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Latest revision as of 01:37, 26 October 2017

Date of Scene: 12 June 2017
Location: Triskelion, New York City
Synopsis: Agents Marcus Jameson and Natasha Romaonova meet
Cast of Characters: 812, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
Finally he's been pushed out of the Testing, it's completed. His limits have been pushed to the breaking point. Strength, speed, reflexes, endurance, even combat. He's not at Captain America's level. But He's what the Super Soldier Project promised. an enhanced person able to function as a Super Soldier. So right now after getting a good night's rest of at least 8 hours. MArcus Jameson has finally been releaced from testing hell for the final report to be given to Fury when the Director has time.

So Right now he is more or less just reading up on some intelligence files Hydra, Aim. He's also got a pot of Coffee, and a large tray of doughnuts beside him. Jelly or custard filled.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
She is not a social butterfly yet Natasha does have certain needs in her life.

Coffee. Black. The stronger the better.

SHIELD frowns on the use of her favorite beverage when she's working so she has to settle for imbibing caffeine. She comes out of her office, down the hall, into the mess. She pauses to take a look around, spotting familiar and unfamiliar faces. She's dressed in her Widow costume, complete with gauntlets and Glocks holstered on both thighs.

It's been a rough week. Month. Hell, year. Her mind is in a very bad place although a recent talk with her best friend allowed her to move through some of it. Not all. Never all.

She's carrying a coffee cup which she quickly works on filling with java.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
Jameson has looks over when he sees The Black Widow and with a smile he picks up a tray of Doughnuts and then offers one to The Widow. "Doughnut, Custard or Jelly Take your pick." He has several files on the table he is at the one he is looking over is the Weapon X-program. Learning what he can about the group from canada, as he sighs. "I can't beleive SHIELD allowed the WX boys to get this far." he says sighing.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As she finishes, she puts the pot back on the warmer and glances over to the offered donuts. "No thanks," she responds in a cool alto, deciding that the coffee is bad enough. She shouldn't push her luck with a donut. Hearing the mention of Weapon X, she moves closer to the table and glances at the files. Picking out the names of the candidates, particularly those she knows quite well. Some friends. Some more than that.

"What's so hard to believe about it? Every country has their own versions of super soldiers. Why should Canada be any different?"

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"It's more that they were building killing machines not soldiers." Tossing the report down he sighs and rubs his face. "I guess the Scientists who put me together had the benefit of hindsight of their failures. Still I hope Fury will indulge my Request to raid one of their facilities. doubtful though unless we can secure the components to that ultra alloy. though to be fair, I think personally it's something that should just be destroyed rather than recovered." he says. "It would make incredible armor, but make a Tank what happens if it gets stolen from you?" he says knowing the two safegyuards that are implace for him as his watch beeps out, and that means it's time.

At this point he is more or less taking care of it him self as he produces a hypdermic needle and a small Vial. A serum of an ammino acid that he needs for survival.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha gives away nothing, starting to pick up few of the files and flick through the pages. No flicker to her expression. No emotions. Just her quiet perusal of files on Wolverine, Deadpool, and further. She spends the most time on the Deadpool file.

At the beep from his watch, she flicks a glance in his direction. "I realize we haven't been introduced. I'm Agent Natasha Romanova." She watches as he works with the injection, still a quiet presence. "What is that for?"

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"MArcus Jameson. Pleasure to meet you Agent Romanova I'm Shield's newest Super Soldier. Doctors spent the last three or four years enhancing me." He says and will inject it into his thigh. "This is a Serum containing Amino acids my body can no longer produce." And after injecting it he says. "Without it, I die. In the event the augmentation process ended up driving me mad. I agreed witht he need to have a couple Fail safes put inside me. This is one." and taking care to dispose of the needle, "If I escaped the amount of damage I could do to others would be mitigated." he says. "I imagine once it's confirmed I won't go mad from what's been done to me, the faulty gene will be corrected."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"That doesn't sound like much of a deal," Natasha says carefully, putting down the files finally and picking back up her coffee. She takes a cautious sip, testing the heat, making sure she doesn't scald her tongue or the roof of her mouth. It's hot but drinkable. She takes another sip before stepping away from the table so she isn't in his space anymore.

"You volunteered for this?" Another careful question, followed by what seems to be a look of interest for what he is and has has done.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
Smiles as he looks to the Agent. "As a matter of fact I did Volunteer, after they explained the issues around making super soldiers. They said my psyche profile fit the needs perfectly. Before I joined the Army, my Father asked me. "Why do you want to join the Army? If you are joining for Rank or prestige, you are in it for the wrong reasons. I joined the Army because I want to protect and help people." he says with a smile and drinks down his own hot coffee straight away.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That earns a flick of those green eyes before she focuses back on her coffee. Another brief sip as a myriad of thoughts go through her head, none of which are good. Probably for the best to not express them to the obviously pleased with the results Agent. "So you volunteered. They created you. If you don't get your shots on time, you die. Tell me the upside of this deal please because I must admit, I don't see it." Her own history is fresh in her mind but thankfully, no one is able to read her unless she chooses to let her thoughts or feelings be seen. In this instance, she chooses to just be a casual conversationist and that's all she appears.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"The Upside is that I can fight for people who are being oppressed. Destroying groups like Hydra who would see everyone under their heel of oppression. I fight for those who can not fight and stand against tyranny." He says. And with a smile. "One of the other reasons why SHIELD's Program is a success. My abitions are around helping people. Protecting them. I'm not interested in climing SHIELD's Rank and being the director.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Anyone with half a brain wouldn't want to become the Director. They would never be able to fill Fury's shoes." It's said with a certain amount of respect. Natasha may have her problems with the leader of their unit but she does respect him. His skills are legend. Even though she has quite the reputation, even she considers Fury a superior in many ways. Not all, but many.

"Congratulations on achieving your goals then. And hope you don't miss a shot." That seems a hazard of epic levels, something that is niggling at the back of her brain.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"I am a very good marksman, not the same level as Deadshot, Or Hawkeye. But I hit my targets." he says and as he gets a second refill of his coffee from a thrmos he lifts up and asks. "Is something wrong Agent Romanova? I'm not sure if I am reading your meaning correctly." he says he knows there are a lot of issues, and almost seems like a Boy scout with his desires. But with billions of people on earth. There have to be some good honest people who desire to help others.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Wrong kind of shot." Natasha motions to where he just did his injection. "That kind. If you are in the field and the time comes, that could be a difficulty. So I'm hoping it doesn't turn out to be one for you. Although you aren't going in the field yet, correct?"

The question aimed at her? Ignored. The fact he is that naive is sad and refreshing at the same time.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"Like I said It's a precaution for right now. I just spent the last week put through hell pushing my limits. To levels I didn't expect I could attain even with my enhancements." and he says. "And my need for the injections will most likely be eliminated when It is decided for me to go into the field."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Do they have you assigned with a Senior agent or is it the R&D lab doing your testing?" Natasha asks as she looks at the papers again. She slides over an AIM file, glancing through absently while taking another sip of coffee.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"No I have no seinor agent assigned to me yet. I think they are planning a combat trial. I noticed when I had wanted to get information on Captain America's battles. I was denied access. So I would assume I my final test will be going against The American Legend himself."

"So I have been getting as much footage of him in modern day as a referance for that test."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"The American Legend?" Natasha echoes, flicking her gaze back to him. She walks over to the coffee pot and refreshes her cup although it's only about halfway filled. "There are a lot of people's files you will find restricted at your access level. I wouldn't assume too much. Though it's possible, of course." She takes another sip then moves to push his paperwork back over in front of him.

Marcus Jameson (812) has posed:
"That doesn't surprise me. All I know about you is you are a Superior officer and that's what matters." he says with a Smile. And picks up the File of AIM going over a couple of their projects. And with a Groan he stand sup to stretch out getting his back to pop several times before sitting down. "Good point. But I would Imagine that Fury will want to see how I match up Against him."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Good luck, Agent Jameson," Natasha says simply as she starts to turn to leave the room. But she pauses, glancing over her shoulder. "A word of advice for you. I know you are young and new to this role but perhaps you should learn some tact. To be careful of what you say instead of giving information away. I know we are in a setting where you feel it is safe but honestly? There is no safe situation. Ever. As for killers being created in programs as opposed to soldiers?"

A dark smile touches her lips.

"Russia created those too."

After all, that's exactly what she is thanks to the Red Room, despite fighting for SHILED now. With that, she turns and walks from the room.