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Latest revision as of 02:16, 26 October 2017

A Meeting Fulfilled
Date of Scene: 15 June 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Sister Reinhardt

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    The day is warm and breezy. The sun is shining in this section of the city of New Troy, and it is mid afternoon. People are just now getting off work, and heading to where they need to go. It is busy and loud, as cars are honking, people are moving, and the city is active.

    In the distance can be seen a green blink of light that seems to get larger as it gets closer. It is the trademark of the Green Lanterns. Moving through the atmosphere, not too fast though, is Hal Jordan, the current Green Lantern of Sector 2814. As he approaches the city, Hal slows down, and regards the streets and the people with a smile.

    "Nice day, looks like a great city. No crime, no bad guys. Maybe I'll be luck enough to find who I'm looking for without having to clean up a mess." Hal says that mostly to himself, but not under his breath. Coming to a halt above the central business district, Hal looks around, and takes a moment to "catch hsi breath" after his journey.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Looking up to the sky from the cafe she was sitting at, Suzanne blinks as she sees a green streak across the sky. "That is....not normal. Or...not as normal as most other cities." She says with a chuckle as she finishes up what she was doing on her laptop.

Once she's done and puts her bag where no one will get to it...and locking it, of course, Hal's ring would detect a definite power-up of an unknown lantern-like signature flying up from behind said cafe and up towards Hal.

Of course, once she's face-to-face with Hal....Suzanne is trying so VERY hard not to fangirl out.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan scans the area, and says, "Ring, can you pick up any ambient "blue lantern" energy in the vicinity?" The ring responds with a negative, until Suzanne activates her ring and floats up in front of him. The ring says, "Detected...Blue Lantern energy, 9.23 meters away."

    Hal Jordan shakes his head, and says, "Thanks ring." He then turns his attention to the young woman in front of him. "Why ehllo there. I am the Green Lantern of Sector 2814. And you are?" Hal crosses his arms across his chest as he floats in front of Suzanne, his ring glowing silently.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "Huh....yours has an AI too." Suzanne's floating there herself with her own blue Aura, and....hal would notice that he's also feeling quite a bit stronger with her this close to him. "Sector.....what?" She then scratches her head. "Well....I don't have a fancy a name as that, but I imagine you're the same Green Lantern as the Justice League has. I'm just 'Sister Reinhardt'....Blue Lantern."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal regards Suzanne with a quizzical expression. "Yes, my ring has an AI. Many of the different Lantern rings have AIs, as long as they have a central storage facility for information." Hal floats a little closer, feeling the strength of the Blue Lantern energy filter into his own. The ring responds with a "Ring Power at 150 percent." Hal looks down at it and smiles.

    "Well, that proves you are a Blue Lantern. A new one I expect? Who was it that introduced you to the Corps? Was it Saint Walker?" Hal smiles and says, "Welcome. I am from Sector 2814. The sector of Space that the Guardians have designated 2814 out of 3600 sectors. Earth is in that sector."

    "Sister Renhardt it is! I am the Green Lantern that is in Justice League." Hal nods and smiles.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "So, that'll be my Codename when you need me, just like I'll call you Green lantern, or GL for short." Suzanne smiles a little bit. "I didn't think a Green Lantern, even you, would come looking for me so quickly, but just.....be warned that I try to keep my ring a little muted. I've seen Superman get sought out by nasty types, and I try not to get a big head over getting the ring. I still can't believe it myself."

Turning her head, she chuckles. "Actually it wasn't Saint Walker, though this guy seemed pretty new to the Blue Lanterns himself. His name is Brother Shon. he also told me that I'd be the one to look for new Blue Lanterns in this area....Sector, as you call it. But....I'll also be helping others out as best I can."

She then ponders. "a little off subject though. Do you know of someone named Brainiac?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "GL or Green Lantern, either or is fine." Hal smiles, and says, "Welcome to the Lantern biz." Hal nods, and says, "And Sister Reinhardt it is as well. Although, if that is your real name, you may want to consider something less revealing. In order to protect your friends and family. Oh, and so you can have a private life outside the Lantern gig." Hal floats there, regarding her thoughtfully.

    "Yeah, it is always safe to try and keep yourself out of the limelight. I had heard there was a new Blue Lantern from a few sources, including Batman. It is hard to have anything that significant happening without myself and Bats finding out about it." Hal grins.

    "Ah. Brother Shon. I have heard of him, a bit. Not much about him though. I haven't met him. I am sure he is a fine teacher, if Saint Walker has vouched for him."

    As they chit chat, Hal gets a little more comfortable with Suzanne...until she name drops Brainiac. "Um. Yes. I know of him. What about him?"

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "It's the best I can think up at the moment. I didn't exactly expect to get into the Lantern biz, if you catch my meaning. I didn't even set out to BE a superhero. But, here I am." Suzanne takes a deep breath. "Yeah, Superman reacted the same way. I'm thinking this is a different one than the original. The main one is that his name is Brainiac Five, and he's just a kid. He seemed really intelligent....linking together four computers and a direct TV dish, butI couldn't help him when I first ran into him. that was before I got this." She gestures to her ring.

I did run into him a few days ago.....after I got the ring, because.....someone appeared out of nowhere and....get this....used their hair for a parachute. he seemed a lot better and he was accompanied by another with him." She then thinks. "I wonder if...." And a picture appears out of nowhere, making Suzanne jump. "I'm still figuring out using will to use this ring, but.....well."

The picture is of Querl Dox, green skinned boy with blonde hair.....and obvious implants upon his head. "That is Brainiac Five."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Ah. Makes a lot of sense Sister Reinhardt." Hal nods, and says, "I expect there is a lot of pressure at acquiring something when you least expect it. No worries, if you need my help, I'll be more than willing to help. Just send me a communique through your ring." Hal nods, "Use your will, and by mentally commanding your ring to contact me, it should be able to send me a signal. Unless I am in another section of the Universe." Hal smiles.

    "So you have spoken to Superman. That is good." Hal looks visibly relieved at that. "Brainiac 5? Weird. Huh. I'll have to chat with Supes about that." Hal taps on his chin with his right index finger, and looks a bit distracted for a moment.

    Hal retruns his attention back to Suzanne when she create a picture. He chuckles. "Yeah, it takes something getting used to, that's for sure. You should have seen my first go at it..." Hal trails off, as he sees the picture of B5. "Interesting. Huh."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Suzanne Reinhardt says, "Something else I noticed about everyone that was with him..." She says as another picture appears. "They all had this symbol on them, somewhere." The picture is of an oval, with an L and three starts in it.

She then ponders. "Thing is, Reinhardt is my real last name. It's....something Shon and I came up with on the fly, and....well....my family isn't exactly the nicest in the world. I hope that they'll get better, but I'm not counting on it. It....was Superman that set me on this path...just by being nice to me.""

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Ah. An "L" like symbol. That is strange. I am unfamiliar with that. I'll have to look into that..." Hal trails off, as he uses his will to add that to his ring's memory. "Sounds like you've been very busy." Hal grins.

    "Well, if it is your last name, you might consider changing your choice for hero name. As it is, you are the only Blue Lantern here on Earth. You could use that. Or not. Up to you." Hal shrugs.

    "Well, it doesn't surprise me that Superman would set you on this path. He can be inspiring. Almost as inspiring as me." Hal winks at Suzanne. "So. I think that you are okay. Is there anything else you need from me? You are always welcome to contact any of us if you get in trouble."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "I'm not familiar with it either. We'll just need to ask them when we run into them again, and I'm pretty sure we will." Suzanne blushes at Hal's wink. "I don't need anything quite yet, but...." She puts up two more pictures...one of them is of another boy, but the second is of a girl with her hair down to her ankles. "These were the two that were with this 'Brainiac' person." She then looks to Hal. "he didn't seem like a bad person."

She then smiles a bit. "I'll....stick with Blue Lantern unless there's two that arrive here, then I'll have to think of something to go with 'Sister'. The blue Lanterns, from what it sounds like, are much like religion. Saint, brother, sister. Know what I mean?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
     Hal nods and uncrosses his arms. "I expect you are right. If he is one of many, we will see them again. I hope they are on our side." Hal adds, "Yeah. Hair Girl and the other boy. Better to be safe than sorry though. I'll have to feed this intel to the Leaguers and Bats. Thanks for this. It is a big help."

    "Yeah. I expect you can use "Sister Reinhardt" with the other blues, but here on Earth, you need to take care of yourself. It is one thing telling Supes, or myself your name. It is another dealing with Luthor or the Joker, and them knowing who you are." Hal shakes his head. "That can be bad."

    "Yeah, Saint Walker is a very special person, if you know what I mean? Really good guy. They all seem to be hopeful, for lack of a better term." Hal peers at Suzanne, as though studying her. "Perhaps like you are. I expect you will prove to be someone inspiring. SOmeone to bring hope to those you help." Hal grins.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    "That's the idea, GL. If Superman can inspire me to help others, perhaps I can do the same for others. But yeah, I'll simply use Blue Lantern here on earth. Never know who would want to use the knowledge of who I am against me." Suzanne says to GL, pondering something.

"They seemed nice to me when I encountered them, and I'd rather not lose hope that they're on our side." She then smiles. "See what I did there?" She then laughs and....seems to remember something....tugging something out of her ear. "They gave me this thing....calling it a 'telepathic communicator', which is odd. I didn't know people could work on Alpha wavelengths yet." She then points to GL. "If you're willing.....When you're able to get Batman, or Superman, with us....I could take you to them. With this."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "Excellent! That sounds like a good idea to me." Hal smiles and nods. "Better to protect yourself." Hal floats there, cognizant of the stares and the comments coming from the streets below. Nothing negative so far.

    Hal chuckles and nods. "I do see. Nice." It was a great way to put it. "A telepathic communicator...nice! A little advanced tech for here I would think." Hal was curious. "I will indeed. I know that both of them would be interested in meeting these people, especially if they have advanced tech. I know Bats would kill to get a look at it. And, if they are allies, we could use all the help we could get!"