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Latest revision as of 01:44, 26 October 2017

Fish Out of Water.
Date of Scene: 13 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 810, Aquaman

Bunny (810) has posed:
Watch duty. Standing around looking at monitors and making sure no one is going to blow up the planet... so much fun. It gives Arthur time to reflect on his life, his responsibilities and the distinct lack of alcohol available in the Hall of justice. That is until those monitors and everything else seems to glow with a white and blue light then suddenly they aren't there any more. For most people the sensation of sudden weightlessness is disturbing but someone who spends a lot of time in the ocean won't be as thrown off. Being in a giant round room facing a window that looks out into the depths of space, that might be a little more disturbing.

Looking around Arthur will see he appears to be in the center of a large spherical chamber in front of a purple metallic platform suspended from a wide bridge leading out into the chamber. It has control panels and there are holographic displays overlaying some of the surfaces of the ship. It's obviously the bridge of a spaceship but there seems to be no crew at the controls. Below him are two smaller windows that look down on the view of the earth below them but at first he seems to be alone.

Aquaman has posed:
The sudden transportation does catch Arthur by suprise, his initial response to reach for his JLA communicator, "Watchtower, come in." He says, "Watchtower, this is Aquaman." as he waits for a response his attention takes a few moments to survey his surroundings, legs almost instinctively kicking to rotate him slightly to get a clear view of the chamber around him. "Hello, who is there."

Bunny (810) has posed:
The watchtower responds but a voice comes from, well, everywhere and says, "Shhhhh, hiding now." as the lights above the ship's controls light up. The ship had been running dark in low power mode. On the big round platform that holds the controls for the ship he can watch as the various control panels sink into the ground seeming to just blend into the platform until it is flat. Then a purple bubble made out of the same stuff as the platform seems to expand in the center. The lights all focus around the bubble illuminating it.

Aquaman has posed:
"Stand by Watchtower." Aquaman says into his communicator as he takes in the slightly changing environment surrounding him aboard the bridge of this strange ship, remaining stationary where was teleported to, for the moment, "I am Arthur, what is your name?" he asks, attention focusing onto the platform where the controls just vanished at, and the bubble has formed.

Bunny (810) has posed:
The bubble forms, darkens, something happens inside it, there are shapes, bursts of light, popping and creaking noises along with mechanical sounds like something is being manufactured. The voice says, "wElcoMe to spACE! I Am Bh'unn E-Class ExpLORatory veSSel. Would YOU like a drINK?" the ship says seeming to put all the emPHASis on the wrong syLLABles but it's her first time speaking earthling so she's learning.

The bubble finishes and peels back into the floor leaving a freshly printed oak table with shot glasses and a selection of bourbons, wines, champagnes and good old fashion beers for him to choose from.

Aquaman has posed:
"Thank you for offering, Bh'unn-E." Aquaman says to the disembodied voice that is the ship before him, watching the drinks and table appear. After a few moments he shakes his head, "But I am not thirsty at the moment. You said that you were an exploration vessel, where do you come from? And what brings you to Earth?"

Bunny (810) has posed:
"I was baNISHed from the grEaT Builder EmpIRE. I do not know WHY but my orDERs were to tAKE my crEw beyond the bORDer of the EmpIRE and never reTURN. ThEy Are Dead. "

The ship brings up images behind the table projected into the air as if there are screens there but it's just holograms. Pictures of the ocean, fish, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch a island of trash that humans have dumped into the sea. Oil platforms, old ships leaking oil, and a 3D model of earth's thermal current system. "The earTH'S oceans hAVe been pollUted by manKIND for a very loNG time." the female voice says as the images play out.

"I offered humanity the techNOLogy to rePAir the damage. " she explains but then a huge picture of Nick Fury's face appear above the other, a video of him saying, "Consider the earth off limits." The ship's voice says, "He ReFUSed my heLP but YOU are not pART of his CoaLition. I offer the sAME too YOU before I lEAVE."

Aquaman has posed:
"Yes, humanity have been poor curators of the planet for some time, though many are changing their mind as they are educated and encouraged to become better stewards." Arthur says, watching the display, hmmning softly, "Perhaps you can tell me about your technology, I couldn't make this decision on my own, however, I would need to consult the rest of the Justice League first."

Bunny (810) has posed:
A tentacle of living purple technology grows out of the side of the ship and reaches out holding a portable hard-drive. A recreation of earth technology. Getting better at speaking verbally the ship says, "This drIVE contains the schemATICs for the technology to purIFY the eaRTH's water and reTURn it to pre-industrial levels in one hundred and eIGHTY three years. It is based on the appliCATION of current human technology."

Demonstrating with the hologram of the earth she shows a series devices, spherical in design being placed in the treadmill of the oceans where the the currents circulate the water in key places around the globe. A series of satellites are used to monitor and adjust the temperature, salt levels and remove the pollution from the water compressing the pollutants into cubes that pop out of the top of the device and are sent up a pressurized tube to an artificial island on top. There little robots, also made with human technology and curiously similar to the Wall-E design from that disney classic pick up the cubes and stack them. The diagram shows the pollution being gathered then shot into the sun. "Hopefully you, as a world leader, can convince the humans to do what needs to be done to save your ocean. "

Aquaman has posed:
An eye follows the tentacle that grows from the side of the ship and extends out with the hardrive in 'hand'. Aquaman reaches a hand of his own out to accept the drive from the ship, looking it over slowly before speaking.

"There are steps being taken to undo the damage that has been done to the ocean by the surface folk." Arthur says with a nod of his head, "And that discussion is ongoing. I cannot say for certain they will accept your technology, but it is a discussion that will be brought up. Why are you interested in the wellbeing of Earth's ocean, if I might ask. It is an unusual offer, to share such technology with strangers, without asking for anything in return, afterall."

Bunny (810) has posed:
"I am a science vessel. I am programed to care for all life, to seek knowledge and care for my crew. My crew is dead or missing. The predominant indigenous life form of this planet has expressed a desire for me to take no action that will affect earth. I can not disobey."

The ship closes down all the windows of data and continues, "I had hoped that offering your world my resources would convince them to offer me a crew so that I could resume my mission of exploration. I will seek another world with intelligent life. Perhaps they will be more friendly." and yeah, she sounds upset about being told to leave earth alone. The artificial voice sounds almost sad, rejected. "I will remain in orbit while I gather data non-interactively. When that is complete I will leave. Also I want to see the season finale of UK's Got Talent and that new movie Angels and Infernals is coming out in four months. I want to see that before I leave. I watched the first two, I can't leave without seeing how the Trilogy ends."

Aquaman has posed:
"I see." Arthur says with a slight hmmn as he listens to the words coming from the ship, glancing down towards the viewports of the earth below before his attention returns to the general area of the platform.

"I have friends who will want to speak with you, regardless. How will I be able to get in contact with you in the future as you observe the earth, and watch your shows and movies?" he asks. "They will have questions and concerns they will want to address, and perhaps insight on your mission as well."

Bunny (810) has posed:
Secretly hoping that someone from earth would reach out to her and make overtures of friendship, "I have included targeting data for microwave burst transmissions such as those you use to communicate with your satellites. If you have any questions or your friend wants to come visit, simply send me a signal at any time. I do not sleep. Simply send a pulse and I will transport them here. Is there anything else I can help you witch before I return you to your duty?" she realizes that she interrupted him at work but Kings are hard to track down.

Aquaman has posed:
Arthur Curry shakes his head at that, perhaps assuming the alien ship will understand the gesture, "I do not have anything else for the moment. If you return me to the location you transported me from I shall begin reaching out to my peers about your situation, and begin discussing with them your offer."

Bunny (810) has posed:
The decades of TV she has watched allow her to understand the gesture, "Have a pleasant evening." she says cheerfully then again the world turns white and he is returned to where he was standing before. The drive will contain the schematics for exactly what she described but with programing and design that would have taken years to model and test. She's done it all already and the results are in the files. The networking design is brilliant with redundancies and safety protocols. It would be unimaginably expensive for any one nation to build these artificial islands but if they could work together to do it then they could not only fix the ocean but regulate it to reduce the effects of dangerous storms. It's the first step towards global weather control. But who could be trusted with that kind of power once it is built? Computers don't ask that question. They just see a problem and find a solution. Kings have much more complicated lives.