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Guys in the Garage
Date of Scene: 14 June 2017
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Just guy talk in the garage while mechanical stuff is going on.
Cast of Characters: Havok, Wolverine

Havok has posed:
A garage door is open. Alex Summers is using the repair bay. His black Rubicon is on the lift and he's got the wheels/tires off. They are rolled over to the balance machine and he's been putting them on the machine one at a time to run the diagnostic and subsequently balance them. He's on tire #2 out of 4. They are 37"x12.5" in size, big mud tires. He stands with his back to the wall. He wears jeans and a black tshirt. And looks a bit greasy from the work.

Wolverine has posed:
     Logan walks into the garage and stops when he notes someone else is present. Taking a look around, he notes it is just Summers. His mouth contains his trademark cigar, and he is wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, boots and carrying what looks like a 6 pack of Keith's. Tossing the beer on the counter, he leans back, takes one of the beers and opens it with a "click-sawish-calunk". "Summers." He says, takes out the cigar with one hand, and with the hand carrying the beer, deposits his first mouthful. "Whatcha' doing kid?"

Havok has posed:
Glancing over while the wheel spins up to speed. Alex Summers gives the chin raise affirmation of greeting as he says, "Sup, Logan." He will glance down to the spinning wheel, "I went up Cypress Mtn last weekend. Knockt it outta balance. Least one of them when I dropped off a ledge. I think I threw some weights or somethin. Either way, figured i'd start with this - hopin it's the easy fix. What's up with you?" He checks the readout and pushes the 'read' button so it will mark the out of balance aspect of the motion. Then it will start to spin down.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Huh." Logan takes another swig, and tosses Summers a can. "Here. Helps with tha' fixin'." Logan grins, and says, "Even you need lubrication sometimes." Logan takes a quick look, and returns to his leaning and looking. "AH, Cypress. Nice ride." He nods. "Me, not much. Same old. These kids are drivin' me crazy though. So needy and whiny. Reminds of a you kids when you first came around."

Havok has posed:
Turning slightly toward the approaching can, Alex will catch softly with both hands as not to shake it upon impact. He cradles it and then positions it in his left hand while the right pulls the tab to open it. "Thanks." He drinks and lets Logan finish his remarks, though slighting they are. Alex grins after he swallows and shakes his head, "Nah bro. I wasn't ... no wait. I was a total whiney bitch. Always going on about Scott this, Scott that and how the world wasn't fair. Damn dude, how in the hell did you put up with me?" - He turns the situation into humor, as he finds it just as funny in retrospect. He's come a long way over the past few years, but he's still young even though he's an adult.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods, deposits his now empty can in the box, and takes another one, opening it with a hiss. "Ha!" Logan laughs, and says, "Good fer you, owning up ta' it. Heh." Logan shakes his head, and says, "Now those were the days." Logan takes another drink, and says, "Well, you were all...eager. I like eager. And Jean...well, she gave you all bonus points jus' by her being there." Logan grins. "Plus, you all did alright. Well, mosta' ya'."

Havok has posed:
"It was a steep learning curve." Notes Alex after drinking a bit more and then sitting down the can on a nearby counter. He turns to the wheel which has spun down to a stop. The indicator shows him where and how much weight to add, as he grabs the small weights and adheasive to stick them on, he notes casually, "My eagerness was competition and the need to best Scott. Who already had the jump on the situation. I wanted to be better than him more than anything else. I had to .." He gives pause while he comes up with the word and he removes the wheel from the machine. It's a heavy wheel/tire, but he does not struggle. He places it to the side next to the other one that has been balanced. He continues and rewords, "I needed to prove my worth to everyone and felt like the black sheep, the outsider."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yeah." Logan takes a chug of the beer, and then looks mournfully at the now empty can. Keith's #3 gets opened while still talking. "Yeah, brothers, huh?" Logan comes from a place that knows. "Challengin', ta' say the least." Logan grins, and says, "Black sheep..." Now Logan knows all about that. "You did alright though, kid. As much as I hate to admit it, the Summers are good people. Both of ya'! Tha' kids look up to you. And yer teammates. "

Havok has posed:
"Thanks man. That means a lot and I'm glad that I could fill that role or try to be a role model. I know I've got a lot more to learn, to work out on my own. But I think I'm on the right track." (at least for now), Alex says with a slight grin while moving to mount the third wheel onto the machine. He then shifts the focus of the conversation, "But really dude, you're the man that everyone looks up to even though half of them fear you. Just like we did." He grins with the reflection.

Wolverine has posed:
    Nodding sagely, Logan must be in his "teacher good mood" today, because normally he'd be insulting him with the best of them. "Yeah, yeah kid. You are." Drink, drink. Burp. "Nothin' like a good, cold, Canadian beer." Logan sighs, and adds, "Naw. They aren't scared a' me. If anyone, they are scared of Kitty er Jean." Logan grins. "A l'il fear never hurt anyone."

Havok has posed:
Alex chuckles as he locks the wheel in and starts the cycle, "Dude. I'm pretty afraid of Jean too." and reflects internally with a subtle grin then takes another drink. He's not consuming as much beer as his companion. But he's half way done with the can at present. He also leaves the comment open, he doesn't follow up with another question as it's a comment that needs to be left on its own.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan peers at Alex for a moment out of his left eye, as his right is obscured by the beer can that is filling his mouth with beer once again. "Yeah. I think we're all just a little bit afraid of her." Now that was serious. There was a twinkle in his eye. "Ah well." He ignores the unspoken question, and nods towards the repair work. "So? Do I need to get in there and fix that fer ya', or do ya' got it?"

Havok has posed:
There's a knowing grin with a nod to Logan's first remark. The transition to the Jeep issue is then noted and Alex looks to the spinning wheel and then the jeep itself on the lift. "Nah bro, I got this. Thanks though." he then reflects, "Plus, it's all about competition with Scott. He thinks he's a pretty good mechanic and all that. I ain't gonna want to let him think I can't take care of my own stuff."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Good kid. Glad ya' got it." Logan grins, and offers the fifth beer to Alex. "Another?" Logan takes the last one besides the one offerred and tosses the forth empty to the side. "Ah. Cyke. Yeah." Logan nods, understanding where Alex was coming from. Logan smiles. "He is a bit fulla' hisself ain't he?" Logan shakes his head. "I hear ya' kid! I hear ya'." Logan chuckles.

Havok has posed:
Handwaving the offer for the 5th beer, Alex denies wanting it. He watches as the machine identifes the irregularity in balance and then will hit the spin down button. "Nah, thanks." is his response to the offer. The other words make him smile, but he won't comment. It's just investing too much into the potential of talking fouly about his brother when Alex isn't pissed at Scott currently. Instead, he says, "This one was way out..." indicating that it was out of balance, "We're talkin 15 ounces. That'd throw it into a jump at speeds."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Yep, tha'd do it." Logan nods, and says, "Great. All tha' more fer me." Logan grins, and notices he forgot his cigar. Taking it in his hand, he taps it against the bench to put it out. "Save that fer later." He nods. "Looks like ya' got her solved kid!" He grabs the last beer, and says, "If you need any help, ya' know where ta' find me!" With a tap of his right hand to his forhead in a salute, he says, "Catcha' later!"

Havok has posed:
With the conversation coming to a close, Alex gives a chin up in recognition of Logan's parting words, "Thanks man. Have a good one." Alex will raise the beer can as a salute and then return to his balancing mechanics as Logan disappears from the area.