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Latest revision as of 01:32, 26 October 2017

Problems I've had a Few
Date of Scene: 12 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 170, Polaris, 34, Magik

Eva (170) has posed:
"Okay I've gotta try to keep that issues from happening again. Best way to do it, Practice." Eva had just left her safehouse in New Avalon. She needed to get some stuff now and maybe a few goodies for her friends. Even if she'd already had a wardrobe malfunction today, she still has reason to celebrate. Even as she tears across state lines into chicago, her mind races faster then her feet do. She found a nice little pizza joint where she gave them what they only can think is a prank order.

An hour later, She has all the things she needs and she is racing along with a stack of chicago deep dish pizzas. Quickly races toward the mansion and then, right inside! Coming to a stop in the lobby, the young teacher's shoes are smoking, and her shoulder is on fire. "WOO! I am not getting over that. That is just awesome!" She sets the pies down and pats out her shoulder out quick. "I gotta solve that problem. At least this time I'm not having to strip!"

Polaris has posed:
Fire in the mansion. An alarm goes off somewhere and brings Polaris flying down the stairs. Seeing what's happening, she touches down lightly and looks at the other teacher. "You need a super suit." She suggests and props a hand on her hip. "Have you spoken to Hank about that?"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Fire? Who what when...? Jono all but races up from the basement and into the foyer, looking around anxiously. He uh, actually didn't bother wrapping up his face, either. So as he enters the foyer, he's still on fire. The flames burn spikily, and are pale yellow in color right now. Which is no wonder, because hey, fire is bad, mmkay?

Though he clearly doesn't see a fire. Well, except himself, and he's not actually burning, even if it looks like he is. {{...What's all this then?}} he asks.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva looks at Lorna and shrugs, "I've not even met Hank yet. I keep hearing about him and stuff. He seems really smart. I dunno whats going on to be honest. I mean I decided to test myself. I knew my speed was increasing and I wanted to find out how fast I was going now. Before, I was fine. My clothes didn't catch fire at all. Today I broke Mach 3 And I started getting a little hot under the collar."

Polaris has posed:
Looking over, Lorna blinks at Jono and nods to Eva. "Miss Eva ran in all on fire at the shoulder." She smiles and nods to Eva. "Schedule a meeting. You need something that can handle all the friction you generate speeding about."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono is quiet now, since there's no immediate fire. Lorna explains then, and he nods. {{Oh.}} He looks to Eva. {{Are yer all right now?}} he asks.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva Nods, "Sounds like a solid plan." She looks at the stack of pizzas and smiles. "Anyway I wanted to do a little celebrating tonight! I ran to Chicago to get some Deep Dish. I figured that maybe it would be fun to try something new and hang out a little. What do you all think. Sorry Jono, I dunno what you eat."

Polaris has posed:
"He doesn't." Lorna answers and glances at Jono. "Do those flames adjust with your mood? I've never seen a mutation like that. Wild." She smiles encouragingly and nods to Eva. "Pizza, cool. Did it survive your run or is it all sloshed into the boxes?" She asks curiously.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{I don't. No mouth,}} Jono answers Eva. And sure enough, once things are calmed down, Jono's flames do change. They darken to a redder tone on the outside. Also they become less spikey-looking, almost looking like liquid. And he answers Polaris, {{Tend to, yeah.}} Pause. {{Be right back. Gonna wrap this lot up.}} Though he heads not towards the dorms, but to the elevator down to the basement.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva winces, "That sucks! In some ways I guess that would be nifty, not being able to eat would certainly keep ya in shape but I guess I'm the opposite in this case. I have to eat a lot or I will wind up really sick." She smiles and moves over to the pizzas. She opens the top one and smiles. "All intact!"

Polaris has posed:
"Dive in!" Polaris smiles and gestures to the pizza. "I still worry about my figure-and I'm vegetarian." She adds with a crooked smile. "Picked it up from my father."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
It won't take Jono long to get the fire wrapped up. He's done it enough times now that he's gotten pretty good at it. So he soon comes back out of the elevator, properly dressed this time in the t-shirt and jeans he was wearing before, as well as what amounts to a black Ace bandage wrapped around himself, from just under his nose. It disappears under the shirt, so it's hard to tell where it stops.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva Smiles, "I got a veggie pizza in here if you are interested!" She accelerates through the boxes and sets aside a Veggie pizza. She smiles and grabs herself a slice of 3 meat and gets comfy on a chair. "I've always prefered Chicago style to New york Style. Just more like a pie really. New York Style is all floppy and everything."

Polaris has posed:
"New York is best eaten folded up and it's fantastic." Lorna smiles but takes a slice of the veggie. "It's less mess I think, that's probably the preference." She decides and smiles. "It's sweet of you to get pizzas though."

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little. "Well Its a lot for me to celebrate! I mean, I ran at mach three! That was crazy fast and it felt so amazing. Its really addicting. I should probably get word to one of my friends about it. I'm sure he'd love to hear about it."

Polaris has posed:
"That is very fast, I still would advise safety first, especially if you're catching fire." Lorna suggests and looks to Jono as he comes back. "How is your training going?" She asks curiously, studying the student.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono's placed himself against the wall nearby, listening but not interrupting. Girl talk, after all, is not for the likes of man. In fact, he actually seems surprised when Lorna addresses him. {{Hm? Oh. Good enough, I s'pose.}} Jono tends not to put his heart into training. Self-esteem issues really aren't good for learning how to control one's powers.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and nods, "I think I can go faster but, I don't wanna push it. I've been stuck in the speed force once. Not in a rush to get stuck there again. Don't get me wrong its a magical place but I don't wanna build a home and stay there!" She snickers and eats another slice of pizza"

Polaris has posed:
"Good, I'm glad to hear it Jono." Lorna nods and looks at Eva with a touch of concern. "Do be careful, I know you're an adult, but the risks are all the same regardless of age. There are speedsters out there, we should find someone for you to work with." Taking a breath she glances around. "And lets avoid running fast enough to catch fire in the mansion please."

Magik has posed:
    "The Mansion's caught on fire? Recently." A voice pops up from behind one of the adults. And yes, the 'Recently' is necessary when you live in a disaster prone area like this. "I'm never around when anything fun happens," Illyana comments idly, crossing her arms and looking put out. Either because she honestly /did/ miss a fire, or because she's realizing there might not have been a fire to begin with. She's quiet for a few heartbeats, before she recalls that it's likely rude to just pop into a convresation like this. "Good evening Ms. Dane, Ms. Wilde. Jono." Manners, recalled. Sociable tone... halfway achieved?

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods to Lorna's mention of his training, but doesn't further elaborate. But he jumps a little as Magik just APPEARS. Thankfully it's a minor scare and he was rpetty relaxed beforehand. Otherwise Magik would have witnessed an explosion! Though no, Jono's wrapped up, so it's not visible. However, as Magik greets him, he offers a wave. {{'Llo,}} he greets in return.

Eva (170) has posed:
"Less the Mansion, more me. I am sure I can catch fire again if you are thrilled by the prospects. Its happened twice today." She laughs a little. "And I wasn't running like that in the Mansion. I was actually running like that outside. I just stopped in here." She smiles a littlw. "I'm kidding of course about getting on fire again." Eva gestures to a stack of pizza boxes. "Help yourself to some chicago deep dish!"

Polaris has posed:
"Mmn." Lorna nods and lifts a hand to the group. "All the same, lets put fires out before we come in the mansion. Good evening. I have grades to see to." She tells them all and slips up the stairs.

Magik has posed:
    A bit of a sideways look is given to Jono's slight jump. She saw it. She doesn't apologize, just waggles her fingers as he returns her greeting. "Good evening, Ms. Dane," She says to the retreating teacher. "She didn't seem very keen on fires," Illyana absently remarks before she oohs! excitedly at the mention of food. Junk food even. And she works through seeing which are available. And then she just picks whichever is the universally 'grossest' and chows down. It probably had pineapple on it. "So you're training your ability, too?" She asks of Eva.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{Take care,}} Jono offers to the departing Lorna. Notably he doesn't seem upset with Magik for startling him. He knows he startles easily. Jono's the jumpy sort around people. Other than that, though, he remains where he is, leaning against the wall nearby. Though not too close to crowd anyone.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little, "Be well, Lorna." She smiles and finishes off her pie and promptly grabs another. Bacon and black olives! " To a degree yes. I only got my speed a few months ago. I can control it. The problem is, I am nowhere near at my full potential. I think Lorena is right. I'm going to need to talk to a speedster for a little training. I think I know who to talk to. I will get on the phone with him tomorrow."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana finds somewhere to perch that puts her roughly equidistance between Jono and Eva, the best position to keep both of them in her field of vision. She also snags another piece of pizza. "OH, well, that's good that you know someone. I don't /think/ any attend the school." She pulls a thinking face while chewing on a bite of pizza. "Oh, I guess that involves getting ot know the student body," she mutters to herself in a 'oh well' sort of tone. "Will that interfere with...what were you teaching again?" Speaking of which, to the other student in the room, "Jono, are you taking any classes this summer?"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono tilts his head at Magik. {{Yeah. Missed some school when this happened.}} He waves a hand to indicate his wrapped-up face. {{Also a couple 'f the teachers are tryin' ter teach me not t'explode left, right, 'n center.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva winces, "I am sorry. Hope that goes well for you Jono. I can't exactly think its fun exploding in any way." She smiles a little. "The speedster that saved my butt when I got out of the speed force is named the Flash. I am sure he will have some sort of information that could help."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana studies Jono for a long time, idly chewing on her bite of pizza. She then takes another bite, still just staring at him. She dusts her fingers off and she looks like she's going to say something. But then she thinks otherwise of it, as apparent by taking a bit eof her second piece of pizza. "The Flash?!" This fully distracts her from asking Jono /questions/ that were obviously of exploding nature. "You were rescued by a guy named 'The Flash'?!" She just /roars/ with laughter - pausing in the for a moment to say to Jono, "I hope we have a class or two together. That'd be great.", before going back to laughing at the whole 'Flash' thing.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{Least it doesn't 'urt anymore,}} Jono replies to Eva's words. {{Blew off part 'a me face the first time. THAT bloody hurt.}} Which probably explains the fire when he's not wrapped up. Though that also means it's STILL MISSING in that case, so... fridge horror, maybe? Illyana's laughter? That would get a smirk if Jono was still capable of it. As it stands, he just points out, {{Beats 'The Streak'.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and pulls out a shiny new phone. She quickly brings up A video site. A video starts playing and she turns the phone to show Magik and Jono. The video shows a red blur with lightning pouring off of it. That blur is racing in and out of a burning building, rescuing everyone inside. Its a really cool thing to see actually. "That's the Flash. He saved my butt. Wait... If I am going to be wearing some kind of super suit, I'm going to need to come up with some sort of name. Maybe a symbol of some kind? I dunno."

Magik has posed:
    "Oh definitely," Illyana agrees in between laughter boughts at Jono. She blinks when a vid is being shown to her. "IF he's wearing a trenchcoat, I will have to decline." But the red catches her attention, if permitted, reaches to take it from Eva's hand and she huhs a bit, before passing the phone over to her classmate. "At least it's not a trenchcoat." She finishes off her pizza, and for a moment seems to consider what to do with the crusts. Deciding she's too lazy to get up and do anything, she just opens up a small disk next to her and drops them in before waving it closed. "There's the 'Streak'?" she suggests to Eva while grinning at Jono.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono shifts to stand properly, and gets a little closer to the phone so he can see the video. Well, the red streak on the video. {{Speedy guy,}} he observes astutely. As for a suit and a name? He shrugs. {{If yer want one,}} he notes. {{But yer shouldn't feel like yer 'ave to just because you're wearin' what amounts ter a piece 'f safety equipment.}}

At Illyana's question about 'the Streak' gets a shake of his head. {{Not really. S' the name ' f a parody song by a comedian, but that's about it as far as I know.}} He also eyes the place in space that the hole/disk/what the hell was opened, but doesn't say anything.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little. "I just think it would be fun. I mean everyone else round here has some sort of code name. I may as well find one too. Besides if I am going to run around in a suit, people tend to have polarizing views. You're either some hero or some villain. So yeah. May as well conceal my identity while wearing some crazy friction free anti-heat thing" She smirks.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana tilts her head at Jono's response and hms. "Might be worth looking up later. It doesn't sound like something I would've been familiar with..." She trails off for a moment then handwaves as if she's trying to get people to assume the rest of her sentence. Eva's comment about being a hero or a villain actually gets Illyana's features to take on an odd cast. Not so much a dark one as thoughtful one. There's a light grunt in response to it. "Yeah, friction's bad, I hear," she instead chooses to say.

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{Not everybody,}} Jono notes to Eva's mention of everyone having a codename. {{I don't. 'Less yer count 'Jono'. But tha's just a nickname.}} As for 'hero or villain'? {{There's a difference? If yer got powers, most people are gonna run from yer anyway.}} He pauses as he notes Illyana's thoughtful look. But that she doesn't seem to be saying what's on her mind? That's more interesting, since Illyana seems to be the type to say exactly what she's thinking. But Jono is also not remarking on that.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva laughs, "Yeah they could possibly run from me. There are only a few people who can run faster so... There is that. But yeah, Maybe something like Twitch? That could work possibly. Maybe that could be my name?" She laughs a little bit. She finishes off a second pizza. "Apparently the speedster diet is massive ammounts of everything!"

Magik has posed:
    Hey, Occasionally Illy's mental filter functions. "So... how do you believe," she says quietly to Eva. "Can a person simply choose to be one or the other? Or do you think they're destined? What if everything was stacked in the favor of one, could they be the other simply by will? Or would they be doomed to failure?" She focuses on some spot past both people here, though her stare seems more /out/ of focus, as if she were momentarily stuck in something else in her mind. She then snorts and looks towards Jono. "Running's often the smartest decision a person could make. Only idiots run back into a building while it's still on fire and can't do anything about it."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono actually looks a little... pained at the mention of people running away. But he just moves on to the next topic. {{Makes sense.}} This to the mention of 'the speedster diet'. {{If you're that fast, the energy's got ter come from somewhere, right? Your metabolism must be bloody insane.}}

Illyana's words of being predisposed to good or evil get a tilt of his head. {{...Waaaaay too deep for me ter answer that one, luv,}} he notes, in a tone that indicates he's at least partially kidding. More seriously, he adds, {{I s'pose we're all still findin' out where we are in life. That's what the teenage years are for, yeah?}}

And then, the words of idiots running into burning buildings? {{Only difference between 'stupid' and 'heroic'? When it works, it's heroic. When it doesn't, it's stupid.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles to Jono. She takes off running. If you blink you'll miss what she just did. Jono will find a paper tricorner hat on his head. She simply smiles a little with yet another pizza opened and her eating at it. "Yeah. My metabolism is flat out nuts. I have to keep eating. If I don't I can starve really quick."

She looks to Illy and she smiles. "I believe there is both. I believe everyone has something they are supposed to do. That something is a complete unknown. I believe the choices we make for good or ill will lead us to that thing. At that point we make a decision that will change our lives. Maybe there are multiple points. THose are the points that fate steps in. Everything in between is free will and what you do with those times are the things that define us. Hero. Villain. All Business. Clown. These Those fate points? Those are just the tests. The things that show what we've learned."

Magik has posed:
    "Can evil choose to be good? And succed?" Illyana asks again, though it seems she's asking rhetoriclaly at this point and the question isn't really directed at herself. Jono's comment catches her attention and her eyes fix on him with an intensity that suggests she might've already gone through that 'teenage phase' where she's figured things out. But she smirks instead, though it does nothing to relieve that look in her eyes. "Oh, I could go deeper if you wanted me to." AT least her tone is, relatively, light. And she even gives a bit of a laugh at the new headgear he's supporting.

    Drawing a deep breath, and then giving her hand a searching look as she flexes her fingers as if she were holding an object in them. "I've heard similar for some cases of regeneration. The increased caloric intake goes hand in hand with the sped up healing process." She pauses. "Can you heal quickly too, or is it just zipping around like a hummingbird on fastfoward? Fortunately, I think the school comes prepared for such diets. Might be riots in the kitchen otherwise."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono does blink, and then again when he finds himself with a paper hat. {{What the...?}} He reaches up and pulls the hat off, looking at it. {{Huh. Definitely a speedster.}} He is, however, not commenting on Eva's opinion. Mainly because he doesn't know about the whole good/bad thing anymore. He doesn't know what to believe anymore.

He raises his hands at Illyana's offer. {{Yer both left me behind about fifty metres ago, I'm afraid,}} he half-teases. But yeah, he doesn't comment directly on it. Though at the mention of regeneration being similar in terms of caloric intake, {{I can see it. That energy's gotta come from somewhere.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva Snickers to Jono, "Yes. I am. Also yes I can heal very fast. Everything about me has been amped up. The way I think, the way I react, Heck I have to push myself to actually tired out. I can read and attain information faster but, I also forget it just as fast."

She turns and looks at Illyana. She takes a deep breath giving a rather deep consideration to the question. "In my short life, I have hunted and killed a lot of evil creatures and entities. Many of which succumbed to the darkness that they had been filled with. There are some though. A precious few of them. Those few look at the evil they have been dealt and they say no. They choose to do all they can to remain 'normal' people. Sometimes it sticks. Sometimes it doesn't. If someone who is evil chooses to be good, Making a daily effort not to sink into the darkness, then yes. Evil can choose to be good and succeed at it."

Magik has posed:
    She can't help it. The smirk widens into something more of a coyish smile. "It suits you," she says of the tiny hat. She then moves to stand up and stretches. "Well, good thing that's not me," she says of Eva's words. She's stretching, but observant folks would see that she's covering up the act of keeping her visual focus on the ceiling above her, likely to keep her expression obscured from being read. Once her stretching's done, she seems back to her neutral, resting-bitch-faceness. "Sorry for the deep questions. They happen."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods to Eva's explanation. {{All makes sense, at least.}} But he looks thoughtful at Eva's words of darkness and evil, and denying it. There's a frown on his features, his brow knitting as if he's a little upset.

As for the deep questions? Jono shrugs a little. {{We've all got questions. I don't think any of us know everythin'.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles a little. She looks to the two students and smiles to them. "I'll have you know, neither of you are evil. You are taking the hand you were dealt and you are learning to use it. To Control it so you don't harm others. There is absolutely nothing evil about that. In fact I can't think of anything better that you can do. To me that is making the best of your situations. It empowers you." She snickers. "This will sound really messed up considering where we are, but the most powerful thing you have is not a fiery gullet, or wild magics, or even crazy speed. The single most powerful thing you have are your choices. They will make all the difference. Thats the secret purpose of schools! To grant people knowledge so they can make the best choice and go doors in an informed manner."

Magik has posed:
    Something about what Eva says just causes Illyana to stop. As if that something pricked a soft spot in the sorceress's armor There's a turn and she's focusing her full intensity on the new faculty member. Again, her fingers twitch as if she were looking to grasp something. Gritting her teeth, her brows furrow. A glance over to Jono, then back to Eva. She agrees, Illyana does... but something still prickles. ".... May as that be true," she says through those gritted teeth. "But you know /nothing/ about me." She pivots on a toe and stalks off. "Nothing."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
{{I dunno. Sometimes I feel that, if I'm not evil, I'm a right rotten sod,}} Jono admits, his mental 'voice' quiet. Though he looks at Illyana as she seems to... get angry over something. He blinks, then winces as she stomps away.

Jono waits until Illyana's out of earshot before 'speaking' up again. {{...Wonder what 'appened?}} he muses. His own discomfiture forgotten, he looks in the direction Illyana left in. {{Yer s'pose we should bring 'er somethin' later ter apologize?}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva frowns a little as Illy storms off. She partially wants to help her but, she doesn't press it. She knows what it is to be a Teen Girl. Maybe lacking in the power department at that age but she does get it. She just lets her go. "No sadly, The only one I know is my life."

She looks at Jono and nods, "Yeah, Later on we will try to cheer her up. May be best to let her cool down for a while." Then she looks at him and smiles a little smirkish smile. "Its your life. What do you wanna do with it. You aren't evil. You aren't rotten. You are the sum of the events that have taken place in your life and the potential for every choice that will come. Your the only one who can decide how you want to be."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono nods. {{Good idea.}} Though when Eva turns her attention to him, and what he said, he winces again. {{I... did somethin' terrible, when me powers first showed up.}} He's almost hedging at this, since he doesn't know how much of his file Eva's been allowed to read. Mr. Summers -- that's Alex Summers -- seemed to be pretty well in-the-know when it came to Jono's abilities.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles to Jono. "Listen, I don't know you from Joe Shmoe the farmer in upstate New York. What I do know is you can not be held responsible foe the events that happen when something so out of right field happens. Like getting wild powers. There is no way in hell you can control those powers when you first get them. I don't think anyone can. When mine hit, I couldn't control them. I was a full on adult. That didn't make me more or less responsible for the effects of an unprecidented event taking place that no one in this world would be prepared for!" She smiles to him. "I didn't hurt anyone but I spent a day in a frozen world. To a speedster without the ability to control their powers in the least... 1 second feels like an hour. a Minute feels like a day. An hour like a month and a day like a year. I didn't hurt anyone but it was really freaky. What matters more though. What I do now or what happened when I got my powers?"

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono's silent for a long moment, listening to Eva's words. What did one say to that? It's sort of why he doesn't talk much about what happened when his powers manifested. Because there are people who had it SO MUCH WORSE when theirs showed up. Not that he wants his to be the worst, but... it always feels like he's saying his was worse, and that's not what he means at all. It leaves him reluctant to talk about it.

But her words DO need a reply. {{It's 'ard not ter feel responsible.}} Particularly in the situation it happened in! And because of what he did afterwards, which could be even worse. Still, he doesn't offer more information.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva nods, "I understand that though. If I'd have hurt someone when I poweered up I'd still feel awful about it but it doesn't change this single fact. There is absolutely nothing that you could have done to prevent things from happening as they did. Just as there was nothing I could do to stop the year long day I lived through courtesy of gaining powers. I'm not saying the things that happened never did. They did happen. I spent 6 months in the speed force at least and then lived for what felt like a year in a state of super speed. What happened to you when you powered up, happened. At no point will I ever invalidate it and say it didn't happen. What I will say is this. There is not a single thing you could have done to change those results. So. You can continue to punish yourself for it, Or you can say screw it. Get mad, and say yes it happened but I couldn't change anything. I will show that I am not the accident that transpired."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Frown. Here again, Jono doesn't know what to say. He 'sends the mental equivalent of an ellipsis, in fact. How? Who knows. But it definitely happens. And it also definitely expresses his confusion and hesitation. Then his shoulders slump. The floor is suddenly fascinating. Then suddenly...

{{...She's in a bloody wheelchair because 'f me. And I abandoned her.}}

He doesn't say who. Eva may get the feeling that this is one of those 'blurted out' comments that, if he'd taken time to structure it properly, he probably would have found a reason to talk himself out of it. It also may be evident that he needs to get this out properly. Because he's been hanging onto it for way too long.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva looks at Jono and frowns. She isn't Psychic. Not an Empath. She's got more issues then National Geographic. Her idea of dealing with crap like this is a night of ill gotten booze and a shooting guns. Neither of which, are a good idea here. What she is, is a Speedster who has been living with her own horrors for nearly a decade. The words she's been speaking are tearing into her own heart. No matter the good that came of the things she's done the memories of the bad blot out the light of the good. Still. She sees someone who needs help just as much as she does.

"Could you have kept her out of the wheelchair?" She asks curiously. "If you had stayed would you have helped her in any way at that time?" She sighs. "Jono, Your powers triggered. Its nothing you could have done about that. That is a point where fate stepped in. One of those times where, things were going to happen no matter what. That doesn't make it easier. Nothing I say will. All I can say to you is you need to start letting it go."

She takes a deep breath. "When I was a little girl, my parents traveled frequently. They were bicycle sales people. They drove across country selling them for different stores. This was what they told me. Then when I was 12, they never came home. They were killed. When I went to the funeral, A pair of guys came up to me and told me that my parents didn't sell bikes. They were hunters. They traveled around, killing evil things. One such thing killed them both. I was blinded by rage. I wanted vengence. I wanted my parents back. I wanted a reckoning. I wanted for them to make me understand why they lied to me. I couldn't let it go. They were dead, leaving me with nothing but a burning desire for vengence. If I could have just let it go... I could have had a normal life."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono finally straightens as Eva speaks... and then he winces. That's kind of why he doesn't talk about himself a lot. Now he feels like a heel for complaining, when what she went through is so much worse. Though instead of answering Eva's questions directly?

{{...Sorry.}} There's genuine regret there, he's not being snide. His 'tone' is soft, almost thoughtful. And definitely contrite. {{I haven't... talked ter anyone about it.}} But then he's on to her situation. {{I'm sorry ter hear that,}} he offers quietly.

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles to him and winks, "You know what though? My past, no matter how screwed up it was, It made me who I am. Sure I let vengence rule my life for 8 years. But I also saved countless lives because I was that driven. You had a traumatic experience. Learn from it Jono. Grow. This person you hurt, Send them a card, a letter, an email. Anything. Apologize to them. You can get past what happened. You are growing into your abilities. You aren't out of control. Its time to start carving your own path Jono."

She smiles and grabs another slice of pizza. "What do you think. Are you really wanting to leave something so out of your control, hanging over your head? You can do this."

She finishes the slice and then speaks up, "I got my vengence about 8 months ago. I am just starting to rebuild my life. I'm in the same place as you are. I've got nearly a decade of junk that I did for good and for vengence hanging over me and I am just starting to let go of it. You can do this."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
The floor is incredibly fascinating! Really, it is. The patterns almost seem to -- OK no, Jono's just looking down there because he can't bear to meet Eva's eyes. {{Not sure what I could learn from all that. Except that I'm too dangerous ter be around people.}}

Though the words of letting it go? {{I don't... know if I can.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva frowns, "I believe you can be dangerous but I also believe you have far more control now than you did when you first powered up. Your actions are now your choice." She smiles a little. "When you are ready, you will be able to."

She snickers a little. "You have a lot of power but you also have a lot of strength. Just think on this stuff. Keep in mind, We aren't having some pissing contest about whose sob story is worse. I only spoke of my past to show you that I can relate. Both of us had some messed up stuff happen. That doesn't mean we are forced to relive it whenever we close our eyes."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono tilts his head a little. {{S'pose that's what the power control classes are for,}} he observes. Though he's quick to assure, {{I didn't think yer was insinuatin' yours was worse. I just didn't want ter make it seem like /I/ was.}}

He can't sigh, but if he could, he would here. {{...I don't think I can ask 'er t' forgive me. I don't know if she can. Or if she should. Maybe I deserve 'er ter hate me.}}

Eva (170) has posed:
Eva smiles and grabs the remainder of the pizzas and stands up. "Its your call. You can take a chance or just keep ignoring it, burrying the pain your dealing with. I know what I'd do. But then, Its my style to take a gamble." She snickers. "I need to get a little rest. I ran a few hundred miles today so... I guess a nice shower couldn't hurt either."

Jonothon Starsmore (34) has posed:
Jono offers what of a smile he can, between just not feeling it and... well, not having the parts for it anymore. {{...Thanks,}} he says quietly. {{Sorry about all that. Take care.}} As she heads for the door, he starts for his room again.

She's definitely given him a lot to think about. Hard to tell if the logic or the fear will win, though.