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A New Wardrobe
Date of Scene: 14 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: In which Gabriel visits and gives Marinette a brand new wardrobe. Or Dad is a weird sense of 'welcome to the family' gifts.
Cast of Characters: 143, 142

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette had met Adrien for lunch after morning classes. The single class she had after lunch was one she felt more than comfortable blowing off because she already knew the material, no pun intended, being discussed.

As the walked down the hall towards the door into the penthouse, Mari was rambling about class. "I swear! Actually balloons. Some blown up completely, some not at all and every stand in between... And the sound... Oh, god, Adrien... The sound it made when the model moved..." Her entire body shudders. "It was almost as nails on a chalk board just..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
There are days that waiting for the summer session was a blessing. Like today. classes started for him next week, anf aside from shoots and company appearances, Adrien was most ly free. He still had all the usual things to do, fencing and piano and the like, but no real classes meant he had the luxury of telling Nathalie to schedule an aftwrnoon for his roommate. Adrien walks with Marinette, one hand in his pocket thw other holding hers as tjey walk from the elevator.

"One of Father's stff designers did an avante garde piece last season that was balloons. Yes, the sound was horri-" His words stop as he opens the door and is greeted with racks of clothes, boxes of shoes and jewelry and accessories....and Gabriel Agreste.


Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
She knew once the next season started, time like this would be limited. There's likely be weeks where he was out of the country. Which is probably why she has no qualms about ditching school to spend time with him. There'd be precious little of it soon.

Fingers weaved with his, she's nodding before he ever finishes the sentence. "Exact--What?" And then she peeks around and her eyes widen slightly, for a heartbeat, before she straightens. "Mr. Agreste." Her eyes flick to the couch she replaced and then back to him before going to Adrien. And her hand tightens slightly, thumb rubbing where it rests against him.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Gabriel turns from his cold scrutiny of the clothing to thw pair of youths just inside the doorway. ice blue eyes, cold and unfeelijg behind his glasses.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng. Adrien. Welcome home," he says, tone flat and cold and distant. One hand tucked behind his back, the other rests upon his cane. His eyes flick to their joined hands before settling back on Marinette's face.

"I trust your studies have been going well," he says, one brow arching faintly. Adrien's fingers ahudder slightly in Marinette's hand, like he's stuck half way between wanting to cling tight and fading back in the face of his father. Which makes his bravado as Chat quitw the contrast.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Her eyes drop to their hands as Gabriel's do and then lift back to him.

Suddenly a warm and bright smile blossoms and she nods her head. "Yep! Going fantastic." Even with her hospitalization, she's got caught up and is ahead of her class.

Her attention turns to Adrien and she leans up to kiss his the corner of his lips, adding a subtle nuzzle, before she nudges him gently. "Mon amour, would you help me get drinks for everyone from the kitchen?" Because this is their home and she won't let either of them be intimidated here.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Gabriel watches the display, face unreadable while Adrien startles faintly, blushes, and mumbles something like okay sure yeah okay. He's intimidated, and he leaves the living room with Marinette. Gabriel just watches, pivoting slowly to keep the pair in sight.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Let him watch.

In the kitchen, Mari pulls down three glasses, fills them with ice and then fills them with hibiscus tea. Once that's done, her full attention is turned on Adrien. "Adrien..." A soft whisper. A conversation not meant to go any further than them. She steps into him and reaches up to run her fingers through his hair even as she brings her lips up to his ear. "Chaton..." Pulling her head back, she smiles loving up at him before leaning in and pressing a slow, deep, lingering kiss to his lips.

When she finally pulls back, she lets her fingers slide from his hair, toying with the ends a tiny bit before her hands rest against his chest, one over his heart. "I'm here." He's not alone anymore. "And I love you."

A moment so he can collect himself. "Ready?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Conscious of his father's eyes on his, Adrien looks over at Marinette. And then she's running her fingers through his hair and his eyes flutter closed. Chaton. Right. He faced his father as Chat. When an akuma had targeted him. Adrien was so worried about him. He was all Adrien had left. So, he could do this. Sighing into the kiss, Adrien smiles at Marinette, thankful. He nods, collecting himself, and then nods again.

Out in the living room, Gabriel waits, having watched all of it with what can only be judgement.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Adrien's glass is handed over to him and then Marinette lifts the other two and makes her way back out to the living room. Gabriel's drink is held out with a smile and once he takes it, she automatically steps back to Adrien's side and laces her fingers with his.

"It's lovely to see you, Mr. Agreste. With how little you stop by, I can only imagine how very busy your schedule must be..." Her head tilts. "I hope everything's okay...?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Gabriel takes the glass like it's a foreign alien thing. Was this the crystal he ordered for his son? Blue eyes so pale they are nearly grey, lift to regard Adrien, standing with almost false relaxation at marinette's side. The boy's weight is on his right leg, hip jutting slightly toward Marinette. Hair is sloppy, like ... that Cat.

"Yes, Miss Dupain-Cheng. All is well. It has come to my attention that my son has been scheduling events, social in nature, for the pair of you to attend. It is unseemly to have to rush the day of, demanding a local boutique to bring in staff after hours, to accomodate your need for approprate attire," Gabriel states coldly, moving to set the glass down on a side table without drinking from it.

"I have brought a few things for you to wear to these and other functions," he states, taking one step as if revealing the not at all hard to miss racks of clothing behind him. That's when Adrien seems to look at the clothes twice and realize: "These are women's wear."

"Which you don't need to waer, Adrien." Was that a joke?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Most of those have been scheduled for him, actually." Mari smiles warmly. What? We wouldn't want to poor man to get confused as he gets on in age. "That's very ... thoughtful of you, Mr. Agreste. I'm sure the boutique will be thrilled not to have to handle me when I call in a panic needed to wear something to an Agreste function."

A sip of her tea is taken, a no it's not the crystal, thank you. It's just glass. Crystal in this house, with a hyper Plagg, is stupid. The glass is then set aside as she starts to drift forward to look at the clothing more closely at them.

If Adrien shows any resistance in getting too close, she'll let him hang back without forcing the issue.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"There will no doubt be other things he schedules that you will attend, especially as the work with Rand Corporation continues apace," Gabriel replies, watching Marinette move to the gowns.

"These are from the current line, and a few from this fall's upcoming show case," he adds, shocking Adrien who had let Marinette go ahead.

"Mock ups, or?"

"Full gowns. She is the right height and built for most of them. Having her wear them at an event before the season starts will help draw interest to the show in September," Gabriel ads, with a faint shrug.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Undoubtedly," Marinette agrees with the statement but not to wear the offered clothing to anything more than Agreste functions.

Her eyes shoot to Gabriel and then over to Adrien, the blue hardening slightly. She will NOT be used as a walking advertisement to promote a barely there father who seems to think she's incapable of dressing herself!

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"She's not a model, Father," Adrien starts to argue.

"I am aware," is his father's reply.

"Then she doesn't need to-"
"She will be seen on your arm. She will outshine you. That's how these things go, Adrien," Gabriel states coolly, turning to look at Marinette. "A few are vintage. The first show I did."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I know. I remember seeing them when I researched your past lines," Marinette offers. "You were what inspired me." Were.

And then she's blinking as his words set in. "Outshine? Oh... Oh no, I... I can't. I don't have the right..."

Like Adrien said, she's not a model.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Were. It's both emboldening and upsetting. Gabriel just inclines his chin as he watches both with near identical looks of shock.

"Of course. There is a standard for Agreste women. One you need very little help to surpass. I'm certain Adrien will agree. After all, he gave you that right the moment he uttered the word 'fiance'." And Gabriel waits.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette stiffens and straightens. Her chin lifts and her shoulders square. "I refuse to hold myself to anyone standards but my own, Mr. Agreste. I'm happy with me as I am. I appreciate the clothing to wear to Agreste fuctions. I truly do. And I know how Adrien feels about me. No matter what I wear." Mask or not.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Gabriel regards Marinette, face the impassive and expressionless mask that Adrien has likely seem more than any other emotion on his father's face. There's a glitter there, an appreciation for the fire in the girl. He was drawn to such fire, a moth to a flame. He does not begrudge his son the same ....temptation.

"Do keep in mind that any function my son attends can be considered one to which our name is attached," Gabriel comments as one would comment on the weather. The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain. No matter what you wear? Even those lovely earrings?

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Really, as headstrong and sure of herself as Marinette seems in this moment... Is it any wonder that he's drawing parallels?

"I'm well aware, Mr. Agreste. I'm sure you'll agree however that not every event in which the Agreste name must be present for will be Agreste sponsered due to vastly different interests."

Her eyes flit to Adrien, back to the clothes and then back to Gabriel and she smiles. "But you have my word, I will use these to pick something for any event which is sponsered purely by Agreste."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
And there's the first ghost of an expression on Gabriel's face: a cold, almost heartless, slight smile. Adrien is standing there, shock still, watching all of this with slighty wide eyes. Part of this jus feels like postering. Part of it feels genuine. Adrien is all sorts of not sure what to do. Especially when his father smiles.

"All of them are yours, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Wear them as you see fit," he states, turning to head toward the door.

"Especially the jewelry. I will find a great number of lovely baubles... should you grow weary of wearing the same ...accessories... on a daily basis." He continues for hte private elevator.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette smiles gently and nods her head. "Thank you very much, Mr. Agreste." She gives a slight bow of her head. "I do hope you'll be able to come visit more often." Pure truth. "Please take care and be safe in your travels, sir." Because while she may no longer idolize the man or even have much respect for him... He's Adrien's father.

It isn't until he's gone and even a few moments afterwards, that Mari sinks down onto the couch and lets her eyes roam over the overwhelming amount of ... Everything. "I just... This is..." A hand is run through her hair and she sighs. She's not entirely certain how to feel about what just happened.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien watches his father as the man walks right by him. Other than the original greeting, he might as well not even been in the room. It's always bothered him. Today felt... so much worse. Chest tight, Adrien turns to Marinette as she sinks down onto the couch.

".... You ...dont' have to..wear any of it," he says, sounding small.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette looks up at Adrien, eyes lingering on him. Without a word, she stands and walks over to him then reaches up to draw him into a hug. "I know. But I will. To any Agreste sponsored event, I will one, because I won't make your life more difficult... I won't put you in the position of feeling like you need to choose or acting as a buffer between your father and I. I'll never back down to him like others do but I love you too much to put you in the middle."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"He's... going to want to you wear this... any time we're out... together..." Adrien says, arms wrappin gabout Marinette. Sure, she had ruffled his hair and tried to summon the Chat carefree in him but in the end... there was no mask to hide behind, nothing to hide who he was.. he was vulnerable.

"I'm sorry I froze."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I don't really care about what he wants, Adrien. I care about what you want, certainly. Your father, who can't even stop by unless it's to put someone down... Not so much."

She leans her head against his, sighing gently and rubbing along his back. "I'm sorry you've been pushed to the point where your father invokes that kind of reaction in you..." Not that he froze... That his father has broken him so badly that that's what he does.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I just want you, Marinette," Adrien says intot eh hug, nose burying into her hair. He's not going to answer about his reaction, because he doesn' tlike to even thingk about it!

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
How can that single sentence fill her with joy and break her heart at the same time??

"You have me, mon amour. I'm yours. Forever." She twists her head slightly, nuzzling into him. "I'm afraid you're quite stuck with me." One can hear the smile in her voice, no?

She starts to pull back, biting down on her bottom lip. "I do have a very large favor to ask of you though...?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Promised that he has her, forever, Adrien sighs and sinks into a deeper hug. The sigh is almost a pur.

"Anything," Adrien confirms, pulling back to look Marinette in the eyes, hands on her shoudlers.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
A bright blush flares to life on Marinette's cheeks and she looks over at the clothing and then back up to Adrien. "Help me sort through all this stuff and explain how some of it is even wearable?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
And there's the laugh. It's bright. It's real. It's relief. It's easy. It's an umberella snapping shut in the rain.

"Sure, Mari. I'd love to."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Are you laughing at me?," is asked with a playful glare as she tries to hrmph through a smile and foot stomp. Try looking indignant while trying not to laugh. It's impossible! Especially when his laugh is absolutely the best thing in the world to hear to her.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"No?" Adrien rpelies, still laughing. Because the indignant is adorable and he can't help it.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette pouts. "Really...? Uh-huh... Fine. No kisses for the next fifteen minutes." Assuming she can make it that long...

"Now come help me figure these out... I swear I saw one that was made out of like... gold plastic wrap or something..." And she can't even begin to fathom how that goes on!

... ... "Was he right?" Wait. Uncertainty? "I mean... I've seen the pictures of your mother... And I know some of the Agreste models... Both are absolutely gorgeous...." And she doesn't see herself as being anywhere close to either. Which, is really because she doesn't actually try to be but... Good luck pointing that out to her.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Fifteen minutes? Adrien pouts lightly but accepts the challenge of being extra sweet so Marinette wants to kiss him. So the clothes he turns.

"They have zippers, you know." usually in places that a model cant get on their own but still. zippers.

"hmm? right? about...? oh." back to the safety of the clothes. "Yes. He rrally wasnt talking about tje models. those are girls. not Women." theres a difference.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"I didn't see a zipper anywhere on that thing," is said of the gold cling wrap dress

His answer causes her to frown slightly. That's a mild blow to her self confidence. "Oh." Her head is given a nods and she turns her attention back to the clothing, distractedly looking through it.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien looks over at the soind of the frown. "what?" he asks, not sure what"s causex the shift. after all, the models look nice in runway, but at a social event they are never allowed to look better than any of the Agreste family. Agreste Women are... Adrien's mother. Well, and Marinette someday. The thought makes him bubble happlilyy.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette shakes her head. "Nothing." She knows he didn't mean it the way it sounded. She isn't quite sure what he meant but she knows it wasn't meant to upset or insult. That's just not who Adrien is.

"Where do you see a ... Oh my god..." And she's suddenly turning beat red and hiding her face in her hands.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"o..ok?" Adrien bkinks as Marinette shakes her head. Looking thriugh the gowns he pauses at the embarrasment he ears. "what? whats wrong?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Without ever looking up, she reaches out and grabs the little red lingerie that had been tucked between two gowns and holds out to him. Even with her hair falling around her, one can almost /hear/ the blush getting worse.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:

Awkward, Dad. Awkward.

"I dont think that is for ...going out in...?" Adrien tries, voice cracking just a bit which it hadnt done since they first met.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette's head snaps up, eyes almost comically wide. "I would hope not!" And then it becomes just how much she's actually blushing. "It's just... Uhm..." She flounders. "It's very.... I wasn't aware..." She clears her throat and wets her lips. "So... Where's that zipper?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien is blushing now too and he turns to thw gols gown to show the zipper under rhw arm of the side with thw sleeve.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Red neglige replaced, Marinette steps up to the gown and where he's pointing out the zipper. "Oh!" She frowns then. "I should have known that..." Reaching up, she pulls the hanger from the rack and holds it up against her body. "What do you think? Is it me?" Far from one she'd ever pick for herself but she'll look absolutely stunning in it and the way it compliments her eyes...

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien regards the dress against Marinette's hair and eyes and skin tone.

"i think you make it look amazing..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
And Marinette's blushing brightly again. "That's... Thank you." The dress is pulled away and hung back up just as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. "Tell me what ones you like? I mean genuinely like."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"That I like fir themselves, or because I think theyd look amazing on you?" Adrien asks to clarify. because really its two different rhings here

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mari considers the question a moment moment. "That would look right on me." For all she's a designer... She really doesn't see herself clearly at all. "Because my closet is very limited and not all of this will fit... And I design clothes, I don't wear them."


"I mean... You know what I mean."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
he cant. he just cant. the word bumble and Adrien starts laughing. he cant help himself. it rakes a moment to get a hold of himself before he answers the question.

"ok. let mw see. the gold one is a yes. hmmm. this red one.... oh. this one is cute." he pulls out this oast seasons spring cocktail dress. a white flounsy thing with a ripple hem and five gausy layers and a beaded shoulder and nevkline.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
He's laughing again!

Mari sticks her tongue out at him. "Glad to amuse." Pout.

And then he's holding a dress out to her and she reaches out to take it, holding it up to her. "You'd think I'd have more of a sense about these things but wearing clothes like this isn't really an option so I don't ever really think about it. It's different from what I'd pick but it's lovely."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"sorry?c not sorry. smirking, Adrien regards Marinette hilding the white dress up. "well.. uts an option now."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette rolls her eyes but smirks at him all the same. "Uh-huh. I'm gonna sic Plagg on you." Cause the adorable kitty-Kwami already declared that he was leaving Adrien for her. So there. Ha!

The dress is left in place a moment a she blinks at him, as if it's just hitting her. Her eyes flit to the dress and then back to the racks and finally back to him and she blinks some more.

"I ... I guess so ..." Because it never really had occurred to her before then.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"I thought you loved me," Adrien says snickering, pretending to be hurt. He watches as she bminks.

"Is that ...a problem?"

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"No. I just... It never occurred to me, ya know?"

The dress is put up and she turns to face him. "Just one of these dresses would be... My entire living expense pay for a semester... A few months worth of profit for my parents..." She shrugs and starts looking them over again. "They're just so extravagant."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"They're designer," Adrien asks, head tilting like he doesnt seem understand what she's saying.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"Yes. I know. And I'm a middle class girl from a family of bakers, Adrien. Wearing designer clothes ... Not exactly within my price range..." She gives a slightly crooked grin.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"which you'll make look..." Adrien says voice drifting to silence as he pulls a beaded torquouse gown with slightly shakey hands. "...priceles.."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
She had been looking at a white and gold ball gown when his voice started to drift. "Something wrong?" A moment more and she finally lifts her head and turns to look at him. "Oh wow... Her eyes skim over the dress, fingers itching to reach out and touch it. An urge she firmly clamps down on by clasping her hand together in front of her. "That's... Absolutely stunning..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien leaves the gown on the rack, though the hanger is twisted at the neck so the dress hangs free of the rest. He steps back, eyes riveted on it, head shaking slowly.

"No. Nothing... wrong."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
The clothes are forgotten. "Adrien? What is it?" Her eyes flit from him to the dress and back before she places herself between him and the gown. "Are you okay? Does the dress bother you?"

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
It takes a bit before Adrien's eyes blink and focus on Marinette's face. His brows are pulled together, like he's waking up from seeing a ghost.

"No... It...Mom wore it. Last christmas dinner... at the design house. Wasn't part of a show. Dad made it.. just for her to wear... that night... because he was tired.. of red and green and white everything... So.. he.. made it..."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Mariette's eyes widen in shock and she snaps around to look at the gown. "I..." Why!? Why would his father do something like that!? "I'm so sorry, mon amour." And furious. So so furious. Turning back to look at him, she reaches up to wrap her arms around him. "We'll put it up. Safe and sound." She can't wear it. It wouldn't be right.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
"NO. It's fine... He.. wants you to have it," Adrien says, heart still racing. "To wear it.. To say.. weclome to the family. it's....How he is. It's fine. Really. It's.. I was just surprised." And emotional, clearly.

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
"And I appreciate the gesture. The sentiment behind it. But I can't. I wouldn't feel right." She pulls her head back to look up at him and smile softly. "Why don't we go through these later? For now, I'll just take them upstairs and put them in one of the guest rooms..."

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Adrien nods, brushing his hand over her cheek before stepping away to tuck the dress back into place on the rack.

"Here. Get the other side and we'll walk up the rack. You pull, I'll push." Because that's the heavier side."

Marinette DuPain (143) has posed:
Marinette nods, smiling and twisting her head to kiss his palm before she moves with him. "Okay." And then she's getting inyo position so they can start. And there's so many racks of clothing... Showers and couch flopping will likely be required afterwards.

Adrien Agreste (142) has posed:
Showers and couch flopping will definitely be required. For now, however, Adrien directs the move all this crap into a guest room. Three racks of clothing, dozens of shoe boxes and jewelry boxes, plenty of which are earrings. He's quiet through it all.