's the two other women. He's used to do this. People come up to him all the time. Sometimes they ask if they can pet him, for which he usually has a rather acid response. Others want to take a picture, which he's fine with, and a few want to talk to him because of his unsual appearance. He's fine with that, too. A few have hostile words for him.

Fortunately, these two don't seem to have that intent, though. "Hey there. I'm Vorpal. You know Kat and ... Cheetaura." Yes, he got the name wrong. He must be corrected. "It is nice to meet you, Diana and Cassie. How's the day going for you?"

THis is a good way to teach Kat how to react to people who approach him because of his differences. Just take it in stride...

WilyKat (283) has posed:
WilyKat points at the pet store a few seconds longer, clearly not getting why there are dogs being kept behind the window and on display. Maybe it's a good thing he didn't see any cats. But, while he remains suspicious of the place, he's beginning to take in the sight of Diana and Cassie more, along with Cheetara. The strangers get a bit of a sniffing at, though he hasn't left the bench yet. Just testing the air for their scents. No hostility, general curiosity and interest, or so it seems...probably safe.

After quietly whispering the proper way of saying Cheetara's name, he switches gears and hops up from the bench to approach the ones he doesn't yet know. "Actually, I'm one half of the amazing duo known as WilyKat and WilyKit. 'ow ya doin'?" The last is spoken in a very different accent, like a duplication of the most New York City mobster accent one has ever heard. Has someone been watching television? The tail flicks a few times. All just an act? Something more genuine? Either way, it's a bit of a show the adolescent cat is putting on, even bowing with a flourish.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had actually met one of the 'Thundercats' just a few nights ago, she'd flown past their compound and been called down by Tygra when he had noticed 'Wonder Woman' observing the strange location... but she wasn't going to bring that up here and now.

"Likewise, to be sure." Diana would say in response to Cheetara before glancing to Cassie to her right. "We were just doing a little bit of shopping on this fine day... but definitely not for puppies. Cute as they may be." Diana grinned to Cassie before dropping her fingertips from Cass' elbow.

When Wilykat and Vorpal approached, she would offer them a polite nod of recognition and a warm smile. "Hello to you both as well. Doing some shopping of your own, I see." She said, taking note of their bags as her right hand reached up to her face to lift her sunglasses up so that they might instead rest upon her forehead to show her blue eyes to the others and not be rude about hiding her face.